If Obama is elected as President - What is the worse case scenario to face? Educated and informed answers pls?
1970-01-01 00:00:00 UTC
If Obama is elected as President - What is the worse case scenario to face? Educated and informed answers pls?
45 answers:
Warren D
2008-10-21 14:50:39 UTC
The worst case scenario for any president, regardless of who it is, would be a nuclear attack on U.S. soil.

George W. Bush was confronted with something nearly as bad with the 9-11 attacks on the Twin Towers and Pentagon. A nuclear attack in any form would be far worse because of the greater numbers of casualties and the long-term environmental impact.

The potential for this kind of scenario has been with us since Truman, when the Soviet Union first exploded an atomic bomb.

There are other serious scenarios, some of which we've seen in history. The Confederate attack on Fort Sumter, which led to the Civil War is one example. Also, the sinking of the USS Maine, which was probably an accident, the attack on Pearl Harbor, and the taking of hostages in Tehran in 1979 would qualify as scenarios which challenged presidents. The Berlin Crisis in 1961 and the Cuban Missile Crisis in 1962 are other examples, both of which confronted John F. Kennedy.

Of course, the death of a president in office is another worst case scenario. It has happened twice in my lifetime, with the 1945 death of Franklin D. Roosevelt and the assassination in 1963 of Kennedy.

However I would rank the possibility of a nuclear attack as a far more serious worst case scenario. Thankfully, no president has had to face this. Yet.
2008-10-21 12:32:24 UTC
If Obama is elected as the United States of America as president:

1. The war in Iraq or any war in the future (If there is any war).

2. More racism, and arguing

3. African Americans will rob white people and steal their identity

4. More layoff

5. More shame (that we've picked a president that doesn't know what it means to be a president)

6. More of a lazy president

I am a John McCain supporter all the way, even if he didn't win. I will still be on his side. I have nothing to say about John McCain. thanks but no thanks.

1. A good leader that knows and suffered the pain already in his life

2. A republican

3. Went to war in Vietnam.

4. Always keep his promise.

5. Do what's best for the sake of this nation & the people.

6. Have worked in the white house all his life
Intentionally left blank
2008-10-21 12:27:24 UTC
Foreign Policy - Joe Biden warned in a speech yesterday that hostile foreign countries might decide to "test" Obama because he's young and inexperienced.

Health Care - Hundreds or Thousands of doctors will retire or decide to change careers because of more government interference in the practice of medicine. Many doctors are near retirement age and just don't want someone in Washington telling them which drug to give their patient.

Energy - More Gov't control over energy could mean that energy companies will refuse to invest in Multi-billion dollar projects that depend on government subsidy to make money. The reason is that the subsidies could expire, be reversed, or be changed by the current or next administration. Would you invest $20 billion on a solar field or wind farm based on Obama's word that he's got your back?

That's probably a long enough answer for now.
2016-02-15 09:54:31 UTC
Domestic; Look to Chavez. Economy destroyed by high taxes on businesses and unemployment skyrockets. give away programs funded by higher taxes until the oil companies are nationalized. The alternate media will be shut down to stifle dissent through the new Obama 2 yr FCC licensing renewal and fairness doctrine. Obama will be forced to nationalize other businesses especially those that are against him. National health care which of course the people pay for. It will provide less and less quality care as it is unfordable to maintain at current levels. Care for elderly will be rationed so as not to waste resources. (the same as in Germany today) Obama will arm his National Civilian Defence Force to patrol the streets for our safety. The result will be a Poor Socialist America unable to support itself let alone protect the free world..
Gone Rogue
2008-10-21 12:56:50 UTC
Domestic; Look to Chavez. Economy destroyed by high taxes on businesses and unemployment skyrockets. give away programs funded by higher taxes until the oil companies are nationalized. The alternate media will be shut down to stifle dissent through the new Obama 2 yr FCC licensing renewal and fairness doctrine. Obama will be forced to nationalize other businesses especially those that are against him. National health care which of course the people pay for. It will provide less and less quality care as it is unfordable to maintain at current levels. Care for elderly will be rationed so as not to waste resources. (the same as in Germany today) Obama will arm his National Civilian Defence Force to patrol the streets for our safety. The result will be a Poor Socialist America unable to support itself let alone protect the free world..

Internationally we will be attacked severely and thousands of American lives will be lost (Biden said it WILL happen not might). Obama will be seen as a young inexperienced weak leader to be taken advantage of. Senerios N Korea restarts Nukes. fires missiles and may even attack a ship. Iran attacks ships in gulf builds bomb. Isreal attacks Iran while Bush is still in office before Obama takes power. Venezuela puts Russian missile in. Russia threatens Ukraine and depending on reactions takes it.

China threatens Taiwan depending on reactions takes it or trades for it.

