Why do you hate Hillary? Be specific, don't say because she is evil!?
Ali M
2008-03-09 20:41:02 UTC
Many people say "I hate Hillary" but they can never explain why or can not give any fact to base their hate on.
28 answers:
2008-03-09 20:47:12 UTC
Good question! I would like to see some real answers. Most people I know hate her because of assumptions they've made about her - most of which are somewhat sexist or, at best, premature. I mean, how can you hate someone (or even really dislike someone) you don't even know? If you tend to judge people based on the media rather than their deeds, then you shouldn't be voting.
2008-03-10 04:08:28 UTC
I support Hillary. I have not found her to be a liar. In reading some of the answers, there are many opposing views as to the verification of facts. They just stop looking when it says something negative about her. I'm sure they do not visit her site that refutes the negative claims about her.

As to her foreign policy experience, it is certainly more than Obama has. Of course, as first lady, she did not sit at the negotiating table. I take it she assumed people were smart enough to know that.
2008-03-10 03:55:11 UTC
I've noticed none of these people can give you any answers. That is the answer. They have no reason to hate her, they just do. Much of it is because she is a strong woman. How sad. She is going to make a great president. Her ideas are so good Obama has stolen a lot of them. w3e need someone like her to bring our country out of its tailspin and put us back on the course that made us such a wonderful nation. We can once again be the envy of the world, instead of the country everyone loves to hate like we are now.
2008-03-10 03:59:26 UTC
I dont like her brand of politics for one. Today she says obama is a worthy opponent tomorrow she say he is a unworthy.

She is manipulative... on a personal not... id think if she had any integrity she would have disassociated herself from a man that made a mockery of congress (her husband) he lied and she supported it... so to me it says she is a liar.

Next thing is i can see right through her cant you her speeches are so shallow that it is no wonder she has to make a mockery of someone who does a good job. If i hear one more time about the kid with no cereal or the guy with no arm or whatever tear jerker she has cooked up im gonna scream! If its so personal... what are there names?

But these may all be shallow reasons... but look at this...

and other articles by this author

Its all about the clintons and there corruption. how they have used there president status to rob, work with terrorist countries and even make people disappear.

And you know why i believe. because it make that fact that she didnt leave bill clear.....

you know i think they have a career marrage... that chelsy isnt bills, that he had monica and anyone else he liked... and it was all just so that they could seek power. I think they are the real power hungry ones out of the three runners and frankly

i dont think she would make a good leader much less president. it would never be about the people

The Goddess... you are the most sensible person I have heard on this subject... I agree!!
2008-03-10 03:50:19 UTC
I don't hate Hillary. I just think Obama's a better choice for president. I think both are qualified AND I think Hillary will be a magnet for energizing the Republican base to turn out for McCain. The Republican base HATES her.
2008-03-10 03:45:00 UTC
Hate is a strong word. If there is a Democrat who hates Hillary Clinton they may as well become a conservative or an independent because it's hypocritical.
Angel SA
2008-03-10 04:01:06 UTC
I don't hate Hillary; I dislike her and lost respect for her when she voted for Bush in the war w/Iraq. Her decision at that time made me question her way of practicing the old rhetoric, good old boys, and fear mongering practices in politics the American people are demanding change.

Hillary and Bill are too close to the corporate businesses lobbyists and special interest groups that have been sending our jobs over seas and supporting wars and big businesses.

The Goddess
2008-03-10 03:57:35 UTC
Well, honestly I think Hillary is a TOUGH woman..however, she is not the woman I aspire to be.

As many politicians do, she believes strength lies in how hard you can throw a punch. She has literally played the gender card over and over again in this race, and I don't appreciate that.

She is not herself. I think she is not really as confident ans she lets off, simply b/c she is NEVER herself. Partially b/c the press pounces on everything she does..but mostly b/c she hasn't found her comfort zone yet.

Should I be more soft?

SHould I be really tough?

Should I be myself?

Should i play a role so I don't getr too badly bruised?

I mean, if you really take a closer look at her..she's a woman who is still living in a generation of women suppression. She fights like its nobody's business b/c she believes everyone is against her. As a woman, I can understand that. And I (dare I say) feel bad for not voting for her.

I don't liek the fact that she is coattailing her husband. As a woman, I wanted her to come out on her own merits, b/c frankly, if your resume is that strong, you don't need to constantly refer to the 90's when your husband was president. iwould have respected her more if she had said, "That was then, this is now..and I am much better than anyone else..judge me on my own merits"

I realized that no excuses have to be made when you want to be playing the game she is playing. I agree the press is hard on her..and white men sadly are the most racist and sexist of the bunch..but I would appreciate it if she would fight back by being herself. Love it or hate it.."i'm a what?"

I was even more turned off when ellen asked her if she felt that the reason theyw ere being so hard on her was because she was a woman. She didn't reply by saying, "I won't say that..and even if that's the case..i'nm going to win them over!!"

