What is the biggest difference between Barack Obama and JFK?
2008-11-03 19:29:36 UTC
JFK..."Ask not what your country can do for you. Ask what you can do for your country."

BHO..."Ask not what you can do for your country. Ask how bad your country can screw you."

Seriously, some have compared BHO to JFK, and JFK would not even get elected by dems today...He would likely get elected by republicans, though.
48 answers:
2008-11-03 19:45:57 UTC
Obama says what can I do to this country. Jfk asked what can we do for this country they are worlds apart in their beliefs and actions, Should"nt even say their names in same sentence.

It really makes me ill.

I have never in my life held so much contempt for a person than i do for what ever his name really is. Barry , durham sotero, whatever, Not even a person I know and don"t like much.

I just feel in my heart this man is evil and has such bad plans for this country. It was my first impression and I'm usually pretty much right on first impressions.The more I hear him talk the more convinced i"m right. he has an evil grin and his eyes too when he"s upset with something. He spooks me..
2008-11-03 19:48:03 UTC
ok addressing a few issues here

1) Obama is NOT muslim

2) Obama WAS born in the U.S.

3) Who cares if Obama raises taxes, if that is what is necessary to make our economy better then John McCain will do it too. he won't just do it for the fun of it.

4) it depends whether you are for the war or not, Obama will get us out of this war, BUT if we ever needed to go to war, i have a fear that he wouldn't manage all that well.

5) Candidates running for president have a lot of money, get over it, that is just how it is.

6) The media is nearly always biased, get your research from another source to be credible.

That being said, I am a conservative, however, I am leaning towards Obama more and more the closer we get to the election. McCain voted with bush 90% of the time. While "hindsight is always 20/20," this does mean that McCain will likely take the same path as bush did on issues, even though times are different now. Obama is not perfect, and neither is John McCain. If you wanted a real president, you should have made Ron Paul the nominee.

Sarah Palin scares me. She is so radically conservative, even being perceived by some as a racist redneck woman. While I do not believe she is racist, I do believe that these type of people are the people that are fired up at their rallies. These are not the people we need supporting a president, and they are probably the people who want to plan an assassination attempt on Obama if he wins.

If you want to say why a certain candidate sucks, give a reason, otherwise one comes across as a conservative or liberal bullheaded individual rather than someone who actually cares for their country

May the best man win!
2008-11-03 19:36:35 UTC
Kennedy had SOME Real Govertment Experience! Obama has Almost None! Plus, Obama Does Not Not Get It! My Sister, Terry, my Husband, Mark and I are Voting for John McCain and Sarah Palin Together first thing in the AM! Then we are All Going To Church Together to Pray that They Win! Plus Obama's Tax Talk is a Lie! He voted to Raise Taxes on People making $42,000 (middle class!) Has AnyOne Else Caught That! I Do Pray So! Peace to All and God Bless! Jane.
2008-11-03 19:37:27 UTC
1. Race. I know it shouldn't matter but it does.

2. JFK was less of a blithering idiot.

3. JFK didn't make a 13 year old get on answers till 10 and try to sway the voters.

4. Obama is alive.

I know a smart person like yourself is going to vote tomorrow. Please think about what I, a kid who tries to stay smarter than the MTV obsessed ones, type here. I know adults are the ones that should care by society's standards. But think who your choice will affect a kid like me! don't pick a candidate that matches your views. Pick one who will help us kids have a great country!
2008-11-04 04:07:41 UTC
Since the only thing I can go on is what is written in the history books, I would say what they have in common is: They were both senators. That is about all I can think of. I am only 42.
2008-11-03 19:38:12 UTC
JFK was perhaps the only democrat I could vote for. Not a socialist obama
2008-11-03 19:39:06 UTC
The priest in the Catholic church JFK attended didn't preach God damn America or that black people were demons. JFK also fought for his country in WW2 in the USN and wasn't friendly with domestic terrorists.
2008-11-03 19:38:52 UTC
Barry is a Sooth Sayer Punk Thug Stuffed Suit.....

JFK's was a Patriotic gentleman
2008-11-03 19:36:02 UTC
Biggest difference... probably JFK is dead and Barack Obama isn't. I would compare Barack more to Jimmy Carter than JFK... I don't mean that is a good thing. I expect our nation to suffer double digit unemployment under Obama... which is why I voted for McCain
Wire Tapped
2008-11-03 19:34:32 UTC
I think of that quote from JFK every time I hear someone talk about Obama being like JFK and know that what is happening is exactly like a three card monte in Times Square
2008-11-03 19:36:59 UTC
Probably JFK was a true war hero. He did rescue his crew when his PT boat was sunk.

That and JFK was born into privilege
2008-11-03 19:37:27 UTC
I agree with you. Obama is nothing like JFK or the Dali Lama, or Martin Luther King Jr.
2008-11-03 19:33:11 UTC
The democratic party is not what it was back in the days of JFK. If anything, JFK would have been considered a republican by today's political standards.

Brucec83: What accent??? I'm from Boston thats how your supposed to talk, who needs the letter R? Everyone else has an accent, lol!
2008-11-03 19:47:01 UTC
Seriously, JFK was very similar to Obama. He got us into trouble with the bay of pigs and Vietnam. But so many think he was great.

he sounded good for the times - saying what ever the drones wanted to hear. he did nothing and got praised for it.

Sound familiar?

