Is Obama's tossing three McCain supporters off his plane a sign of things to come if he's elected president?
1970-01-01 00:00:00 UTC
Is Obama's tossing three McCain supporters off his plane a sign of things to come if he's elected president?
43 answers:
2016-05-24 18:39:27 UTC
The source (drudge) explains a lot. They give slanted untrue information. Even if this was a true report - I think Obama has the right to refuse anyone on his plane. Why in the world would McCain supporters even want to be on the Obama plane, if not for underhanded reasons?
2008-11-01 09:55:55 UTC
I heard last night on the news that there is going to be too many people on the plane so they had to decide who to boot off, isn't it funny how they were all newspapers that backed McCain, well that's Obama's story and they are sticking to

PS : it was stated that Michelles entourage is large so they need the room
2008-11-01 09:53:25 UTC
Great point Noppe. It's OBAMA'S campaign jet. Why would he want McCain supporters on there? It's his, not the publics. He can have whoever he wants on there because it is his! If it were a McCain jet, I am sure you wouldn't mind if he kicked the Obama supporters off, which I am sure he would have and I would have supported that as well. Why would McCain supporters want to be on Obama's campaign camp anyway? Trying to dig up more dirt to scare people with?
christine m
2008-11-01 10:00:07 UTC
Big Brother is watching and his name is indication of things to come.When Obama says "Change" what do you think he means? He wants to Change the way our Democracy works.Joe the plumber is more than "spreading the wealth.Obama's supporters had people hunted down anything they thought could bring Joe down, for the simple act of asking a direct question to a candidate that the media were afraid to ask for fear of being accused being racist.Even went into records to see if he paid child support.An abuse of power.Joe's kid lives with him and he has legal custody of him by the way.I haven't seen this crap going on with the Media since the days of Richard Nixon,yikes gives me the willy's
2008-11-01 09:54:55 UTC
Freedom of the press was not in any infringed. That is a private campaign jet, and this is an election. The candidate gets to say who gets free plane rides. Now if it were Air Force II as it was back in 1972, you might have a case.
2008-11-01 09:54:00 UTC
Obama and the left will do anything they can to silence any opposition.

I am expecting secret service any time now...

One of the first items on the liberal agenda is the fairness doctrine which, if passed, will silence many talk radio and media voices. This was one of the main tactics of Adolph Hitler as well...Control the media.

Obama...Bad for America!
2008-11-01 09:52:54 UTC
You weren't there so you don't know. Don't generalize from one isolated incident. They may have been saying inappropriate things not related to the campaign...or whatever. We do not know the circumstances entirely so let's not jump to conclusions. That's like me saying that you are a bigot because you tossed two people out of your car that happened to be...I, or black..or Jewish or whatever and that all your actions from this point forward will be anti-gay, etc. Maybe these people were drinking in your car while you were driving or being inappropriate. All I'm saying is, this is not proof of anything. Sorry.
2008-11-01 09:59:35 UTC
O yes and worse. Soros and Michelle will be in the oval office and obama will be in the infamous hallway, where clinton spent alot of his time. O .soros plz make sure u have larry sinclair there in the hallway to entertain your down low pres.
2008-11-01 11:49:26 UTC
this is just one more indication, along with others, that obama uses fear and intimidation to silence ANYONE who dares to question him or his views. joe the plumber asked a legitimate question and his entire life has been 'investigated'. if obama wins and has the fbi, cia, etal at his bidding, i hate to think what will happen. if you think that Bush has ignored the constitution, well, you will really be in for a SHOCK and i think that it won't take long at all. wait until the pass the 'fair doctrine' act and all opposition is silenced then. for those who think that he is the answer, just remember that you were warned.
Violet K
2008-11-01 09:53:02 UTC
Hello Obama,

Goodbye freedom of Speech (Joe Wurtzelbacher proved that)

Goodbye freedom of the press (this proves that)

We'll see one after another thing fall.

He only "reached across the aisle" for one bill...and it failed.

Our country is in jeopardy.
2008-11-01 12:53:11 UTC
I read the right wing piece you sited, which drags up the old lies about Barack Obama. If the guy who wrote that had been on the plane it would have been tempting for me to hand him a parachute, just kidding. Interested in the truth?

