What does Obama's victory mean to the black community?
2008-11-05 10:44:31 UTC
I know he is mixed. The news accepts him as black so I guess I can too although people say otherwise. On the news they want to know what his win means to the black community and I love to know to. Please only positive answers! Thanks.
42 answers:
2008-11-05 10:56:06 UTC
I can't answer for the entire community of African- Americans, but I can say that for me it means a president that will no longer look at things in black and white, but strive to address that grey area. For example, he won't look a statistic that might says that minorities are more likely to be unemployed and accept that a the last answer. He will strive to find out why! For me it means that I have a president that can I identify with the needs and the wants of the American people and that consists of the poor and working poor (middle class). Those to socioeconomic groups go well beyond color. So many people believe that black people only voted for Obama because he is black! Our souls run deeper than color alone. Obama is for the people, by the people in every sense of that statement. Having Obama as our president doesn't that we are looking for handouts or anything else. But we are looking for someone who can identify with minorities, the poor, and the middle class. His win also means that he has opened a new door. No longer will little black girls or black boys view that becoming a president of our country is impossible! America once prided itself on being the melting pot of the world, a country where all can come to strive for a better life! Its about time we got back to our ROOTS!
2008-11-05 10:49:22 UTC
2008-11-05 10:58:05 UTC
Wow, there are a lot racists answers on this. Obviously, I'm not black, but just as a citizen of this country it makes me proud. After a few hundred years finally a person of color will be in the white house. I was watching the news last night and there were many black people in tears. What a feeling it must be. I think a lot of white people take it for granted having only a white president in office. It is the only thing we know, from history books to the present. This change is very good, It feels like progress is actually happening in this country.
2008-11-05 10:53:09 UTC
It means the world to me. This was the biggest event ever. This tops Super Bowls, Play Offs, All Star games, everything! This gives African American more confidence in the USA, to know that this is possible. Who would ever guess.
2008-11-05 10:49:46 UTC
It means that the world is changing because every race voted for Obama not just blacks. So right there I could see that there are good people out there who does not look at Obama's color but what he can offer the country.
2008-11-05 10:58:08 UTC
I would hope it wouldn't mean anything to the "black community". We are not suppose to be a black white yellow brown red community, america is more based on a class system of low mid and high, an every mix in between. But this presidential race has turned it into a black and white thing. Very sad to see the day when americans vote for race rather then policy.
Obama has given false hope to the poor not black community. leading them to believe their lifes will be drasticly changed when he become president. Unfortuately most of us know that all the revenue he gains from taxing the rich will ultimately end up trying to pay for the expansion of gov't that is going to come under obama. Those gov't expansion programs will not be utilized by the poor communty.
So IMO nothing at all will change for the black community.
2008-11-05 10:49:25 UTC
Same as it means for White and Brown people. The only notable in O being elected is that he is the first Black politician to be elected for the presidency of the U.S.
2008-11-05 10:56:46 UTC
Some people feel that because he is mixed this will mean something special for non-whites. How I see it is this: He has been chosen to be the President of the United States which encompasses people of all races. Therefore he will have to look out for the interests of everyone, no matter the race, etc. Furthermore, America is a world power that is "world conscience" which also encompasses people for all races. Therefore I don't feel he will make any decisions that will be specifically aimed at blacks. His decisions will be based on what will help the world.
2008-11-05 10:48:34 UTC
Just as Obama said, anything is possible in this country, is matter how hard you try. I think we might see more Black try to running for high political office, which is currently lack, Obama was the only black senator yet he was able to become president that send a strong message.
2008-11-05 10:50:19 UTC
what does it mean to the black community? I am so sick of this being a black/white thing, the reality is that Obama's victory for our country means disaster.
2008-11-05 10:50:54 UTC
It means that there is hope for our black males/females. The news accepts him as black but he is black and white. Hopefully this encourage the black people to believe in themselves. No more excuses.
Monty S
2008-11-06 03:13:55 UTC
you just watch now on when a black man gets in trouble he,ll try and
use obama as a excuse to get out of jail.
2008-11-05 10:50:45 UTC
As an American who is not black, I hope that his election helps people see that young Americans are more color blind than generations before us. Although I feel that race has no part in politics or a persons ablility to do their job, I hope that some will see this as a change in a positive direction. Many people share my belief that we are all human, therefore skin color holds no bearing on my decision at the voting booth.
2008-11-05 10:50:07 UTC
it is a affirmation that there is no excuses whatsoever to succeed or not to succeed...
it absolutely proves without a doubt that the only thing that holds anyone back is themselves now.
some may hate that that want to feel they cant succeed so doesnt have to try.
most will see it as a monumental moment that shows the gates are no longer standing...the ceiling has crashed down.
and the best part...the really young black children...they will grow up not even knowing that there was a actual feeling of limitation in their life..
a important part of our culture died last night...
that is racial barriers.
and good riddance
Obama/Biden 12
2008-11-05 10:49:22 UTC
I'm not black, not personally I think black people should all look up to Obama. There's no excuses saying the society is holding them back.
2008-11-05 10:53:17 UTC
It has about as much meaning to the black community as when OJ used the race card to clear himself in his trial ...
The race card was used to get the people to vote ... other than that , Obama has never claimed to be one with the people
I know I can get flamed for saying that - but it's the truth
2008-11-05 10:48:28 UTC
In a nation that was founded on genocide and then built on the backs of slaves, it was an unexpected moment, shocking in its simplicity: Barack Obama, a good man, a black man, said he would bring change to Washington, and the majority of the country liked that idea. The racists were present throughout the campaign and in the voting booth. But they are no longer the majority, and we will see their flame of hate fizzle out in our lifetime.
