Can Hilliary voters support McCain/Palin now?
1970-01-01 00:00:00 UTC
Can Hilliary voters support McCain/Palin now?
28 answers:
2016-05-31 12:50:00 UTC
I support Obama, I do not support voter fraud. These stories come out every election about both sides and they end up getting a little ridiculous. The biggest problem is they round up people with no jobs, then pay them to meet quotas of the number of people they've registered. It's a perfectly legal thing to do (and rest assured ACORN is not the only organization that does this), but it leads to problems like the ones you're seeing now According to the Drudge Report's links, whenever ACORN officials have received registrations that look illegal they report them right away (at least in Las Vegas they did anyway--that's where the Drudge Report links directly). If they are not reporting them, then that's illegal. Now, the other part of this is--registering someone illegally is not the same as voter fraud-as registering to vote is not the same as voting. If someone showed up and tried to vote under one of these false registrations then it would be illegal. Mark my words-none of this will amount to anything other than a slap on the wrist and the termination of the people who illegally filled out their forms.
Bethany J
2008-10-09 18:31:21 UTC
Hillary supporters should definitely support McCain-Palin. If Obama wins, then it will be impossible for Hillary to ever be President. That means Obama will run for 2 terms and then Hillary will be about the same age as McCain if she would even get the opportunity then. If Obama loses, Hillary can be the candidate for 2012 and win.
2008-10-09 22:28:22 UTC
In someways, McCain is a Democrat, albeit a Reagan Democrat.

I think Hillary is privately envious of Sarah Palin and secretly wants her and McCain to win, so she will be viewed as the knight in shining armor that will ride in to save the Democrat party from the destruction they are inflicting on themselves by nominating the furthest left candidate in American history since Huey P. Long. However her and her husband are hardly centrists or moderates either.

I am biased as a Libertarian-Republican, I willl admit my bias.

McCain -Palin 2008

Palin - Jindal 2012 !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
2008-10-09 14:10:01 UTC
I had already left the democratic party. No way would I vote for Obama. The people who think that McCain will not get the Hillary supporters are fooling themselves.

Hillary supporter for McCain
2008-10-09 12:27:02 UTC
You can randomly take two people and find many points they actually agree on no matter how different their views are overall if you look hard enough. I'm sure David Duke and Louis Farrakhan have similar views on jews but i doubt the Nation of Islam will be supporting David if he runs for president again.

The bottom line is that Mccain/Palin (especially Palin) differ dramatically on too many key issues to persuade Hillary voters to support them. The only reason a Hillary voter would ponder it is the gender issue and that's a pretty hard sell considering Palin is the opposite of Hillary on many women's issues.

They are drastically different on most issues concerning health care and the economy in general. Aside from cherrypicking (like you did in this question), you are not going to convince many Hillary supporters that trickle down economics is the way to go and that is what the Mccain/ Palin ticket is trying to sell.
Apollo Aegis
2008-10-09 12:29:58 UTC
If they did this country would have a serious problem. Joining an entirely different set of beliefs because your candidate is out, only if you were an extremist retard.

John McCain is the worst of the three though, solution of buying banks. I am sorry all his policies follow Hoover's he would doom us. You McCain supporters are blind he tries to give you pre-secured figures the truth is Obama.

Sorry to tell you this but its time for the america we remember to return. Hillary told the public she supports Barrack SHE WON'T BUDGE ON A SINGLE ISSUE, she would lose her chance of ever getting elected if she stabbed Barrack in the back. Her ultimate goal is election, to go back on your word isn't doing so.

