What are some reasons to NOT vote Obama? (Only answers relating to question please)?
Luke Was Here
2008-05-08 15:41:14 UTC
Please do not spam any Obama crap, i'm getting sick of this where people simply put Obama 2008!
36 answers:
Linda T
2008-05-08 15:53:15 UTC
1. His affiliation with Rev Wright who has been preaching hatred for at least 7 years (Even Oprah left the church)

2. His wife saying that she never was proud to be American

3. His lack of experience (He has been in the senate only 3 years of which 1.5 years he has been out campaigning) Also he said himself in 2004 that he was not experienced enough

4. His message of change, good at speeches, but no actual plan

5. The fact that it is not okay for Hillary to say something bad about him, but okay for him to say bad things about her(she is unethical, she is saying things just for the voters)

6. His lies (saying he is the only one in the senate out of the three that did not vote for the war-he was not in the senate then. Saying he is only the one who does not take campaign monies from oil company lobbyist knowing that it is illegal and none of them do)

7. Disregarding two of the fifty states voters-whether you won or lost those states, their votes are important

8. His high regard for his black father (who abandoned him) and ignoring and regard for his white mother & family (who raised him and put him through college)

9. His supporters calling everyone who likes someone other than him racist and stupid
2008-05-08 15:59:49 UTC
God there are so many reasons not to vote for Obama. Here's a few.

1. Obama got off on the wrong foot with planting fainters in his audiences early in the campaign. That sort of deception is unbecoming of a presidential candidate. He basically lost me there.

2. Obama claims to be a transcendent figure who is not engaging in politics as usual. Yet he was handpicked by DNC chairman Howard Dean back in 2004--one of the Dean Dozen--and everything he has attained is due to the traditional power structure of the democratic party, including one of the most corrupt and powerful local political machines, in the country, that of Chicago. So on this point, he is a liar and hypocrite. Just admit that you are also engaging in politics as usual, and stop with the crap about representing something new or fresh or innovative.

3. The claim that he is an historically first candidate will not win him the moral high ground. There is another historically first candidate in this race, Senator Clinton. Last time I checked a woman has never been president. So go ahead and continue to overlook this fact. Your race puts you in no better standing on this issue than Senator Clinton's gender.

4. Obama is either a closeted homosexual or bisexual, and that's why the gay community hates him. They hate people like this because of their hypocrisy and deception. Ask Larry Sinclair about both Obama's gay sex escapades and cocaine use. And let's see how long the mainstream media, who is in the tank for Obama, will continue to try to keep this story from the American public.

5. Obama has shady dealings and associates, besides Sinclair, that are too numerous to mention, including Rezko, Ayers, and of course his wacked out pastor Wright. He is a far left nutjob that should not be allowed to attain the highest office in the land. There are also indications, judging by his associates and even those closer to him such as Michelle Obama, that he harbors hatred toward the United States, and his patriotism is suspect.

6. Obama's messianic politics border on fomenting a near cult-like following of mindless zombies chanting empty slogans like "unity" and "change." No one should trust a candidate who claims to be doing it for the sake of some higher calling, or leading a flock to the promised land. Save this for the pulpit. We want no part of this in the political arena. It is dangerous stuff. Obama is seeking political power. Nothing more, nothing less.

Well, that's a few thoughts. I'm sure others have many more points to make.
Fed Up MacAlpin
2008-05-08 16:04:31 UTC
Much like another poster, I used to support Obama and voted for him in my state's primary on Feb. 4. (I no longer support him.) However, that was back when we didn't know about Obama's associations (Wright, Rezko, Ayers). His dubious associations point to bad judgment on his part. He was also untruthful and contradicted himself in his numerous explanations of the Wright situation. His lack of experience is frightening, considering the fact that he himself, when sworn into the Senate, stood up and said that he would not be running on a national ticket in 2008 because he didn't have enough experience. But, just months later he announced his candidacy for Presidency!

Why should I vote for someone who himself admits that he doesn't have enough experience to be President? He claims that he will be a bipartisan President, but has no record of such. His claims of hope and change ring empty because he doesn't follow them up with solid, realistic plans that could actually work. It's unfortunate that so many people are still voting for him and still don't see through the hope and change rhetoric.
I'm A Believer
2008-05-08 16:15:38 UTC
Bad Judgement of People / Weak / Not for the poor

1.) Rev.Wright: if he did not know what his minister believed in as far as civil ideas and what he was all about having a 20 year personal relationship with him, how can he possibly know what our enemies are about, with just sitting down and talking to them, he doesn't understand NOW that Iran's president WANTS to Destroy the USA, he believes that is a calling from his god and he will never change his mind, no matter who talks to him.

