Why does everyone hate Obama so much? ?
Dirty Mike
2012-05-07 19:35:22 UTC
He wasn't our best president, but then again, he wasn't our worst. You should consider the position he is in. He came to office when America had A LOT of debt( they still do). Cut him some slack hes trying. Also, what will Romney do? He might be in office when America is also in a huge debt. Will we all complain at him next?

Just for fun: If you were president, what would you do?
Eleven answers:
2012-05-07 19:37:23 UTC
No idea. I like him, I think he has really tried to do good things for our country, they don't always work out but nothing is perfect.
2012-05-08 03:18:46 UTC
He came into office with $10 trillion and now its almost $16 trillion. How much slack do you want. One third of the national debt was accumulated in his three and one half years to date. The other two thirds took more than 200 years. Just for fun if I were president I would say the capital gains tax will not be raised while I'm in office. That is why businesses will not invest or expand. You will see no significant job creation while Obama is in office. I said that three years ago and so far unemployment is still above 8%.
2012-05-08 02:36:50 UTC
I think it's informative to look back at Bush's first year. You might remember that Bush inherited a recession as well. You might have a hard time remembering it because Bush turned it around pretty quickly (6 months.) What is so amazing about that is that he did it after we experienced the biggest attack in the history of our country AND the fact that hurricane Katrina packed an unusually big punch to the United States economy. So keep that in mind in the comparison.

In the last week of November 2001, "House Democratic leaders pronounced that the country was in the Bush recession. That brought howls from Republicans. After a11 they argued correctly this recession began when former President Clinton was in office."

Gee, that sounds kind of familiar. So, can we call this the "OBAMA RECESSION" now? Following the lead of the Democrats, I think we should.

And beyond that, we need to look closely at what Bush did to pull us out of that recession and then look closely at what Obama has done to do the same.

This is practically a test case on what works. Clearly what Bush did worked (a $1.35-trillion tax cut). By July of 2005 the unemployment rate held steady at 5 percent. and The U.S. had generated about 200,000 new jobs a month in the last part of 2005. Look at what Obama did (which is the opposite of what Bush did.) So far we have a unbelievable 10.2 unemployment rate.

I'm not holding out much "hope." How about you? So far, it's clear the boondoogle of the stimulus ("American Recovery and Reinvestment Act of 2009," what a joke) didn't work.

But it is amusing to go back and look at the news when Bush was running for re-election in 2004. The economy was in recovery, but the Democrats were moaning about the 2.3 million jobs lost under Bush in his first term, calling it the worst job creation record of any president since Herbert Hoover. 2.3 million is the number of jobs lost under Obama in his first year.

In December of 2004 the U.S. added 157,000 new jobs, which the Democrats lamented as an "underwhelming performance." Oh, what we wouldn't give for an underwhelming performance now.

Then there is the deficit. Oh, how we hated Bush's spending. But Obama has made Bush look like a Texas housewife in spending compared to Obama's Paris Hilton ways. The White House 2009 budget deficit projection is a staggering $1.8 trillion. For context, it took President Bush more than seven years to accumulate $1.8 trillion in debt. Right now obama has added... debt was $10.626 trillion on the day Mr. Obama took office. The latest calculation from Treasury shows the debt has now hit $14.639 trillion The latest calculation from Treasury shows the debt has now hit $14.639 trillion

Are people stupid enough to reelect Obama?

2012-05-08 02:38:01 UTC
I'm already too lazy to copy & paste my list of complaints against Obama, you'll have to look it up yourself. As for Romney, he'll at least be willing to cut spending and lower taxes. As for what I would do if I was president, consult Ron Paul. Balance the budget by eliminating five unconstitutional departments, reduce spending on healthcare, social security, and other social welfare programs, get our troops out of the 9000+ indulging military bases around the world, while eliminating all income taxes and abolish the IRS and setting the the corporate taxes to a flat rate of 15%, still managing to cut $1 trillion dollars just the first year and balance the budget in 3 years.
2012-05-08 02:53:06 UTC
Obama promised things that he knew would be hard to live up to. He also inherited a declining economy. But what makes it hard to recover is the fact that most of the world is also suffering from economic decline. It's a known that war usually brings deficits. Of course the u.s. usually isn't effected by it considering germany paid for our war expenses for wwi and wwii. Who's to, party for the recent war? Americans.. The war was obviously an act of retaliation because we constantly try to show our dominance. War after a newly recovered economy was a bad idea on congress' part and now they're covering their butt.
2012-05-08 21:34:27 UTC
I think it mainly the republicans and some idiot people who think things will get better under Mitt Romney is in for a huge surprise. Things will get worse you heard him about let bankrupt Detroit.
2012-05-08 08:14:40 UTC
Let's see:

he signed



-Allowed CISPA to go through

-Resigned the Patriot Act

-He said he would NOT sign there or allow.

