do you feel DONALD TRUMP OR HILLARY would do a better job than Obama?
1970-01-01 00:00:00 UTC
do you feel DONALD TRUMP OR HILLARY would do a better job than Obama?
708 answers:
2016-10-10 09:31:34 UTC
Neither will do a better job than Obama! Donald Chump would be the laughing stock of the world and nobody will trust Clinton. People may not like Obama, but at least on a personal level, he's a fundamentally decent family guy. The republicans have failed to dig up any dirt on him in the past 10 years - not for any lack of trying, but because there's nothing to find! He's certainly not a sleazy misogynistic scumbag like Trump. Obama understands national security well enough to keep work and private emails separate and doesn't tell stupid lies that are easy to get caught out on.

It's a shame that Bernie didn't win the Democratic nomination - at least he would have been able to take the moral high ground against Trump. Last night's debate would have been very different - Trump would have had nothing to attack!

There's over a quarter of a billion people in the USA. Most of them are good, decent, hardworking folk. The USA prides itself on being the leader of the free world. But they end up with a choice between a scumbag and a serial liar! Seriously? How much more proof do people need that the political system is broken in the USA? Come on USA, you can do better than this. You DESERVE better candidates than this. You DESERVE a better choice than this. On both sides.
2016-10-09 20:00:32 UTC
Jim V
2016-10-09 13:26:13 UTC
Donald Trump is a potty mouth

Hillary should be in jail.

I'll take Trump's poor words over Hillary's poor (perhaps criminal) record.
2016-10-09 19:30:25 UTC
2016-10-09 19:21:23 UTC
2016-10-09 16:16:03 UTC
2016-10-09 18:11:20 UTC
Trump would secure the border of Mexico better than Obama. Hillary would be the same as Obama on every policy imaginable.
Christian Denson
2016-10-09 16:09:43 UTC
Trump!!!! Hillary should be behind maximum security prison! She is a criminal! And she will just walk in Obama's footsteps. If you vote for her, ur voting for disaster!
2016-10-09 20:37:06 UTC
Trump will do better. Not even a question. Hilary has a history of political destruction and would more than likely be the next Obama (as is previously stated by other people). We didn't even need it from Obama initially. We don't need that even worse now.
2016-10-09 15:36:01 UTC
Mr. Trump. Hillary would be MUCH worse than Obama.
2016-10-12 21:58:18 UTC
Donald Trump
Stan M
2016-10-12 21:40:35 UTC
Donald Trump
2016-10-12 09:59:42 UTC
Donald Trump
2016-10-12 17:58:18 UTC
Donald Trump
2016-10-12 12:45:45 UTC
President Donald Trump
2016-10-12 15:43:21 UTC
Donald Trump
2016-10-10 01:00:02 UTC
I always saw it as a choice between judgment. Obama was a master chess player, he seemed too make a strategy for everything. He had no experience, but you could see he would make rational decisions. His calm and reasoning made it a easy pick.

Sure there's stuff going on now, and problems now. Then there's realism, control of the senate and house change what a president can do. Then there's the whole cause and effect. Sure we don't have too pay our debt, or sure we can take back our word on trade deals. But concequences for actions, which really understand that. The whole cake and eat it too only works in alternate reality. Always picking the opposite side as your opponent no matter what they pick is insane, Lying when your videotaped even more so. I understand it plays too the masses, but if you dig into reality, it makes no sense.

To be safe, pick the career politician. Make sure we ride hillary about what we want done. She can make things happen, she understand bipartison. She's not perfect but she is and was a public servant. Taking a chance with trump is just too much for whats at stake. Not too mention how uneasy he makes all of our allies which we may soon need. Real leaders are not bullies, they don't need too resort too that when they can unify through understanding and comprehension.

Obama has righted 90% of the ship, it's in statistics everywhere. You may not 'feel" things are better, sorry you were left out then. Still more too do, neither has any chance of doing better than obama.

The one thing obama did that made everyone so mad is make america's first attempt at fixing the health care system. It's a work in progress, giving up and letting insurance companies have control will not fix anything.

Give them a chance too fix it. Then years from now come back and scratch your head reading your answers... wondering why you were so opposed too change.
2016-10-11 17:54:43 UTC
Barack Obama was a nice guy and also help Americans look for jobs.

Hilary Clinton will be a great 1st female president.

Boo Donald Trump! Donald Trump is the stupidest Republican candidate of all time.

Donald Trump is a rip off of good old Disney's Donald Duck.

I much rather have a liar for a president then a big bully like Donald Trump for a president.
2016-10-11 17:35:54 UTC
Donald Trump
2016-10-15 00:36:52 UTC
Donald Trump
2016-10-11 09:52:02 UTC
I personally feel that neither would do a better job than Obama as President although Hillary would do a better job than Trump, especially when it comes to representing the US on the world stage. Although Obama may not have been more than and a"average" president he also ran a more or less scandal free administration and did an excellent job in raising the international opinion of the US. Hillary would be okay at this as she knows the political ins and outs while Trump, just by running and being a possible winner, has brought down the opinion of the US on the international stage. Despite all of the negatives about Hillary the basic information regarding Trump, both past and present, indicates that he lacks the knowledge to effectively run the country to the net benefit of all people.

I must say that I get a kick out of Trump supporters, They ignore Trump's actions in the past but constantly bring up the actions of Bill Clinton which often occurred earlier that those of Trump. They repeat ad nauseum "Benghazi" and praise Trump's business acumen which, when looked at from a performance point of view, only rates average. The sad fact is that he has constantly over stated his net worth by over valuing the properties he owns. He has a reputation of not paying his bills, he has driven small businessmen into bankruptcy and refused to pay his employees their legally entitled wages. An independent analysis of Trump's policies indicates that, if implemented, they will double the current US debt and lead to a net reduction of over 3 million jobs. His "job creation" is at the low end of the wage scale so any jobs he creates are more likely to be minimum wage jobs than ones that would create an increased middle class. They talk about Hillary trying to change the second amendment relating to the right to bear arms as they cannot understand that gun control does not mean no guns. The US's northern neighbor has had gun control for years yet many people there own guns, in fact some studies indicate that there are more on a per capita basis of certain types than there are in the US. Trump on the other hand has policies he states he will implement immediately that violate the constitution in several areas. Trump also lacks the negotiation abilities and temperament to deal with opposing points of view, something the President must be able to do when dealing with other countries. All in all a review of Trump, both on a personal level like his supporters love doing for Hillary, and on a business level show a lack of ability necessary for the office.
2016-10-10 12:00:36 UTC
I think Trump would. I am not a full supporter of any of them, but I think I'd rather have Trump than Hillary and Bill because they committed so many crimes and they are 100% untrustworthy. If Trump wins, I think he could do some good, maybe not. I don't

like Obama that much, he's an ok guy yes but not the best. Anyone is better than Clinton at this point. We don't need a rapist or a lying cheating scum in the White House for another 4 years. Who knows what the Killtons will do if they are elected. I don't call myself a Trump supporter, but I think he'll be ok. Anyone is better than Hillary and Bill, after all.
k w
2016-10-14 07:56:10 UTC
Donald Trump
2016-10-12 11:45:10 UTC
Donald Trump.
2016-10-11 10:58:54 UTC
Donald Trump
2016-10-10 10:58:07 UTC
Give Trump a chance. The Clintons have had their chance. Anyone could do better than Obama.

NAFTA is a disaster. Trump is right. Americans need good jobs. Trump isn't a politician. He is a business builder. Hillary is responsible for the great divide in America. When she said she hated Trump's deplorables or that Trump's followers are deplorables, she was talking about the entire Republican party, because Democrats hate Republicans and vice versa.

Hillary clearly stated her support of abortion and Roe vs Wade to be upheld. This Supreme Court law has killed millions of American babies. No one tells the mother that she is killing her baby. She is told what is in her is not a baby but a glob of cells. Life begins at conception and what is in her is a baby. Our Constitution supports "life, liberty and happiness." And life is put first, so our Constitution is not being upheld.

The first 13 minutes of this second debate was Jerry Springer of the wealthy and it portrayed the decaying morality of America. Both candidates should have been ashamed of being asked such a question, but I am not sure if Hillary knows what shame is. Both should have answered the man, "No, our debates have not been anything a young child should be watching." The only reason Hillary brought up what Trump said about women was to get the vote of women. She alone showed the world what she thought of women when she defended her husband against his mistresses. Those women were right and her husband was wrong. Two wrongs doesn't make a right, but then as a lawyer she is accustomed to defending the wrong.

Mr. Beck showed the disgust of how the majority of Americans feel about their politicians. I noticed "Hell" said a few times by the two people presenting questions. Using slang and curse words in conversation is also not good for the young people of America. We slowly go down, down and further down morally.
Connor Kirkland
2016-10-11 15:39:22 UTC
Hillary definitely! Not Donald Trump!
2016-10-12 12:53:18 UTC
I traveled outside of the United States over the summer to Italy and Germany and felt so embarrassed when they spoke on Donald Trump actually running for President. They had such negative laughing reaction to Donald Trump that I was embarrassed to be from a country they laughed at. I am not Hillary's biggest fan but she is much a better choice than Trump. U.S. has survived bad president's before but never a Trump.
2016-10-10 10:47:13 UTC
I believe that each presidency is unique because of the times and world events that confront the new chief executive. President Obama inherited a decimated economy and a protracted occupation of Iraq and Afghanistan that was getting us nowhere. Either Donald Trump or Hillary Clinton will need to address the global security threats of Russia, Syria, Iran and North Korea. We need a president who can handle the pressure because it's very possible North Korea will have ICBMs with warheads pointed toward us before long. I would trust Hillary more than Donald Trump to make the right calls if we find ourselves a target of a madman dictator with rocket-powered nukes. Plus, Trump so far has demonstrated little knowledge of how government and the presidency work.
2016-10-14 21:08:23 UTC
Donald Trump.
spot a
2016-10-10 06:31:35 UTC
Donald trump is a narcissist and will be very likely to start WW III if he elected. This would be a far worse job than Obama has done so far. Hillary Clinton has vast experience in political life including 8 years as the First Lady. She will do a better job than Obama
2016-10-12 07:31:17 UTC
Donald Trump naturally! Almost anyone except Hillary could do a better job than Obama unless your talking about a BJ!
2016-10-09 23:13:24 UTC
I'm going to miss Obama if either gets in, but I'd rather have Hillary than Donald Trump.
2016-10-11 23:20:20 UTC
Hillary will win, and Women will be stuck up for the first time in history.

Trump will lose, and roadkill hair will never become a fashion.

Hillary has experience and coffee stains on her teeth to prove it as well as Bill.

Trump has white teeth because he's a rich and never says anything about progress, he's the school yard bully.

Hillary is more than 5 times better and less robotic at speaking than Obama.

Trump is more laid back and F-you and cut to the chase than either of them.

Trump has a little 13 year old boy stuck inside of him.

I think Trump cheats on his wife with that scary and ugly leatherface woman at the debates after-show that looks like Mick Jagger's unknown twin, the useless "Unless". Unless she's slobbing his nob backstage for a fee.

On the record, Trump doesn't have a relationship with his daughters. That should be well known.

He will also be firing all of his staff in his signature revamp of his TV show.

You know I heard Trump molested 4 young boys.
2016-10-10 01:02:37 UTC
I want Hillary Clinton! Definitely not Donald Trump!
2016-10-11 18:32:15 UTC
I hate trump. He doesn't explain how he'll fix the country he just says he has a "plan". He gets ticked off easily and his comments about some women, Mexicans, and Muslims are horrible. He generalizes A LOT. every other country is worried about him, which should tell voters something. He says he's going to build a wall, stupid because I doubt Mexico will pay for it unless forced to, which would start drama with Mexico, something we don't need now. And it's a fact that only some people jump the border or cross it on foot or train,it's mostly over staying visas they got LEGALLY and just never went back. So the wall is a VERY stupid idea. Banning all Muslims? Really? I mean Isis is causing the attacks not all Muslim people, we should have stricter policies, not banning every Muslim. Don't get me started on his video recording. Hilary is a criminal tho, but I think she's just slightly better than Trump. America is screwed either way, :/
2016-10-10 23:44:29 UTC
I always favored the Democrats over the Republicans because my parents went through the great depression

of 1929 and our family was farmers and my dad worked two or more jobs besides farming and there was five kids to raise.

So the Democrats seemed to be the party to help the working class. FDR started Social Security and had many programs to get the country out of this terrible depression of 1929. So World War II started in 1941 for the U.S. and this really caused the U.S.A. to get ahead. Unemployment was not heard of during the war and the U.S.A.

prospered for many years

Now since John F. Kennedy was president in 1960..The U.S.A. have had a series of presidents that were not good for the country. Some were just bad and crooks. You figure out for yourself who helped and who hurt this country.

At this point I don't trust the Clinton's because I seen what Bill Clinton did when he introduced NAFTA around 1993 but the Republicans with Newt G. pushed this unfair trade bill that killed many American jobs

"The Donald" sounds better then Hillary. Hillary is a strange duck and I don't trust her but I don't trust the Republicans either

I think whoever wins on November 8, 2016 with be the lesser of two evils but the U.S.A. will still end up with evil.

Barrack Obama has made things worst for this country because of Obama Care is a disaster and the war on terrorism is also a disaster and the racial problems and the killing of the police and many many BLM protestors

In the end I think the U.S.A. will have a Civil War II. Abe Lincoln said this country will not be invaded but will suffer from within and between the weak/poor congress and the weak/poor president this country will go through much suffering before things get better

China makes most of our manufacturing jobs and big box stores like Walmarts have killed off the ma and pa stores.

