Was the Democratic Nomination hijacked from voters?
Psycho Magnet
2008-06-03 18:06:55 UTC
Since Mar 1 - 14 Democratic contests (12 Primaries / 2 Caucuses)
Since Mar 1 - Obama has won 484,178 votes to Clinton's 1,104,434 votes (30.47% to 69.52%)
Since Mar 1 - Obama has lost 8 of the last 11 Primaries (lost 72.8% of the time)
Since Mar 1 - Obama received 142+ superdelegates to Clinton's 52. (nearly 3:1)
Since Mar 1 - Each primary Obama has lost has been by an average margin of 19.29%
Since Mar 1 - Obama has been dubbed the winner by media.
Since Mar 1 - Clinton has been told she can't win and/or should quit (102 days straight*)
Since Mar 1 - Clinton has claimed the popular vote lead by +125,097 (with MI votes for Obama) and +14,875 (w/ MI votes + caucuses)

*The Wash. Post first mentioned her not being able to win on Feb 21 in and article called "The Newspaper and the Senator" by Howard Kurtz.

Forget preference. If you saw these facts and had no bias, would you wonder whether the nominee was selected and known before voters were given a choice and voice?

Your thoughts?
27 answers:
2008-06-03 18:10:12 UTC
Yes, but because the DNC decided to enable the hijacking... they will have their reward in November when NObama is NOT elected president.
2008-06-07 07:06:59 UTC
Obama won the caucus states which has very few people to represent the who state population and also it is in side meetings where large amounts of money always seem to be flushed around. Obama seemed to play the money game very well and that is what did it, alone with the USA just being tired of the Clinton's, there was the danger of a third term presidency and the press took hold of it very strongly which went badly for Clinton's.
2008-06-03 18:13:22 UTC

I don't mind Obama but I think you might be on to something. I just had CNN on where McCain was trash talking Obama and they cut McCain off to project Obama the nominee -- and though nobody expected that "breaking news" LOL The timing was beyond ironic.

I often wonder if there's more to the nomination process than the public is aware of and ya know.... if that's 60% of the process like you said (which seems to be right) I'd never guess that person stumbling through primaries would be the nominee.

It's kind of puzzling really.. especially when you see those kinds of facts laid out that make it look very skewed in Clinton's favor (outside of that media spin -- wow! 3 months of "she should quit"?! LOL)
2008-06-03 18:15:19 UTC
The system to pick the Democratic nominee was set up by the party itself. This was because of the fear of an unelectable canidate getting the big state votes. This came about when Ted Kennedy was running for the Presidency (I believe??).Unlike the system still used by the Republican party that McCain has been chosen in. I believe Hillary would be the nominee if the old system was in place.
Pragmatism Please
2008-06-06 23:57:56 UTC
Take a quick step back and look at the situation from a higher plane, and things might begin to fall into place.

The media, as it exists today is dominated by corporate conglomerations. Who do corporations work for? That's right, shareholders. What do shareholders want? That's right, profits. How can media get more profits for shareholders? Sensationalism! We are drawn to it like bugs to a lamp. Who do you think is more "sensational?" Hillary with her nuts and bolts solutions or Obama with his "Change we can believe in?"

A little history...:

The FCC was formed in the early days of broadcasting and they awarded broadcast bandwidth with the stipulation that a certain amount of air-time was devoted to public service messages. We call those public service messages "the news". In the past, "news" was an honorable thing. People like Edward R. Murrow and Walter Cronkite were allowed to report whatever they saw fit for the people of America. They worked for us and we always sensed it, and trusted them. There was also a trust between our government and the media that they [the media] would't devulge secrets that would comprimise national security, but they were otherwise free to print/air "the news" as they saw fit. News was news!

Fast forward to today:

Britany's naked crotch gets 8 minutes of a 22 minute (excluding commercials) news broadcast. Every other thing that was going on in the world that day took a back seat. Apparently, nothing sells like Britany's crotch. Sigh...

Is Obama the pony that the media wants? You only have to answer this next question to know: Does corporate America like having someone in the White House they can push around? And don't forget, he sells papers. He's change media can bank on.
2008-06-03 18:11:24 UTC
Are you trying to say that primaries from March 1 shouldn't count?