2) William Ayers: A native terrorist, criminal (even thought not convicted, but self admitted) even wanted young people to kill their parents was part of his manifesto, has recently stated

he does not regret what he did, just wish he had done more.

3) Rezko: Friend/ business dealings, as of now in court over criminal dealings.

Regardless of what some think, we are judged by the people we associate with so whether friend or business associates,

it puts doubt on our character, example if you are caught with someone that has robbed a bank you come into question, if you were a part of it. If you are caught with someone that killed another person, you are considered as guilty, even if you didn't kill anyone.

Bad judgment of people can hurt our safety as a Country.

His tax increases he wants to raise and he stated he is going to raise them, will in fact hurt the middle and lower income people.

Most of all his own pastor stated, Obama is telling people what they want to hear, not telling them the truth.

1 of these is more than enough Not to Vote For Him.

It is easy to tell. he is not a fighter, he is not strong enough to stand up indefence of anything, let alone our Country.

If anyone has really heard what he has said, Not just listened to him and there is a difference, he has lied more times than I can count here. And this is just 3, most of the other's on here added more reason's and they are right.
2008-05-08 16:03:58 UTC
In the first place, Luke, we don't even know who obama is. We don't know his history, or his true political leanings. He has a very poor voting record in Illinois, thereby not leaving us any indication on how he feels about any certain issue.

Secondly, he has some pretty shady characters in his background. Wright, who advocates the damning of America, Farakhan, who advocates the overthrow of the government, and Ayers, who would bomb this country into oblivion if he could. No one can tell me that obama does not know the history of the people with whom he has been associating for half of his life. I, for one, am not that naive. I hope and pray that there are enough others in this country who can see that, as well. If he is elected then God help us all would be my sincere prayer.
A nobody
2008-05-08 15:55:16 UTC
Wants to raise the corporate tax which will hurt many senior citizens living off their investment gains, not to mention what this will do to mutual fund companies and their 401 & retirement account customers.

Raise taxes on the rich, but we all know that this will trickle down to all hard working Americans.

Wants to give 85 Million to the United Nations, to provide aide to some African countries. The US is already providing more add to Africa than any other country.

He wants to change the American structure, that made this country the greatest every in the world, by bringing it far to the left that it approached Marxism. He is very radical about his Liberalism and is known as the most Liberal in the senate.

He wants to take oil company profits and force the companies to work on alternative fuels, when he supports the prohibiting of oil companies to drill on America's domestic property, which will free us from foreign oil

I'm really afraid and would like to know what so many left wing radicals and known American terrorist support him.
2008-05-08 15:52:43 UTC
He has never managed anything in his life. He was a U.S. senator for 1 1/2 years when he decided to run for president. He has never been in the military (which I don't feel is a requirement unless you have nothing else to fall back on). Frankly, I think it took a mighty big head to run for president with no more than he has got under his belt. I can't in good conscience vote for him. I really can't say I know him at all. He is a politician and will say what he thinks you want to hear.
2008-05-08 15:52:48 UTC
Higher taxes and bigger government are two pretty good reasons.

Let's see, how about the fact that he's never been in a governmental leadership position.

He hasn't accomplished anything other than being shooed into a congressional seat without any opposition.
2008-05-08 15:50:49 UTC
He's anti American and a racist against white people. He is friends with questionable people like:

William Ayers - American Terrorist

Raul Reyes - Columbian Terrorist

Antonio Rezko - Muslim Slum Lord

Professor Khalidi - Muslim Terrorist Supporter

Reverend Wright - Racist N.O.I. Muslim Supporter/Preacher -racist - anti-american

Reverend Otis Meeks - racist

Reverend Louis Farrakhan - Racist Nation of Islam / Faux Preacher

Reverend. Jesse Jackson - racist - adulterer - anti-semetic

Nadhmi Auchi - Muslim Billionaire history of bribing politicians

Sohaib Abassi - Muslim Millionaire

New Black Panther Party - became home to many former Nation of Islam members a black supremacist organization