She said, "Well, I'm not going to say anything..but no one ever asked me for a pillow at a debate.."

She said yes..and that was so painful to hear.

I want a STRONG woman..sadly people mistake TOUGH for StRONG.

Hillary is TOUGH..but she is not STRONG.

Obama however is STRONG..he is being pressured so badly to go be black white change his message..EVERYTHING. And through it, he has remained STRONG HEADED. He KNOWS who he is and "so what!? you're not going to bring me down or influence me"..Never have i heard him say, "its b/c I'm black.."...and I am SO HAPPY that he has not made such an excuse.

it's hard being black, and it's hard being a woman..but he have to be STRONG HEADED..
Jayz Crime Killz
2008-03-10 04:00:21 UTC
i love hillary just look at my id
2008-03-10 05:12:50 UTC
because she is a stupid arrogant communist, who has never done ANYTHING in her entire life, yet she pretends she can run everyone elses life. she is so delusional, she believes going along for the ride as a wife is the same as being president
2008-03-10 03:50:12 UTC
B/c she wouldn't stand up for herself when bill was finally caught, publicly, cheating. When she was the 1st lady of Arkansas she was just clinton, not rodham-clinton she supports partial birth abortion, she's for social health care, which doesn't wok anywhere. She will adopt fake accents depending on where she is.

I can go on, but I think you get the point.

Oh. I don't hate her, I don't have enough respect for her to hate her.
2008-03-10 03:51:13 UTC
Because she is deceitful, and is only looking for the best interest of the Clinton's. She is pitiful.
2008-03-10 03:47:38 UTC
Hate is a strong word i'm thinkin' loathe. And she is a liar and decitful. First point 35 years experience my a**. I well only run a positive campaign and then leaks a photo of obama in kenya or someplace( depends on your source as to where the photo was taken). Then condemns repubs for using fear tawctics and runs the 3am phone call commercial. And then you have the fact that she is satan. But other than that she is a wonderful person.

P.S. not an obama supporter
Chris B
2008-03-10 03:50:12 UTC
I don't hate her, but I dislike her socialist stance on most issues.
2008-03-10 03:49:34 UTC
Did I say that? Me?

I don't hate any of those candidates
2008-03-10 03:45:07 UTC
when she makes the statement that McCain is more qualified than Obama to be President -- that makes me dislike her, but hate is too strong a word
2008-03-10 03:46:27 UTC
yeah, im cool on Hillary.
2008-03-10 03:46:14 UTC
I thought Lex Luthor was supposed to be bald.
2008-03-10 03:44:04 UTC
It's probably just their way of saying that they don't agree with her and don't want her to be President.

I don't agree with her either, and I most definitely do not want her to be President -- but I don't hate her. I don't hate anybody.

2008-03-10 03:46:53 UTC
I don't hate Hillary.. I don't even know her! However, her policies scare poop out of me!
2008-03-10 03:43:55 UTC
We hate her because the TV tells us shes bad and obama is cool.

If a website says something bad about her its 100% true.

If a website says something bad about obama its just a smear.
2008-03-10 03:45:51 UTC
I dont hate her, I dislike her because of her healthcare policies. I dont want it to be govt. ran because we no longer have the luxury of choosing our doctor, dentist, and we will have to wait 10x in the ER and our taxes are going to skyrocket.
2008-03-10 03:46:09 UTC
I do not hate anyone, I do not trust hellery, because of her commie socialist past, she has done some bad thing in theUSA, being a bad lawyer, and defending people, and going against our govt, to try to get them off, No in my book she is a lier,cheat etc.etc. just like her husband she is lying to the USA people
2008-03-10 03:43:58 UTC
Let's start with the fact that she is a self centered, power hungry, tax imposing, LIAR.

Character DOES matter. If she told me that she had 4 fingers and a thumb on her right hand, I would have to count each one to verify.
2008-03-10 03:48:04 UTC
she loves lobbyists
2008-03-10 03:46:35 UTC
Well you dont' own me! Because she is evil!
2008-03-10 03:54:36 UTC
I don't hate Hillary. I find her pathetic, and find her unfit to be America's President. There are so many incidences that reveal that she is probably a compulsive liar, and very likely, she actually believes in her own lies and therefore, can appear very convincing. A,pathological liar suffers a disease called mythomania.

Even in claiming to have foreign policy experiences, she exaggerates everything:

_NORTHERN IRELAND claim: "I helped to bring peace to Northern Ireland."

She traveled to Northern Ireland five times as first lady, and was a tireless advocate for the peace process. But she was not directly involved in negotiating the Good Friday peace accord.

While Sen. George Mitchell did say she was "quite helpful.", he did also say "She was ONE of MANY people who participated in encouraging women to get involved, not the only one." While John Hume, the Catholic leader who shared the 1998 Nobel Peace Prize for his work on the peace accord, credits Clinton for playing a "pivotal role" in the peace process. those actually Northern Ireland ve said that SHE OVERSTATES HER ROLE.