The younger generation will suffer the most because of lack of good paying jobs and affordable housing.
2016-10-09 21:04:07 UTC
Donald trump
2016-10-10 16:14:40 UTC
Donald Trump has proven he can start and run a business profitably. The Democratic liberals will form a committee and throw money at problems. When Bill started NAFTA I did not agree with it, but he was attempting to keep trade on this continent. It didn't work but he tried. The liberals are doing their best to spend your money in new and different ways. When there is a problem in Washington, all you hear is a committee meeting and how the politicians will legislate more laws. I'm retired. I spent 45 years working for itek corp., GE, Grace Chemical, parker Hannifin, and Ingersoll rand. when there was a problem, one or two people would go to work on it. they would find out what happened and why. 5 or 6 years ago, Obama said that immigration was broken, And it still is. Hillary wants to unite families, which basically means unchecked immigration. who is gong to pay for the new immigrants?
2016-10-10 00:01:25 UTC
Maybe Hillary, but not Donald Trump.
2016-10-11 12:27:34 UTC
I'd have to say Hillary if either of them - Donald trump has never been in politics, a bad manager of money, he's been in debt a few times , promotes war and violence, his methods are gonna make America go into ww3. Hillary on the other hand, also has her faults, but she's got a plan to make America better for EVERYONE not just a certain group & she's got experience, she knows how politics works
2016-10-13 09:41:28 UTC
2016-10-12 23:08:46 UTC
Donald trump maybe

Hillary probably not. If anything I feel like she's either going to make America go more in debt and poverty. Or do the same amount of work that Obama has done.
2016-10-10 08:36:57 UTC
No. Donald Trump is going for the old fashioned racists and lacks the political experience of Hillary and Obama. It'd be scary enough putting a man like that in charge of a nuclear armed country. Especially when his projected foreign policy is nuke isis and build a wall to keep out Mexicans. But Hillary is putting the lives of innocent people in danger as well, aggressively posturing against Russia over computer hacking and supporting the bombing of innocent civilians in Syria (indirectly at least by keeping Syria destabilised in an attempt to oust Assad). Also, I reckon both would support laws that help corporations profit at the expense of their own citizens. Look at Nestlé draining aquifers and the drought and fires in california, look at the Dakota pipeline. They have both stayed quiet on those issues. They are in the pockets of big business. Neither is good enough. Vote Jill Stein since Bernie Sanders can't be president.
2016-10-12 00:13:53 UTC
Donald Trump is a joke, and is most likely scary to most women from what we've heard of what he's done to women. Hillary seems ok, but if we have a woman for president, she'll be trying too hard to prove a point that women can be president instead of doing her job effectively.

So, my opinion is that none of them would be better at all.
2016-10-10 15:47:28 UTC
I think you could answer this with the new Samsung Galaxy phone and new Iphone. One is missing the headphone jack while the other literally explodes. Which is the same for both candidates. Trump lacks the experience while Hillary has anger outbursts. I think neither would do a better job but i think Trump can be trusted to fix a lot of the problems that have presented themselves since Obama took office.
2016-10-10 21:43:40 UTC
In honesty both Trump and Hilary have done criminal stuff and should be in jail. We would if we did what they did. Heck, if we wanted to go back Bill Clinton probably did some crimes that he should had gone to jail for before he got elected to the white house. I am a republican (since I voted for Bush). But I support the increase of the Libertarians and hope next time they can join the debates. Obama comes across as a decent guy and know doubt if the Republicans had a lot of proof that he supported muslims over this country they would show it for all to see. I think Obama is clever enough to keep things secret. I also do not think he is a sexual pervert. However, that does not mean he is the best president.
2016-10-12 19:55:20 UTC
Hillary Clinton
2016-10-13 14:44:55 UTC
Hillary follows similar values to that of Obama. So in the end, i believe that Hillary will end up doing a better job than the all mighty "Donald J. Trump".
2016-10-09 16:53:02 UTC
xbama had zero experience (and we see the results of this in his bad and poor choices) an now Hillary wants to be xbama and do a third term for him. Trump has made loads and loads (sure, he h lost some big bucks but also knew how to use theirs rules to overcome these downfalls) of money because he knows how to make good deals which he will use to help Americans. Trump ill do a better job hands down.

Vote for Trump and Make America Great Again
2016-10-12 11:00:13 UTC
Lord Trumpington
2016-10-11 13:14:54 UTC
I think Donald Trump would do better, Hillary Clinton didn't even wear a pin on her clothes to support the United States of America.
2016-10-12 15:36:43 UTC
No one can do a better job than Obama. But if i had to choose its Donald Trump cause he supports military unlike Hillary Clinton
2016-10-11 17:29:08 UTC
Well Donald trump is a total pos and Hillary well it's Hillary but I'd go with Hillary lol
2016-10-14 15:47:48 UTC
Obama does a better job than either of them will do, but I would prefer Hillary to take Obama's spot instead of Trump
2016-10-10 14:40:29 UTC
Trump cannot do better than Obama. He doesn't have the interpersonal skills (e.g. the ability to read people) or the judgement.

I *DOUBT* Clinton can do better than Obama, partly because she faces just as broken a Congress as he did and she has her own set of problems (Obama didn't enter the Presidency with an e-mail scandal, for instance).

I have great misgivings about both Obama and Clinton and their knee-jerk feminism ... but I have absolutely no doubt that Trump would be a terrible President. I have a lot of respect for Pence's debating skills (though little for his policies) - I would find myself hoping that Trump becomes unable to fulfill his duties within the first 5 minutes in office.

And I'm extremely sure I wouldn't be alone (certainly a large part of the Republican hierarchy would be right along there with me).
2016-10-12 17:08:16 UTC
Hillary Clinton
2016-10-12 01:11:46 UTC
Trump better Hillary worse
2016-10-11 15:29:51 UTC
2016-10-10 02:26:59 UTC
Hillary, stays with a cheating and abusive man. If she would of divorced him..I would

have some respect for her. He controls everything and her!! Donald Trump is another Leo, just like Obama and Bill. They dominate and get the job done. I think that Trump will be strong dealing with foreign leaders and help our economy. If he is a pig towards women just kick him where he'll remember it. Haven't women learned self defense yet??
2016-10-11 16:42:22 UTC
I don't think Hillary will do better than Obama, but I think she will be a decent president. I would hate for Donald Trump to be elected.
2016-10-09 21:58:30 UTC
Hillary's an extension of Obama!

I hope Trump!
2016-10-09 21:32:06 UTC
2016-10-10 09:44:59 UTC
I would say my opinion, but either way, someone is going to say I'm wrong. But I'll say it anyway.

Hypothetically, I would rather have chronic gingivitis or even periodontal disease with constantly painful and bleeding gums along with chronic canker sores and a swollen, throbbing tongue than have Donald Trump run this country. He has shown immaturity in the debates and doesn't understand how much natl debt we're in. Ex. Last night his solution to Obamacare would be to get rid of it all, even what works, and just ask congress for more money. We are over 19 trillion and counting in natl debt. This is also a man who is a known racist and has sexualized/sexually abused women for years.

Clinton, though not my first choice, talks a bit more sense. She's diplomatic, level-headed, let's Trump talk when it's his turn, knows that maybe Obamacare has worked somewhat. It just needs to be stitched up/fixed a bit. She has a solid plan for this/a bit more understanding of politics than Trump.
2016-10-10 00:21:04 UTC
2016-10-10 06:35:49 UTC
Donald Trump, he is an amazing man. I realize he is new to politics and made mistakes, like most people do at a new job. But we need a businessman that will clean out Congress, and set The United Nations in respecting us, and get us out of those twisted trade deals. Hilary Clinton is asking for riots in big cities if they are renewed before Christmas. Trump is going the way, the country should be going, and under his administration. I could get a job and have it be secure.
2016-10-13 15:49:22 UTC
Donald trump
2016-10-14 12:08:52 UTC
I believe Trump will do a better job than Obama. Hillary on the other hand I don't think so.
2016-10-10 03:22:35 UTC
I don't think either will do a better job than Obama.

If Trump wants to blatantly say discriminating things towards women and people who are not of similar views to his own, it just shows that he is not fit to be president. He is not open minded and cannot accept other people's views for what they are. He already considered half the population of the world beneath men? Are we really going to go back there again?

At least Obama listened to other people's views and choose not to agree with them. That is in my mind the mark of a good world leader.

You cannot just speak over one another until your heard loud enough, that's outright immature and something I thought we all learned when we were 5? (Hilary here too).

I don't have a problem with Trump having his own opinions, but to be immature about it and become aggressive towards opposition will send the wrong message internationally and potentially start a bigger war.

Being subjective here, I don't think he, or Hilary are mature enough to lead the country.
2016-10-10 21:41:15 UTC
I don't think either would, but certainly not Trump. He's extremely sexist and racist, and I feel that a person like that should not be running the country. On the other hand, Hillary is a bit hypocritical and has not proven the most trustworthy. All presidents are unique and bring good and bad things to the position, but I wouldn't say either of our current nominees will do a better job than president Obama.
2016-10-09 20:24:36 UTC
Trump 2016
2016-10-10 19:30:50 UTC
The Clintons will do better by far than anything Trump has to offer. Trump is unstable and politically immature while the Clintons are mature and stable. Bill may have been a womanizer but He was a good president. Remember they will be running the country for the next 4 years and You want to have someone who is emotionally mature running it which is something You can't say about Trump.
2016-10-12 10:07:42 UTC
Trump has a background in business and economic fields. He has created thousands of jobs and has seen what helps and what hurts businesses and the economy.

H. Clinton has never created one job. She has been in the political sector for more than 30 years. She thinks she knows what is good for the economy, but she has never had to put it into practice.

For example, companies are taking jobs out of the US into other countries. The reason they want to do this is for the following reasons:

1) cheaper labor. Clinton wants to increase the minimum wage by about 50%, which will cause all labor costs to increase. If companies leave for cheaper labor, this will cause more to leave. Where will those workers be when that happens? In the unemployment line! Will they be better off? NO! (By the way, when labor increases, the companies that stay will either cut the number of workers or increase their prices. What good does it do to have higher wages if you just have to spend more to live?)

2) Taxes. Companies leave because other countries tax less than we do. Clinton wants to increase taxes on the "very rich". These are the ones who own the businesses and create the jobs. Some will determine that it is no longer worth the rick to operate a business because the taxes cut into the return on their investment, so they will close their businesses. Others will move to a country that has less oppressive taxes. So, if they leave because taxes are too high, what does Clinton want to do? Charge them an "exit tax". If they are already leaving because of high taxes, is it wise to tax them more? That will just confirm that our tax rate is too oppressive and make them even more determined to leave!

3) Regulations. If our regulations become too oppressive, that makes moving to another country look more attractive. Clinton wants to increase regulations.

In all three of these points, Trump wants to create an atmosphere that would benefit businesses, and thereby create jobs and help the economy. Clinton's actions would hurt the economy and delay the recovery.

After the economy is back on its feet and going strong, then we can look at the min. wage and other issues, but you do not hit the economy with things like that when it is struggling! That will delay economic growth and just hurt those who you were trying to help!

In foreign affairs, she was part of the Obama administration, and things have gotten worse. ISIS is stronger, North Korea is testing missiles, we have more problems with Iran, Russia, and many other countries, and our borders are still insecure. There have been Americans killed from terrorist attacks, even within our own country. I don't see she has any different views to change anything for the better.
2016-10-09 21:27:47 UTC
2016-10-11 20:38:21 UTC
Donald Trump, he loves our country, Obama has nearly destroyed this country and Hillary plans to finish the job, if she becomes president the USA will become a third world country, she wants to rule the world. Why do people want a liar, a person that has committed treason and lets Americans be murdered by terrorist and never has to punished?
2016-10-11 17:16:21 UTC
Trump. he knows how to run a business and all the holes in the system that hopefully he will fix.

Hillary and her husband already had a shot at it. I know a lot of women are all against Trump do to all the negative things he said about women but lets be honest all men talk about women in some shape or form to other men he just got caught and that's all there is to it.
2016-10-10 21:37:59 UTC
Donald Trump has some issues for sure, and there are some things I don't think he'd handle well, but in the final analysis I think he'd be much better than either Obama or Hillary. I have no doubt that he will improve our nation's financial situation, meanwhile Hillary wants to basically make it 1000x worse.
Rosti rumas
2016-10-13 11:27:40 UTC
Donald Trump
2016-10-09 14:36:33 UTC
Do you feel DONALD TRUMP OR HILLARY would do a better job than Obama?

Hillary will be another Obama or worse > Trump I haven't a clue , TALK is easy, ACTIONS are a whole nother story !
2016-10-11 14:45:45 UTC
Trump for President!

Obaghead and Hillary for prison 2017!
Ed Harley
2016-10-09 17:14:00 UTC
Success is impossible. Loaded with debt, declining resources, increasing pollution, I figure that the winner will inherit an apocalyptic disaster but, before the end, I would like to see Hillary's sour expression as Donald Trump gives a ridiculous acceptance speech.
2016-10-09 20:13:00 UTC
2016-10-10 18:38:16 UTC
I use to say that anyone, even a monkey in a suit, would do a better job than President Obama, but I have since rescinded that remark. Hillary Clinton is way more corrupt than Obama, if that s even possible, and she would do a worse job. Donald Trump is a profane, loud mouthed, arrogant womanizer, but he would do a better job than President Obama. He might embarrass America but he won t betray her like Obama has done and Hillary definitely will do...again.

But either way, America is in a very dark place right now. People right now think evil is good and good is evil. Many people don t care what direction America takes as long as they continue to get easy access to alcohol, marijuana, gambling, entertainment, and all the material possessions that Americans are enamored with. That is probably much scarier than the pathetic choices we have for U.S. President right now. It is that apathetic, materialistic mindset that is continuing to rot America from the inside out. If we don t turn America around, we will end up with a Communist or Islam government. However, as long as people continue to have easy access to their alcohol, marijuana, gambling, entertainment, and material possessions, they probably won t even care.
2016-10-10 13:31:01 UTC
Hillary has no t talked about balancing the budget but rather plans for spending more money so on that score no.

Trump has mentioned balancing the budget but he has not put forth a plan to do so.

Hillary ignores the threat that Radical Islamic Terrorists pose within our borders and only talks about defeating ISIS but does not plan to change the restrictions on the FBI which prevented them from maintaining surveillance or arresting Omar Mateem. If we declare war on all Radical Islamic Terrorist groups then the FBI could have arrested Omar Mateem for supporting the enemy aiding and abetting the enemy but under jthe Obama restrictions 49 people died .

Hillary's plan to create jobs is mostly based on the government feeding money into infra structure jobs which will not grown the economy unless it attracts new industry and it will add to the deficit

Trumps plan to lower taxes to attract industry is risky as it depends on companies coming in or new ones being started but in the past companies who came in have not always stayed. He also has no other details.

Neither one of them has shown how they will bring down the cost of healthcare. Trump's idea of reducing insurance costs alone through competition will not do it. He has to address lowering the cost of hospital stays drugs and medical equipment which continuously rise making healthcare more expensive each year. Hillary's plan of a single payer or more government control could lower the cost but there is no guarantee it won't also lower the quality of service and it will again add to the deficit.

Neither of them has a good plan to improve education.

Neither has a plan to address racism street gangs or drug addiction that will work.


Trump has the better idea. We don't need unskilled labor therefore we don't need refugees from Syria and why should we take them in when Saudi Arabia has taken in none nor have the other oil rich Gulf States.