"We like Mr. Obama, and we hope that he will win the elections," Ahmed Yousuf, Hamas' top political adviser in the Gaza Strip, said in an exclusive interview with World Net Daily and with the John Batchelor Show on WABC Radio in New York.
2016-10-07 15:37:28 UTC
I voted ffor Obama as a results of fact i think of he will artwork to get the U. S. back on course. in general for the various motives you mentioned. financial gadget and occasional priced well-being care are merely 2 of the justifications.
2008-05-08 15:50:06 UTC
He is an inexperienced leader, he has not even finished his term as senator yet. He has promised many changes, none of which I have been able to decipher yet. He is a smooth talker,speaks for hours and says absolutely nothing.He claims that he never listened to the sermons from his best friend and pastor of his church for 20 years,that sounds like he may not be able to follow a conversation to me.I don't feel that he can be trusted in the position of president at this time, I do not feel that he is the right man for this job.
laura g
2008-05-08 15:55:17 UTC
Look at the history of crooked politicians from Illinois! A former governor is in prison right now! Rezko has already been linked to Obama and will probably be in prison himself soon, which he is also linked to our present governor.
2008-05-08 15:51:03 UTC
Higher Taxes

He would repil partial birth abortion ban

Soft on terrorism

He would be the one to choose a replacement for Justice Stevens.

I would just hate to see America turn into a complete socialist country.

He would do real damage to race relations in this country.
2008-05-08 15:49:15 UTC
I used to be an Obama supporter. I had two main reasons for changing my mind:

1). The Pastor Disaster: I don't think Obama shares the same beliefs as his former pastor Reverend Jeremiah Wright. However, his claim that he, a harvard educated man could not tell in 20 years that his pastor was an anti-American radical makes me wonder if Obama is too oblivious to make a decent president. Either that or he did know about it and flat out lied, expecting us to believe that he could be that oblivious. Either way, he lost a lot of credibility with me that day.

2). His anti-American friends: I understand that a politican can't control who endorses him. Or can he? So far, Obama has gotten support from what I consider to be individuals of questionable repute and motives like the leader of HAMAS, Jimmy Carter, Jane Fonda, Louis Farrakhan, Michael Moore, William Ayers, Ted Kennedy, and the left-wing anti-American radicals at These people would not be supporting Obama unless his plans and policies are supporting their own belief systems and agendas. And as far as I am concerned, a candidate who makes people like Michael Moore and Jane Fonda happy is 100% wrong for America.
2008-05-08 16:05:26 UTC
Well its like this...He wants to raise taxes, He is for abortion, and I think thats wrong, and, when you listen to his speeches on TV, He will use his linguistic skills (speaking skills) to get good reactions from the american people. But seriously, when he gives speeches like the one in Raliegh, he pretty much said, "yes we can" over and over. Yes, he talked the talk, but can he WALK THE WALK. i say we need another ronald reagan. hope this helps
2008-05-08 16:13:40 UTC
Because I zoomed in on a a picture of him and I think I saw stretch marks on his ears...
2008-05-08 16:06:23 UTC
-he is a racist and attended a racist church for 20 years with supposedly no clue that it was racist

-he is a Muslim sympathizer with Kenyan Muslim relatives

-he voted mostly "present" in congress, went home and collected his paycheck

-he called middle class white people "typical white folks" who "cling to their guns and Bibles"

-he supported his Muslim cousin Odinga to be president of Kenya and bring Muslim sharia law in place there..when Odinga lost, his followers killed christians, burned their homes and burned a bunch of christian men, women and children alive in a church where they had taken refuge

-he wants to spend gazillions of our tax dollars on foreign countries, while wanting to force people with kids to BUY mandatory health insurance with FINES if they don't..and we cannot afford this mandatory health insurance if we can't afford it now, so why are our tax dollars going to foreign countries instead of to OUR OWN PEOPLE!!??

-he is an elitist who goes on vacation in the Virgin Islands at Easter, instead of going to work or church like most average American....all the while we worry about bills, foreclosures, job losses, health issues, etc. He has NO CLUE about average Americans

-he wants to DISARM this country, and then maybe start a war with Pakistan...a country with about taking a knife to a gunfight

-he threw his white grandma under a bus to explain why he attended a racist church for 20 years, instead of taking responsibility for his own actions as an adult would

-he says his white mother was "worried about bills as she died of cancer"...but he had three well-paying jobs at the time...a lawyer, a college professor and an author...yet he didn't help his mom with her bills??? And he wasn't there when she died either..

-his white mother and white grandmother raised him with no help from his African father, yet he writes a book about his father titled "Dreams of My Father"...basically praising his deadbeat dad...and castigating his mother's race.

