Stupidity seems to be invading your question again.
For those who again are not clear:
"Income Redistribution" is another way to say:
"From each according to his abilities, to each acording to his needs."
-Karl Marx
This is the essential idea behind Marxism.
For Socialism, state control of industries and other exactly what Berry has proposed, and through his idiotic support of disasterous ideas of "easy loans to low income families"...who couldn't afford these loans, the credit crunch, and subsequent bailout has already given state control to many financial institutions.
All of congress voted. Congress is now, and has for the last 2 years, been controlled by the Democrats.
Now, for education...whose polls are you looking at? The average education of a Republican may be different, perhaps with less sociology, basket-weaving, or some other equally artsy degree, but the Average Republican has degrees in Business, science, and History.
Got it? Not less education...we have the same, if not more useful, fields of studies. Many of us are serving military and veterans, too.
Evidently, we have enough education to see when others are being mesmerized by someone's oratorical skills and media support, to believe bizarre claims, silly ideas, and complete incompetence.
Most Republicans did NOT vote on the basis of skin color or appearance.
Edit: For those who are still dim and are in denial, large amounts of Yellow Cake uranium wer found, and quietly shipped to Canada for reprocessing last summer. You were not told properly about it, because it would have justified Pres. Bush and PM Blair. This Not being able to find any WMDs has been a major attack point for the dems and their liberal biased media for so long, they would have NEVER properly reported this.
It would have made the Dems and media all liars.
Colin Powell's mobile chemical weapons lab trucks WERE found, stripped of their stuff, abandoned in the Syrian Desert. It is obvious what they were, due to the sealant used in the trucks. This sealant chemical is ONLY used in the production of chemical weapons.
Enough about "Where is the WMD?".
It was there, and it was found.