2012-02-25 09:32:50 UTC
•Attack American traditions, specifically Christian traditions and the traditional American family
• Portray moral rectitude and morality as irrelevant or as religious superstition and extremism
•Engage in "get-even" policies that support discrimination when it benefits historically disadvantaged groups
•Punish and/or discourage achievement through taxation and fiscal policies which promote the redistribution of wealth
• Attacking basic rights of property and contract
•Use the rulings of the Judicial branch of the government as de facto law, irrevocable by anything short of Constitutional amendment or a future court ruling, thus bypassing the legislative process. Roe V. Wade is the most frequently cited example of "judicial activism". (48 million dead and counting)
•Weaken the military strength and morale of the country by vilifying the practice of armed combat and hesitating to use force when it appears necessary
•Use regulatory bodies over private enterprise to accomplish social goals and restrict competition (government, education, labor and health care)
•Establish secular and progressive social policy, including support for gay marriage, abortion, liberal drug policy, euthanasia and prostitution legalization.
•Implement a foreign policy supporting the selected protection of human rights and multiculturalism through activism, social intervention and violence (social anarchism)
• The removing of the individual as the ultimate economic, social and political unit and replacing with collectivism (Hillary Clintons Village)
•Support illegal immigration to undermine elections, produce generational dependants and promote diversity and dilution of the English language.
And secure a voting block to win national elections
• Create a culture of dependency through national social welfare programs resulting in a Nanny State and the subjugation of personal liberties including confiscation of guns, property, wealth and liberties
• Limit individual liberty and the structure of law and order essential to it
• Secularize the population by attacking religion thus desensitizing moral resistance to freedom of thought
• Genocide by disintegration of political and social institutions such as marriage and the church
• Demonize the ethics of self-reliance, courage, forbearance, resilience and self-determination criticizing individual success as excess (Blame the wealthy)
• Subjugation of our sovereign nation by treaties and illegal immigration.
• The deconstruction of American values through the promotion of multiculturalism and abdication of American sovereignty in favor of Globalization. (Cap and Tax, United Nations, Open Borders, Illegal Immigration)
• Punish competence, achievement, competition, excellence and discipline thus dumbing down the individual in an effort to claim equality (No score games)
• The expansion and control of state owned education to indoctrinate and force conformity (Department of Education and teacher unions)
• The systematic indoctrination of students through an imposed oligarchy of the education system and the restriction of freedom of education to favored public institutions excluding religious and private institutions resulting in an extreme liberal bias in academics and journalism
• Destroy personal sovereignty and prevent strict limits on coercion by the state (Obamacare).
• Use the actions of lunatics and attempt to attach them to conservative opinions in an effort to gain the appearance of liberal superiority. Name calling using inappropriate terms like Fascism in an attempt to attach them to conservatives
• Create a revisionist history to justify warped political views and anti-Americanism
• Use the politics of "personal destruction", class warfare and accusations of racism and corruption to tear down any opposition
• Usurp Congressional authority by using federal regulatory agencies and executive orders to achieve their goals when they cannot get them through the legislative branch.