Is Clinton's name on the convention ballot a first?
2008-08-19 12:27:17 UTC
Is this "roll call vote" that includes Senator Clinton the first time this has been done? Or are ALL the candidates from the primaries ALWAYS listed for voting at the convention?

Also, if she gets more votes than Obama, will she become the nominee, or is this just all for show?

Any links helpful. Thanks!
Ten answers:
2008-08-19 12:34:02 UTC
It's not the first time. She could be the nominee.

David Shuster lies for Barack Obama on Hardball. Obama lost the popular vote in the primary. Clinton won that popular vote. Obama and his supporters worked hard to prevent Hillary from having her name placed in nomination. Since Clinton had the 300 signatures she needed to have her name placed into the nomination Obama and his supporters were forced to concede defeat on the issue. Hillary's name is being placed in nomination because of the efforts of the PUMA and Just Say No Deal coalitions and because of the hard work of Hillary's delegates on her behalf and in spite of Obama's efforts to keep her name out of the nomination

Let's have a small look at history, shall we? Here's some past nominees who had NO chance to win, who were on the ballot at the convention anyway:


Jimmy Carter - 1981 delegates

Ted Kennedy - 1225 delegates

Uncommitted - 122

No way Kennedy could win, but his name was placed in nomination.


John Kerry: 2192.5 Pledged delegates

Howard Dean: 114.5 Pledged delegates

Dean had already dropped out with no chance of winning, but his name was placed in nomination.


Barack Obama: 1766.5 Pledged delegates

Hillary Clinton: 1639.5 Pledged delegates

The contender is being told to shut up for the sake of the party. Name not on the ballot at the convention.

In addition, Teddy Kennedy has had his name on that first ballot in 1968 (12 votes), 1972 (12 votes), 1976 (1 vote), 1980 (1150 - he lost some supporters along the way).

Jesse Jackson has had his name on that first ballot twice: 1984 (465 votes), 1988 (1218 votes).

Why then was Dean so determined to keep Clinton off that ballot?

The DNC committed suicide May 31, 2008.

There's been a roll call vote since 1884.

It goes without saying that Hillary's name should be placed in nomination . . . 18 million votes is nothing to sneeze at. This is the last chance the super delegates will have to do the right thing and give her the nomination. Otherwise , it's McCain in November.
2008-08-19 13:02:19 UTC
Read your history for the last century and you can answer your own question.

Hillary's lawyer said at the DNC meeting that she would be on the ballot at the convention. Apparently she will be.

The difference in this and the other convention nominations is the use of super delegates to determine a winner. Neither candidate had enough ELECTED delegates to assure their nomination. If the Clintons could put enough pressure on super delegates to change their votes she could win the nomination. That would fry the Party. It might give people a chance to create a party outside the control of the good ol' boys and girls. It could attract some new, honorable public servants to leadership.

After reading other comments I want to note that delegates ARE required to vote for the people they chose to represent in their state elections. Delegates DO differ from representatives because of their obligation to do what their voters say.

Older rules required the nominee to release their delegates to vote for other nominees. Don't know how the Democrats handled that in last rule changes in 2006. I don't recall a change. And it is true that the deal ain't done until the convention says so. Delegates committed is why Obama can say he is nominee. If super delegates change their vote that would set off a fire storm and begin a really exciting election. Maybe we could have 8 or 10 parties with coalition Presidents like the prime ministers of other country's. FUN, fun, fun! Hillary would prove she has the same kind of loyalty Bill does, just different objects of affection.
2008-08-19 12:47:23 UTC
It's not a first. In the past, conventions of both parties were not necessarily decided on the first ballot. In the 1924 Democratic Convention. There were 104 ballot before a nominee was selected.

See the sources cited in the wiki link below.
2008-08-19 12:39:55 UTC
everything now is just polls.. the nomination wont be official till the actual convention

i dont even think delegates are bound by law to vote the way their districts did.

that's why we have a delegate system.. to over ride the popular vote and install who "they" want anyway.

but there would be a lot of pissed off people.. who would realize what a lot of people already know.. we're NOT a democracy.. your vote only counts if the people who represent you.. vote teh way you wanted them to vote.

if she gets more votes than obama she would be the nominee.. the convention is where they actually make it official.
sam f
2008-08-19 12:34:32 UTC
Until recent history, the nominee was never chosen until the Convention, so it is common for more than one nominee to be on the ballot at the convention.

Obama, Clinton, and the DNC all agreed that a good way to show reverence to the 18 million voters who voted for Clinton, would be to give Clinton her votes a the convention...

Clinton, will NOT get more votes than Obama, because she didn't win enough votes. Clinton will then defer ALL OF HER votes to Obama, and he will be the Unanimous nominee.
2008-08-19 12:30:26 UTC
No, Ted Kennedy almost wrestled the nomination away from Jimmy Carter in the mid-70's.
2008-08-19 12:39:57 UTC
it should be very entertaining!!!!! Hillary will have something up her sleeve, i look for some 'SHOCKING" news to appear about Obama just before the vote.
2008-08-19 13:38:41 UTC
it will go to a second call, after which obama sinks like a rock.
2008-08-19 12:31:04 UTC
I think she may pull it off.

As God as my witness, I thought turkeys could fly

Mr Carlson WKRP in Cincinnati
2008-08-19 12:37:17 UTC
Somebody told me once to watch "my back."

This content was originally posted on Y! Answers, a Q&A website that shut down in 2021.