Are you hopeful about the future of the United States given the outcome of this election?
1970-01-01 00:00:00 UTC
Are you hopeful about the future of the United States given the outcome of this election?
220 answers:
2016-11-09 15:49:56 UTC
Of course I'm hopeful about the future of the United States, regardless of the outcome of any election.

Roughly 320 million folks live here. Generally, we all get along. Tensions tend to work themselves out, despite the efforts of folks who like to foment discord. The pendulum swings and some folks are gleeful while other folks are in misery. No single group is allowed to be in charge permanently. Sometimes the Leftists are in charge. Sometimes the Rightists are in charge. Sometimes the Centrists are in charge.

Whenever one group has the authority, another group fusses and gripes the entire time. It has been that way since humans have been able to write down their histories.

And whichever group is in charge, the other group(s) claim it's a cataclysm. The end is near. We're all doomed! Yada, yada, yada! I'm 50 years old. I've been cognizant of the U.S.A.'s political shenanigans since I was about 10. So, for 40 years I've been seeing the same cycle over and over and over.

Humans are such bizarre, dramatic, over-the-top critters.
2016-11-10 16:41:29 UTC
I am always hopeful after an election. I love watching the American political process because it is what has kept us a free, generous and prosperous nation. Whether that will change in the near future only time will tell.

I am also hopeful that somehow, people in this country can put aside their differences and we can build upon our strengths, as we have done in the past. However, I also am somewhat fearful because I have seen the hatred that has been coming from people who don't like the way the vote went. I don't recall ever seeing protests and burning of property after an election in the past. That is a scary thing.
2016-11-21 06:57:23 UTC
When you said earlier, "An unexpected Trump victory has surprised the nation and the world," well, to be honest, the people who are surprised that Trump won are the Clinton supporters. Don't assume that everyone is surprised that Trump won because you can't speak for everyone. I am a Trump supporter and I had a feeling he had a chance to win the election once he barely won Florida. In 18 states out of 50, it's criminally illegal to vote if you aren't a US citizen. So take away the illegal immigrants that voted, which is about 3 million (or more), and Trump would have won the popular vote. People have been saying since 1968, or so that the electoral college will be removed and it hasn't happened. The reason why it exists is to give the middle class a voice, otherwise the big states with higher populations like California, New York, etc. would always decide the elections, which would be very unfair.

Now in response to the actual question you asked, I'm hopeful about the future of the USA every outcome of the elections. You have to give the president the benefit of the doubt because although you might have not chosen a certain candidate in the past, and even now considering how controversial and divided the country is, you should still give the winner of the election, in this case Trump: a chance! There should be more love, less hate; however, I agree with Trump that sometimes you have to be a bit rough when defending yourselves. Hate seems to be winning by both sides, but it shows more from the "overly-liberals." They act like they're on top of the world that they're the only ones allowed to speak, which is wrong. That's why they lost this election. Like I said earlier, more love, less hate. I don't think that it's too much to ask for.
2016-11-09 08:31:52 UTC
NO, but I pray the US survives the next 4 years.
2016-11-11 03:46:38 UTC
I am hopeful. I would take a man with everything so that he can't be swayed by money from Saudi Arabian princes over someone like Hilary who has nothing but her husband and pocket billionaires to get her into office. He's a fool, but a fool that cannot be convinced by anyone but himself, which can be both a good and bad thing if he doesn't know what he's doing, but luckily he WILL know what he's doing. He studied economics, so he knows the game. He started off with a small company and made it really well for himself. He knows what to do to fix our country and although I didn't vote for him, I am still hopeful.
2016-11-09 18:23:33 UTC
Absolutely not, on the contrary, I am extremely worried , both about our national well being, and the welfare of the world. We now have a crazy man in charge.
2016-11-09 12:16:14 UTC
A Birther Moron will be the next president. Some TWIT, who couldn't find HAWAII on a map.

Some IDIOT, who couldn't look at the FACTS and see the TRUTH, until he was ****FORCED**** to concede he was wrong.

With a court case for Racketeering pending, AND a trial over raping a 13 year old.............

This is who we just elected as president. A racist, sexist, homophobe, who wants to build a WALL with Mexico....... insults veterans..........insulted a GOLD STAR family........Insulted Veteran John McCain, because he doesn't like "captured" people.............

it's APPALLING!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

the only saving grace is that maybe now they will stop all their damn CRYING about Hillary's emails, that showed NOTHING!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
2016-11-11 12:19:49 UTC
Yes, I am always hopeful; we need to keep an open mind and see what the first 100 days of his administration bring. But, that said, I do feel there will be a war in our future, but I would still feel that way if Hillary won the election, that is inevitable!
2016-11-21 05:23:34 UTC
It's hard to be hopeful, when the US Federal government keeps borrowing a trillion dollars a year every year, without any end in sight.

