First time voting need help plz?
2008-11-03 09:01:19 UTC
I've been watching the political campaign ads and they all seem to contradict themselves. I have specific issues that I want to see get fixed but I cant make sense of the information enough to figure out which party to vote for.

Here are the issues I do and do not believe in.

I don't believe in abortion. Abortion doesn't make you un-pregnant, it
makes you the mother of a dead baby.
I don't believe in cloning, if we were meant to have multiples of
ourselves we would be born as twins.
I'm undecided about stem cell research
I believe we need affordable health care
I believe we need to provide more services and aid to our veterans
I believe we need to secure our border and not allow illegal immigrants
to stay in our country.
I believe we need to stop out-sourcing our jobs to foreign countries.
I believe we need to create stricter gun control laws and harsher
punishments for those who do not follow them.
I believe we need to find a cleaner source of energy.
I believe we need to bring our troops home from the war.
I believe we need to fix the housing market, help those facing
foreclosures and stop building new houses that no one can afford to
buy because they just sit there empty.
54 answers:
2008-11-03 09:04:45 UTC
It mostly sounds like your key issues line up with the Republican Party.
Gwynneth Of Olwen
2008-11-03 09:19:46 UTC
Both candidates (Obama and McCain) have addressed most of the issues you mention. All I can say is that you need to pick the ones YOU care about the most (and believe, me, as a Democrat, this is REEAALLY tough to write!), go with that!

To me, having jobs (not outsourcing them as McCain would), health care for EVERYONE and control on the housing market (which really affects EVERY part of the economy), is more important than the more "moral" issues that can be debated ad infinitum, like pro-or-anti-choice.

Having studied sociology, anthropology and economics, I can say, without a doubt that, when the economy is bad, EVERYTHING is bad, including our family dynamics, treatment of each other (including women & children), as is our foreign policy--which have never been more crucial, since the Cuban Missile Crisis, IMO.

If you vote for McCain, you are essentially voting for more of what Bush/Cheney gave us, and that bit about "no taxes"--Pfft! Lies! EVERYONE TAXES!!! Also, you will NOT get: an energy policy, an end to the war, any housing assistance.

If you vote for Obama, then YOU, the small guy, will get a LOT more $$$ in your pocket (regardless of Republican smear ads), and in your schools and to go to college or start a business, not to mention put heat in your house and gas in your car and food on your table! These are the HALLMARKS of a DEMOCRATIC administration (just look at Clinton's 8 yrs. in office!).

In the end, though, only YOU can choose. It's a "weighing" game. Hope you think it through WELL before voting..and btw, good question!
2008-11-03 09:15:55 UTC
I applaud you for being deeper than voting on a single issue. Here's the lineup. You can weight your answers and make an informed decision.

Abortion: McCain will definitely flip the Supreme Court and start picking away at Roe v Wade.

Cloning: Not really an issue this year. No one really supports it.

Veterans: Despite his service, McCain was given a D- for his support of veterans affairs. Barack got a B.

Immigration: This is also a non-starter, because neither candidate is a Tancredo-level enforcer, but McCain is getting pushed by the party for stricter views.

Out-sourcing: Barack has said he would work on creating new job and cut tax benefits to those companies that have left.

Gun control: Slightly Barack, but neither candidate would really push for real revolutionary gun control. Barack might try to relaunch the Assault Weapon Ban, but not a priority.

Cleaner Energy: McCain wants to give billions to big oil, nuff said.

Iraq: Obama has expressed interest in ending the war, could be a non-issue if our agreement expires on Dec 31. We could get booted before the inauguration.

Housing: The building industry is not going to stop making houses, it's too important for our economy. McCain wants to help those in trouble with their mortgage.
2008-11-03 09:10:56 UTC
you seem more middle of the road. first i would say check each person on the ballot on this site

it will show you how they stand on each issue. The people are on the left.

I think you are split between constitutionalists and republican. The only real thing i can think of that is kind of strange is that constitutionalists would say that abortion should be a state issue, not a national issue.

