-he is a racist and attended a racist church for 20 years with supposedly no clue that it was racist
-he is a Muslim sympathizer with Kenyan Muslim relatives
-he voted mostly "present" in congress, went home and collected his paycheck
-he called middle class white people "typical white folks" who "cling to their guns and Bibles"
-he supported his Muslim cousin Odinga to be president of Kenya and bring Muslim sharia law in place there..when Odinga lost, his followers killed christians, burned their homes and burned a bunch of christian men, women and children alive in a church where they had taken refuge
-he wants to spend gazillions of our tax dollars on foreign countries, while wanting to force people with kids to BUY mandatory health insurance with FINES if they don't..and we cannot afford this mandatory health insurance if we can't afford it now, so why are our tax dollars going to foreign countries instead of to OUR OWN PEOPLE!!??
-he is an elitist who goes on vacation in the Virgin Islands at Easter, instead of going to work or church like most average American....all the while we worry about bills, foreclosures, job losses, health issues, etc. He has NO CLUE about average Americans
-he wants to DISARM this country, and then maybe start a war with Pakistan...a country with NUKES...talk about taking a knife to a gunfight
-he threw his white grandma under a bus to explain why he attended a racist church for 20 years, instead of taking responsibility for his own actions as an adult would
-he says his white mother was "worried about bills as she died of cancer"...but he had three well-paying jobs at the time...a lawyer, a college professor and an author...yet he didn't help his mom with her bills??? And he wasn't there when she died either..
-his white mother and white grandmother raised him with no help from his African father, yet he writes a book about his father titled "Dreams of My Father"...basically praising his deadbeat dad...and castigating his mother's race.
-I agree with Water G's statement above..."Because he is disingenuous. Previously he was for the revote in Michigan and said he would agree to it if it was under DNC rules. DNC approved and said let's go with it but despite saying he would agree to a revote, he reneged on it and rejected a revote in Michigan. That was a lie." He says he is a "uniter" but he doesn't want millions of votes in Mich and Fla to be counted, because they didn't vote for him.
- he puts his hands over his crotch during the National Anthem in disrespect to our country and our military
-he and his wife are for partial birth abortion, which most people would call murder, and he could put lifetime Supreme Court judges in place to go with whatever views he may espouse.
-I could go on and on...but apparently most of this country is buying his act and drinking his kool aid.