They do not believe that government is futile.
They believe in limited government at the federal level.
When you limit government on the federal level you give state and local government more power to dictate the rights of the individual person.
Government at the state and local level is more directly impacted by voting unlike government at the federal level, therefore with government the lower you go from federal the more representing of its people.
Our country was founded on the belief in limited federal government. Why should the US government make a law that impacts everyone in every state? Why cant each state make its own laws? When you allow each state to make its own laws it gives people more freedom because after all, if you don’t like your state you can move to another.
With federal law if you don’t like the laws you have to immigrate to another country.
The Republican Party believes that the larger the government is, the more inefficient it is.
Unlike in business, the US government has no competition.
When you buy something at MacDonald’s if you don’t like the taste you can simply go somewhere else to eat, you can patronize another business; we do not have a choice like that with the government.
Instead you have an institution with the right to kill, which takes 26% of you paycheck every month.
Democrats what this institution bigger?? I read someone above me stating that Republicans are paranoid because they are afraid of government. You should be afraid of the government.
The bottom line is that the founding fathers and the constitution was drafted so that the individual states could dictate the every day lives of their own people, not the federal government.
As stated before the lower you go in government the more directly impacted it is by voting, that’s why federal government should be limited.
I am not a republican, I am libertarian.
The one thing I cannot understand about democrats is how quick they are to give away their own rights to the government.
They don’t seem to read anything in terms of international politics and history. We are very lucky here in the US in terms of individual freedom. You should always fight to ensure that the federal government doesn’t attempt to dictate rights to you. The federal government should exist to secure your rights, not legislate them away.
Legislating your rights away is what happens when you have a larger government, they take away the right to choose from the people. The government decides that people are too dumb to make decisions on their own, so the government will.
This is how freedom dies.