2008-11-05 10:53:37 UTC
It means the same thing it would mean to a white community. I dont think he is going to get in office and start to play favorites. He will be fair and equal to all races and nationalities.
He is mixed, not identifying himself as such would be a slap to the face to this white mother and grandparents who were there for him and raised him to be who he is today. So lets get that straight.
2008-11-05 10:49:42 UTC
I can only hope it means accountability. No more its not my fault cause I'm black and society is out to get me. If you are a young black main in jail it is not society's fault...it is your fault.
On a side note I found this hilarious take on the election: http://www.digitalfuntown.com/videos/133
2008-11-05 10:49:31 UTC
Not to take anything away from black people, but Obama touched EVERY race. Everyone could relate to him, and he could relate to everyone from all backgrounds.
It's not just about black people, he KICKED down the door/broke that glass ceiling for EVERYONE!!
eric s
2008-11-05 10:49:20 UTC
it's a triumph for their shared experience. obama's story is typical in the black community.
raised by his rich white grandmother in Hawaii he grew up to go to Columbia University and Harvard School of Law... he lives in a $4 million home with his wife who earns $300,000 per year.
isn't that how all black people live?
2008-11-05 10:51:36 UTC
Did she just say that Mexicans, Asians etc are black? And "they all" gonna come here b/c the president has the same COLOR?
2008-11-05 10:53:25 UTC
Its such a great accomplishment. It means we have come so far, from the slave ship to the white house. Now our children no that they can do anything they put their minds to do.
This is such a major event.
2008-11-05 10:48:31 UTC
What it means......simple. the majority of 40% of Americans who pay no federeal taxes voted for him based on what? A $500 welfare check? Most blacks voted for him because of what? Same color of skin?
Bama made promises that his voters clung to. Here's your 411 that you turned your backs on......you can't blame Bush now as anyone with a brain knows this was an anti Bush vote, not Obama is qualified vote. Well, Bush will be gone, now who will you blame? In 48 short months, look back and see the change that Bama promised you. You voted, he promised, and nothing will come through, why? Because that's all he'll be able to do, nothing. As Bama will now be exposed to the real world, he'll get a damnquick education that the Earth is above his head - maybe his supporters will now join the one place they ignored - reality.
2008-11-05 10:54:07 UTC
well with me honestly i think the community should know that EVERYBODY of all races got him where he is by supporting and having faith and that USA needs to wake up and change... we all are equal as ONE... regardless of what color you are. i really hope the people of today take this as a new beginning and to help change things.. that includes crime, racism and so on.. i hope you understand my answer...
take care and god bless;-)
2008-11-05 10:49:28 UTC
A person of color is finally President. I never thought it would happen, but I guess now I won't doubt the saying "never say never" again.
2008-11-05 10:50:19 UTC
It means we have come full circle as a country. Also African Americans usually tell their kids dat they can be anything they want to be but in da back of their mind they knew there were some limits. Now we can look our kids in da eye and mean it when we say u can be anything u want to be.
**Georgia Peach**
2008-11-05 10:48:31 UTC
Its overwhelming! My great grandpa, 94,and grandpa,71 both voted and when Obama won they just cried! Both have been in wars and have fought in the Civil Rights Movement and have never felt equal to others in that time. They said that this would never happen but it did! We made history, not just for African Americans but all!
2008-11-05 10:48:24 UTC
I am white
For years people said over and over "Anyone can grow up to be President" Until last night, we didn't really know it was true.
2008-11-05 10:49:21 UTC
It means that some Hope light was shed on a country soaked in Hate, Injustice, Racism, etc. and still is to some extent...
But, some light was shed.
2008-11-05 10:49:59 UTC
my bro has two black employees in his company. they told him they were taking the day off today to celebrate. then one of them told him that all of her bills would be paid soon and she wasn't going to lose her house...wow! is she going to be let down.
2008-11-05 10:49:19 UTC
I dont think they have figuered out, that he's not going to do much for black people..
For the general, he says hes going to give a rebate for those in the lower class.. But thats it, majority of black people think that they are going to run this nation and supress white folk..
They're very mistaken
2008-11-05 11:56:48 UTC
That anyone who applies themselves can do anything and be anything they want to be with no barriers, no restrictions and nothing standing in their way except themselves. Hope for everyone.
2008-11-05 10:49:05 UTC
You should ask this lady:
So sad... how easily brain washed some people are.
Hopefully they'll use the race card less, but I doubt it.
2008-11-05 10:48:04 UTC
Nothing will change, why would it. If he helps the black community, he will have to help the whites too.
2008-11-05 10:48:53 UTC
I think it's encouraging to children of color to see first hand that their potential is limitless.. that we truly are a nation that upholds the principles of equality.
Democracy First
2008-11-05 10:47:53 UTC
Hope that the American dream is still alive. It is the same for us white folk too.
An Informed Voter!
2008-11-05 10:48:12 UTC
Pride, respect, satisfaction, and gratitude to those who've worked so hard to reach this milestone.
Jessie Jackson's tears of joy last night said it all.
The true patriot is an informed voter.
2008-11-05 10:48:14 UTC
One would guess that the communities of the 'repressed' blacks have won something, more welfare.
2008-11-05 10:47:58 UTC
Try telling him that. He's not mixed. He very proudly promoted himself as the first BLACK president of the United States.
What a sham
Brian C.K.
2008-11-05 10:47:35 UTC
I means there are no more excuses. You must now be accountable for all your actions.
2008-11-05 10:47:38 UTC
It means they will use the race card more.
This content was originally posted on Y! Answers, a Q&A website that shut down in 2021.