Lying about what ? They were so desperate and caught off guard today, the Obama people starting admitting their own
[…] Today, on CNN, Obama’s chief strategist David Axelrod asserted that Obama didn’t even know about Ayers’ radical past as a founder of the Weathermen.
He did not know about Ayers and Dhorn? He does not try to find out about the people with whom he is getting involved on a political level as a newly minted politician? He also didn’t know about the racist rhetoric of his pastor for 20 years? And people want this guy who does not know anything to be the next president?
or as Sarah put it today,
Estero, FL
At a rally with over 8,000 enthusiastic supporters at an arena here Palin hit BHO again linking Obama to Ayers. Palin is citing a CNN interview today with David Axelrod who said that in 1995 when Obama met Ayers he didn’t know his radical history. The McCain campaign has been sending the story around all day (please let me know if you want me to forward it.) Palin also said that as Election Day gets closer it “may get kind of rough here” and she may have to “take the gloves off.” During her remarks several protestors tried to interrupt and chant “Obama!” And she responded with what has become her standard line with protestors about her son fighting for their right to protest. She did not address today’s stock market dive.
15:43:51 PM “One of Barack Obama’s earliest supporters is Bill Ayers. Now according to The New York Times, he was a domestic terrorist and part of a group that, quote, “launched a campaign of bombings that would target the Pentagon and the U.S. Capitol.”
15:44:11 PM “Today they’re saying for the first time that Barack Obama didn’t know back then about Ayers’s radical background. But it was only a few months ago that Barack was saying Ayers was just a ‘guy in my neighborhood.”
15:44:30 PM “But, Wait a minute. He didn’t know a few months ago that he had launched his political career in the living room of a domestic terrorist?”
15:44:46 PM “So What’s next? Claiming their ticket doesn’t define higher taxes as “patriotic?”
15:44:52 PM “Or claiming he’s just learned that tax increases on small business kill jobs?”
15:44:59 PM “Claiming he’s just learned that American soldiers don’t actually target and kill civilians in Afghanistan?”
15:45:08 PM “Or claiming he’s surprised that the surge in the war ont errorism in iraq is a success? Oh wait, he’s already done that one.”
15:45:24 PM “Ladies and gentlemen, this is about the truthfulness and judgment needed in our next president and john mccain has it Barack Obama doesn’t have it.”