Do you agree that POTUS Obama pass the first national security test?
2009-04-13 10:25:34 UTC
WASHINGTON — The U.S. economy is showing only glimmers of life and two costly wars remain in the balance, but President Barack Obama's "no drama" handling of the Indian Ocean hostage crisis proved a big win for his administration in its first critical national security test.

Obama's quiet backstage decision to authorize the Defense Department to take necessary action if Capt. Richard Phillips' life was in imminent danger gave a Navy commander the go-ahead to order snipers to fire on the pirates holding the cargo ship captain at gunpoint.

For Obama, the benefits were instantly clear: an American life saved and a major victory notched against an increasingly worrisome scourge of the seas off the Horn of Africa.
Seventeen answers:
100% ♥Creole♥
2009-04-13 10:29:29 UTC
yes, PRESIDENT Obama did pass it!!
2016-05-25 06:12:12 UTC
What exactly is national security threshold? Is it a figment of Hillary's campaign. Type the phrase into a search engine and all that appears is this: Threshold is a science fiction drama television series that first aired on CBS ... Caffrey's government liaison is Deputy National Security Advisor J.T. Baylock ... source: Wikipedia
2009-04-13 12:15:18 UTC
Not truly a national security test. More like a mugging at sea.

The good news is that Obama did not counter-mand the standing rules of engagement for the military. The legal standard for the use of deadly force is a legitimate fear for your life or the lives of others. That same standard is infused into all military rules of engagement (ROE). The commander of the Bainbridge had the authority to kill the pirates at any time he felt the lives of US citizens were in imminent danger. What President Obama did was to confirm that authority.
2009-04-13 10:35:49 UTC
I'm not quite sure how this fits into national security...

The ship wasn't a military ship and was not government ran. Yes, the guys on board are americans but the taking of the ship did not put our country in harm's way nor did it hurt the country as a whole.

Where did you cut and paste this from?
2009-04-13 10:49:47 UTC
Pray tell just what National Security test has he passed? Don't insult anyone intelligence by suggesting this insignificant hostage issue was in any way related to National Security.

Lets review shall we. N. Korea missle launch v USA (Obama begging them not to launch). Final score NK 1 USA 0.

Somali Pirates v USA (Obama) final score Somali 5 (days) USA 3 (dead idiots)

Not lookinig to good for Barry B-Ball Obama so far.
Johnny R
2009-04-13 10:52:37 UTC
Yep he stopped North Korea from launching a missile... oh wait he didn't as for the Captain his rescue is a feather in the cap of the seals not Obama.
2009-04-13 10:36:34 UTC
Was not the first, remember Korea.

I was impressed!

I really didn't think he had it in him. I thought he would talk the Pirates/Terrorist to death. I am a little disappointed that it took so long.

But Yes. I can honestly say that I am for the First time PROUD of our President.
2009-04-13 10:38:08 UTC
The Navy Seals are the true heros in this situation. It was pure EXPERT timing and marksmanship on their parts. What kind of leeches are you libs to try to take credit from the pros and give it to ANYONE else? What a pathetic spiel to use someone elses' professionalism and give it to Obaama. But that's exactly what you people are good at doing, isn't it?

Also, what Semper said is what I thought might be the case. Thanks, Semper!
2009-04-13 10:37:40 UTC
Far from it!

We are all aware that he did his job, he made a phone call (5 days into the situation). He continued his day as usual.

The Navy Seals, did their job and a fantastic one at that.

Are we suppose to proclaim Obama as a hero for doing his job?
Get out of my pocket!
2009-04-13 10:51:35 UTC
Wrong. The first national security test was his birth certificate and he has hired lawyers to keep his birth records hidden.
2009-04-13 10:29:55 UTC
North Korea was the first test. O was lucky that the pirates were as patient as they were. I never thought they would wait for a week. I can't wait until we bring the pirate that survived to our country, give him American rights, and create the circus of a trial.
2009-04-13 10:34:10 UTC
No, but he thinks that he's entitled to another party anyway.
2009-04-13 10:32:15 UTC
And to think, he didn't even have a "Mission Accomplished" banner printed up or a photo op aboard the ship with the Captain!
2009-04-13 10:32:21 UTC
shadow ... not prometheus!
2009-04-13 10:33:51 UTC
Mõrenα Latina
2009-04-13 10:31:00 UTC
Yes he did!
Still campaigning in 57 States
2009-04-13 10:31:35 UTC

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