The both talk about defeating ISIS but don't seem to notice that ISIS is nearly defeated. They are even losing in Syria but after they are defeated there will soon be a new Radical Islamic Group that will replace them so defeating Radical Islam once and for all is the problem not trying to defeat each new group that comes along. They will never cease to arise if we address the problem piecemeal. \

You can go on and on and neither of them will do better than Obama but Trump at least is not going to try the same things that didn't work. He is up for trying new solutions but lacks the knowledge to deal with them at least in foreign policy maybe the economy.
2016-10-11 21:31:31 UTC
Obama was sort of **** and both Killary and Trump are jokes. Hillary should be in jail, she's also been caught bragging about how she helped a child rapist go free and she also helped cover up all Bills rapes. She's in it for herself and honestly couldn't care less about American people, or any people really. She's a psychopath. If I had to choose between Hillary or Trump I think you see who my obvious choice would be. Either way, we may be completely ******!
2016-10-11 12:16:00 UTC
2016-10-10 09:17:29 UTC
A Hillary Clinton administration would be like a third term for Obama.

Voting for Trump is like playing Russian Roulette with half the chambers loaded. Voting for Hillary Clinton is like putting a fully loaded .44 Magnum to your head and pulling the trigger.
2016-10-11 19:05:52 UTC
The only thing Trump would be great at would be tearing this country & everyone in it completely & totally apart!!! I don't like Hillary, never have & never will but Trump being a downright shameless racist sexcist hypocrite & crybaby who likes to always change the subject whenever it doesn't suit him & claim that everyone is treating him unfairly & preferring to trash talk whoever whenever instead of actually specifying his plans for helping the country & bragging about not paying taxes when the rest of us do, all of it means that compared to Trump, Hillary is clearly the lesser of 2 evils period!!!
2016-10-13 23:01:01 UTC
Donald Trump...
2016-10-10 14:15:13 UTC
2016-10-10 16:31:57 UTC
2016-10-12 11:06:47 UTC
2016-10-11 17:22:01 UTC
I don't think Trump could do a better job than anybody. I'm not a fan of Clinton either, but of those with a chance to win, she's the only other choice. They GOP had 16 candidates from which to pick a nominee, and they gave us Trump. Everyone has been giving him passes on his everyday errors, lack of knowledge of how Congress works, complete unpreparedness for debates, etc. Enough is enough! He will not only embarrass the US, he will likely alienate every ally we have. He has the temperament of an 11 year old boy!

I'll hold my nose, and vote for Clinton, and try not to hate myself for becoming a hypocrite.
2016-10-09 19:58:51 UTC
2016-10-10 10:27:16 UTC
2016-10-11 23:14:43 UTC
2016-10-14 00:02:18 UTC
Donald Trump would do a better Job, never Hillary, she is not capable to do a good job.
2016-10-10 04:04:57 UTC
2016-10-11 08:53:55 UTC
Neither will do a better job than Obama, but Donald Trump would be the absolute worst.
Gregory B
2016-10-10 13:56:31 UTC
Almost any US citizen, including Donald J. Trump, would be a vast improvement over Imam Obama. But Hillary Clinton would only be worse. She is not even the bottom of the barrel. Indeed she belongs behind bars, if not executed.
Walt Stohs
2016-10-11 12:31:30 UTC
Trump will do a much better job than Hillary. Obama totally avoided the

intent of the Constitution. He had one goal to tear America down for whatever reason. He hated America long before he came to America.

His goal was to make America a second class country. People migrated to America to get away from tyrany, and his goal is to return

to a tyranical society.
2016-10-15 22:24:16 UTC
2016-10-13 20:59:17 UTC
2016-10-12 10:13:37 UTC
2016-10-09 23:22:32 UTC
2016-10-09 22:15:50 UTC
Sometimes it is hard to say someone "does a better job" Circumstances and events are constantly changing. Also, the President is not in full control like a king. People seem to forget this. Also, honestly.. I don't think most of American even gets what is going on sometimes. A good example is our medical problem. I'd say 1 out of every 500 people have any clue what is really going on and why it is not a choice not to have some type of plan with the same goal as Obamacare.
2016-10-10 07:40:56 UTC
20 years ago Hillary came up with Hillary Care (which is what Obamacare is). She's messed up on just about every foreign policy crisis (just as Obama has -- e.g. drawing a line in the sand for Syria to laugh at).

She will simply continue with failed liberal policies that bankrupt the U.S. and force minorities into little boxes of discontent and segregation... did you ever notice how the democrats talk about us in our respective little groups? Hispanics, African Americans, Xenophobes, LGBT, Liberal, wealthy, poor, middle class, female, male, Conservative, Inner city, White housewives, Pro / Anti ... etc. We call this SOFT Segregation and it draws hard lines across any differences we may have with one another as if it is a crime to have an opinion. A Democratic presidency is DIVISIVE because that is how they get elected -- based on the politics of envy and race. Otherwise, like the socialist party they represent, their ideas are tired and dead.

A Hillary presidency would be more of the same of failed politics for the last 8 years.

A TRUMP presidency is a shakeup of the status quo. Neither party likes him because he exposes the hypocrisy and corruption of the current system in Washington. We know the Republicans are in league with the Democrats because there hasn't been any real party opposition for any major legislation. Just feckless votes and lip service.
2016-10-11 19:55:36 UTC
Right or wrong Trump would change things up Hillary is a liar and does not have successful marks but has become wealthy. Bill Clinton is a sex offender but times were different no big deal. Now it a death sentence I feel most men have been out of line but this is just fueled by the media that BLOWS ANY AND EVERYTHING out of proportion . the U.S. does not need more of the same.
2016-10-12 19:52:39 UTC
Jimmy Green
2016-10-10 08:51:48 UTC
Trump 2016
2016-10-09 22:51:32 UTC
2016-10-10 10:49:04 UTC
It is a proven fact that Donald Trump would be far better. Hillary just does not have what it takes.
2016-10-12 06:49:42 UTC
Honestly if we could, I'd vote to give Obama a third term. I think he's done a better job than Clinton or Trump will do. However Trump is a con man. He's a fool and I'd never vote for such a man.
2016-10-11 18:37:24 UTC
I think Obama wasn't a good president. I was happy to see him leaving office until Hillary and Trump decided to run. Now I really want Obama back.
2016-10-10 06:47:47 UTC
Neither, Obama has been a great president. I know a lot of people have issues with some of his policies, however in my opinion he's been a dignified, intelligent and sensible president who has done his best in difficult times. He has been a fantastic representative for the USA and has been respected by other leaders worldwide. I can't see Clinton or (God forbid) Trump topping his presidency. Please don't vote Trump though, he's a disaster waiting to happen. Not just for the USA, but for the rest of the world as well. Foreign policy is key these days.
2016-10-12 07:50:46 UTC
Hillary will but Donald Trump vision is not clear yet
2016-10-12 13:15:49 UTC
2016-10-10 10:28:11 UTC
I hate Hillary and Obama I will vote for trump
2016-10-11 11:57:55 UTC
For all practical reasons, Donald Trump is a dead duck. Hillary openly accepts many of Obama's policies that, to her, are successful.
2016-10-10 06:47:42 UTC
First off it matters not which of those two clowns get in --- this country will be destroyed. Hillary has proven she cannot even run so much as an embassy without getting everyone killed and Trump has been involved in over 5,000 lawsuits. When he finds out that he cannot sue a country that insults him but he can bomb them it will be game on.The ONLY chance we and this country has is a huge write in campaign thereby making sure neither of the others have enough votes to win and sending it to Congress of which Ted Cruz is a member. Due to social media this is the first time in history that this can be accomplished. If you are a Christian then you need to be voting for Ted Cruz in the General Election...yes even if you have to write his name in. Exodus 18:21 states: But select capable men from all the people—men who fear God, trustworthy men who hate dishonest gain—and appoint them as officials over thousands, hundreds, fifties and tens. That is a perfect description of Ted Cruz and as everybody knows does not in any way describe trump. Write in Ted Cruz 2016. You will not be alone.

#PrayforAmerica #WriteinTedCruz #NeverTrump #NeverHillary #NeverJohnson
2016-10-12 18:25:16 UTC
2016-10-14 11:51:59 UTC
Hillary Clinton; she, at least, has some background and knowledge of the political system. I don't care for either candidate, but I believe out of the two, she is the better choice. I sincerely believe that Mr. Trump is a dangerous

man and to put him in the Presidential slot would be disastrous for our nation. He is a loose cannon without a conscience.
2016-10-10 13:14:58 UTC
Hillary is all bark and no bite, meaning, like Obama, she will not do anything she says. Honestly, all the Clintons we had for president were ****, so I don't want another one. Besides, I trust the successful business man with our economy more than... well... I don't know what to call her. She didn't accomplish a single thing as secretary of state, lol. Trump is our best bet for America. News stations really do not know what they are doing when they are supporting Hillary and exaggerating facts about trump.
2016-10-10 14:38:17 UTC
I honestly feel like Obama is wayyy better than Hillary and Donald but hey Obama gots to go
2016-10-11 13:21:01 UTC
trump because he is more interested in the people than Hillary or Obama because he at least the courtesy toapologize for the loss of their loved ones neither Hillary or Obama because they do not have the ability to show that kind of kindness because of this her lack of voters will be a result too bad if she looses I feel no sympathy because she has the shown no interest in the citizens trump was the 1 person who took the time to speak to the people who experienced losses in louisianna this is the kind of thing most americans want to see in a leader not an arrogant jer that kept his golf game ehen a good citizen that was beheadedin the middle east trum has proven to be the better
2016-10-10 00:03:35 UTC
Honestly I don't like either, but I choose the lesser of 2 evils, Hillary.

I'm still a proud Bernie Sanders supporter.

I feel like if Trump wins, we're gonna get bombed
2016-10-12 09:35:22 UTC
2016-10-10 18:16:53 UTC
How can Trump do a better job? He loss a billion dollars in his business he has ripped off numerous people. How dare you put someone like that in the same category as President Obama? Facts indicate that African American man has been one of the best Presidents this country has had in recent history. But the color of his skin make you all downplay his achievement. His presidency has stripped this country of its pretense that there is racial equality. Hillary will do a great job as president but she is not President Obama.
2016-10-13 07:51:41 UTC
2016-10-11 19:25:02 UTC
Donald Trump will do a better job, by far. Listen to what Brunell Donald-Kyei has to say about why Trump is Just go to her Twitter site. She says it well.
2016-10-10 10:53:53 UTC
Donald Trump Clinton would be Obama admin 2.0.
GrandpaJon Red Sox
2016-10-10 00:00:00 UTC
Hillary should be thought of as Bush 5.0 and Trump is useless as well. America is doomed for the next 4 years for certain.
2016-10-11 09:57:58 UTC
No, sorry. I don't think either is good. They all discriminated against at least one nationality and have preferred nationalities. It makes them both racist. Had they been sensitive they wouldn't talk about humans like that, talking about ethnicities and nationalities, in the end none of that matters, and they don't really seem to have a plan for America. Idk. I am not a politician, but neither is qualified. Roosevelt and Obama came up with a plan. These two are talking about wars and diversity too much and attack each other, but the role of a president and politician is that to present an affordable and effective plan with diversions. It takes a bit of intelligence. Yes, it's difficult, but I assume they have resources to do this.

Obviously you are not being a lawyer, you need to develop urself and make a good plan based on what you are left with. They are not starting from 0
2016-10-13 05:11:13 UTC
As far as I'm concerned, they're all just puppets. The puppet masters will do what they want no matter who the face is.

I do have a particular dislike for trump and his hate/intolerance of certain groups of people though. I feel as though he will spread fear and hate, as well as objectification of women. He's the kind of person that would allow or even encourage ww3 on his watch. I worry if he becomes president.

Hilary I can't say much about.. I don't know much about her. She looks as fake as any other politician out there.

Obama seemed like a nice, fairly genuine human being. A good family man. I actually liked him. I'll miss him if he goes.
2016-10-10 02:14:58 UTC
2016-10-12 18:25:08 UTC
2016-10-10 03:49:19 UTC
Definitely Donald.
2016-10-12 06:07:10 UTC
Yes, Hillary will, for Donald Trump, the answer is worse.
2016-10-11 14:53:24 UTC
Hillary would continue on the same downward spiral that Obama has been on. It's where the liberals, the democrats are headed. Trump may pull out of the downward spiral, but not sure his direction. I think he would UNdo some of Obama's mess and head in a less worse direction.
2016-10-10 16:34:59 UTC
Donald Trump. Anyone would do a better job than Obama, and I'd rather have a perverted asshole for President than an insane, lying, rape-defending, homicidal maniac (Killary).
2016-10-09 23:49:28 UTC
Obama is the best out of all of them, but Hillary is far better than Trump. trump is a joke and it honestly shocks me people are voting for him
2016-10-11 09:00:02 UTC
Neither. I seen a few good points from both candidates, but compared to the bad it does not make it worth having them in to mess everything up. Hillary constantly makes remarks on things she'll do that with slowly send the US into a downward spiral of insanity. Trump is just too much of an asshole and will cause the US to become enimes with countless nations. So in the end, neither of them have really peaked my intrest to make me want them in charge of our future. I honestly think the cheese balls I am currently eating would make a better president.
2016-10-12 18:28:57 UTC
Neither. Donald Trump's attitude makes him a poor president, and Hillary Clinton's plan won't work, making her a poor president.
2016-10-10 18:53:58 UTC
Donald Trump is the best choice from the two.

Both the Republicans and the Democrats have become "Do Nothings".

Give a successful business man a chance!

Anything would be better than what we have had for some of our worst years in our country!

2016-10-09 23:01:13 UTC
Hillary would do better. She might be able to get Congress to do their job. Trump doesn't even know what Congress is. He has never mentioned it once (Except to say Hillary was a Senator, but he doesn't seem to know what that job is either - he seems to think it means "King").
2016-10-11 16:04:28 UTC
Trump hands down. He may be a little unfit for the position, but he is much better suited for it than Hillary and more so than Obama was.
2016-10-10 07:43:59 UTC
America is in a bad state already but it will get much worse under trump. Best to vote Hillary
2016-10-10 05:36:09 UTC
Donald Trump would do a better job than obama...and hillary. obama sounds like hjitler when he talks to the masses (public) ..and hillary is scripted when she talks. A born liar... What happened to her "cough" and her losing her voice like she did at one of her hearings. When she wishes not to "talk...or give anything of substance, she fakes these ill effects. Com'on people don't you see it? Are you all blind. Her fake smile constantly says it all... All her activities she participated in while being Sec. of State is a fraud at our taxers expense... Oh, she appeared at these meetings with "world leaders" alright but all she did was get "wined and dined" for all those faked handshakes kiss ***, feel good crap that goes on. The clintons must disappear.