Lies perhaps?

That's just a small part.

Repubs & Dems are in the same boat bought & paid for by the bankers.
2012-05-08 04:07:16 UTC
Remember these? I bet Obama is counting on you to forget them by the time this election rolls around.

“I promise 100% transparency in my administration.”.

“I promise NO NEW TAXES on a family making less than $250K a year.”.

“I will allow 5 days of public comment before I sign any bills.”.

“I will remove earmarks from PORK projects before I sign any bill.”.

“I will end Income Tax for seniors making less than $50K a year.”.

“I’ll put the Health Care negotiations on CSPAN so everyone can see who is at the table!” “I’ll have no lobbyists in my administration."

"I'll close Guantanamo."

"I'll resign if I don't cut the deficit in half by the end of four years."

"I'll unite the people of this great country."

1. He refused to allow the prosecution of Black Panthers members in Philadelphia, who threatened voters in the election with knives and batons.

2. Obama bowed and apologized for the "behavior of the United States" to our enemies overseas on his "Apology Tour".

3. Obama forced legislation of a health care bill, behind locked doors, in the middle of the night, against the wishes of 65% of Americans.

4. Obama's administration allowed 2500 weapons to be let across the Mexican border, and into the hands of Mexican drug cartel members, resulting in the death of Border Patrol Agent, Brian Terry and over 200 Mexican civilians. His AG is now being investigated by Congress where he has been proven more than once to be perjuring himself. "Operation Fast and Furious" was an attempt by Obama, Hillary Clinton, and Eric Holder to promote their anti-gun agenda, and it backfired.

5. Obama invested $500,000,000 in taxpayer money to Solyndra to promote his solar energy policy. The company immediately went bankrupt, and there has been no accounting of the taxpayer money.

6. During the Gulf Oil spill, Obama placed a moratorium on drilling for oil in the Gulf, putting thousands of people out of work. He has yet to remove that moratorium, and the region is suffering.

7. Obama sent U.S. forces to bomb Libya, without declaration or approval by Congress, which he has no power to do under the U.S. Constitution.

8. Obama has practically ruined the coal industry with his policies, and regulations from the EPA.

9. Obama initiated a lawsuit against a U.S. state ( Arizona ) because they attempted to enforce U.S. immigration policy. No President has ever attempted to sue a U.S. state!

10. Obama has appointed numerous radicals to his administration.
Mr. Magoo
2012-05-08 02:38:02 UTC
They don't. Only the neocons do and there are not enough of them to vote him out. I would demand a Constitutional Amendment to take back that which was never given - the "right" of the Supreme Court to interpret the Constitution.
2012-05-08 02:37:57 UTC
Fun question, thank you!

Why does everyone hate Obama so much?

. . . maybe because they love Congress-Persons, Wall Street Lobbyists, Wall Street Traders, Wall Street Lawyers, Health-Insuranace-CEO's, Drug-Company-CEO's and Too-Big-Too-Fail-bank-CEO's so much?

Seriously, though, if I were president, I would hire Bill Moyers to help write my speeches. If I were president, I would do whatever I could to foster:

- Grass-Roots Politics [GRP] not funded-by or controlled-by corporate contributions and wall street lobbyists

- GRP focussed on the health and well-being of small business

- GRP focussed on the health and well-being of small communities

- GRP focussed on small-scale, environmentally-friendly, locally-based, locally-controlled, more-animal-humane-and-less-animal-cruel agriculture

- GRP focussed on small-scale, environmentally-friendly, locally-based, locally-controlled solar and wind energy (subsidize it like Germany is doing, and tax fossil fuel to help with subsidization of solar and wind)

- GRP focussed on tax reform that creates a progressive but very simple tax system with no loopholes [zero out all loopholes and make it difficult to add them back]

- GRP focussed on creating LOCAL CREDIT UNIONS whose major priority is local lending to local businesses/institutions/individuals [and not reselling the mortgages/loans they create], and GRP focussed on encouraging individuals to invest their savings in these local credit unions rather than TBTF-banks.

The chances of seeing real, meanigful, substantive reform ORIGINATE from the current power players in both the Democrat and Republican Parties are very very small.

Short answer: Follow the Money. Educate everyone to follow the money. Get Big Money out of politics, Get Integrity and Small-Folks back into politics, beginning at the local, neighborhood level and extending upwards. . . . To the extent that this does not happen, or is successfully deflected by current power-politics, look for things to get more challenging for the average person.
Eatthe Government
2012-05-08 02:37:36 UTC
Bush didn't inherit a recession...

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