As for the rest, it kind of follows one of those two parties. You can also think of constitutionalists as the old republican, back about 20 or so years. The new republicans sometimes called neo-cons believe it is our duty to police the world and control the people, while constitutionalists believe that if the people know the truth, they will more likely unite together can riot in the streets. Also constitutionalists ad hear only to the Constitution and what it says the federal government can and cannot do.

Republican vote is for McCain, Constitution vote is for chuck baldwin.
2008-11-03 09:10:11 UTC
Vote either way.... Obama supports pro-choice if you can call abortion a choice while McCain would be better at securing the borders. Obama will try to bring the troops home sooner while McCain will finish the job and then bring the troops home when it is safe to do so. You can really take your pick, but I would decide on the issue most important to you and vote based off of that.

For me that issue is abortion. I am a father of two and I would not be here if my birth mother had consider abortion an option. I had to dig through the site to get his non-stance on abortion. He feels that it is a personal choice between the mother and her God. that doesn't really say where he stands, but if he were truly a Christian like he claims, then his stance should be clear, abortion is murder. I don't remember the exact Chapter and verse, but in Samuel, the God is quoted as saying the he new you before you were born. That is pretty clear indication to me that life starts at conception.

Sorry to rant, but pick your top issue and vote based off of that. Glad you are planning to vote.

Edit: One last thing, be careful where you go to check out any facts. There is going to be spin no matter the source.
2008-11-03 09:26:26 UTC
Obviously, no candidate aligns with your beliefs perfectly. Perhaps you need to make a table of what is important--issues across the top and down the side and put in more of less important--I use numbers.

Like if provide services to out veterans is less important than restricting OTHER people's abortions to you, then in the veterans services row under the column abortions put a 1/5 and in the abortion row under veterans services put a 5 If the importance to you is equal put a 1 in both places. If something is very important in relation to something else, then it gets a 10 and the other thing get's 1/10

When you are done, add the rows. Now you have a numerical score for each issue in terms of its importance to you.

Then make another table--put the stance of the candidates for each issue. If theirs agrees with you, they get the score, if not they get a zero. Then add down the candidate columns. There is the choice you had in mind--the higher score.

I am pro-life myself but I have mixed feelings. I am not sure it is any service to bring a crack baby or heroin baby into this world, not only because it is an abridged quality of life but because it often adds to the welfare burden, so I have decided that if it is murder, it is a matter between the mother and God. So I tend to make hat one of my less important considerations. Each of us has to confront each of these issues and decide less or more important, now or later or else we risk voting at whim, which is not a good policy. What I just described is a management tool used in business decisions, but it works well wherever there are too many features to think about clearly in some other way.
2008-11-03 09:11:53 UTC
I believe that you are an intelligent young woman.

I believe that you have a comfortable existence and are not accustomed to any type of hardship.

I believe you are an idealistic and uninformed voter.

I believe you live in a world where people are telling you what to believe in and that you have never done your own research.

I believe that you only read headlines and that you don't understand that all of the issues you've mentioned are complex and much more than the headlines that scream them out.

Please, do yourself a favor and listen to other peoples points of views. I don't mean just reading Yahoo answers and such. I mean spend a few months in different company than you are used to.

Expand you horizons and listen to others. Then, you'll know more about issues than what your parents and church decide to tell you.
Wayne G
2008-11-03 09:09:17 UTC
I would say vote McCain, because as the country goes more socialist, as it will under an Obama presidency and liberal democrat controlled congress, we'll have less and less freedoms to believe how we as individuals choose to act/behave in. That's the bottom line. Socialism is not an option based system. it requires manipulation of all citizens. So whatever you believe, if you also believe that others have the same right to choose, then not only should you vote against Obama, but you should vote for McCain.

Redistribution of wealth from those who work to those who don't is another issue you may want to consider in voting. Go by the candidate's past behavior, not what he's promising you now. Past behavior of Obama is tax and spend and redistribute. Good luck
honest guy
2008-11-03 09:17:52 UTC
You seem to line up with the republican party more then the Democrat. Republican outline - Anti abortion, strong military, strong borders, loose gun control, clean energy but encourage drilling to keep prices low until we get it. Bringing out troops home with victory and with a secure area.

