Is this the theme of the Republican convention: "McCain was a POW"?
2008-09-04 13:49:57 UTC
that's all they seem to talk about. They don't talk about the economy, the middle class, college tuition increases, social security, education...nothing , zip, nada, zero.
32 answers:
2008-09-04 13:52:17 UTC
They mention it because it's a part of his impressive character. Jealous?
weatherization guy
2008-09-04 14:06:59 UTC
I think they're trying to show the distinction between the Repub's candidate for President and the Dem's guy... McCain has a distinguished military record (23 years), including a 5 year (+/-) stint as a Prisoner of War, during which he could have been released earlier than some of his fellow P.O.W.'s, but chose not to. This shows a mental toughness that's hard to describe and harder to beat.

Obama military experience is nothing, zip, nada, zero.

While some may not see the importance of a military background,

I personally feel it is imperative that the Commander-in-Chief possess a working knowledge of the military, especially in today's world that is so influenced by terrorists that cannot be reasoned with (i.e.: negotiations/sanctions are not an option). By soliciting the advice of General Petraeus, then dismissing it to pursue his own (dove) agenda, Obama has shown that his ego is bigger then his intelligence level.

The issues you mentioned must be considered, however, if we don't live in a secure nation where we can enjoy those freedoms, they'll mean little/nothing.
2008-09-04 13:56:04 UTC
Of course they aren't talking about the economy, because they don't think there's a problem with the economy to begin with.

Any intelligent person will know that being a POW does not mean you are automatically able to lead a country. The whole convention has been a joke so far... now they have one evening to start discussing relevant topics.
2008-09-04 14:51:34 UTC
Kinda funny how when you ask Obama how hes going to improve the US of A he will make a vauge statement such as we have thousands of young people that should be able to afford a decent higher education. Well thats fine ok Obama but how are you going to pay for this massive social program? Then Obama will change the subject to something like "people in this country deserve affordable health care" well how are you going to pay for this massive welfare program Obama? He does not have a definitive answer not once !!!!! NOT ONCE !! Speaking in loose generalities is fine if your trying to smooze someone but we are talking about being the President of the USA and that doesnt mean being merely present now does it?
2008-09-04 13:56:42 UTC
Conventions aren't where the details of a campaign come out, it's a parade of people and personalities. Getting to know the candidates on a different level...the next two mos. you will here the details....but, oh ya, you must not of watched The Dem. convention....they may have mentioned the above topics, but didn't espouse any details either. Of course, paying higher taxes won't be a problem for you or your employers then.
Michelle S
2008-09-04 13:56:55 UTC
Well if you didnt notice there convention got reduced due to a little storm Each night has a theme.

THey had to reduce it os McAin is expected to be detailed about the difference of his tax plan, and obamas.

THey addressed the most important two issues. Energy which is directly related to our economy, health care, security. It is at the top.

Security. Obama wants to end the war, and McCain is saying this wat against terroist probably won't end. Look at Israel.

McCain is capable of being commander and Chief, and Obama has done nothing to prove he could ido it.
2008-09-04 13:55:34 UTC
Did you watch the saddleback questions? Obama gave no clear answer on any of his postions, however McCain gave straight forward answers.

What did the obama convention talk about? No issues have been brought to light in either convention so far, I believe they are waiting for the debates.

McCain's is focusing on what made him the person he is today, Obama could not do this because it would focus on his lack of experience, and when Obama replied his executive experience his running his president election lol, give me a break.
creole princess2136
2008-09-04 15:00:00 UTC
McCain is stuck in the past.

Although I commend him for serving his country, it does not mean that he is "entitled" to be our next President. Have you noticed that whenever someone asks McCain to answer a difficult question, he refers to his POW days and does not answer the question directly?

