is warmonger john McCain really the best candidate for president?
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2008-04-09 07:19:18 UTC
John McCain is so wrong on Iraq, he can't even get the basic facts about the situation on the ground correct.

Today, as he was questioning Gen. David Petraeus, he again confused the difference between Shiite and Sunni Muslims.

At least five times as a candidate John McCain has stated that Iran (a Shiite nation) is supporting Al-Qaeda (a Sunni group) in Iraq. This is not some minor mistake, but a significant gaffe. He clearly does not understand the sensitive political dynamics in that region of the world.

What's worse is that he's done it at important times when you'd expect him to be at his best -- he did it today in the Senate while questioning the commander of American forces in Iraq, and he did it on a recent trip to the Middle East.

If John McCain can't remember such a simple fact at crucial times, how will he be able to do it as President?
24 answers:
2008-04-09 07:41:33 UTC
I myself just posted the same question, as asked through

John McCain cannot have it both ways. Either he doesn't understand the dynamics in Iraq and the Middle East or he cannot keep them straight.

It disturbs me that John McCain does not acknowledge that the current President of his party launched this war on falsehoods and lies.

It disturbs me that John McCain fails to acknowledge that Al-Qaeda in Iraq did not exist until we invaded Iraq.

It disturbs me that John McCain hears "bomb, bomb, bomb Iran" when he listens to the oldies.

It disturbs me that John McCain hasn't yet signed-on to the Hagel/Webb GI bill but admits he hasn't had the time to give it his proper attention. Seriously, what could be more important?

It disturbs me that John McCain at this late date continues to confuse Shiite and Sunni.

It disturbs me that the MSM is not focusing on John McCain's obvious and dangerous shortcomings.
2008-04-09 07:31:23 UTC

The problem you have is that in some of your cases, you have your facts wrong.

First of all, McCain is NOT a warmonger.

Saying it might take 100 years to stabilize Iraq was an example of his thinking on commitment to stability.

Secondly, though Iran is Shiite, they ARE supporting Al-Qaeda. He did NOT make a mistake on that, and it DOES show his knowledge and understanding of what is occurring there.

McCain's memory did not fail him. He reads the NSC summaries on a regular basis - as probably do Hillary and Obama.

I know the facts of Iran/Al-Qaeda due to reading DIA summaries before my retirement as a military officer a few months ago.

2008-04-09 07:26:57 UTC
The problem is most Americans don't know the difference between those things either. That area has had a lot of internal issues for a while. All most American know about is 9/11, and have been brainwashed to believe that all Muslims are terrorists. Therefore, people don't even realize that what he is saying is either wrong/ or without merit.
2008-04-09 08:19:53 UTC
McCain for President 2008!!!
Sweet Epiphany
2008-04-09 07:39:20 UTC
In the words of Whitney Houston: Hell to tha naw!

After seeing his testimony and hearing his plans for the economy and healthcare I see now that he is even worse than Bush.

I paid $50 this morning to fill up the tank of my compact car. I can't afford another 4yrs with the Republicans.

I want Obama to win this, but if Hillary gets the nomination, I'll happily vote for her before I go with John McInsane.
2016-07-03 17:53:49 UTC
Yeast Infection Cure Secrets -
2008-04-09 07:34:33 UTC
That's what the beginning stages of senility are like.

Unfortunately, not many people are willing to open their eyes and see what is happening.

If there ever was a time for the man to run for, and attain the highest office in this land.....that time has long since passed.

He should have attempted this many years ago.
2008-04-09 07:32:28 UTC
I really think John is trying to make up for our 'loss' in 'Nam with Iraq.

I think he wants to be the one to prove that if we had only stayed in 'Nam another 12 years we woulda won it.

NOT a good sign.
Toasdasa T
2008-04-09 07:45:31 UTC
I read all the other answers and laughed when it said "He hasn't lied"

You really think he'll end the war? no he wont.. so whats the point in staying!?!?!?

Mccain only talks about the war.. he knows nothing else

Terrible Candidate. like Obama
2008-04-09 07:28:53 UTC
What is Bush's foreign policy? Iran is next. He's just more of the McSame.
Vincent Valentine
2008-04-09 07:45:51 UTC
Considering the alternative, yes. Unless you think socialism is a good idea, in which case there isn't much hope for you anyway.
2008-04-09 07:23:57 UTC
Yes he will. In fact, leaving out his experience and ability to reach across the aisle, not being a socialist like Hillary and Obama is enough to get the Presidency.
2008-04-09 07:23:26 UTC
I will bet that you don't know enough about Iraq other than what the left wing has told you to make an honest assessment on the situation. You can't even tell the different between strong leadership and appeasement monkeys.
2008-04-09 07:32:06 UTC
Yes he is.

Now if he lied about it, I would not vote for him.

I guess we all "MISSPEAK" sometimes. I am ok with that.

I am also confident in his ability to surround himself with advisors and cabinet members that are excellent for the job.

I need help running my household, let alone the country.

2008-04-09 07:28:22 UTC
Yes, he is by far the best candidate currently in the running for president, even with all his warts.
2008-04-09 07:24:12 UTC
As opposed to the two high school kids that want to leave immediately and who don't understand Foreign Affairs at all? At least his quotes are Honest mistakes and not made up lies to make him look better.
2008-04-09 07:25:04 UTC
he makes that mistake because in his mind we will have to fight Iran that is the country we should have invaded all along they have proven ties to terrorism around the world the only reason we did not and don't is it would tee off the arab world and there would go our oil
2008-04-09 07:22:25 UTC
The more I think about it, the more I believe that the Republicans know they are losing this year and "let" McCain have this since it is the last cycle because of his age he would run.
2008-04-09 07:22:49 UTC
He'd make a great Candidate for President.

Actually BEING a President would take something he ain't got.
2008-04-09 07:22:13 UTC
That is why we pay Cabinet Members... to help out the President.

Ellis Wyatt
2008-04-09 07:41:46 UTC
"Warmonger" ... yeah, you're really objective.
2008-04-09 07:22:34 UTC
McCain is clueless.
2008-04-09 07:25:55 UTC
2008-04-09 07:22:32 UTC
No. He is to old.

This content was originally posted on Y! Answers, a Q&A website that shut down in 2021.