David C
2010-12-06 21:51:00 UTC
Then enter Bush. Bush takes already low taxation and pushes it to a level that CANNOT SUSTAIN BASIC GOVERNMENT FUNCTION. Now they are saying the Bush era tax cuts go on to 2012. So Obama is not really a President, he is just a space taker. We are in the Third Term of Bush. Still held in the grips of the Ultra Right Wing Coup of 2000.
The United States will fail, if SOMEONE doesn't man up and pay taxes. Social Security will fail, Medicare will fail, Infastructure will collapse, and the US will slide away into the abyss of history as a curiosity.
When will the United States vote in a real leader who will actually lead and not give away the US Treasury to richest 2% who now own 75% of all the wealth on the planet?