I am tired of McCain's old lines. Simply put - he is out of touch with reality (and middle-class America).
2008-09-04 13:57:26 UTC
Very small part of it....but seems to be outstanding where you are concerned, must rub a raw spot! Pail typifies the middle class, college tuition is what YOU can pay for just like the restof us, social security should be privatized so i can make use of what i put in, I'm paid for my
2008-09-04 13:57:45 UTC
i think if they talk about his views on the other things you have listed, no middle class person would vote for him. he should talk about what's happening now! we all know that he was a pow, now what can he do to benefit the country . . .how are kids going to afford college, how are people going to afford healthcare, are we going to have more jobs being shipped out of the county, what's happening with the housing industry?, are we going to find alternatives to oil? are we getting out of Iraq? enough I, more WE!
2008-09-04 13:54:57 UTC
OMG!!! McSame was a POW???? I had NEVER heard that before.


I am not being negative.....I think McCain should be honored for his service just like ANY troop who served. But you are right....that is all anybody can say because the republicans have no new agenda to talk about, all they have is to continue the failed policies of the last 8 years.
2008-09-04 13:55:13 UTC
Yes, he was a POW and went through life-altering experiences. And I was absolutely delighted that they put it in the face of everyone, since the Democrats tried to so hard to silence that fact and insult his POW experience. Shame on them.
Colts girl
2008-09-04 13:55:25 UTC
And all Obama keeeeeeps saying is change,change,change.That is what he talks about,which is nothing,zip,nada,zero.
2008-09-04 13:58:02 UTC
Here's both sides of the story. Read and make up your own mind:
2008-09-04 13:57:47 UTC
I noticed that he does not mention the fact the he also killed a lot of our men crashing another plane. Some Hero -

Not this Military widows Hero
Yamanka™ [StraightTalk Express]
2008-09-04 13:53:39 UTC
You try being a POW for 5 years. Then tell me how it goes. We already know what McCain wants and beleives in.

Straight Talk Express.
2008-09-04 13:55:33 UTC
It was pretty powerful to compare someone who gave their all for all of us, verses dodging the military like the wimpy boys do.

Dont you like REAL men.
Countess Jodhaa Bai
2008-09-04 13:53:40 UTC
Yes and we ONLY care about white America. The rest can eat cake!

Did you see the racial make-up of the audience? White, old and older.
2008-09-04 13:53:25 UTC
One trick pony. he used to be a Maverick, now he's just a ditto-Bush

Prayer + research
Jade c
2008-09-04 13:54:32 UTC
Yep! and Palin is a hockey mom who has a lot of what big oil!
2008-09-04 13:53:55 UTC
Zip, nada, zero?

That's what Obama has accomplished.
Tom S
2008-09-04 13:54:52 UTC
I guess the "hope and change" rhetoric was already taken.
2008-09-04 13:54:39 UTC
i'm more worried about high taxes,high fuel costs that obama wants to tax double.obama wants to tax my retirement,my 401k,my property,my state roads,wants to double the death tax.even a leech quits sucking your blood when your dead.
2008-09-04 13:53:55 UTC
yeah he was a POW (God bless him) and she is a hockey mom.

as a mayor, governor, brownie leader, she seems to have done many things when it would benefit her family....
2008-09-04 13:52:27 UTC
That and the world being evil.
2008-09-04 13:54:34 UTC
isn´t that more than just to be a comunity organizer?
2008-09-04 13:53:05 UTC
Was the theme of the democrat one, Pick me Im Santa Clause? Naaahhhh i wont take any money from you, just the other guy. They can pay for all this not you.
2008-09-04 13:52:53 UTC
McCain/Palin 2008
2008-09-04 14:00:02 UTC
. . . that and "Who needs 'hope' when you have FEAR!"

/Those who fear will click thumbs down . . . here.
2008-09-04 13:53:22 UTC
Is the democratic theme "Obama is Black" ?
2008-09-04 13:52:19 UTC
Yep. And the theme of the Obama campaign is. Obama was nothing.
Last Ranger
2008-09-04 13:52:37 UTC
No, not at all.

You really need to pay attention.

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