Al Queda which has been laying low blows up something killing thousands of Americans.

Columbia is attacked by FARC with the aid of a Venezuelan invasion. Because of America weakness financially we have to withdraw from our fights on terrorism. although the Iraq war will have been won we will not be able to support this new weak state and a blood bath will ensue and Al Queada will get its Capital as bin laden said or Iran will make it a puppet state. Afghanistan, a land locked nation will become a failed endevour because Pakistan will no longer allow us to fly over to resupply. Darfur will not be rescued because Darfur and Sudan is China's gas station. China will not allow Americans running around threatening its Gas supply.

There is more but that should be enough.

Lets just say the free world will be left without its protector is ripe for picking.
2008-10-21 12:23:15 UTC
Biden is already preparing supporters for a negative two years. Seems like he is preparing for the next midterms to me. I do not consider the next midterm election a worse case scenario. I believe what leads up to that next election will be the worse case scenario for supporters of his. I think that the next midterm election is going to give us the second half somewhat like Bill Clinton had in his first term. A Democrat President and a Republican led Congress. Some would consider that a bad case scenario. I wouldn't. I consider it a balance of power.
2008-10-21 12:22:06 UTC
If Obama is elected, the worst possible thing that could happen would be:

If Phil Berg is right and Obama isn't eligible to hold the office of president. This would cause a constitutional crisis the likes of which this country has never seen. It would pretty much destroy the Democrat party and I doubt we would be able to win an election for the next 20 years.

Thats the absolute worst thing that could happen if Obama is elected.
2008-10-21 12:27:11 UTC
Our country moves slowly, there isn't going to be any great dawn, for or against him he still has hundreds of people in Congress and his hands are rather tied by the economic crisis.

And the bills for the war become due in 2010. If the recession/depression gets much worse there will need to be programs for feeding and caring for the unemployed and their families, unless we wish to become a third world country with our newly poor living in cars.

Many of the plans he has will be subsumed by the problems of people who have always worked not being able to find work.

We will need to revisit protectionism and think more about what does the country good, instead of just whats good for business.

We are never going to be able to compete with companies who send jobs overseas because the workers there get paid two dollars a day.

And they can pour whatever poisons they like into the air and water.

So we need to make those slave labor countries more expensive to import their goods into this country.

Tax breaks should only go to companies who build in this country.

Not overseas. Its my money, I want good value for it.

Worst case for McCain,not recognizing this crisis for what it is and leading us into four more years of the same economic processes that got us into this.

Worst case for Obama, going back on his promises as he deals with the economic crisis
2008-10-21 12:26:41 UTC
I'd have to agree with "Steddy", at least in part - the worst that could happen with Obama is nothing. His lofty ideals may turn out to be unrealistic, he may have a minor impact on legislation and foreign policy (which, really, could only be for the better given where we are now), and the Supreme Court would retain its current composition.

The worst that could happen with McCain? Worsening foreign relations, long term economic damage, and a right-wing conservative Supreme Court which treats civil rights and liberty as dispensable out of fear of crime and terrorism and stays loyal to a religious conservative agenda.
Barry W
2008-10-21 18:57:09 UTC
Worst case scenario:

- Immediate imposition of 40% estate/death tax impacting baby boomers ability to pass on their savings to their children.

- Savings rate plummets and dependance on Social Security increases, bankrupting the system by 2012.

- Increases in corporate taxes drive business overseas. Continued disconnect as business does not want the graduates American colleges produce. H1-B visas increase.

- Stimulus package sends checks to NON-tax payers, including illegal residents.

- 10,000 troops are moved from Iraq to Afganistan. Iraq is abandoned in 16 months and enters Civil war.

- Iran challenges US by "proxy" with Hezbolla and other front groups attacking US interests globally. Obama offers to talk.

- "Means testing" implemented for all retirement benefits. People who saved for their retirement are disenfranchised from their Social Security and Medicare benefits.

- Healthcare quickly evolves into a "single payer" system (i.e. Canada). Deficit grows even faster than under Bush.

- Investment flees the US. China calls her notes. Deliberate inflation to reduce the "real cost"...inadvertently devalues savings and inflates home prices.

- US government funds ACORN, Planned Parenthood, other key social service organizations

- Unions have the right to intimidate at polls by doing away with "secret ballot".

- US borders remain "open". Additional 10M immigrants enter the country and are enrolled in Social Security.

- Congress passes huge social spending bills, increases taxes to pay for them. President signs them all.

