If you believe that the only solution to our country’s problem is God, then please read this:
The Absolute solution for our country’s problem is to turn ourselves back to God’s way. Only God can heal our land. For decades we’ve been ignoring God’s Word in (2 Chronicles 7:14) that says “if my people, who are called by my name, will humble themselves and pray and seek my face and turn from their wicked ways, then will I hear from heaven and will forgive their sin and will heal their land.” This particular verse in the Holy Bible is actually addressing a nation, a country, or a government not just an individual. The line in the said verse that says ‘their wicked ways’ is the very sin that our country is committing continually for ages. God hates idols (Exodus 20:4-5) "You shall not make for yourself an idol in the form of anything in heaven above or on the earth beneath or in the waters below. You shall not bow down to them or worship them” and yet most of our country still worship idols which is the majority in our country. The proper way according to God’s Word is to remove all idols (Mother Mary, and all kinds of saints, including the figure of Jesus on the cross (because Jesus has already risen and not supposed to be displayed in a way that He is still nailed on the cross!), and we should simply display a cross with nothing on it, plain, simple, and Biblical (John 4:24) “God is spirit, and his worshipers must worship in spirit and in truth." History has already proven which kind of Christianity is the Truth. First let us understand how the Roman Catholic came about. The teachings of Roman Catholic was never originated from Jesus Christ, the original teachings was handed over to the first twelve Disciples of Jesus Christ during the Pentecost, they are known as Pentecostal Christians who mainly teaches the original teachings of Christ, but gradually as Priests, Popes, and the Vatican came to power and abuses its authority because of greed and hunger for power, the original teachings of the Bible was distorted up to this day. The early Pentecostal Christians attempted to correct and rebuke the wrong teachings of the early Roman Catholic Church, but since the Catholic Church is rich and powerful, they control the government, and began to see the Pentecostal Christians as a threat to their society. That is why, according to history, the Roman Catholic Church have killed and tortured millions of Pentecostal Christians. Since then, the Pentecostals with the original teachings of Jesus Christ became an underground society to hide from the persecutions of the Catholic Church. If you study the Bible well enough, you will see that the true disciples of Jesus Christ and His Church have always been persecuted, jailed, and is always hidden in houses to conduct fellowships and worship services. Here we can see what kind of spirit the teachings of the Roman Catholic Church has that causes them to persecute Pentecostal Christians; it is the spirit of ‘greed and power’ which is the main spirit of ‘Democracy’. Now let us compare the colonial results of both Roman Catholic Christians and Pentecostal Christians. As the Roman Catholic’s power grew in Rome, so as their colony. The kingdom of Spain became Roman Catholic and was under the influence of Rome, except for the kingdom of Britain where the majority of Pentecostal Christians survived and flourished. The kingdom of Britain remains a believer of the teachings of the Pentecostal Christians. Spain and Britain both have the most advanced ships during their conquest for new colony as ordered by their Kings and Queens; at the same time wherever they colonize they bring in religion too. Spain colonizes and converts people to Roman Catholic, while Britain colonizes and converts people to Pentecostal Christians. Now the moment of truth, hundreds of years later, the colonies and former colonies of the kingdom of Spain are: (to name a few) Argentina, Bolivia, Brazil, Chile, Colombia, Costa Rica, Cuba, Dominican Republic, Ecuador, Guatemala, Honduras, Jamaica, Mexico, Nicaragua, Paraguay, Peru, Philippines, Portugal, Puerto Rico, Uruguay, Venezuela, and more. People in these countries grew up by the kind of government and religion the Spanish have introduced. Hence, these countries are third world countries filled with poor, violence, and corruptions in all walks of life (the spirit of greed for money and power); all these because of the wrong spirit or distorted teachings taught by the Spanish colonizers which originated from the Roman Catholic teachings. On the other hand, the colonies and former colonies of the kingdom of Great Britain are: Australia, Bahamas, Bermuda, British Columbia, British Guiana, Canada, Honduras, Hong Kong, New Guinea, New Zealand, Singapore, and more. These countries however, are prosperous countries filled with wealthy families, less violence, and less corruption. See the difference? It all boils down to the kind of spirit we’re all living in.