Democrat outline - Pro education, working class party (generally). Open borders. Want to bring our troops home now with out victory or security. Pro abortion,

I will admit, I am a little biased, I tend to vote republican (but not always) and there are a couple issues that I would love to talk to you about if you care to E-mail me.
2008-11-03 09:07:29 UTC
Seems like you have conviction and reliable news sources. I think Obama would be better to address your concerns.

If you look in reliable news source, here is the candidate best suited for each of your concerns:

No Abortion: McCain

No cloning: McCain or Obama

Responsible stem cell research: Obama

Affordable health care: Obama

Best veterans support: Obama

Secure our border no illegal immigrants: McCain

No out-sourcing jobs to foreign countries: Obama

Stricter gun control laws and harsher: Obama

Find a cleaner source of energy: Obama

Bring our troops home from the war. Obama

Fix the housing market and help home owners: Obama
2008-11-03 09:40:02 UTC
I think its great that your voting so you need mccain and obamas plan for all those problems.


Mccain- plans on outlawing it which raises deaths in women

Obama-plans on promoting planned parenthood and lowering the need to have an abortion

Cloning and stem cells haven't come up much yet


Mccain- 5000 dollar healthcare tax credit. the people who are poorest and need healthcare don't pay taxes so they will still be sick

Obama-lowering premiums on healthcare for everyone and giving the same benefits he has as a senator to the poor for a very low cost


mccain- minimal help

obama- take out the loopholes so when veterans return they can always get their civialian jobs back as well as mental health benefits

so war time problems can be corrected


mccain- basically build bigger walls using all "american steel"

Obama- secure the integrity of our borders, work with mexico, Crack down on employers who hire illegal immigrants as well as fix the immigration system. because america is still a land of opportunity

job outsourcing

Mccain- just give tax breaks to companies

obama- give tax breaks to companies who bring jobs to the u.s.

Gun control

Mccain- his plan is to let guns be sold without much limitations that means a lot more semi automatics

Obama- his running mate joe biden has been tough on gun regulations to bring down crime in cities since the beginning of his career though this doesn't mean taking away protection from hunters.


Mccain- every time a wind energy bill or other alternative energy bill has been proposed he votes against it.

Obama-plans on using wind solar and other energies to get rid of our dependence on foreign oil.

The war

Mccain- keep troops in iraq for at least another 6 years

Obama-pull out of iraq on a schedule and focus our efforts on a iran to take out terrorist extremists

The housing market is in problems which stem from deregulation of banks during bushes terms which caused our current global recession

Mr. Mccain- keep low regulations free market solves all problems

Mr. obama- regulate the system so that people can get loans who need them and people who cant don't. Otherwise known as keeping banks in line.
2008-11-03 09:11:20 UTC
I think except for the fact that you are anti-choice, you would be better to vote for Obama. He agrees with more of those issues than does McCain. I don't know his position on cloning. I do know that the republicans are pro-gun, pro-war and don't care if we trash this planet as long as we get all the oil we want. They also don't want us to have affordable health care - McCain's plan on tax credits to buy our own insurance is ridiculous - most of us can't afford to buy our own.

Vote Obama!
FakeN F
2008-11-03 09:11:37 UTC
Vote Obama...

I do not agree with Abortion, but I do not believe peoples rights should be removed based on my personal belief.. God will damn them not me!

McCain wants to tax your insurance benefits via your employer!

Without many of those illegals many cities would shut down.. S.D. , L.A. NYC ..etc etc.. we created the demand.. so don't complain about it! You do not want to clean toilets!

McCain wants to give BIG COMPANIES more tax breaks (4Bil to be exact).. but he is to going to force them to bring the work home,.. that's Obamas stand!

Obama is for gun control! Palin is a Gun freak!

Obama wants other energies.. like wind power and no more drilling!

Obama wants to end the war.. McCain said he would fight.

Obama wants to only target Osama.. and get out of Iraq!

Obama wants to help people middle class.. McCain wants to let them fin for themselves.. McCain believe the system is just fine and only wants the wealthy to have tax breaks..

Obama wants to tax the wealthy and reduce taxes on the middle class!

Obama is using Clinton's economic plan.. which created jobs in wealth.
2008-11-03 09:09:25 UTC
Only you can decide, but these quizes might help you - they let you choose issues and then tell you which candidate agrees with you the most.