- Hillary Clinton, Bill Clinton are appointed first husband and wife team to the Supreme Court.
2016-04-11 10:08:24 UTC
He dies and Palin freaks out then... Hello President Pelosi. McCain is a great Senator and an American Hero. I have great respect for him. I believe we are going in the wrong direction at home and abroad. We are spending more than we are making. More of the same type leadership is not what we need.
2008-10-21 12:22:35 UTC
Well, two things. Even Joe Biden feels Obama will be tested quickly and that could mean an attack on U.S. terroiroties, of embassies etx. 2nd His tax program is nothing new it was done by Hoover after the financial crisis of 29 and it resulted in a extended depression.
2008-10-21 12:29:20 UTC
Whoever inherits the White House will inherit a host of problems caused by the Bush/McCain policies. The next president will have to strong and confident, able to inspire Americans to work together. Of course the worse case scenario would be attack on the country. That is more likely to happen if McCain is elected because he will follow the Bush doctrine of "My way or the highway" that has cost us the respect of our allies.
2008-10-21 12:24:29 UTC
1) His tax policies result in lost jobs (and increased unemployment) and a worsening economic situation (similar but worse than what happened in the Carter years).

2) As Biden predicted we are "tested" by either Russia or Iran or Venezuela. This results in either us committing troops to another location or substantially reducing our standing in the world (and all these likely enemies control alot of oil).

Another possibility is Isreal pre-emptively striking Iran due to the developing nuclear program. A third possibility is he gets us involved in one of these areas or Pakistan because he doesn't want to appear soft on foreign policy.
Back to fix "change"
2008-10-21 12:22:16 UTC
Socialistic government programs passed by he and the 60% congress

Tax increases, either directly and indirectly which will kill the economy and job growth

Terrorist attack or a foreign policy issue he will gaff because he has no experience and his pro in this is more wrong than right in his "expertise"

Remember, it took Regan 8 years to right the 4 years Carter got wrong.
2008-10-21 12:23:33 UTC
1.) Wall Street freaks at the news and the recession deepens.

2.)Obama's foreign policy bails on Israel and cuddles up to Islamic extremists.

3.)Even worse, some pointy-headed clown in a sheet shoots him, and there's riots like never before.

4.)Obama becomes the biggest appeaser since Neville Chamberlain.

5). Generation XY thinks he's the greatest thing since sliced bread, he serves 2 terms, and Kucinich gets the nomination in 2016.
Brian C.K.
2008-10-21 12:21:28 UTC
I think the worst case scenario is a failure of the test Joe Biden says our country will face.

McCain not being able to lead because of a Democratic run house.
2008-10-21 14:42:22 UTC
The genocide of American unborn children will continue, but with a vengeance.

Gay marriage will run rampant.

Terrorists who believe that our country is evil will be correct, and come at us with a stronger belief than before.

Mosques will be built all over the country, and muslim extremists will broadcast their prayers throughout the day and night driving the population of this country insane.

Christians will rebel and ultimately, there will be a civil war.
Keep Your Damn 'Change'
2008-10-21 13:06:42 UTC
Obama will draw out of Iraq, letting Ahmedinejaad in and will cause the next world war over oil power.

Obama will increase taxes on the middle class, despite what he says about the 95% tax cut.

Illegals get in, mor terrorist attcks...etc...

God bless
2008-10-21 12:25:30 UTC
Worst case would be his getting us into a major war, such as with Russia or China due to his lack of experience and a democratic congress which will do whatever he wants.

Also, his taxation policies could stifle business, particularly small businesses, causing job loss and a protracted recession, to which he would respond with greater government intervention and higher taxes ultimately for the middle class (who always ultimately pay for the mistakes of politicians).
2008-10-21 12:21:07 UTC
No about Bama's own VP pick. "A international crises" will ocur because of an Obama presidency. From the very words of the ticket. Either Biden is nuts which would be more than enough not to vote for that ticket. Or Bama is nuts for have picked him as VP which puts Bama's judgment in the toilet. Again, the best reason not to vote for the ticket.
Emerald Dreaming
2008-10-21 12:20:50 UTC
In respects to what?

In the Middle East: Obama cuts and runs and the Iraqis that dared side with America in trying to get their own Democracy running are slaughtered while we maintain a 1940's isolationist outlook. "Not our problem".

At home: With upperclass tax hikes particularly on businesses, more and more companys abandon the United States for overseas positions increasing unemployment. Unemployment rates skyrocket with Obama promising them more and more of the money from people that still have it.

2014-09-19 13:41:18 UTC
nges US by "proxy" with Hezbolla and other front groups attacking US interests globally. Obama offers to talk.

- "Means testing" implemented for all retirement benefits. People who saved for their retirement are disenfranchised from their Social Security and Medicare benefits.

- Healthcare quickly evolves into a "single payer" system (i.e. Canada). Deficit grows even faster than under Bush.
2008-10-21 12:29:32 UTC
The economic crisis will worsen and stretch out longer as Obama applies similar policies as FDR did during the Great Depression, which made things worse, not better.

