2011-08-27 11:58:46 UTC
The Book should have gone out on E-bay it would be a sell out.
Same Version for JFK same for USS Liberty even more recent Oklahomer Bombings all False Flag CIA DIA FBI Bullshit,
Bullshit and more Bullshit is all we end up hearing, But just sit back let Big Brother Brown Shirts walk all over you all just a bunch of pussy cats in power but their days are numbered Ron Paul will Dissolve these Agencies and the Fed let him get to work fast have USA not had enough of the Tyrants the Banksters who give money to their mates for Free the corruption needs to be Burnt out just as they are trying to do to the Truth?
All but verbatim as the Nazis carried out also good at Burning Books wonder where Obama regime learned their tricks Herman Goring?
Now we see CIA and DIA Train the very Terror group Al Qaeda you are all supposed to be so Scared off the so called Perpetrators of 9-11 the Killers of Our own Soldiers no terror fabricate it.
Ask yourselves how Al Qaeda flew recently into the States and are now Set up inside the Libyan Embassy in Washington DC now in Negotiations to get their filthy hand on the Stolen Assets from qaddafi it lookds like Qaddafi funded his Demise himself and with the Money they have seized it will more than pay for the War? 80 Billion goes for one very big Firework Display eh!
Just as they are doing inside Libya its all a fabrication and Proper-gander of the NWO.
Welcome to fascism and Obama Regime.
Coincidentally Americans are not interested in truth only the Lies and the Fairy Stories for the Land of the Suppressed and the no longer home to the Brave.
Americans are Scared of their own shadows and their wonderful Government will Protect them eh! Where behind the walls of the Fema camps