We have had enough of them...they're evil and so is obama...
bad girl
2016-10-14 07:59:44 UTC
Question has no basis in fact. Trump will never be president.

Hillary will do a good job, especially considering the GOP will continue the evil, seditious tactics employed during the entire Obama presidency.
Andy F
2016-10-10 03:58:35 UTC
no, I don't. I think Obama has been a fairly good president, despite his problems with GOP stonewalling in Congress and racist backlash, and also despite his basically pro-capitalist stance on economic policy. I'm not sure that Hillary can do a better job, and I think Trump would be a disaster.

--democratic socialist
2016-10-09 17:38:32 UTC
I feel neither would do a good job. Sensible thing for us to do is to have Hilary as the president. It would be entertaining to see Donald Trump as our president though. Thats what it is. Entertainment. How are you going to have someone who is running for PRESIDENT of America say that in order to keep out Illegals we will build a wall?

Come on. That's what a child would say.
2016-10-12 09:57:11 UTC
Obama did a great job considering the mess inherited and both the Senate and House were Republican. I find it appalling Trump is even a viable choice to people. The worst. Reading their reasoning is reading bizarre unsupported conspiracy theories and just incorrect arguments. Of the choices now Hillary is the far better option.
2016-10-10 10:34:24 UTC
well... since i heard hillary will be raising taxes for us poor folks who make under $250,000 a year... im not sure anybody can help the u.s. now. i wish i could say its hillary. but... the truth is i might be realizing im in denial. -_-

and trumps not going to help us. everything hillary said about him is the truth. trump is out for TRUMP. sounds like a bored rich white man who ran for president, just so he could SAY "i ran for president."

and obama. im still pissed off about obamacare. and paying $700 in taxes for NOT getting health insurance.

all these politicians just want more money. and i think we're fvcked. no matter WHO becomes pres. so... trump and hillary are no better than obama.
2016-10-10 09:40:35 UTC
Trump because Hillary has murdered
The Toshokan Kid
2016-10-10 04:23:30 UTC
Hillary > Obama. Trump = 0.
2016-10-12 12:55:08 UTC
Mr. Trump is an accomplished business man, accomplishing a lot.

Hillary is a liar, a govenment leech, Bill's puppet, a travel lady, travel travel, travel, she loves to travel with all her friends, spend billions just goofing off. We hear she was in the Cook Islands during Benghazi, why the Cook Islands, the most remote place in the S. Pacific. Come on folks, she is a real goof off and a master at covering her tracks.
2016-10-10 09:16:29 UTC
Hillary will only expand on what Obama has done, she thinks some barriers have been destroyed and she thinks the path is wide open for her plans

when she was first lady she had a health bill she pushed which didn't see the light of day but Obama got it thru and now she feels empowered
2016-10-10 11:03:16 UTC
Disappointed Customer
2016-10-11 11:31:42 UTC
Trump for sure. Hillary is a criminal. Obumma has been the worst President we have seen in a long while. Look at the big topics: security, international affairs, economy, immigration, racial tension, health care; all are worse now because of Obumma. We are definitely moving in the wrong direction and it started 8 years ago.
2016-10-11 20:16:58 UTC
Donald Trump NEVER!
2016-10-10 21:31:46 UTC
Mr. Wizard
2016-10-12 01:51:03 UTC
America must be run as a corporate business IF OUR COUNTRY is to survive.

Donald Trump is a successful multi-billionaire--with global corporate businesses--proof alone the man:

a) Can take failed businesses and turn them into corporate powerhouses that employ thousands of people AND economically benefit each corporate business location; the proverbial win / win deal.

b) For Trump to be the successful businessman he is, Trump evidently has the diplomatic tact to bring groups of diversely different people TOGETHER at a discussion round table; there's your proof that Donald Trump CAN accomplish bipartisan harmony---something we haven't seen happen in Congress in 10 years.

c) Trump's financial success as a multi-billionaire allows him to not only fund his OWN presidential campaign---but it allows him to be completely FREE from corrupt politicial bribers, known as PAC ( "lobbyists" with agendas that economically hurt us taxpaying employed people ).

It is this refreshing INDEPENDENCE Donald Trump has that is why several traitorous GOP members are vocally opposed to Trump's dynamic campaign popularity; they're afraid President Donald Trump will shut down the way over-abused taxpayer draining programs that enrich them by forcing us to be poorer.

And Donald Trump isn't afraid to make enemies by standing up FOR US, THE TAXPAYING EMPLOYED AMERICAN CITIZEN.......and that's exactly why Donald Trump deserves to be U.S. President.

2016-10-12 00:19:26 UTC
Trump trump trump!! Of course things are going to be better a president who is honest, build a wall to fk the Mexicans and show women what they are good for by grabbing that pussy,,, Obama did nothing but duck sick
2016-10-09 13:15:36 UTC
There is no better than Obama a good mix of intelligence and goodness , Hillary will be OK , Trump a disaster .
2016-10-10 21:09:09 UTC
Hillary Clinton is an evil woman, with a trail of death & destruction behind her

She is a neo con & zionist agent and should be jailed for her crimes

Trump is a loud mouth arrogant rich boy, but will do a better job and kick out some of the powerfull neo cons & Jews who are hell bent on destroying Europe & Middle East

2016-10-09 15:50:20 UTC
Trump since Obama is going to be the puppeteer to Hillary
2016-10-09 22:14:17 UTC
It's not entirely Obama's fault, he happened to be appointed at a time when nothing much could be done. The economy was already plummeting at that point, and Obama just happened to be an easy target due to his presidency (everyone blames things on the president lol), and his race and the "no birth certificate" bullshit. The Congress didn't give him much power since he doesn't have much support, and the fact that many Americans are still very racist lol. I don't know why people just jump on the bandwagon and say Obama's crap when they can't find a justifiable reason to. It makes you seem uneducated. Like a flock of brainless chickens.
2016-10-12 04:55:32 UTC
Are you better off now than 8 years ago? Absolutely not - worse in fact. If you want change and a safer US, vote for Trump, not crooked, lying Hillary.
2016-10-10 20:03:05 UTC
Hillary will do an OK job.Trump will try to get ideas through congress, but won't be able to. I'll miss Obama, I know he made some mistakes, but that's only human. I like the person he is, he is decent and honest. BTW, I'm a republican! on my ballot I will write in Marco Rubio.
2016-10-09 22:02:21 UTC
Actually somehow trump will do better than that clown Obama. And Hillary she isn't even a clown she's just autistic.
2016-10-10 10:19:01 UTC
Either Trump or Hillary is going to be pretty much a 5th Bush term. Things wont change until we kick out the repubs and dems. So i to answer your question. Both will be the same.
2016-10-11 14:06:47 UTC
I feel Trump would do a better job than Obama.
2016-10-10 20:17:44 UTC
Trump because Hillary would just continue what Obama has been doing and move the world toward globalization.
2016-10-10 08:08:19 UTC
I'm not sure how well they will do as president (Being in the UK I don't follow as well), but they will certainly be doing more than Obama. Donald trump, obviously, the wall. Hillary, more gun laws.
2016-10-10 04:55:25 UTC
Hilary Clinton for sure.

Donald Trump is an absolute no no and can place this country at risk. Considering what's happening now we can't take any chances.
2016-10-10 17:44:58 UTC
Well I don't understand why anyone would vote Hillary. She is a thieving nasty person only interested in power for herself. At least Trump don't have 40 years in this horrible government we have now. May be he could change something in our favor. Hillary will just make it worse while pocketing more money for herself.
2016-10-12 13:13:49 UTC
Trump. Why not Clinton?

•She lies and I never know whether to believe her

•She is known to connive to get her way (the Benghazi "internet video")

•She is known to bait and switch on her friends

*She plays the crowds and wears different faces

•She's a career politician and I want REAL change

•She's currently being investigated for treason

•She's abused her charity as a source of income

•She's seemingly accepted payment from other countries and given them weapons in return

(facts are there, just no verdict)

•She has been friends with and a student of people who have dangerous ideologies

•She is the common denominator between several odd deaths of people involved with her

•She was nearly disbarred as a lawyer before she ceased practice on her own

*She is the husband of a man who actually HAS assaulted women many times

•She supports abortion policies that are far more extreme than the rest of the world

•She refuses to recognize the danger of letting in 65,000 Muslim immigrants (when even their

neighboring countries won't take them)

•And she's sociopathic (like when she said "I've never told a lie")
2016-10-10 17:50:56 UTC
I don't care much for Obama.

But I think he is better than Clinton.

And I think Clinton is far better than Trump..

Trump has a dictator mentality, and that is totally unsuitable for someone who wants to be the leader of a free democratic society.
2016-10-10 09:14:06 UTC
Hillary maybe. Trump, no way. Electing Trump is like choosing to have your major surgery performed by someone who never went to medical school.
2016-10-13 10:49:48 UTC
If you like Obama s polices then it would be Hillary as she will carry on with those. If you are just plain tired of all the corrupt turds in DC then maybe it would be Trump.
2016-10-10 06:21:16 UTC
Hillary is better than Trump but not better than Obama.
2016-10-10 18:18:37 UTC
Obama fixed the mess that bush made. He was a good in office to fix the economy after bush. Hillary will do just like her husband who sent jobs to china. And trump dosent have a clue on how he will run the country. I wish sanders was in the mix.
2016-10-10 13:18:22 UTC
2016-10-10 12:39:47 UTC
I think that Hillary will make a Better job than Obama
Happy Hiram
2016-10-09 23:48:40 UTC
I was a Hillary supporter on 2008. I did not vote for Obama
2016-10-09 21:06:53 UTC
Trump, Hillary is a lying crook who deserves to be in prison
2016-10-14 10:03:04 UTC
Hillary is a compulsive lying gun grabbing turd. Trump is an inconsistent liberal on military spending, but at least he doesn't leave a trail of dead bodies wherever he goes. Gary Johnson is the only candidate that will protect our civil liberties and abolish the Federal Reserve Cartel.
2016-10-09 18:18:42 UTC
Everyone is against both Hillary and Trump did ppl forget there is a 3rd candidate
2016-10-10 00:30:42 UTC
While Hilary may be a better choice of president because of her experience, Trump and Clinton both have done and said horrible things. For example, Trump is a dirty man who treats women disrespectfully. Hilary Clinton, who is just as bad, abused the women her beloved husband, Bill Clinton, raped. America, I wish you the best through this election and hope nothing horrible comes of this, whatever idiot you get stuck with.
2016-10-10 07:40:46 UTC
LMAO Dumb question but I will answer it! TRUMP HAND DOWN! Hillary is everything Obama stand for! NOTHING! x 1000! Why on earth are there so many uneducated Hillary supporters!
2016-10-12 07:52:37 UTC
Maybe Hillary, not Trump.
2016-10-10 11:06:50 UTC
I'd say that Hillary would have either have similar or greater approval ratings in contrast to Obama. Trump's would be lower.
2016-10-10 05:56:41 UTC
My problem with Trump is that he is a loose cannon . The man has no set boundaries when it comes to his mouth or social media out bursts. Trump refuses to listen to his running mate or political advisors before he speaks.In fact Trump and Pence are not even talking to each other. Not a good sign.

And besides, a woman could not screw up the job no more than like past male POTUS have done.

Remember gang, Whoever "wins" has to work with Congress to get things done. And the Courts could rule any Presidential executive order unconstitutional. As SCOTUS has done with several of Obama's executive actions.
2016-10-11 05:57:36 UTC
Trump can t do the job at all, and Hillary won t be as good as Obama, but she will extend much of what President Obama started, and we should be fine.
2016-10-10 07:48:41 UTC
Hillary yes, Trump no
2016-10-09 20:02:26 UTC
Hillary would be great for Argentina or Cuba or Russia, but for USA I'll take Trump!!
2016-10-11 20:21:47 UTC
Make America great again! Donald trump better win precidency
2016-10-10 15:02:43 UTC
Donald Trump because he is less evil.

Hillary killed alot of people. Ive never cared for her or her husband
2016-10-09 21:43:30 UTC
Hillary Clinton would do every bit as good as Barack Obama did . She'd let an army of Muslim terrorists into our country, and we'd all have to become Muslims . Women would have to bow down to their husbands and be their slaves, because that's what being a Muslim is all about . Since the Muslims attacked and destroyed the World Trade Center, we should refuse to let them into our country !
2016-10-10 11:21:25 UTC
Trump will likely do a better job. If Hillary wins it will be just a continuation of the 0bama induced misery we have now.
2016-10-12 08:26:37 UTC
Nope I have no idea why people want trump or Hillary to be president is America this stupid? Bush was kind of bad and Obama had his ups and downs but wtf I can't trust Hillary Clinton and Trump is going to ruin the Republican Party and the United States
2016-10-10 12:25:36 UTC
Donald. Obama has adopted Carl Marx's work for 3rd wave feminists and Hillary wants to make it worse. Donald wants to ban Carl Marx's work which will give everyone more freedom from the government.
2016-10-12 07:48:31 UTC
i think trump will do a lot better job than any other people i am saying this not because of his business career, but because of his nature and temperment towards any task or event

see actually there were many politicians who competing with donald trump in the intial but he just spoken in his heart and mind that gained the attention of the youth, people, and crowd atlarge,

you know while the other counterparts were struggling like hell to answer the questions as the media wants as diplomatic as hell and ****, but to be honest donald didn`t even give a **** about them,

A person who does even lie to Smoothen the people and dares to speak Truth even it hurts is the #REALLEADER i`m not saying this only to donald trump every where in the world who speaks truth without any fear and who does not make any false promises for the sake of any POLITICAL CHAIR is the REAL MAN AND LEADER. in my view and in any other person who thinks with logic and Heart.
2016-10-10 19:22:59 UTC
We're screwed either way :'o But honestly, Trump is just an inexperienced idiot who at this point has no business running.

Clinton is a dangerous mix of Bush and Obama... not good. Bush even supports Clinton.
2016-10-10 08:33:40 UTC
Hillary Clinton!!!
2016-10-10 02:24:38 UTC
I feel Trump. I mean bashing Trump for getting tax breaks or legally not paying taxes after a bad year was just lame. Also she said pointing out Obama's ineligibility was racist and that was also cheap. Anyone who gets so close to Obummer and still defends him isn't too good.
2016-10-12 11:56:11 UTC
No. There are many reasons. Some of the biggest reasons I won't vote for him are (a) he seems to be a short-tempered bully, who launches really nasty personal attacks against anyone who crosses him, Republican or Democrat, which makes him a bad leader for the US, (b) he's reckless in what he says off the cuff, to get media attention, and I think this would make him a disaster as Commander in Chief and the symbol of US leadership to the rest of the world, (c) he's a demagogue, who's drumming up some of his most loyal support by encouraging different groups of Americans to hate each other. That can't be good for the country.