KOSOVO claim: "I negotiated open borders to let fleeing refugees into safety from Kosovo."

At the urging of the Macedonian government, Clinton in May 1999 traveled to Macedonia, which was being inundated with Albanian refugees from Kosovo. She visited a huge refugee camp, held hands with children, told their parents they would go home and announced business loans for the country.

On May 5, Macedonian officials had shut the border to refugees, blaming the West for allowing more than a quarter-million people to overwhelm the country. Despite later government insistence that the BORDER WAS OPEN AGAIN, Serb soldiers appeared to be blocking refugees' exit, and only a trickle passed through on May 13, the day BEFORE HILLARY ARRIVED, according to an AP story written at the time. Refugees were reported to be afraid even to attempt the crossing.

Melanne Verveer, a CLINTON AIDE, and who sat in on May 14 meetings between the first lady and Macedonia's president and prime minister, claims Clinton was forceful in urging the leaders to keep the border open, and in assuring the Macedonians that the U.S.

Robert Gelbard, who was presidential envoy to the Balkans at the time and now serves as an adviser to the Obama campaign, offers an opposing view.

"I cannot recall any involvement by Senator Clinton in this issue," he said. "The person who was able to get the border opened was Mrs. Sadako Ogata," the U.N. high commissioner for refugees. Gelbard said he had questioned other U.S. officials directly involved and none remembered involvement by Clinton.

THERE WERE NO PUBLIC REPORTS at the time to show Hillary's negotiation to keep the border open.

Overall, said Gelbard, "... My own firsthand experience, though, is that her role was limited and I've been surprised at the claims that she had a much greater role than certainly I'm aware of on the issues I was working on."


SERBIA: "I urged him to bomb."

Clinton doesn't bring this one up now, but in a 1999 interview published in Talk magazine, the first lady was quoted as saying that she had urged her husband to recommend a NATO bombing campaign on Serb targets to halt ethnic cleansing in Kosovo. According to the story, Clinton called the president on March 21, 1999, from her travels in North Africa.

"I urged him to bomb," she was quoted as saying. "You cannot let this go on at the end of a century that has seen the major holocaust of our time. What do we have NATO for if not to defend our way of life?"

NATO airstrikes began March 24.

Clinton generally refuses to talk about the private advice she gave her husband. But Holbrooke this week recalled a time during the subsequent NATO bombing campaign when he and his wife were invited upstairs at the White House after a social event. He said Hillary Clinton was a big participant in an hour-long discussion about the bombing, the possible use of ground troops and other matters.

She didn't take sides in the conversation, Holbrooke said, "but I have no doubt that she continued the conversation in the privacy of their relationship" and made her views clear.

(Question: Will Holbrooke vouch the same during Bill's drafting of NAFTA? Did Hillary actually help Bill in drafting Nafta?".)


CHINA: "I've been standing up to the Chinese government over women's rights."

Clinton says her participation on the U.N. Conference on Women in Beijing in 1995 was "OBE OF THE HIGHLIGHTS OF MY OWN LIFE."

Clinton got strong reviews for threading the diplomatic needle with an impassioned speech that contained a wide-ranging denunciation of human rights abuses worldwide. She criticized China, without naming it directly, for the practice of sterilization and forced abortion, and for preventing many women from attending or participating fully in the conference.

In her memoir, Clinton writes about the rousing reception her speech received at the conference and adds, "What I didn't know at the time was that MY 21-MINUTE SPEECH would become a MANIIFEST FOR WOMEN all over the world. To this day, whenever I travel overseas, women come up to me quoting words from the Beijing speech or clutching copies they want me to autograph."

Rice, the former Clinton administration official now supporting Obama, credits the first lady for delivering an important speech on women's rights, but says that that DOESN"T TRANSLATE INTO PRESIDENTIAL CRISIS MANAGEMENT CREDENTIALS.


BOSNIA: "If the place was too small, too dangerous or too poor, send Hillary."

Clinton cites her March 1996 trip to Bosnia as an example of traveling into a war zone to promote U.S. policy, recalling a harrowing "corkscrew" landing during which she and her daughter, Chelsea, were ordered into the armored front of the plane to protect them against possible ground fire. She jokes that one mantra around the Clinton White House, was that "if the place was too small, too dangerous or too poor, send Hillary."

Clinton brought up the trip to counter Obama's suggestion that her experiences as first lady amounted to having tea at an ambassador's house.

"I don't remember anyone offering me tea," Clinton said of the Bosnia visit.

Security was very tight on Clinton's goodwill tour to Bosnia, but officials said at the time that she took no extraordinary risks.

Rice, the Obama supporter, dismissed the trip as a "meet and greet." She stressed that comedian Sinbad and singer Sheryl Crow accompanied Clinton on the flight to put on a USO show for the troops.
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2008-03-10 03:46:31 UTC

This content was originally posted on Y! Answers, a Q&A website that shut down in 2021.