He was a puppet and so is obama


¨°º¤ø„ BARACK „ø¤º°¨ Copy and paste

¸„ø¤º°¨OBAMA``°º¤ø„¸ If you believe in the

ø¤º°¨¸„ø¤º°¨¨°º¤ø„¸¨°º¤ø UNITED SOCIALIST STATE OF AMERICA


Maybe the drones cry for Obama and bigger government would be best given then we can really see if we will ever have enough and get back to our traditional values?
Methane Madness
2008-11-03 19:40:13 UTC
JFK was financially conservative, but, extremely ill equipped to handle the Cuban Missile crisis. BHO is a true marxist, and has admitted that the red diaper doper babies were the ones he hung around with.

But, one very important think they have in common: The Chicago machine, (illegal voting). Kenndy won under the fraud commited by Mayor Daly senior, and Obama is scheduled to win under fraud commited by Mayor Daly junior.
2008-11-03 19:34:02 UTC
You are right. Kennedy believed in America and protecting her. He was a VETERAN too. He was also LOTS more experienced than BO EVER HAD!

Kennedy believed in giving back to your country and working FOR your country..not giving it away and making the government taking care of you.

Kennedy would never have made it today.....he was not a socialist. HE HATED THEM!
Sky Blue Waters !
2008-11-03 20:21:39 UTC
One was a good man who really loved his Country !
Gen Tso Meets Gen Tang
2008-11-03 19:35:53 UTC
Listen to BHO's NAACP speeches. He sounds like he is trying to channel JFK
2008-11-03 19:34:13 UTC
Huge differences....... JFK wasn't a socialist/communist. JFK was truly for civil rights and was not a racist. JFK was Catholic and a war hero..... Nobama has not served in the military and we aren't sure what religion he is......
2008-11-03 19:37:25 UTC
Bush promised HOPE and CHANGE too. Where are we now?

Speech of Republican Presidential Candidate

The Duty of Hope -- Speech

Governor George W. Bush

"Real change in our culture comes from the bottom up, not the top down. It gathers the momentum of a million committed hearts."

"This is where my campaign is headed. We will carry a message of hope and renewal to every community in this country. We will tell every American...."
2008-11-03 19:39:52 UTC
Obama is NO JFK
2008-11-03 19:38:25 UTC

"Ask not what your Country can do for you, ask what you can do for your Country."


Ask me what big Government can do for you, not what you can do for your Country.
2008-11-03 19:33:24 UTC
JFK favored the Bush tax cuts. He had the idea first.
Step into the Freezer
2008-11-03 19:36:20 UTC
Everything! JFK was a true American for all his faults. Obama won't even salute our flag.
2008-11-03 19:34:35 UTC
Uhhhh. Obama's not president so how can you compare them? JFK wasn't in office long enough to do anything major anyways...most over-rated president in my opinion.
2008-11-03 19:34:00 UTC
jfk had more experience

and only people who did not know jfk would compare the two
2008-11-03 19:33:40 UTC
JFK wasn't a CFR social-globalist.

Also, obama would never say "Ask not what your country can do for you..."
2008-11-03 19:33:30 UTC
Obama is the only Corrupt-Racist I know. Spending a Billion Dollars on Media Campaigns & Endorsements. With that kind of money, I could get the other Hussein elected President. Not to mention the Billions in Aid he wants to squander in Africa, when our country desperately needs financial support. Obama's strategy is based on repetition. Over, Over, Over, Over, I'm exhausted.
2008-11-03 19:35:02 UTC
barack preaches AGAINST white people. kennedy IS white. see that?

2008-11-03 19:33:10 UTC
I never compared the two.
2008-11-03 19:33:06 UTC
JFK was an American Patriot and President of US. BO is unpatriotic and his tactics make him an anti-American.
2008-11-03 19:34:07 UTC

assasinated/will get assasinated

time will tell.
2008-11-03 19:33:15 UTC
I can see by your rant, you were not alive when JFK was.
2008-11-03 19:32:47 UTC
I agree JFK was a visionary. Obama is a patsy for a socialist cause.
2008-11-03 19:33:58 UTC
JFK is dead, Obama is alive.
2008-11-03 19:33:56 UTC
one likes sexy ladies
2008-11-03 19:33:20 UTC
weren't you a Hillary supporter -- seriously on policy there is no differance
2008-11-03 19:32:55 UTC
Obama doesn't have an accent!
2008-11-03 19:34:42 UTC
racism, and dramatic change.
2008-11-03 19:33:12 UTC
Huh? whatever...
2008-11-03 19:32:49 UTC
not much, both brilliant

we can start at the peni$
2008-11-03 19:32:42 UTC
Yeah, but you didn't have the balls to elect a Catholic in the first place. Still don't.
2008-11-03 19:33:22 UTC
Biggest difference:

JFK was the son of a rich, powerful family.

Obama is a self-made man.

Both are insanely smart, cool, and competent.
2008-11-03 19:32:47 UTC
Ugh, what a cry baby. Who cares?
2008-11-03 19:32:46 UTC
Michele Obama doesn't have any blood stained dresses ??
2008-11-03 19:32:24 UTC
He didn't say that -- why do you have to lie to win?
Capt Cold
2008-11-03 19:32:57 UTC
Oh what a knee slapper, that was soooo funny.

Obama for those with brains '08
Sham Wow
2008-11-03 19:32:26 UTC
obama is blacker than an ace of spades! duh!

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