Finally, (d), his businesses have gone bankrupt 3 times, AFAIK. I can't see how this makes him a good candidate for thinking about the US government's budget or how to handle the US national debt.

-- democratic socialist for sanders
2016-10-09 21:50:49 UTC
No...I don't like Obama, but I think he did a better job than Hilary or Trump will do
2016-10-10 16:39:45 UTC
Obama is an absolute disgrace. And I can't help but believe that if he was white - those who fawn over him would be able to see that. As for the question... Trump would do a better job.
2016-10-11 21:19:48 UTC
Not sure. I do believe Obama did a lot of good, but he bent over too much, compromised too much, and did not fight as hard as he could have. Also he made a few mistakes, I hope Hilary learns from them. although a lot of sexists are also racists. I think more of congress who are racists, or sell their soul to stay in office. can accept more of a woman president then a Black President. Will do more or compromise more with Hilary then Obama. Final thought, In part because of Burney Sanders, who opened Hilary eyes, about fixing things she did not see, as being wrong, important issues, that once she thought was OK. But now like Obama realized, some laws and policies were wrong, IE allowing companies to send jobs overseas and still get government contracts as an American company. The war on Drugs failed. privatizing jails allowed owners to pressure law makers to push for longer prison sentences, for low level crimes. And can make it almost in possible for a prisoner to get out early. And of course paying for rehab, and helping someone get off drugs, costs 25% of what it costs for 1yr in prison, and average is 3.2yrs. It is insane to spend 12X's as much to jail a person then to fix him or her. So some problems Both Obama and Hilary did not know, or see as a problem. Now they do. So she could do better, mainly because she sees more issues to fix then Obama did.
2016-10-13 15:17:09 UTC
2016-10-10 02:49:08 UTC
Hillary could do a better job than Obama. But she has an advantage. Obama partially cleaned up Bush's mess for her.
2016-10-11 14:44:15 UTC
Hillary, Trump is a narcissist for sure
2016-10-10 15:38:36 UTC
Hillary trumps done
2016-10-09 20:53:01 UTC
2016-10-10 12:40:18 UTC
Hillary Clinton is better than Trump.
2016-10-11 13:16:59 UTC
I think Donald Trump would do a fantastic job because of all his achievements
2016-10-13 05:19:24 UTC
I feel that both would do a DIFFERENT job than Obama: Better or worse depends on the individual person's point of view. Why? Because there's so many ways to judge "better" or "worse". Foreign policy? Arithmetic? Taking care of poor veterans? Building more weapons? Improving education? Unfortunately, to improve one thing, you must sacrifice another. To do otherwise would be to fail to balance the budget.


More funding for education..Less funding for transportation projects.

More funding for science and arts.. Less funding for agriculture.

More funding for healthcare, less funding for maintaining our national parks.

As a side note, send Trump home, he's done.
2016-10-11 20:42:23 UTC
I feel like Hillary would do a better job, just hear her out, we've already heard from trump (ahem: That video that was leaked)...
2016-10-11 17:50:15 UTC
Donald Trump, because H. Clinton came on TV about 2 months ago & said if she becomes President it will be a muslim presidency. Mike
2016-10-11 21:30:03 UTC
To be honest really don't think they would run better than Obama. He has led this country to the top and he didn't **** us over like bush. All trump wants to do is help the rich and himself he's like **** the rest. And Hillary is more on the feminist side she want's women to have more rights than men. I mean which ever president we get we're still going to ****.
2016-10-10 05:15:59 UTC
No but Hillary is better than trump
2016-10-11 22:24:05 UTC
Donald trump!!!
2016-10-10 12:42:01 UTC
Hillary beyond a doubt.

Even if you don't like her politics, her life in the White House as First Lady gives her more actual experience with what is actually involved in executing the office of president than any other person who has never held the office before.
Linda R
2016-10-10 08:49:48 UTC
TRUMP of course. All Hillary is going to do is follow Obama's orders (he did buy a house in D.C. so he can stand right next to her to make sure she does exactly as he tells her) for his third term. WAKE UP AMERICA!!!!!
2016-10-12 09:25:19 UTC
I feel its time America allowed a president a 3rd term as neither candidate is fit for office, that's if Obama could face 4 more years dealing with the other "world" leaders. Could you Americans out there start a 1 more term campaign as an emergency measure to save us all from this dysfunctional pair?
2016-10-11 05:33:36 UTC
Hillary would be the same as Obama but I think trump would benefit our country more
2016-10-10 17:09:19 UTC
Obama has done such a good job getting us out of the Republican mess they left us in, it would be hard for Hillary to beat that. Trump will not get that chance...thank God!
Atsa me Atsa you?
2016-10-10 01:51:12 UTC
Why do you young people think HIlary will do a good job, the reason you would vote for her, she made a bunch of empty promises, do a back ground check on her and Bill....take a minute. The reason she made you young people promises, she knew you would fall for it, she is going to do you and your future in. She is ok to let the illegals in, do a search on who is going to pay for them being here, whether you want to believe that or not, little kids won't pay for them, won't be Seniors, your pay checks are going to be hit big time, Trump is watching out for our country and your future, do your homework, NO, he is not perfect but a landslide better than Hilary.
2016-10-10 10:33:16 UTC
Doesn't have the temperament or judgement to be President of the United States.

Trump is a modern day King Lear everyone who surrounds a leader like that becomes a yes man who won't tell him anything he doesn't want to hear or the truth.

2016-10-10 07:36:07 UTC
Donald Trump will do better
Debra H
2016-10-10 05:27:35 UTC
Trump,despite all of his faux pas, would definetley do a better job. First of all, we know for sure he is American. Secondly, he does love the country and the people , unlike Hillary who thinks half of us are "deplorable". Hillary would just be one more disastrous year of Obama!
Tad Dubious
2016-10-11 07:56:55 UTC
Yolanda, I believe only time will tell if Mrs. Clinton ("Hillary" is so sexist!) will do a "better job" than the sitting President. As for a "better job," that is relative to the times. FDR, for example, did a historic job bring the US out of a Depression and almost to the conclusion of a World War, but would he have held that many terms without those events - it is relative. Peace.
2016-10-10 13:59:38 UTC
Im voting Trump. I trust him 10x more then crooked Clinton. At least with Trump, we already know what kind of guy he is. With Hillary, she is sneaky, sly, and anyone associated with the Clintons that does something to jeopardize them, ends up dead or missing.
2016-10-11 13:44:52 UTC
Vote for trump if you hate America, vote for Hillary if you love America. Use your marble's and vote for Hillary.
2016-10-11 13:57:35 UTC
Neither! I will never vote for Trump though. He thinks just bc he's rich he can just be president. He gonna kill us all! He trying to nuke places, what, do you think they not gonna do the same to us? I don't think Hillary is a good choice either, but i'll be damned if his pumpkin looking *** gets in office.
2016-10-11 17:34:03 UTC
Donald would. Hillary would be more of the same. That said, almost ANYONE would be better than race-baiter Obama... (with the exception of a Dem)
2016-10-11 16:25:56 UTC
Donald certainly. No doubt. Hilary won't. I can't stand Obama but Hillary will suck
2016-10-09 16:12:59 UTC
Trump is the only logical and qualified decision up at this point. If Hillary wins...WW3 will happen. Go Trump!
2016-10-11 01:53:05 UTC
Donald Trump will be a great president unlike Hilary or Nobama!!
sarita m
2016-10-13 21:12:31 UTC
Hillary is a lifelong criminal who has spent all her life making money in underhanded ways, such as creating a charity, then keeping the money, and using the State Department as a general store, to make money off selling State Department favors such as Uranium 1 to Putin. What else can we expect from her but more of Obama's disastrous and secretive administration plus lots of crime and millions of undocumented Muslims.
2016-10-10 11:23:51 UTC
Obama has done more for LGBT rights than any president ever in US history. He has also whined more about gun control more than any other president in US history. Plus his health insurance plan was the first of its kind in US history. Obviously a republican or hilary will do nothing similar considering hilary been a politician for soo long and still did nothing and trump is bigot so obviously he aint gonna do anythng similar
2016-10-10 06:45:52 UTC
Both sides are equally horrible, republicans are always looking for war, democrats are always looking to give free money, most people think republicans are worse, and heres why, cause war has an immediate and mor direct negative effect on the country, now i dont support welfare, but nevertheless, giving free money takes a little more time to f u c k up the country, so basically, Both sides f u c k the country up in different ways, i dont support either, but based on the likes and dislikes people have, it looks like trump is winning
2016-10-11 11:07:25 UTC
TRUMP. First of all Xbama failed us with the economy and Obamba Care. Killery will do the same. It's time for a change. Killery is LIAR; Benghazi, the emails and her husband is way more of a pig than Trump. What kind of message is she sending to women for staying with that pig? Trump IS THE NEXT PRESIDENT so people, get used to it.
2016-10-11 22:40:34 UTC
2016-10-09 19:32:12 UTC
2016-10-11 19:43:23 UTC
Trump train
2016-10-10 13:16:49 UTC
honestly neither are the best for this country. but Trump wtf man?? he needs to just stop. his comments and everything is so wrong he should not be that disrespectful and a guy like him should never have the chance to be president.. ik Hillary is not the best either... its just a matter of who wont be the worst between the 2. Im not a liberal but i DONT want ******* trump to win.. hes prolly the worst candidate ever. even with bush's dumb shyt he was better than Trump
2016-10-10 00:28:00 UTC
i don't think they would do a better job but Hillary is definitely much better than trump
2016-10-13 21:09:15 UTC
In one way America deserves Trump. If millions are willing to fawn over the Kardashians and all the other perverts in public life, then Trump is the right guy. Does it matter if he sexually demeans women? does it matter he doesn't pay tax? Has dodged serving in the military? Gives nothing to charity? Is a serial adulterer? Is the total embodiment of crass capitalism? Is married to a former mens magazine stripper who poses in lesbian bdsm photos and doesn't mind being grabbed by her p_ussy? I say elect Trum and spit in the face of our founding fathers and great Presidents and all who came before us and died for liberty in this country.
2016-10-11 14:43:20 UTC
Hillary will do better than Obama because she will put more effort in her job as president.
2016-10-09 19:58:32 UTC
2016-10-10 03:48:19 UTC
No. but Hillary is definitely a better option than Donald. Anyone is better than him to be fair
2016-10-11 12:51:56 UTC
I am not American, I am Canadian, and I have been following some of the continued follies. I think that trump is a complete and total tyrannical sexist, who has a small penis complex. And clinton is trying to ride the coattails of her husband. She just as bad as trump...the mistake is that Sanders was not on the ballot, he would ve been able to help america grow..but of those too bumbling fools will run america for the next 4 years...good luck from your friends from the north! :)
2016-10-09 21:52:35 UTC
Donald Trump ,but he would make many enemies
2016-10-10 20:33:31 UTC
Trump definitely
2016-10-13 23:32:21 UTC
I think obama would be the best president for u.s but since we have to vote for someone i'll vote for hilary cause Donald trump is racist
Mars Static
2016-10-10 08:25:59 UTC
Hell no but I prefer Hillary over trump any day
2016-10-12 11:31:44 UTC
Trump, no doubt. Hillary would be the end of this country. She wants to make the USA a welfare state!
2016-10-10 06:38:16 UTC
If Trump and Hillary woke up and stuck in desert together who would survive?

America hahahahahahaha
2016-10-10 21:28:25 UTC
The neighborhood's stray dogs will make a better choice then any or all three Trump, Clinton or Obama combined.
2016-10-10 17:42:19 UTC
Mr. Trump
2016-10-14 11:37:27 UTC
donald trump
2016-10-09 19:28:36 UTC
Hillary Clinton would do a great job if she is elected president of the United States of America.
2016-10-10 10:14:07 UTC
Donald Trump is a champion of business success ,so he is who we need as President.
2016-10-11 18:34:36 UTC
Hillary Clinton for sure. Trump is an idiot
2016-10-12 09:11:38 UTC
Neither someone said it Donald is a joke and Hillary isn't trustworthy
2016-10-13 08:51:44 UTC
Don't know yet. I know Trump isn't capable of it. So only Hillary has a chance at that distinction.
2016-10-10 14:25:38 UTC
i like Obama and i want next precedent Hillary Clinton < dislike Donald trump>
2016-10-11 06:32:41 UTC
Donald Trump ... he doesn't need this job, he's running to change the direction of a downward-spiraling America.

HIs motives are far purer than anyone who's run in decades.
2016-10-11 04:46:37 UTC
Hillary wants free trade -open boarders and cuts in medicare and social security. Trump wants to bring back our jobs. You decide.
2016-10-10 13:30:19 UTC
No trump and Hillary are both terrible options
2016-10-11 00:35:35 UTC
President Obama is better then all if he is not then he wouldn't be President for second time. Donald Trump ? LOL

Hilary is better then him much better.
2016-10-10 09:25:43 UTC
Trump! Hillary is woman, who needs to get back in the kitchen and cook.
2016-10-09 19:18:59 UTC
Steve G
2016-10-10 17:33:01 UTC
I'll take my chances with Trump. Hillary has been around for years, and I can't think of a damn thing, that's any good about her.
2016-10-10 07:22:07 UTC
The political scene is a very different place today, look at the campaign financiers behind each candidate and ask yourself the question, where does the candidates allegiance belong? Wall Street and or Main Street.... I don't think we need to fact check that... What we need in the end is a president who will stand up for America, not somebody who will be a puppet for Wall Street Bankers.
2016-10-11 21:12:53 UTC
Hillary... ...maybe but probably not.

Donald Trump... ...not a chance!
2016-10-12 11:01:54 UTC
Well, asking LORD whom I should vote vote and who is the one He wants. I feel in my heart like its

Donald Trump
2016-10-11 19:44:09 UTC
2016-10-10 15:29:59 UTC
You are mixed up, Obama isn't running this time, he's had 2 terms. It's Trump versus Clinton.
2016-12-27 04:17:34 UTC
hillary definitely! not donald trump!
2016-10-10 15:50:55 UTC
Each person is different. I know TRUMP will be a disaster, Hillary will do well
Little Ms Sunshine
2016-10-10 11:31:53 UTC
Guess not necessarily those of us who spend our precious time on YA here, but do you guys know that Obama has a very high approval rating? In spite of a congress determined to foil his every step, he has accomplished much.