The first one is my favorite, because it allows you to weight issues, depending upon how important they are to you BEFORE you move on to the quiz, so you aren't having to make choices based upon issues that don't matter to you; it's very comprehensive.

Good luck and hooray for you for voting!

(PS - know that Ben and Jerry's Ice Cream and Starbucks are giving free ice cream and coffee, respectfully, to all voters tomorrow! Go reward yourself!)
Avro Arrow
2008-11-03 09:08:54 UTC
Well, I'll try to total up what you want.

1.) Republican

2.) Republican

3.) Neutral

4.) Democrat

5.) Democrat

6.) Republican

7.) Democrat

8.) Democrat

9.) Democrat

10.) Democrat

11.) Democrat

Well with you, you agree with 7 democrat policies, 3 republican policies and one tie. Just so you know, democrats are pro-stem cell research so if you decide against it, add a republican to the score.

It looks like you're a democrat at heart.
2008-11-03 09:09:07 UTC
If you believe all that your candidate is McCain.

Solidly Pro-Life

Pro-Veteran, is a veteran himself

For reducing the Capital Gains tax (why our jobs have gone overseas)


Wants to bring home troops in Victory not defeat

Obama wants to redistribute wealth, raise taxes, including capital gains taxes so more jobws will go overseas. Supports universal healthcare. Socialist Ideology. Obama sat in a racist church for 20 years and is friends with terrorist, Bill Ayers, and others.

Vote McCain!
2008-11-03 09:06:42 UTC
It sounds to me like you are more republican than a democrat. Obama wants to TRIPLE the taxes. He wants to take from the rich people and give to the poor. While that sounds great to a lot of people, they have to realize that most of these people have worked HARD to get where they are at. Why should someone be able to take the money that they earned and give to someone that hasn't earned it? Do some research before you vote. I'm not going to tell you to vote for McCain because I don't want you to regret it but I do think you should def. think it over. I would def. vote but make sure you know that you are voting for your personal choice and not anyone else!
2008-11-03 09:07:14 UTC
Go to and look at his issues. Based on what you're saying most of your issues are the same as his. (abortion, cloning, health care, veteran services... most of them) I think that John McCain is the right choice for you, but his webstie will provide better insight.

He is against abortion, for more affordable healthcare, anti-cloning, wants to better secure our border, etc.

The main thing is his view on war.

You need to decide which issues are most imprtant to you and go from there.

If you are at all concerned about national security, Mccain is the obvious choice.
2008-11-03 09:06:27 UTC
go to McCain's website and Obama website read over there opinions on these issues. That should help you but make sure to look up the alot of things there out there preaching about our lies so make sure you read thought the facts.
2008-11-03 09:06:27 UTC
Congratulations - You're a real person who doesn't fit the "exact" definition of republican or democrat!

A lot of your views line up with McCain. A lot line up with Obama.

You need to continue to review their stances and make a decision. I've included some sites below for you to check out.
2008-11-03 09:08:21 UTC
You sound like a combination of a democrat and a republican. I can't tell you who to vote for, but what I can encourage to find out what politician supports what causes and get your ideas based of who you believe will better the country.

With that being said, GO OBAMA!

2008-11-03 09:07:08 UTC
for the most part your a republican, but dont listen to how people categorize you

voting is a responisbilty dont rely on someone else to help ypou chose

get the facts you feel are right and make your own choice
2008-11-03 09:07:53 UTC
Well just by what you listed you are leaning Democratic. Issues like guns and abortion are what they call wedge issues and can go both ways.
2008-11-03 09:06:58 UTC
Vote Mccain.

You don't mean you want to ban abortion do you?

That would be awful for everyone involved, there would be a surge in unwanted children.

