2008-06-13 11:24:35 UTC
What a poor excuse for a presidential candidate.
Obama's camp wants only 1 Town Hall Meeting -------------- ONE.
instead of 10 like McCain will do, and Obama wants the only Town Hall Meeting on July 4th, when no one will be watching.
Then David Plouffe spins it back to McCain as if McCain is the one running from the debates!!!
Obama and his camp knows their mascot can't do anything without a teleprompter.
Read this article, if it does not show you the level of bullshit from the Obama camp, then you really don't get it.
Obama is a horrible mistake.
Where is Hillary?
She would ask for 20 debates and has GONE on all media outlets even Ketih Olbermann!
Obambi can't even go on Bill O'Reilly.
What is the Obamabots defense for him not wanting town hall debates???
How can you defend a mascot like this and then vote for him expecting him to fight and/or debate for your rights?