Our country would be a lot further along if the Senators and Representatives had played ball, the way the game is designed to be played, but the game goes on, nonetheless.
2016-10-11 20:56:56 UTC
Hillary without a doubt, trump would ruin our foreign relations, and pushes a racist/sexist agenda. That should be all you need to know.
2016-10-12 01:35:41 UTC
No one will be a better president than obama but Hillary will do.
2016-10-09 21:37:04 UTC
Trump. Hilliary is Obama.
2016-10-11 05:53:26 UTC
Killary is going to do what Obama is already doing. Both trunp and killary isnt good but i would vote trump before killary
2016-10-12 12:31:48 UTC
he's an ok guy yes but not the best. Anyone is better than Clinton at this point. We don't need a rapist or a lying cheating scum in the White House for another 4 years. Who knows what the Killtons will do if they are elected.
2016-10-10 07:38:33 UTC
Hillary definitely would be worse, so that just leaves Trump.
2016-10-12 11:20:03 UTC
Vote Trump/Pence in November 2016 !!!
2016-10-10 18:08:35 UTC
Obama and Hillary have enough on each other and so Hillary will carry on Obama's agenda and boost His legacy!
2016-10-09 23:33:20 UTC
Neither. They both dont seem fully truthful in all that they say and have said and done many questionable things. I think Obama has been a very fair president I believe and seeing how this election is going, neither of these candidates will be a better president in MY opinion.
2016-10-10 20:40:10 UTC
Hillary pretty similar. Probably even a little worse. Donald different. Probably worse though.
luis l
2016-10-10 00:33:02 UTC
The Question is simple,How you control a mad crowd of greedy and powerfull people?

Donald trump said he bring back the jobs to usa,But he never said he cut the incomes of powerfull corporations,and the top investors loose incomes?.

Hillary tell the people she build the stand by,To control the income of powerfull Corporations and some greedy top people?

2016-10-10 03:29:01 UTC
Hillary is a liar a liar can't do anything for the country trump it is
2016-10-09 16:31:50 UTC
Maybe Hillary.
2016-10-09 16:06:39 UTC
Brad Kamanski
2016-10-10 15:58:21 UTC
My dog could do better than Obama! The biggest debt in history! He has destroyed America and Hillary will put the icing on the Titanic cake! We are doomed!
2016-10-11 11:25:29 UTC
Actually I think president Obama has done very well! I'm a white man in the low income range because of Obama I got my house my car and decent credit.

Which no other president provided .

I can't fault him but we did learn a valuable lesson in who and who not to elect.
he hua
2016-10-11 22:54:21 UTC
One option is going to muddle us along as always and one means certain death. Thankfully most people don't want to die in the next 4 years so due to the electoral vote, it will be muddling along as usual. Plus Trump pissed off women, muslims, Chinese, Catholics, African Americans, Mexicans, the Bushes, every president alive today, the Republican Party itself, people who use to support him, much of congress/senate/government as a whole, people who don't even care about America (Norway, Canada, other European nations) and probably more but I don't follow politics that much. That's most of the world. Plus he has the approval of North Korea, KKK and neo nazis soooooo.....not a fan of either but one does mean certain death and I'd like to live to at least 50.
2016-10-11 21:31:13 UTC
Trump... Only because I don't like Hillary Clinton's voice, her politics, her lies, and her hidden agenda... We all know you want to sell America out...
2016-10-10 20:09:02 UTC
Trump... Hillary actually commited treason to our country and deserves to be in jail
â–‘ Adi â–‘
2016-10-11 20:37:11 UTC
I am an Indian and if i were an American i would vote for DONALD TRUMP
2016-10-10 08:35:48 UTC
Donald trump yes, obama is a enemy of the USA
2016-10-10 09:02:28 UTC
donald trump
2016-10-10 11:38:59 UTC
Donald hands down
2016-10-10 15:24:24 UTC
Trump will be the best president America has ever seen. He's gonna get rid of muslims and mexicans and build us a wall to keep them out.

2016-10-10 14:56:15 UTC
Anybody could do a better job than Obama. Anybody.

"President Obama’s Legacy Is Endless War"

"Worst President Ever… Obama’s Legacy – Destruction of US Middle Class"

by Jim Hoft

"Obamacare disaster will be Obama’s enduring domestic legacy"

by Marc A. Thiessen

"Obama’s Legacy Will Be Executive Overreach"

by David Harsanyi


by Geoffrey Grider

‘Food stamp handouts’ and ‘phony jobs growth claim’ will tarnish Obama’s legacy

by Mitch Kehetian

"Censorship: 38 journalism groups slam Obama's 'politically-driven suppression of news'"

by Paul Bedard

"This Is How Obama Brazenly Violated the Second Amendment Today"

by S. Noble

The Obama legacy: An assault on the Bill of Rights


"President Obama's Legacy of Racial Divisiveness"

by Victor Davis Hanson
2016-10-10 06:50:57 UTC
2016-10-12 13:51:39 UTC
Jon Stewart should run for president! With Stephen Colbert as his running mate!

(This is sarcasm. But I'm pretty sure someone will resort to using 3rd insults, and call me a liberal. Even though I'm non affiliated. Both sides are horrible.)
2016-10-10 05:36:48 UTC
Killary for Prison 2016
2016-10-11 20:07:34 UTC
I think out of the three:

Obama - 1st black president

Hillary - 1st female president

trump - 1st orange president

I think Obama is the best... can we vote for him again
2016-10-10 18:00:08 UTC
Neither, but I don't think Hillary would kill us all in a blaze of irradiated fire, and that's my new low standard. Trump doesn't pass that cut.
kathy f
2016-10-10 03:09:31 UTC
Vote Trump. If you want real change Vote Trump.
2016-10-10 09:41:54 UTC
Hillary is our only choice - Trump is clueless.
2016-10-10 11:16:22 UTC
If you want open borders higher taxes more Obamacare care distain for law enforcement your taxes to pay for abortions your gun rights gone and free trade to take away more jobs and a terrorist in every town then vote for Hillary.
2016-10-10 01:01:50 UTC
Trump. Wasn't my first choice, nor my second or third. Not even fourth. But, would rather have a badly tanned orange peel over modern day Adolf Hitler.
2016-10-10 03:06:00 UTC
2016-10-10 14:58:57 UTC
I think they all have/will do a horrible job. But I would rather have trump in office any day over hilary.
2016-10-09 17:32:39 UTC
Hillary would probably be as bad as Obama
2016-10-10 16:05:29 UTC
Why does everyone hate Obama? At least he's not the one wanting to start a war or lying about major things. No one will top Obama
2016-10-10 20:57:35 UTC
Neither. Both will help the country significantly but if either of them became president, it'll start a civil war and/or world war 3. The safest bet? When you go to the ballots, write in pence for president.
2016-10-10 16:21:39 UTC
Honestly no but if anyone Hillary seems to have more knowledge about this kinda stuff. Obama seems way more mature and professional
2016-10-13 14:57:45 UTC
trump beat back every rino press hero,draws overflow stadium crowds, hillary can not fill a gymnasium with enough attendees to make a mary kay sales fest.
2016-10-09 13:26:43 UTC
Trump without fail.
2016-10-13 01:42:43 UTC
I think we learned enough from one Clinton presidency. Lets not do that again. Vote Trump
2016-10-11 14:11:52 UTC
I'm gonna miss Obama he is the best prez we have had but I feel Hillary will keep us from going into ww3 so I want her!!!
2016-10-10 02:40:52 UTC
You've got to be legitmately STUPID to not choose Hillary over dingus Trump
Belle Eli
2016-10-11 18:52:33 UTC
Maybe with Hillary it will be exactly the same. With trump it'll be hell
2016-10-12 16:30:10 UTC
They would both ruin the country. Oboma improved the economy from what he inherited on his term. Hillary would do better though most likely but I don't know who will really benefit from hillary.
2016-10-10 05:08:28 UTC
They'll get more cooperation and support then Obama did. Remember Congress vowed that they would veto everything; and they did. Even if they cut off their nose to spite their face. The republicans did everything in their power to demean Obama. Pathetic bunch of people.
2016-10-09 15:31:51 UTC
No. At best, they'll be about the same. There is a Deep State, an Establishment, in DC, which keeps major change from happening.
2016-10-11 19:32:19 UTC
hillary is a trailer park whoore that bill kicked out of his life.

teh donald gets laid for free on a regular basis with many women. you gotta go with teh donald mind
2016-10-14 17:15:25 UTC
hillary wil continue what obama didn;t finish and that's the one world take over, your freedom will be gone, ask why is old man bush on her side, why are senators and congressmen on her side, they all want the take over. trump knows what they are trying to do this is why he is running to stop it. we all will be in big trouble if she wins, it will be too late to do anything about it. wake up now our freedom is at stake
2016-10-11 12:07:01 UTC
No. I'm hoping for Hillary. I really wish Michelle would have tried but she doesn't want the responsibility I guess.
2016-10-09 22:43:16 UTC
Okay first of all Obama kicks ***! And trump is a Buffon, with negative energy and draws on this negative energy from u his followers. he's an imbecile.
2016-10-11 16:02:14 UTC
Hillary Clinton would definitely be more likely
2016-10-11 22:22:57 UTC
They're both awful, but I can somewhat respect those who support Trump.
2016-10-11 12:32:52 UTC
I honestly don't like either, I think Obama isn't the best president we have had, but I think Obama would be the better president in this travesty of an election.
2016-10-10 01:57:46 UTC
Trump look like a decision maker, he can change America or world either bad way or good way.
2016-10-10 09:41:09 UTC
Neither, they're both crazy as hellll. I'd prefer Obama for another 4 years, than any of those corrupted people.
Goodbye Yahoo
2016-10-10 00:59:31 UTC
Benny Hill
2016-10-11 08:56:21 UTC
Personally, I'm leaning towards Gary Johnson.
2016-10-10 15:41:00 UTC
Hillary will do a better job.
2016-10-12 01:45:27 UTC
Neither. Politicians unfortunately obey to the financial lobbies and they don't have much choice. Everything is locked and the media are biased, thus controlling the consensus. Change will come from underneath; NGO's, artits and local communities. Anybody saw the prophetic TV Series "Continuum"? ;-)
Biased Liberal Media Is Not News
2016-10-12 05:38:40 UTC
Trump will give the country back to the middle class and attack the politics as usual which has made a mess of our government.
Coop 366
2016-10-10 07:28:58 UTC
Neither but Clinton may come close. As for the Donald, he will be the worse President and our Country will never recover.
2016-10-09 18:48:20 UTC
trump, regardless of what he's said in the past he knows what he's doing better than hillary
2016-10-10 03:05:14 UTC
Hillary. Donald seems tempered / sensitive.
anthony d
2016-10-13 11:24:34 UTC
2016-10-10 09:20:36 UTC
Both have good intentions but if we were talking trust id have to day Trump
2016-10-10 13:52:56 UTC
Trump would get things done there is no denying that people are just not wanting change and people are so sensitive these days.
2016-10-12 19:04:27 UTC

Trump is a deranged circus monkey...
2016-10-11 19:08:28 UTC
The problem you people have is that you only have a choice between 2 people. Very limiting. And the election drags on far too long, and is far too costly. Really bad system for a country that deludes itself that it's the "best country in the world". Bollocks.
Queen Aly
2016-10-13 13:31:38 UTC
Neither will do better than Obama. I am going to miss Obama. I can't believe people are actually letting these idiots run our country.
2016-10-10 13:48:43 UTC
You would have to go back to Lincoln vs Douglas campaign to see our nation more divided than we are today. The answer to the question is simple neither one of them. It is a sorry affair when we do not have our best people put fore as candidates to be our elected as leader, in this case President of United States of America. I see my nation in a state of decline and will continue to be in decline unless we take action with the vote. We must elect responsible leaders, to the Congress and to the Office of the President, that are dedicated to protecting our Constitution. Not some career politician or some yea-who to claims to have all answers because he is business leader or even worse two who live in La-La land. Our Leaders in Congress and in Oval Office must put the needs of people and our nation first, forgoing all their own self interests. A pipe-dream when it comes to any one of four candidates campaigning for your vote in this Presidential election; yes there are four.
2016-10-10 19:01:21 UTC
Donald trump he would be good
2016-10-11 17:02:28 UTC
Trump would be a better president
2016-10-11 13:20:00 UTC
Neither. Obama is NOT doing a good job, either of these two clowns will also make this Country worse.
2016-10-10 08:40:59 UTC
HC means 4 more years of BHO and a Liberal Supreme Court plus another giant step closer to a 3rd world Socialistic nation...OMG !
2016-10-13 10:26:38 UTC
Obama was nothing, but a puppet, he really wanted to do a lot of good things for this country, but his own party fought him on nearly every issue, and he copied some things Bush had done.
2016-10-10 12:49:39 UTC
2016-10-10 12:49:14 UTC
Emily Rose
2016-10-11 09:07:51 UTC
Neither bc trump is an *** and is ignorant and hillary believesbin killing babies even after they're born and abortion is never okay and murder isn't either so i think neither.
2016-10-13 17:03:56 UTC
While Obama did well Hillary is the better choice than CHUMP
2016-10-09 14:14:19 UTC
....these so called presidents can't do a thing without the support of the Congresses and their advisors.....

All the promises and hoopla they spout is nothing without the support of Congress and their advisors....

Presidents don't just go in and "push a red button" on their goodness we shamefully know so very little about how this government is run....must of us talk out the side of our mouths we have no idea what so it ''really'' goes up...................we must come off like undeducated clowns to other countries with our blathering.......
2016-10-12 14:20:10 UTC
2016-10-11 18:29:34 UTC
Joe Biden
Milay Verdes
2016-10-12 13:01:07 UTC
Trump is the biggest idiot and hillary is a liar b*tch
2016-10-11 15:59:00 UTC
I'd rather have 4 more years of Obama
2016-10-10 11:41:41 UTC
2016-10-09 17:42:05 UTC
Yolanda , I would trust you over Obama . Trump is the only candidate who can get the country working .
2016-10-11 17:21:31 UTC
Geez....Have you not woken up yet?????? they are "ALL" under the "very same" flag and family are so lost and brainwashed by the media my friend...I actually feel very sorry for you.

