ok addressing a few issues here
1) Obama is NOT muslim
2) Obama WAS born in the U.S.
3) Who cares if Obama raises taxes, if that is what is necessary to make our economy better then John McCain will do it too. he won't just do it for the fun of it.
4) it depends whether you are for the war or not, Obama will get us out of this war, BUT if we ever needed to go to war, i have a fear that he wouldn't manage all that well.
5) Candidates running for president have a lot of money, get over it, that is just how it is.
6) The media is nearly always biased, get your research from another source to be credible.
That being said, I am a conservative, however, I am leaning towards Obama more and more the closer we get to the election. McCain voted with bush 90% of the time. While "hindsight is always 20/20," this does mean that McCain will likely take the same path as bush did on issues, even though times are different now. Obama is not perfect, and neither is John McCain. If you wanted a real president, you should have made Ron Paul the nominee.
Sarah Palin scares me. She is so radically conservative, even being perceived by some as a racist redneck woman. While I do not believe she is racist, I do believe that these type of people are the people that are fired up at their rallies. These are not the people we need supporting a president, and they are probably the people who want to plan an assassination attempt on Obama if he wins.
If you want to say why a certain candidate sucks, give a reason, otherwise one comes across as a conservative or liberal bullheaded individual rather than someone who actually cares for their country
May the best man win!