There will be at least one international incident that Obama will fumble and make worse, just as Carter did with the hostages in Iran. Attacks on Israel will probably increase, and there might be all-out war. Russia also will invade another country, probably Ukraine.

The price of oil will start to rise again as countries see that we won't drill for our own fuel for at least four years. OPEC will probably start cutting off production as they did under Carter.

A private citizen militia will be formed (a stated Obama promise) that will be as well funded as the military. It will be tasked with enforcing many government policies, such as price-fixing that Obama will introduce to fight off deflation. It also will be intimidating and fighting anyone who openly disagrees with Obama and his policies. There is a precedent for this under Woodrow Wilson and FDR.

We will see many of our civil rights suspended because of the various crises and our taxes sky-rocket to pay for all of the programs he wants ($1 trillion in estimated spending).

Families will be required by law to send their children to pre-kindergarten schools and programs (an Obama promise).

Partial-birth abortions will be legalized across the country and abortions and welfare will likely increase (Obama promises), further devestating poor black neighborhoods.

The Second Amendent may be overturned (past Obama promises), further weakening the power of the private citizen.
2008-10-21 12:21:51 UTC
This is a worse case scenario for my family:

My family barely makes above $250,000 on paper. My husband's company employs approx. 400 people. We are by NO means rich. Most of the money we make is poured back into the company, especially in these economic times, in order for it to function and meet the budget stipulations for business loans. We have enough to pay our bills but no extra. We've had to look at other options in order for our business to be profitable. One of these options is moving the call center to India. The cost per employee is a fraction of what it cost to employ someone in the US. We are patriotic people who believe in keeping money, jobs, etc. here but at some point it won't work for us anymore. If Obama is elected and his policies are in place we'll be one more company outsourcing overseas which will leave about half of our employees searching for new jobs. This is our reality unfortunately.
steddy voter
2008-10-21 12:19:56 UTC
The worst that could happen with Obama is that he would do nothing more than make eloquent speeches, and get little of substance done because he is worried about being popular, and doesn't want to make enemies.

As to McCain, I think the worst that could happen is that he'd be ripped apart constantly by the media, who does not want him to win. They'd take every chance they could get to discredit him.
2008-10-21 12:20:53 UTC
Raising taxes during a recession will cripple the economy. Obama's social programs will raise the national debt to $12 trillion. Unemployment will rise to 12%.
2008-10-21 12:25:07 UTC
If Obama wins, More business Leaving the country including your job.

If McCain wins, More immigrants coming in, taking your job.
2008-10-21 12:23:08 UTC
Republicans spend the next four years trying to impeach him and we extend our streak of years of useless government to twelve.
2008-10-21 12:21:05 UTC
Worst case scenario is communist style governement he will call "Neighborliness"...Every day Obama is more and more psycho to me. He doesnt want to change us for the better...mark my words. He wins we are DOOMED!
Little big brains
2008-10-21 12:20:05 UTC
Upgrading the race card in to "gold plated".

lol...just kidding
2008-10-21 14:30:25 UTC
For me and my family it does not matter who is elected.

What is meant to be will be, all I know is my JESUS is in control.

The years ahead will be rough, it does not matter who wins.
2008-10-21 12:25:13 UTC
At the very least, a Constitutional crisis.
2008-10-21 12:19:36 UTC
Just look at the rating Pelosi and Reid have, Obama will go with his party, always has and always will.
2008-10-21 12:19:35 UTC
Obama and Biden get killed and we are stuck with Pelosi!
2008-10-21 12:20:15 UTC
I think the worst case would be Racial riots and possible assasination
2008-10-21 12:21:19 UTC
he has relations with iran...they go wrong and we start war with them....and perhaps spark a WWIII

at least you know McCain wont take crap from them
2008-10-21 12:19:33 UTC
2008-10-21 12:19:10 UTC
Worst case is we have to wait until Jan to swear in the new Pres.

We still get Bush for a couple of months.
Side Face
2008-10-21 12:18:40 UTC
Obama: Him getting shot

McCain: Dying in office
limbaaa told me tosay
2008-10-21 12:21:46 UTC
the kkk gets lots of applications from republicans
2008-10-21 12:19:33 UTC
Increased prosperity. Lower taxes for the middle class. Iraq settled and our troops home. Osama bin Laden caught or captured. Now do you want to hear about the good stuff?
2008-10-21 12:19:38 UTC
An educated and informed population...

Oh wait this is the US the home of reality TV

2008-10-21 12:19:15 UTC
Obviously a terrorist attack and the economy. Obama can rebuild the country i think mccain will take us into year 9 of bush policies which clearly doesnt work - and its not about socialism it's about government!
2008-10-21 12:19:32 UTC
The destruction of the U.S.

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