How about none of them????? same all bullshit time and time again YAWN.zzzZZZZZ...same old corrupt hidden horse that is running things from behind the scenes, simply using different jockeys each and every time to give the impression that things will get better,,,but in truth, this is "ALL" bullshit to keep control of the gullible blind public sheep.
2016-10-12 03:57:38 UTC
2016-10-11 14:09:21 UTC
2016-10-09 13:18:09 UTC
donald trump has said way too many derogatory comments. he has threatened to use nukes. I would not vote for him. he is only for the upper class and rich. not all americans
2016-10-10 14:19:07 UTC
2016-10-12 09:43:26 UTC
Jeb Bush
2016-10-10 00:06:15 UTC
Yes, either one would do a better job than Obama
poornakumar b
2016-10-10 22:34:34 UTC
No. There is nobody to meet your requirements. Posterity will know that Obama was a better president than many in recent times, if only one casts of his/her skin disease or skin fixation.
2016-10-10 15:56:03 UTC
2016-10-10 12:01:46 UTC
Why? Do you know the "electorial college?" "Voting" really means "suggestions." Back when Al Gore and George Bush Jr. Were trying to become the next president the votes were in for Al Gore. The electorial college decided George Bush anyway. Obviously Gore lost in spite of the votes!!! So... why?
2016-10-11 06:51:40 UTC
Neither will do a better job than Obama.
2016-10-12 12:32:26 UTC
Obama was a very good two term President who had to fight a white Congress and Senate and Supreme Court constantly in order to get almost anything done..... And in spite of what you and your racist friends have to say I totally believe that Obama was a good President that did everything that he could do as a Black president......................
2016-10-10 07:32:24 UTC
Buggs Bunny would do a better job than Obama.
2016-10-10 05:53:02 UTC
Trump will do a much better job ..
2016-10-13 15:34:07 UTC
hillary might trump sux
2016-10-09 16:44:59 UTC
Neither would do a better job than Obama.
2016-10-10 08:27:35 UTC
I think none would do a better job than Obama
2016-10-10 06:43:36 UTC
Donald, because Donald Duck is bae, also, Hills are overrated
Warren T
2016-10-10 09:44:07 UTC
2016-10-10 20:00:42 UTC
Trump because he's a republican. And he will ban muslims which is good because they're terrorists.
2016-10-11 15:29:17 UTC
Hitlery will do worse than obama ever imagined. Donald will do better.

But they will probably nuke us before that anyway.
2016-10-09 21:49:42 UTC
Trump. He proved it tonight at this debate.
2016-10-11 11:47:24 UTC
Neither ,but I would have to go with Hillary
2016-10-13 03:41:35 UTC
2016-10-11 07:38:32 UTC
tricia johnson
2016-10-09 22:29:20 UTC
2016-10-10 14:27:53 UTC
I'd say Hillary.
2016-10-10 03:51:17 UTC
My gardener could do a better job than Obama.
2016-10-10 06:56:22 UTC
No. I think either one would do a worse job. But, since they're both white, Congress would probably be more accepting of them.
2016-10-10 07:07:03 UTC
It's only going to get worse until Americans realize the only choices they have are propped puppets for the private owners of the Federal Reserve.
2016-10-12 03:43:13 UTC
hillary whould not trump h www s no good
2016-10-10 18:45:15 UTC
I think Obama was an amazing president and i am definitely going to miss him but it would be nice to have a woman for once:)
2016-10-10 01:18:07 UTC
2016-10-10 15:55:04 UTC
Wish Obama could run for a third term TBH
2016-10-10 11:38:25 UTC
Yes I believe trump would, although they are all pretty bad, at least trump is smart, dumb but smart.
2016-10-12 20:49:43 UTC
2016-10-10 10:59:27 UTC
2016-10-10 13:26:41 UTC
2016-10-10 12:41:49 UTC
CandyCane L
2016-10-10 10:56:57 UTC
Hillary is Satan. So that's that. Case closed.
2016-10-10 04:34:20 UTC
i think obama was the best but if anyone did a better job than him, it would be clinton... definitely not trump!!
2016-10-14 10:59:21 UTC
I could probably do a better job than any of them. At least I am rational-according to most people.
2016-10-10 10:04:52 UTC
That's not the issue at hand. Instead it's "Who do you feel would do the better job as P.O.T.U.S., Clinton or Trump?"
shawn j
2016-10-11 22:35:05 UTC
It looks a lot like they all work for the synagogue of satan and follow the same orders. So it doesnt matter. Nothing ever changes till they cash the nation they use out.
2016-10-13 10:12:41 UTC
mr trump
2016-10-10 16:48:32 UTC
Trump. But both are dipshits
2016-10-13 03:04:58 UTC
give a chance to DOnald
2016-10-10 08:13:56 UTC
How bout none? They all are not fit for presidency.Trump hates women and latinos so I am not particularly fond of him. Clinton lies and lies and that's that. Obama cannot make good decision for the life of him.
2016-10-09 13:28:46 UTC
Either one. Homer Simpson would be a more competent president than B.H. Obama.
2016-10-12 08:09:32 UTC
Oops, I misread this, I thought it read Donald Trump or "HITLER." Then again, same thing.
2016-10-11 18:11:00 UTC
Trump would but hilary might be as bad if not, worse.
2016-10-11 09:55:34 UTC
If Barry has faith in Hillary lets get it
2016-10-09 18:33:40 UTC
I feel as long as Trump wins, God wins. And once God wins, America wins
2016-10-10 04:19:14 UTC
an empty mountain dew can would do a better job than Obama. have you looked around you to see the mess that boob put this nation in?
Jedi Jan
2016-10-10 19:55:52 UTC
I don't think either would. First and foremost your leader should deserve the respect the position entails. Obama has that respect overseas, whether or not you agree with his policies.
2016-10-10 16:58:22 UTC
Lucinda the Troll would do a better job than obama.
2016-10-12 04:09:20 UTC
They are both bad candidates at least ISIS is under control so Obama is not as bad as most people think
2016-10-13 20:57:36 UTC
NO!!! Definitely not, and I'm currently praying that America can survive the election of 2016, for it may be the last.
2016-10-12 10:29:05 UTC
2016-10-11 11:36:42 UTC
definitely hilary if i have to answer, but i dont think truthfully that either of these candidates are capable of doing a BETTER job than obama
2016-10-09 13:14:11 UTC
nether, both donald trump and hillary would wreck the us economy. they are not fit and qualified. both are also too old and way too rich. they both have scandals behind them
2016-10-10 13:04:49 UTC
I'm British and all I can say it Obama looks cool af
2016-10-10 07:17:05 UTC
The Donald is way over the top - he can do a lot of damage
2016-10-10 23:09:17 UTC
....Donald Trump
Rodeo Mike
2016-10-10 19:22:15 UTC
Trump, it's not even close
2016-10-11 11:27:51 UTC
Hillary is a hag bag Kool Aid Drinking liberal scum bag, she is a liar, theif, and does not care about the American People. She should be in jail. #TRUMPTRAIN
2016-10-10 10:06:37 UTC
Neither- both are even more divisive than Obama and neither is as intelligent or presidential in bearing.
Armchair Goddess #1
2016-10-09 17:32:11 UTC
Our recession-reversing, auto-industry-rescuing, jobs-creating (79 consecutive months of private-sector jobs growth), Dow-Jones-elevating (6900 in 2008 to record highs), manufacturing-base-rebuilding (see, middle-class-strengthening, revenues-generating, deficit-slashing, economy-growing, green-energies-technologies-initiative-implementing, borders-securing, criminal-past-illegals-deporting, terrorist-attacks-preventing, Osama-bin-Laden-getting, Benghazi-mastermind-capturing (on trial in NYC), DACA-signing, immigration-reforms-pursuing, human-traffickers-mass-arresting (see "Operation Coyote" at, Chinese-trade-tariffs-imposing, currency-manipulations-blocking, counterfeiting-preventing, insurers-reforming, banks-Wall-Street-reregulating, international-coalitions-forging, nuclear-weapons-summits-hosting, P5+1-Agreement-brokering, nonproliferation-deals-negotiating (see, ISIL-diminishing (see, defense-contractors-auditing, GOP-vicious-sabotages (six years of sabotages)-transcending, diplomatically gifted, incredibly patient, highly intelligent, and deeply patriotic President Obama is going to be a tough act for anyone to follow, having been an ABSOLUTE GODSEND for this Republican-damaged nation.

However, review the website "The Clinton Presidency: Key Accomplishments" and refresh your memories of how truly great a U.S. President Bill Clinton was---even Donald Trump, when asked who he thought was the best President, said "Bill Clinton"! Bill Clinton was the inspiration for the highly rated "West Wing" TV series, and I've been hoping the series would be revived with Jimmy Smits (the season closer showed the Democrat played by Jimmy Smits won the election) in the role of our twice-elected nation-saving President Barack Obama, and then we can prepare ourselves for our AMAZINGLY QUALIFIED AND MOST EXPERIENCED EVER first WOMAN President! Who will play the role of President Hillary Clinton in the next "West Wing" series, I wonder.

Trump is a disgustingly vulgar lifts-wearing phony-billionaire, fake-haired, mob-tied, unethical, seriously dumb, Alzheimer's afflicted (showing early onset signs, like his father did), incompetent (six times bankrupt), obese, misogynistic, xenophobic, homophobic, sociopathic, dangerously unstable, corrupt nincompoop who really is, as more than 100 prominent Congressional Republicans and most military experts and intelligence officials have stated, UNFIT FOR COMMAND!
2016-10-09 21:02:34 UTC
That's Madame President, to you, and history books.
2016-10-11 09:26:54 UTC
Of the three, Obama is my preference, but term limits apply. Clinton is the better follow up.
mr wenrich
2016-10-10 12:34:28 UTC
I do not know Obama can be bit of a comedian at times
2016-10-12 11:38:06 UTC
Both are evil, however hillary will do better as she is the lesser of the two evils
2016-10-12 08:27:04 UTC
Say No to Castor Oil!
2016-10-09 19:53:55 UTC
2016-10-11 17:28:46 UTC
2016-10-12 09:20:37 UTC
Cobra commander could do a better job
2016-10-11 12:55:33 UTC
Need points. (Trump 2016)
2016-10-10 21:52:15 UTC
of course. Obama is really just doing nothing now. Most of his promises are turned by Congress.
Joseph hola
2016-10-09 14:14:11 UTC
Hilary no. Trump probably not.
2016-10-09 23:18:39 UTC
Hillary would be the best president ever.
2016-10-10 05:30:56 UTC
Hillarry must look at internal production of produce and steel mills.producing factories and rebuilding taken over seas is wrong.rebuilding through media is right .building through media is right
2016-10-11 02:04:14 UTC
No, they are both just terrible. Bernie Sanders or Jill Stein is the real deal. If you want a REAL first women president , Jill Stein is it!
2017-03-27 18:39:15 UTC
donald trump...
2017-03-25 22:52:08 UTC
i traveled outside of the united states over the summer to italy and gernumerous and felt so embarrassed when they spoke on donald trump actually running for president... they had such negative laughing reaction to donald trump that i was embarrassed to be from a country they laughed at... i am not hillary's biggest fan but she is much a better choice than trump... u...s... has survived bad president's before but never a trump...
2016-10-10 14:23:05 UTC
No no to Trump
2016-10-12 16:28:24 UTC
2016-10-09 22:45:36 UTC
Hillary Clinton ALL THE WAYYY
2016-10-12 13:16:50 UTC
2016-10-12 02:00:57 UTC
clinton tackled the 5-biggest political issues;

[1]. the war in the middle east, [2]. the crime in american communities, [3] the mexican-american border wall and stopping illegal immigration, [4] the drug war and the addicts, [5] trade deficit and building the economy.

she also opted the education for youth programs.

continuing the social-health care program.

since cash flow is the biggest problem in economic systems, clinton and sanders worked on solving it.
2016-10-11 20:31:22 UTC
2016-10-11 02:39:49 UTC
Why can't they ask Obama for another round
2016-10-10 00:28:04 UTC
Kanye west would do a better job
2016-10-09 20:05:15 UTC
I could fart in the White House and it would run this country better than obama
2016-10-10 08:47:02 UTC
Sh!t My barber could do a better job then Obummer.
Sunday Crone
2016-10-10 07:01:53 UTC
Just about anyone would do a better job.
2016-10-09 14:13:38 UTC
Neither, that's why I'm writing in Bernie
2016-10-10 01:58:45 UTC
Hi is in place - they are not in place.
2016-10-11 16:55:54 UTC
No, not in a million years. Obama is the greatest president of the 21st century, no one can beat him.
2016-10-09 20:01:27 UTC
im not votein for a pope,trump cudnt do any worse
2016-10-11 12:39:53 UTC
I don't know. Obama has done so much damage that sometimes I don't believe we can go back.
2016-10-10 13:21:51 UTC
Obama is worst president anyone could do better
Ya girl
2016-10-09 17:58:34 UTC
No Obama is better than the two of them combined
2016-10-09 14:49:45 UTC
Obama is a horrible president. He doesn't even represent the black community.
2016-10-09 18:01:41 UTC
Neither will do better than Obama imo.
2016-10-11 13:48:15 UTC
Trump " CHINA"
2016-10-11 04:40:36 UTC
Donald by far.
2016-10-10 14:42:29 UTC
Yes it would be hard to be worse than Obama, getting the US in so much debt.
2016-10-11 18:10:14 UTC
It's a pro con type of thing
green boy
2016-10-09 22:34:46 UTC
2016-10-09 17:04:29 UTC
My dog could do a better job than Hobama .
Leighane O
2016-10-10 18:29:53 UTC
2016-10-10 15:10:16 UTC
Nope. We will get the same results. Especially black people. And we know what treatment their getting. The same treatment that they've been getting for centuries now.
Mont K
2016-10-10 17:53:06 UTC
neither, but hitlery would help out the average person more, but they will both screw us all over in their own way-i will not be voting ever again, why choose a poison when you can just not at all
2016-10-10 12:34:00 UTC
Honestly, neither will probably. Both candidates will make things worst in different ways.
2016-10-12 06:50:02 UTC
2016-10-10 04:15:29 UTC
My teacher said he will go back to America if Hilary get appointed.
2016-10-10 05:23:34 UTC
We will never know until one them win and get into office.You have to realize humans are fickle creatures:say one thing to win and do the opposite.
2016-10-11 06:34:57 UTC
I don't believe either of them are suitable to lead this country. One is untrustworthy and the other is incompetent.
2016-10-10 02:19:05 UTC
Being am indian i don't know much but i think obama is the best
2016-10-09 17:43:43 UTC
what I left in the toilet this morning could do a better job than obama
2016-10-10 01:45:26 UTC
2016-10-10 07:43:24 UTC
I feel JFK could do better than Shitlery, in his present condition.
2016-10-10 15:44:17 UTC
Don't care
2016-10-10 23:44:33 UTC
they couldn't do worse unless hilarious hilary got in, she'd be a bigger FK up than obama
2016-10-09 20:12:16 UTC
Just because Obama was the president, doesn't mean that he had control over anything that happened in this country. Everyone say that "Obama didn't do anything for this country" WELL DUH... clearly he couldn't do anything because our white supremacists are in charge of it all... Unfortunately.
2016-10-10 01:01:31 UTC
Chump supporters, dominating the "special olympics" for 20 years.
2016-10-11 05:48:59 UTC
Make America great again.
2016-10-09 22:16:50 UTC
if you want to vote trump youre sick in the head
2016-10-10 05:05:51 UTC
2016-10-10 16:01:35 UTC
2016-10-09 13:11:39 UTC
of course, obama has doubled the national debt in his 8 years
2016-10-10 13:01:09 UTC
I think all three would make wonderful order takers at the local drive thru.
2016-10-12 11:41:25 UTC