"In the final days of a campaign, it is not uncommon for journalists to be shuffled as multiple news agencies rush to get a coveted seat close to the candidate.

"Unfortunately, demand for seats on the plane during this final weekend has far exceeded supply, and because of logistical issues we made the decision not to add a second plane," said Obama campaign senior adviser Anita Dunn.

"This means we've had to make hard and unpleasant for all concerned decisions about limiting some news organizations and in some cases not being in a position to offer space to news organizations altogether," she said."

Joe Klein gets kicked off McCain campaign plane October 21, 2008

In June, Klein was kept from boarding the McCain plane over what they said had been a security issue. More recently, when trying to fly on the Palin plane last week, Klein told Politico over e-mail that the campaign's response was he “couldn’t be accommodated at this time.”

“I’ve done nine presidential campaigns and this is the first time this has ever happened to me,” Klein said. “I was even allowed—I won’t say welcomed—on the Clinton plane in the summer of 1996 after I was revealed as the author of Primary Colors.”

“I rode with McCain during the primaries, but not since I asked him—at a June press conference—whether he really believed Ahmadinejad was the ‘leader’ of Iran, since he has no control over foreign policy or the nuclear program,” Klein continued. “That was when they suddenly told me that I hadn’t called in time to get secret service clearance. (I had called more than a day in advance.)"

But he’s not the first high-profile critic to get the cold shoulder.

New York Times columnist Maureen Dowd told the Pittsburgh Post-Gazette that she had been “banned” by the campaign for what they told her was “the foreseeable future.” Despite Dowd being kept off the planes, The Times continues to have reporters travel with the campaign.

Similarly, other Time magazine staffers, including Washington bureau chief Jay Carney, " reporter Michael Scherer, and Mark Halperin (The Page), have not had a problem with access.

Klein noted that a couple weeks ago he told McCain adviser Nicolle Wallace about planning to get on the McCain plane again, and by his account, “she seemed to think it would be fine.” (Wallace has not yet answered a request for comment).

One thing seems clear about not getting on the Palin plane: space wasn't an issue. According to a reporter traveling with the campaign, there had been a few empty seats last week.

“My understanding is that his request came in too late,” Palin spokesperson Tracey Schmitt said.

So either Klein is consistently too late putting in requests, or the campaign just doesn't really want him aboard."

Two months ago, after Newsweek published an article the McCain camp didn't like, McCain aide Mark Salter reportedly threatened to throw the magazine's reporters off the campaign bus. During the 2000 campaign, an Arizona Republic reporter was kicked off the bus after her newspaper ran an editorial questioning whether McCain "has the temperament and the political approach and skills we want in the next president of the United States." In August 2006, a senior McCain strategist allegedly told another Arizona Republic reporter he was "off the bus" after an article the McCain camp didn't like.

In late June, The Washington Post reported that McCain's new campaign plane features a "special area" with a couch and captain's chairs where McCain will conduct interviews -- and that Salter said "only the good reporters" would get to sit in the area; "You'll have to earn it."

"An opaque brown curtain separates McCain from the traveling press corps. It remained closed through most of the flight this morning from Nashville to Allentown, Pa. A flight attendant opened it during descent.

At no point was McCain visible. His motorcade dropped him near the front of the plane on the rainy tarmac in Nashville. McCain boarded and spent the rest of the flight in his front cabin.

Is the McCain curtain ever open mid-flight?

“Never," an aide said.

One member of the news media did get access to McCain en route to the Pennsylvania stop. About 30 minutes into the flight, top McCain aide Steve Schmidt appeared and waved to conservative talk show host Sean Hannity.

Hannity came up, passed through the curtain and disappeared into McCain-land."

"John McCain's famously cozy relationship with the press is getting a bit testy. Taking questions in Columbus, Ohio, on Thursday the Arizona Republican blew off Wall Street Journal reporter Elizabeth Holmes, right after she stated her name and affiliation.