2016-11-08 09:50:42 UTC
I voted.. three times.. and we gained.. it feels gr8 tht i'm part of the triumphing group and india has been reconginized the international over.. whether that's a private corporation or public is to boot the element..We gained.. and tht is wat must be considered!
2008-11-03 09:09:09 UTC
Voting for Obama will steer us clear of what is currently going on in this country...
2008-11-03 09:06:47 UTC
Looks like you're leaning pretty strongly Republican. Your first issue says it all. Vote what you truly believe in your heart to be right!
2008-11-03 09:09:06 UTC
Your views in general seem to lean more to the conservative side, that means in a nut shell, Republican, if those are your genuine convictions.
2008-11-03 09:06:18 UTC
You have one or two Democratic leanings but you are mostly Republican, you should vote McCain, I don't like him but he's the one for you
2008-11-03 09:06:03 UTC
You are smart. The only thing I disagree with you on is abortion. If my mother was raped by some man, and got pregnant, I would want her not to have to carry that baby.Also, if a pregnancy threatened the life of the mother, I want them to terminate. - Both of these happen which is why I believe in Pro-choice.

I'm voting Obama!

I don't believe in abortion. Abortion doesn't make you un-pregnant, it

makes you the mother of a dead baby. - McCain

I don't believe in cloning, if we were meant to have multiples of

ourselves we would be born as twins. - McCain

I'm undecided about stem cell research - Neutral

I believe we need affordable health care - Obama

I believe we need to provide more services and aid to our veterans - McCain

I believe we need to secure our border and not allow illegal immigrants

to stay in our country. - Obama

I believe we need to stop out-sourcing our jobs to foreign countries. - Obama

I believe we need to create stricter gun control laws and harsher

punishments for those who do not follow them. - Obama

I believe we need to find a cleaner source of energy. - Obama

I believe we need to bring our troops home from the war. - Obama

I believe we need to fix the housing market, help those facing

foreclosures and stop building new houses that no one can afford to

buy because they just sit there empty. - Obama
2008-11-03 09:07:58 UTC
McCain is honest and true to his country..he means what he says.

Obama can't be trusted..he has changed his mind on issues far to many times to count
let me be clear
2008-11-03 09:09:06 UTC
believe we need affordable health care = obama
Side Face
2008-11-03 09:06:14 UTC
Obama, McCain wants to contunie to ship jobs overseas
2008-11-03 09:05:39 UTC
It looks like you're 40% for Obama and 60% for McCain.
2008-11-03 09:05:34 UTC
I dont follow politics as much as most, but I know that neither candidate is going to have the same views and such as you. Who do you feel more comfortable voting for? Read up a bit more on their views, then decide. No one can tell you who to vote for but yourself!
2008-11-03 09:06:14 UTC
sounds pretty mccain/palin to me. just about everything you say you do/not believe in is definitely republican.
2008-11-03 09:06:16 UTC
I think you should vote for obama, but just take this quiz

it will help you a lot more than anyone on here
Cocoa LaRue
2008-11-03 09:06:26 UTC
You are in the middle. Go with Obama. Your concerns are slightly leaning his way.
2008-11-03 09:06:12 UTC

Or you can vote Canada.
2008-11-03 09:05:43 UTC
Looks to be about 60% Republican.
2008-11-03 09:05:34 UTC
Then don't vote. If others have to explain the issues and who stands for what to should not be voting.
faceless one
2008-11-03 09:05:38 UTC
Well then you sound like you need to vote Democrat .
2008-11-03 09:05:48 UTC
Vote for Obama to address most of those issues.
judy p
2008-11-03 09:06:31 UTC
stay home, you have to learn more to vote
2008-11-03 09:05:45 UTC
Vote Sarah and that other guy
2008-11-03 09:05:49 UTC
Obama is your best choice, do the research and choose the best one for you
2008-11-03 09:05:42 UTC
u r a democrat dont be brain washed by right wing whack jobbers
2008-11-03 09:05:29 UTC
Then it is simple just vote for Obama.
2008-11-03 09:05:06 UTC
sounds like your a john mcain person
2008-11-03 09:05:24 UTC
Do the right thing then, vote for McCain.
jo b
2008-11-03 09:05:26 UTC
I'm voting for McCain. He seems like he will get things done.
2008-11-03 09:05:49 UTC
you are a socialist republican
2008-11-03 09:04:26 UTC
Republican, have fun.
2008-11-03 09:05:44 UTC
republican. YEEEAAAHHHHH!!!!!!!!

This content was originally posted on Y! Answers, a Q&A website that shut down in 2021.