2016-10-12 02:36:38 UTC
trump for lyfe
2016-10-10 11:25:07 UTC
Yes. he would run government more like a business and we would not have such a deficit.
2016-10-10 06:08:03 UTC
2016-10-09 15:55:25 UTC
Only if the senate and the house would agree and stop blocking and veto all of the important bills
2016-10-11 11:17:04 UTC
Neither. They both are idiots. America is screwed
2016-10-10 06:39:32 UTC
A pigeon could do better than any of them
2016-10-10 07:16:33 UTC
2016-10-11 07:22:09 UTC
Neither, our only hope of improving this country was Bernie.
2016-10-10 08:44:51 UTC
2016-10-10 02:17:18 UTC
I wish it was Bernie. Life just sucks
2016-10-10 07:19:32 UTC
Obama is best. no one beats him. if u think hilary or trump is better than him, u r crap
2016-10-12 03:46:04 UTC
2016-10-09 15:38:58 UTC
2016-10-09 22:18:03 UTC
hillary...dump trump...nothing good rymes with trump...trump cant make america great again....he cant own make his hair great again!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
2016-10-10 04:02:49 UTC
2016-10-11 13:15:59 UTC
hillary !
2016-10-10 10:24:51 UTC
2016-10-09 18:35:32 UTC
2016-10-10 12:44:52 UTC
i think the janitor could do a better job than obama
2016-10-09 17:48:27 UTC
2016-10-10 18:38:30 UTC

arming the Kurds= arming the kurdish terrorist groups
Lynda R
2016-10-10 09:12:24 UTC
anyones better than obama
2016-10-11 05:47:21 UTC
2016-10-11 17:56:36 UTC
Gary Johnson anyone???
2016-10-13 18:54:07 UTC
2016-10-12 02:41:07 UTC
Anybody would just do better than those two losers put together!
2016-10-10 18:33:33 UTC
i dont think so. maybe hilary with her experience but not president really makes a difference. its all about politics and money
2016-10-10 15:16:30 UTC
To be honest, they are both horrible and should drop out of election :)
2016-10-09 20:29:15 UTC
2016-10-10 16:54:29 UTC
2016-10-10 00:55:58 UTC
2016-10-10 09:24:48 UTC
Don't vote for anyone. Thats my plan.
2016-10-09 21:44:30 UTC
AMEN... may it be Hillary
2016-10-11 08:21:09 UTC
None of them
2016-10-10 02:47:46 UTC
yes of course
2016-10-09 22:53:42 UTC
2016-10-12 08:53:56 UTC
2016-10-10 21:35:48 UTC
Trump all the way!
2016-10-10 16:43:41 UTC
No, not really honestly. I just which that we could keep him for another four years.
King Midas
2016-10-10 02:09:56 UTC
Hell no! They are both bad choices for America!
2016-10-10 17:23:05 UTC
Trump all the way.
2016-10-10 06:59:42 UTC
HILLARY CLINTON | Mother America
2016-10-09 23:46:29 UTC
They are all the same. Only looking out for themselves.
2016-10-10 01:00:24 UTC
amberiz2fine loves jim morrison
2016-10-11 03:57:01 UTC
Neither they are both evil and corrupt
2016-10-13 03:26:47 UTC
Honestly, my sweaty nutsack would do a better job.
2016-10-11 09:20:06 UTC
obama is way better than these two jokers
2016-10-10 20:20:21 UTC
Hmm good one
2016-10-10 10:46:31 UTC
We all know this is gonna be crap under either of them so who cares.
2016-10-10 14:28:21 UTC
2016-10-10 16:24:43 UTC
Both would
2016-10-10 13:27:31 UTC
Neither they are both crazy af
2016-10-10 12:31:10 UTC
2016-10-09 15:47:45 UTC
At what? Doing what the Jews tell them to do?
2016-10-10 14:55:37 UTC
Non of them will
Weasel McWeasel
2016-10-12 22:55:57 UTC
No, I do not.............I feel that both are simply in it for the glory, and either would probably make a crappy president.
2016-10-11 08:55:39 UTC
Im still so confused and undecided
2016-10-09 13:12:16 UTC
obama has not done well. so much messed up. dont know though
2016-10-12 11:35:17 UTC
Neither one of them
2016-10-09 21:05:06 UTC
No... Its not positive to same to barak obama..
2016-10-10 19:37:21 UTC
I don't know
2016-10-11 15:57:27 UTC
trump would!

hilliary would be worse #maga
2016-10-10 05:44:51 UTC
Probably, you never know until you find out.
2016-10-12 17:47:57 UTC
neither they all suck. it would be better if they all died off and we got a new better persson running
2016-10-10 15:03:19 UTC
Nope not at all. Enough said.
2016-10-10 10:10:35 UTC
I like potatoes.
amit g
2016-10-09 22:50:08 UTC
a chif from ny tribe can b better then those clowns
2016-10-10 16:12:07 UTC
Both would do better
2016-10-11 16:17:07 UTC
idk, hes going to get handlers weather he thinks he needs them or not.

one of the things one learns when becoming president,is

you have to sit down for a half hour after you learn whats really going on.
2016-10-10 04:58:55 UTC
Neither really
Gentile G
2016-10-09 21:41:02 UTC
2016-10-10 20:23:56 UTC
No, I don't.
Black Sabbath
2016-10-13 00:19:43 UTC
neither in my opinion American politics are really in the gutter right now
2016-10-09 21:10:02 UTC
hillary would
2016-10-10 04:07:19 UTC
just shoot them both and have a new election with logical people
2016-10-10 10:05:53 UTC
2016-10-10 19:15:29 UTC
Neither. We are screwed either way.
2016-10-10 02:56:11 UTC
2016-10-14 07:16:10 UTC
2016-10-15 03:24:37 UTC
They are all them same
2016-10-11 14:55:57 UTC
2016-10-11 15:36:00 UTC
2016-10-10 11:01:19 UTC
We would never really know until it happens.
2016-10-10 23:35:55 UTC
Either of them can do
2016-10-11 08:17:03 UTC
Neither of them.
2016-10-10 22:02:20 UTC
No none of them
2016-10-11 17:29:30 UTC
2016-10-11 19:21:00 UTC
who cares
2016-10-09 16:57:52 UTC
to preside
Rajavardhan MaraM
2016-10-10 02:19:03 UTC
I don't think so.
2016-10-11 18:57:19 UTC
2016-10-10 00:41:45 UTC
Unfortunately, none of them can.
2016-10-10 10:41:32 UTC
2016-10-10 01:37:00 UTC
Jimmy C
2016-10-12 12:39:36 UTC
Yes I do.
2016-10-09 15:14:33 UTC
That n!gger is terrible
2016-10-10 10:42:44 UTC
Trump2016!!! All the way to the white house.
2016-10-10 05:49:48 UTC
it doesn't matter because of the politicians for themselves
2016-10-10 10:26:22 UTC
same game, different face
2016-10-11 16:43:26 UTC
muffled screaming
2016-10-11 23:51:11 UTC
2016-10-12 13:24:26 UTC

2016-10-12 06:40:11 UTC
2016-10-12 07:27:27 UTC
2016-10-11 05:16:03 UTC
2016-10-10 01:08:17 UTC
2016-10-11 21:21:12 UTC
I prefer neither.
2016-10-11 13:01:17 UTC
Izza Tipu
2016-10-11 08:27:27 UTC
2016-10-14 16:55:16 UTC
heck no obama was the man
2016-10-12 07:07:04 UTC
black is better than yellow or white
2016-10-10 13:22:19 UTC
2016-10-10 07:29:03 UTC
The Football God
2016-10-10 03:27:24 UTC
No and that is saying alot.
2016-10-13 11:35:24 UTC
you're funny
2016-10-09 17:29:23 UTC
Can they beat a monkey
2016-10-10 12:20:32 UTC
2016-10-10 08:34:56 UTC
No. But she is the best choice you have.
2016-10-12 06:57:29 UTC
Not sure
2016-10-12 13:50:16 UTC
Are you on drugs ?
2016-10-10 23:34:12 UTC
We are screwed
Fernanda Perez ramirez
2016-10-12 10:52:08 UTC
hilary will win
2016-10-10 10:41:10 UTC
nn n
2016-10-10 08:45:21 UTC
I don't think that they could do a "better job" than Obama. Some aspects of their individual abilities might outshine Obama, but I think that, even though I was not going to vote for Obama (I am not 18 yet) to be in term for another 4 years, I still see him as an extremely capable president, who has done what he could to keep America safe, and help other countries.

While Trump might be able to get America out of our debt, he is very opinionated, and tends to be immature when sharing these opinions. A positive quality that Trump has is his ability to negotiate. Somehow Trump always seems to get his way, and this would help America because being able to sell an idea is important. On the other hand, terrorism is very prominent right now, and if Trump cared about our country and the citizens inside of it he would drop out of the election, because he is a very abrasive person. He doesn't care if people like him, and if he acts the way he does directed towards terrorist groups of other countries, than we, as America, will have a serious issue. The reason he hasn't dropped out is because he is conceded and thinks too highly of himself to give up. Trump is power-hungry. Having a man who would put himself before him people, is NOT what America needs.

Now onto Hillary. Hillary is very experienced in politics, and her capabilities with foreign policy outshine Trump and Obama's abilities. Hillary, unlike Trump, is a strong feminist and I believe she would be much better with antisemitism than Trump, who I expect would invalidate the issue. Hillary could be the first female president, and this would help America, by gaining the perspective of someone who isn't a powerful male. Although Hillary is politically equipped to be the next president, she has been involved with so many scandals. I think it is irritating that the email thing keeps being brought up because that really has nothing to do with being president and that is in the past, but it does make sense why she would not be trusted by a lot of people. I am not a democrat, but if I could vote/ had to, I would vote for Hillary. There are so many things that could go wrong, but much more that could go wrong with Trump. My last note on why Hillary would not be as productive of a president as Obama is because she thinks America should have a strong presence everywhere. This can and has started wars because so many countries hate us for not minding our own business.
2016-10-10 18:22:46 UTC
2016-10-10 12:48:16 UTC
I dont
2016-10-10 06:22:59 UTC
white lives matter :)
2016-10-10 05:33:14 UTC
2016-10-10 10:21:25 UTC
I donot think so.
2016-10-11 17:52:40 UTC
2016-10-12 18:32:55 UTC
Is there an "Other" option?
2016-10-10 09:54:07 UTC
2016-10-09 22:06:35 UTC
Both will get you all killed.
2016-10-10 16:50:36 UTC
2016-10-10 06:08:22 UTC
NEITHER. they both SUCK. Thank you for the points.
2016-10-10 02:48:42 UTC
campaigns ,elections ,promises .implementation??????/?
2016-10-12 13:25:40 UTC
Not at all.
2016-10-10 07:02:35 UTC
short answer neither.
2016-10-10 19:17:10 UTC
Jordan D
2016-10-10 16:19:31 UTC
2016-10-10 12:03:59 UTC
2016-10-10 11:33:17 UTC
2016-10-10 09:09:06 UTC
2016-10-09 13:28:16 UTC
2016-10-11 21:22:20 UTC
2016-10-10 08:55:58 UTC
2016-10-12 09:32:15 UTC
No way.
2016-10-10 05:22:59 UTC
2016-10-09 20:03:26 UTC
No, I doubt it
2016-10-10 07:34:26 UTC
Is this the best we can do?
2016-10-12 20:48:42 UTC
ok, its comfirmed.

America is ******.
2016-10-11 16:27:51 UTC
Obama is the best....
2016-10-10 07:01:24 UTC
Not sure.
2016-10-12 04:41:04 UTC
2016-10-10 15:31:26 UTC
neither. but we will see.
2016-10-11 15:48:14 UTC
Not really..
2016-10-11 13:21:51 UTC
Saad Khan
2016-10-11 06:55:25 UTC
they are the same
2016-10-10 13:09:21 UTC
Rose B
2016-10-10 15:43:16 UTC
Either, they both suck.
Rony Parkar
2016-10-14 00:42:14 UTC
i dont think
2016-10-11 14:16:27 UTC
no he was good
2016-10-11 22:27:18 UTC
no they wouldnt
2016-10-10 07:38:31 UTC
no i do not
2016-10-10 10:49:04 UTC
No, I do not.
2016-10-11 06:56:32 UTC
2016-10-10 10:32:13 UTC
2016-10-10 09:46:03 UTC
2016-10-12 23:39:14 UTC
2016-10-12 02:04:04 UTC
2016-10-10 19:42:41 UTC
2016-10-10 17:59:27 UTC
Feliz The Cat
2016-10-10 15:22:20 UTC
2016-10-10 10:18:46 UTC
2016-10-10 02:23:58 UTC
2016-10-12 08:42:41 UTC
2016-10-10 11:23:27 UTC
2016-10-12 00:55:41 UTC
2016-10-09 15:13:37 UTC
2016-10-09 18:20:56 UTC
**** TRUMP
2016-10-09 18:14:42 UTC
Hell no
2016-10-12 18:18:36 UTC
Immune to Indoctrination
2016-10-09 13:14:32 UTC
2016-10-11 04:52:49 UTC
Ninja Turtles
2016-10-12 09:35:21 UTC
2016-10-13 04:20:24 UTC
2016-10-09 22:05:46 UTC
2016-10-11 11:07:52 UTC
2016-10-11 00:14:21 UTC
No!...hell no!.. no no no!
The amazing atheist
2016-10-10 15:51:37 UTC
Madeline Cardon
2016-10-10 22:16:01 UTC
2016-10-11 15:56:02 UTC
You Know . . .
2016-10-11 18:42:34 UTC
No . . .
2016-10-11 18:07:15 UTC
2016-10-10 03:55:06 UTC
2016-10-10 00:04:04 UTC
2016-10-10 11:45:09 UTC
2016-10-11 00:26:58 UTC
2016-10-12 07:31:01 UTC
2016-10-11 16:58:47 UTC
idk honestly
2016-10-11 14:32:15 UTC
lexi cleark
2016-10-09 21:06:12 UTC
Trump duh

This content was originally posted on Y! Answers, a Q&A website that shut down in 2021.