"Who else has a question," McCain interjected
2008-11-01 09:52:45 UTC
Of course it is! That's how he won his Senate Seat, by eliminating the other candidates from the ticket! After elimination of those candidates, he ran un-opposed!
2008-11-01 09:51:22 UTC
Obama's reached across the aisle his whole career, like working on legilstaion to contain rogue nukes with Republican Sen. Richard Luger. The truth is that there is limited space on the campaign plane and Obama has been far more tolerant of conservative news outlets on his plane than McCain has been of liberal news outlets.
2008-11-01 09:52:36 UTC
After he elected , he toss them off the plane IN FLIGHT--he is not that brave yet, but real cocky for someone who hasn't won yet
2008-11-01 09:52:49 UTC
Sounds as if you all are talking about MCCAIN not OBAMA because if you were talking about Obama...well you must be completely oblivious to whats going on in our world. I'll leave it at that.
2008-11-01 09:52:33 UTC
And if they try to sneak back on he toss them off at 30,000 feet.
2008-11-01 09:47:53 UTC
Forget the three McCain supporters. Whatever happened to freedom of the press?
2008-11-01 09:48:17 UTC
Yep. The republicans would all be "thrown out of the plane".
2008-11-01 09:51:27 UTC
Typical spin. This close to the election, why would anyone invite the company of those whose sole intention it so create false slander and smear? Protecting one's self from the Republican dirty tricks machine only makes sense. This has nothing to do with free press.
2008-11-01 09:49:46 UTC
Wow....that sounds a lot like Stalin and Mussolini who killed anybody in opposition to their dictatorship. Great...wonderful. This is just wonderful.

He is a beast.
2008-11-01 09:49:29 UTC
What you are seeing now is Obama on his very best behavior to try to get your vote.....if he becomes president he will no longer feel the need to behave himself.
James V
2008-11-01 09:46:59 UTC
2008-11-01 09:51:42 UTC
He said he didn't have room. Does he think we are all stupid?
2008-11-01 09:51:47 UTC
How is that different from the way Bush has had peaceful protestors removed from his public speeches?
2008-11-01 09:47:23 UTC
yes, this is a clear indidation that Obama will eliminate freedom of the press, start locking up people who disagree with him, and ultimately end with him building gas chambers and killing anyone and everyone who disagrees with him.

there, that make you happy?
Often Imitated, NEVER Duplicated
2008-11-01 09:48:52 UTC
Remember, this guy is going to unite the country. Somehow.
Mrs. Smith
2008-11-01 09:48:14 UTC
It's his authoritarian and dictatorship essence in action.

America - be very afraid.

BTW - did you hear about his illegal aunt living here on public assistance? WHY HASN'T HE BEEN REDISTRIBUTING HIS WEALTH TO HER? He has millions upon millions, and she is living off of you and me. Outrageous.
2008-11-01 09:50:24 UTC
You failed to mention Mccain did the EXACT SAME THING.
2008-11-01 09:48:47 UTC
Obama is a phoney.
2008-11-01 09:48:02 UTC
Yep. We can expect censorship and secrecy from an Obama Presidency. This guy is change we can't afford.
2008-11-01 09:48:33 UTC
No babe, it's not that sinister at all.

It is a sign that everyone wants to ride with Obama and his plane does not have seats for all of them
2008-11-01 09:49:56 UTC
Nah. He didn't toss them at 30,000 feet you know.....
2008-11-01 09:49:40 UTC
wendy c
2008-11-01 09:49:34 UTC
wel... he will have a bigger plane, and he will still have the authority to choose who gets on the plane.

What is your point??
2008-11-01 09:49:48 UTC
Oh please. McCain did the same thing with Time and Newsweek reporters.
2008-11-01 09:48:10 UTC
Does that mean I can find your car and sit there without you throwing me out?

Surely you couldn't be that hypocritical?
2008-11-01 09:47:27 UTC
Get real. Both campaigns do that. It's politics 101.
No more handouts
2008-11-01 09:47:09 UTC
Yes. Once a thug...
2008-11-01 09:46:54 UTC
He's going to throw me in jail if I don't buy his health insurance
sorry sista
2008-11-01 09:46:32 UTC
Sadly, yes.
Dr. Stew Cranberry
2008-11-01 09:48:01 UTC
Good, I would have thrown them out while the plane is in the air.
Caribou "LIPS" Barbie™
2008-11-01 09:47:32 UTC

I hope so, Republican.

FOX NEWS days are numbed.
2008-11-01 09:47:11 UTC
the GOP isn't any better

This content was originally posted on Y! Answers, a Q&A website that shut down in 2021.