The people to blame for Clinton losing: the Democratic Leadership in Florida and Michigan.

You can't fault Obama for running an effective campaign - winning against the ultimate insider.
2016-05-24 02:58:23 UTC
You sound like your afraid that we may make the Obama- Hillary supporters see how silly it is to think they can be decent as a leader of our country. Stop watching CNN- they are brainwashing the young! Ted Turner is a atheist and a democrat who also would never want a women president and who would not allow any McCain support on his TV stations, CNN is all a bunch of BS news - they leave out important issues!.
2008-06-03 18:16:18 UTC
Yes, go back to the statistics and check on the actual number of people who voted for the republican candidates. You will find the numbers for the republicans are surprizingly low, while Obama always gets a surprizingly high number every time. Instead of voting for their own candidates they voted for Obama, so the democrats would get stuck with an unelectable candidate.
2008-06-03 18:14:30 UTC
The Power Elite wants Obama to win the nomination. I don't know how he and Clinton got this far because neither of them has a icicle's chance in hell of winning even against Grampy McSame. How did the most moderate and the most corporate sponsored get the closest? It seems to me like our votes don't count again and we got the most divisive Democratic candidate which will end in a close race with the Repugs stealing it AGAIN.
2008-06-03 18:14:54 UTC
There is an election process and that is all that matters. All those statistics are meaningless. The popular vote is irrelevant...ask Al Gore.
2008-06-03 18:17:25 UTC
Hillary has always been my choice but I am going to vote Republican this fall, the DNC picks the nominee seems like.
Joe K
2008-06-03 18:12:05 UTC
It's outrageously JACKED

And everytime Hillary would win another big primary, all the news would go to Obama because he got a new supporter, and the news wouldn't even mention Hillary's win

2008-06-03 18:17:31 UTC
Clinton is won by about 200,000 votes, which includes michigan. (Obama's "uncommited" votes don't count.)
2008-06-03 18:14:28 UTC
Hmmm, excuse me... but...weren't there some primaries and caucuses BEFORE March1? (see link below)

It seems to me your premise is full of ... ummm... holes if you look at ALL the facts and not just the ones you selected.

Talk about bias. Wow.
2008-06-03 18:14:12 UTC
Don't get mad because your candidate had a poor strategy going into this election he won this fair and square. If Clinton had so much experience she would have run a good campiagn and had a better strategy.
Nikki S
2008-06-06 21:26:28 UTC
Your analysis and theory are spot-on. Funny thing is, not too long ago the Dems were screaming that it was HILLARY who was trying to hijack the nomination.
Friendly Stranger..
2008-06-03 18:10:42 UTC
Hijacked is such a strong word. Why can't we all just accept that Obama won fair and square. He didn't cheat or use any cheap tactics with the exception for television ads to win.. He won, end of story..
2008-06-03 18:11:08 UTC
You forgot to mention that Obama won 11 straight primaries... which mean hillary lost 11 straight.
2008-06-03 18:10:42 UTC
The DNC screwed the voters and Hillary. And the party will fall in November due to this.
2008-06-03 18:10:15 UTC
Yes. The DNC beat Hillary, but Hillary beat Obama.

I'll vote for McCain with a clear conscience.

Mister E
2008-06-03 18:11:15 UTC
Hello? You forgot about Montana and South Dakota. With these states, he'll extend his lead in popular vote. But anyway, he just clinched the nomination. Don't try to cry foul, it is so petty.
That Marvelous Ape
2008-06-03 18:11:02 UTC
Hey, if you ignore most of the states, Hillary's winning! Brilliant!
2008-06-03 18:20:39 UTC
not hijacked, CARJACKED. That's how it's done on the south side of Chicago.
2008-06-03 18:11:39 UTC
where'd you get your stats from you imagination?

Obama received the popular vote. Sorry.

Obama/Clinton '08
Yes Kool-Aid Can
2008-06-03 18:10:32 UTC
Tyranny of Govt... this is what the founding fathers warmed us of.
2008-06-03 18:11:03 UTC
Never trust a Politician . . .
Wow is that really a question
2008-06-03 18:13:35 UTC
The argument is old and over that is what my thoughts are

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