You know, there just really is no way to keep "sleepers" from the other party getting into your party and biding their time until they're needed.
As far as being "erratic" and "changing themes all the time" I think you must have McCain confused with your dark-horse's-@$$ in this race.
I seem to remember Bro'bama stating he could no more repudiate
dear reverend "god-damn the United States" wright than he could
Then when it became apparent the electorate were not comfortable with someone as president who would refuse to repudiate someone who'd
called down damnation from on high on their nation, he did repudiate
the bastard.
Too little too late.
He's waved around in the prevailing wind on the surge, he's answered
a candidate survey that he'd outlaw private ownership of guns but
now that he's running for office covering the WHOLE country
says he believes in what the Supreme Court just narrowly ruled--
the 2nd Amendment refers to an individual Right of Man.
This prick flip-flops more than a green sunfish tossed up on the bank.
And his policies stink about as much as the fish would after sitting on the
bank in the sun for a day or so-----B. hussein O.
B. O.
Colin Powell is a bigot-vote caster and he's deluded/misinformed that
B. hussein O. is, like him, a NEGR0. B. hussein O. is an afro-arab/white
half-breed. That's why he plays the race card from the bottom of the
deck every opportunity he gets---to give himself the protective cover
of appearing to be a NEGR0 by emulating their typical behavior.
He really has more in common, heritage-wise, with the people who wandered
the african continent buying and shipping the ancestors of modern-day
U.S. NEGR0ES to the west coast of africa so the ancestors of people like
"Uncle Joe" LIEberman and Abraham Foxman could ship them here to
unsuspecting plantation owners who were led to believe they would make
good laborers.
How the hell do you lose a war when you've got slave labor to work for your war effort on the home front?
I can't answer for what some neo-bolshevist demonrat "sleeper" said.
We all know large numbers of demonrats deserted their party during the two successful Reagan elections.
And since we're constantly regaled with this clip of McCain stating that he'd voted with his President 90% of the time, and since many votes upon which the administrations may have an opinion may be items of little or no interest to anyone but some special interest group, why is it the people constantly referring to this statistic AREN'T telling us what the ten percent
divergence was? Was it on matters people seeking "change" would
consider to be substantive change in the features of the current administration they find unattractive?
The answer to that last question is they don't know, they don't care.
They wave around their favorite figure-of-merit like a consumer electronics
salesman of the late '70s would repeat the "total harmonic distortion" of some hunk-of-junk amplifier he was trying to sell you.
Has anyone ever noticed how the arguments of the demonrats usually come down to some quantity or another, rather than dealing with qualities?
That's because they don't have any, to speak of.
Now let's amend this answer with some ammo from your own reference:
One guy says he guesses.
Powell is going on about "the world state"... B. hussein O. is not running for head-of-state of a world state. Powell must be even
more addled than I'd thought. Maybe he's got BSE.
They've got a guy named Adelman on there---gosh, can we guess
he was counting on having a guy named LIEberman one trigger-stroke from the Presidency?
Hagel's wife is going on about "slurs". Nobody's been tossing
slurs at Bro'bama from the McCain campaign--that was me. Does
the stupid **** think I work for McCain? Evidently she believes
Bro'bama's lies that McCain's only issue is that he (B.hussein O., otherwise known as B.O.) has "a scary-sounding name".
What could be more scary-sounding than McCain? Sounds like someone who's going to shoot you with a sawed-off lever action rifle or hit you with a rattan for misbehavior.
As far as Christopher Buckley's pronouncements about B. O.'s potential to be "great" I will counter with a line from a cornered
Louis Farrakhan ---"--greatly evil"
As for Smerconish, the idea of this phony-black hack unifying anything is the most ridiculous proposition I think I've ever heard.
The man cannot even unify his own viewpoints.
Eisenhower has the brilliant reason that he's not old. Some of the
very cultures around the world of the nations everyone is up-in-arms Bush has supposedly hurt our cause with revere *their* elders, but
since they hate us, they don't want us doing what they feel is a successful strategy and revering ours... Whose side is she on anyway? Wasn't her father allied with Stalin?
Well, that's enough of beating you up with your own club for now.
Maybe more later. I have an old B&W movie to watch off VHS.