-I agree with Water G's statement above..."Because he is disingenuous. Previously he was for the revote in Michigan and said he would agree to it if it was under DNC rules. DNC approved and said let's go with it but despite saying he would agree to a revote, he reneged on it and rejected a revote in Michigan. That was a lie." He says he is a "uniter" but he doesn't want millions of votes in Mich and Fla to be counted, because they didn't vote for him.

- he puts his hands over his crotch during the National Anthem in disrespect to our country and our military

-he and his wife are for partial birth abortion, which most people would call murder, and he could put lifetime Supreme Court judges in place to go with whatever views he may espouse.

-I could go on and on...but apparently most of this country is buying his act and drinking his kool aid.
2008-05-08 15:47:26 UTC
1- if it sounds to good to be true leave it alone, we should have learned that from Hitler and German history.

2- I will not support anyone who has to give up their church to become president...

that shows they only want power, and he will do anything to win!

3- He is not what he seems, sometimes the rabbit in the hat is a demon in disguise.

I will vote McCain if Hillary loses!

I will not support a Obama/Clinton ticket either!

It is McCain or Hillary tops for me, not Obama.
Cesare B.
2008-05-08 15:48:44 UTC
He lacks experience, he is a racist, he is anti-American, and he is too liberal, among many other reasons. He is racist and anti-American because his "mentor" Wright is, and Wright, as being a "mentor", teaches Obama to be the same.

And I will mark this question with a star to uphold it.
2008-05-08 15:48:55 UTC
Because he is disingenuous. Previously he was for the revote in Michigan and said he would agree to it if it was under DNC rules. DNC approved and said let's go with it but despite saying he would agree to a revote, he reneged on it and rejected a revote in Michigan. That was a lie.
2008-05-08 15:49:38 UTC
Being a Republican might be a good one!
2008-05-08 15:47:30 UTC
2 1/2 years as a US Senator does not a President make!


As Moe Howard would say, Wake Up You Numbskull's!
2008-05-08 15:48:47 UTC
he was only in the Senate 143 days before running for the white house he will use the race card every time he can
Busman Bob
2008-05-08 15:49:06 UTC
Cos he eats with a knife and fork?

He reads newspapers /

oh yes, he pays for his food.

God this is difficult. Is it that he actually wants to do the real job of being president?

It could be that the alternative is a woman from Mars, or a man from the fats food parlour.

My cat likes Obama and I hate my cat, now that is a fair reason.
2008-05-08 16:06:18 UTC
because he is a Democrat
2008-05-08 15:49:30 UTC
sorry...can't let the taxes, taxes, taxes comments go by...Obama will not raise taxes for the people who make an average salary...he will raise taxes for the people that can afford to pay higher taxes...And for the question: please don't get your answers about why not to vote for Obama from this forum. You will only get biased answers and untruths. Check out his web page and check out the real news will get the correct reports and not ficticious malicious rumors.
Serena {Suri}
2008-05-08 15:47:46 UTC
I don't know really, I think he is perfect for the job. Better than mccain. I don't dislike mccain but think voting for another republican and one that wants war. Look at our economy.

i will list some reasons people will CLAIM they wont vote fr obama and why they are as false as the people who say them.

1. he is muslim, a rasisit and terrorist.

(hell no he is not a muslim nor a rasisit nor a terrorist.)where's the proof. did u ask him to all the people who say so? this is stupidity. I feel so sorry for the people who think that.
2008-05-08 15:47:24 UTC
What are some reasons to Not vote for Obama?

Gee, I can't think of any reason Not to vote for Obama. He's the best in the west.
2008-05-08 15:46:35 UTC
I suppose if you're happy with the policies of Bush, you wouldn't want to vote for Obama.
2008-05-08 15:47:11 UTC
I could see it if you are in the top 2% of society.

Or if you are heavily invested in the arms industry you may want to vote for McCain so he can keep the war machine running so the government will keep buying your instruments of death
2008-05-08 15:47:08 UTC
because Ron Paul is the only real change we the American voter would have gotten
2008-05-08 15:45:25 UTC
not enough experience to be commander in chief

naive pollyanna attitude towards are enemies

wants to increase government regulation of the economy
Mike T
2008-05-08 15:48:29 UTC
If you want to stay in Iraq and continue the war
2008-05-08 15:48:25 UTC
no reasons
2008-05-08 15:45:48 UTC
Cant think of any. OBAMA 08
2008-05-08 15:45:00 UTC
Taxes, taxes, taxes . . .

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