AND FOR THE RECORD YOUR ATTEMPT TO SWAY VOTES WON'T WORK. **** YOU STYLE SUCKS. No offense but the first thing you ****** up on, is you don't have any background to your self, secondly pure evidence of Hillary's betrayal. And third entire McCain

plan cough* death sentence.
2008-10-09 12:23:59 UTC
Dream on. Hillary voters are intelligent politically informed people. The majority of them wouldn't vote for this negative mud throwing lying pair of desperate politicians if you paid them. After the way McCain and his attack doggy Palin have been relying on smears, because they can't win on the issues, pigs will sprout wings and fly over Chicago before McCain gets any notable support from Hillary supporters. We are still Democrats and we still hate the tactics of the gutter scraping Republicans who will make up anything and exaggerate anything to try and win an election. What disgusting people they are.


Takfam: Amen to that, you nailed that one!


Quite simply, you are full of beans. I worked on Hillary's campaign. All of the women I worked with on her campaign here in Indiana have come together to work on Obama's campaign. ONE of the over 100 women I worked with in the primaries is a PUMA. The rest of them licked their wounds, about half held out for awhile and then ran like the wind to Obama after McCain picked that malicious twit Palin.
2008-10-09 12:31:08 UTC
I like what Gloria Steinem wrote regarding this question (and I paraphrase): Voting for McCain because you supported Hillary would be like going to buy a particular pair of shoes and, finding the store was out of your size, cutting your own feet off.
2008-10-09 12:20:25 UTC
You miss the point. McCain insulted Hillary voters by selecting Palin. "Hey, we'll just pick any woman that's in line with party values. Those broads will vote for anyone with a vagina."

Hell hath no fury like a woman scorned and all of the pandering in the world can't take back the insult that has already been cast against US women on the part of John McCain.
2008-10-09 12:24:14 UTC

Because Palin is an Idiot. We will NEVER, EVER, EVER let that woman enter into a position that will give her the possibility of becoming Commander in Chief.

Besides, Hillary sent me to the Obama camp.
2008-10-09 12:22:02 UTC
YES WE CAN !!!!!!

Puma is still prowling, and big as ever. They will help elect John McCain

I love the reverse phycology they try to use on us, where was the love during the primaries. We can think for ourselves thank you, and KNOW who Obama is, and for that reason will NOT vote for him !!!!
Todays choices tomorrows world
2008-10-09 12:21:26 UTC
Only in the republicans dreams.
2008-10-09 12:21:05 UTC
McCain will looose no matter how Democrat he turns in the end !
Don't Shoot The Messenger ♥
2008-10-09 12:22:08 UTC
If they were smart they wouldn't. Lol, if that's what cons need to tell themselves to feel better, than whatever. I guess one skirt's just as good as another.
Mary Alice_1979
2008-10-09 12:21:46 UTC
No way.
2008-10-09 12:21:42 UTC

2008-10-09 12:20:43 UTC
lmao. No. Sorry guys, its over.
2008-10-09 12:20:42 UTC
Nope. I didn't even bother reading that garbage.
2008-10-09 12:20:09 UTC
2008-10-09 12:20:29 UTC
How can anyone support those two?! Honestly. Hillary is totally against them. Blah blah blah politics if people support Hillary then they already know who they are voting for.
2008-10-09 12:22:35 UTC
they can, of course, but i don't think a single policy would make most of them switch over so easily. mccain/palin still holds extreme opposite views on basically all things, so there's really no reason.

there are of course the really stupid women who fell for mccain's ploy and switched over when he chose palin, but they deserve to have their right to vote taken away. if a vagina is what makes you choose who is running the country, you're an idiot. sorry.
2008-10-09 12:23:54 UTC
Oh goodness, YES! Especially after I read this link and many more on Obama. He scares the bejebbers out of me and my kids.
2008-10-09 12:22:04 UTC
Hillary voters were going to vote for McCain from the moment Obama stole the nomination.
2008-10-09 12:19:25 UTC
Not a chance.

OBAMA BIDEN 2008-2016
2008-10-09 12:20:25 UTC
hope so! If Hillary wants to run in 2012, Barry has to loose in November
2008-10-09 12:26:59 UTC
I would say they should.
2008-10-09 12:19:40 UTC
They won't. Period.
2008-10-09 12:25:57 UTC




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