Now, its been bothering me lately about a few things concerning Sarah Palin.
1) her pregnant daughter. its funny how democrats call her out, and criticize her for this when Bill Clinton had sex with a 20 year old intern in the white house and was impeached. Then they just called it off saying its just sex.. but now its a big issue with Sarah Palin? hypocritical if you ask me .
2) her 'incompetence' about answering questions. Well the one that comes to my attention is the one to where she couldn't name a newspaper she has read. the lady interviewing her was a liberal woman who wanted Obama to win. It was a gotcha! question. Palin is obviously not used to speaking in a national spotlight, but that does not make her incompetent. then her naming a supreme court case? How often do supreme court cases come from Alaska ? it was another question that was remarkably stupid. if you asked her about a policy, or what have you she would have answered splendidly.
3) Her inexperience about foreign policy, and in general. Obama has never run anything in his life. not a business, not a city, not a state. hes a senator, so all he does is make decisions, and make speechs. and at that hes only been doing it three years. Palin has run and city, and a state. and with her lack of knowledge of foreign policy is easily made up for, she has a good head on her shoulders, and has a lot of common sense.
The democrats hate her because she represents good, and shes a threat, everything they hate she is. she has a family, morals, and is a smart respectable woman. Hence they ridicule her.
i can't respect people who do try to degrade another person publicly.