USA is living far beyond its means, and sooner or later this will end in a bad way.

Some people say that USA can keep doing this only for about 10 more years, and then investors in US government debt might loose their faith, start selling their US government bonds, and this will cause the interest rates to rise so much that much of US government spending will go towards paying the interest on the debt, rather than pay for all the other things the US government needs to do.

Trump might reverse this trend by improving the economy and cutting some government spending. But this doesn't just depend on him and his administration. According to the US Constitution, it's the US Congress who is responsible for government spending and not the President.

To be hopeful for the future of USA, you need a change not only of the President but also of the Congress. And it's hard to say whether the US Congress has changed enough or not. Only time will show this.
2016-11-10 10:17:55 UTC
I was hoping for a different outcome, but the vote is what it is. The people voted for him. So now we all need to come together and work together, and hopefully Trump will actually listen to the people and lead us into the future.
2016-11-28 12:24:47 UTC
I am scared for the future of the United States given the outcome of this election, but trying to as be optimistic as possible. I'm not a big fan of someone like Donald Trump, a guy who has spewed hateful, divisive rhetoric all throughout his campaign, and the Republicans controlling the House, Congress, White House, and presumably soon to be the Supreme Court. I'm holding on to the very thin hope that the Electoral College will switch up the results or the recounts will change the outcome. However, I will accept a Trump presidency if that's what I have to do. Who knows, maybe a businessman president will end up being a good thing.
2016-11-19 13:34:47 UTC
I am an independent voter. There are things I like and don't like about each party. With that said, I wouldn't say I'm hopeful. I'm not exactly doubtful either, at least not yet.

Let me start by saying, Trump made a mistake by spewing hateful rhetoric throughout his campaign. Hillary also made several mistakes, one of them was pandering to minorities and forgetting about everyone else. I don't exactly think either victory would have been the best choice, and we would have had problems either way.

I am hopeful that America will not completely flounder under Trump. That somehow the American way and the American political system will stop anything truly harmful from happening, in the event that things did get bad. If Trump really does screw up, I would hope the Republicans would know enough to impeach him. I also would like to think that most people would hope that things do go well, since we all live here and it will effect all of us.

I'm not so sure Trump will be able to follow through with all of his ideas, but we will just have to see. Also, the Republicans need to understand that they have control of the government for the foreseeable future, so they need to understand that whatever happens falls on them. Good or bad.
2016-11-24 05:20:54 UTC
Cautiously optimistic... very cautious... but still optimistic. I just want some of the long-deprived values we once had back in America (and no, it is not racism, not sexism, homophobia, xenophobia, yada yada yada). Believe me when I say this: I honestly wish it were someone else other than Trump, and after listening to some of his old interviews, even he himself probably still wishes it were someone else, but ultimately, I believe it is the more necessary option right now. I'm not an idiot for having that opinion, and America is not stupid (well, mostly), in terms of this outcome. At the end of the day, take comfort in knowing that there's only so much he could do, and it's 4 years anyway. If people want a Democrat elected, they need to make their candidate a good one.

Hope I don't attract too much hate for having that opinion.
2016-12-14 17:38:21 UTC
I truly believe that the election of a businessman over a career politician by the government, as the popular vote actually has little effect, demonstrates that even those in the government are getting tired of the same old thing. I hope we will begin to see the end of career politicians and more public servants in office with an eye on America and Americans vice padding their own nests and that of their friends. When America gets back to the "American Dream" where we realize that we create and are not entitled to that which American is said to avail to all then once again we will be a great country.
2016-11-10 10:32:47 UTC
The Bible tells us 2 things about the outcome of the election and the future of the United States.

Luke 4:6, 7 shows that Satan puts into office those he wants.

Daniel 2:44 says that God is going to destroy all governments and replace them with his heavenly government.
2016-11-24 10:04:16 UTC
I'm extremely hopeful about the future of the United States given the outcome of this election. The outcome of this election was only unexpected to liberal flufftards. The 62 million Americans who voted for Trump were concerned about the future of the United States, so they voted for the better candidate. The "Shock" that the left is feeling is only a shock to them. Liberals live in a warm little cocoon where their only inputs are TV and Social Media controlled by far-left-brain-washing elitists. In real America, there are millions of working people who are sick of the plate of dangerous socialists (Reid, Obama, Clinton) being served up by the liberal elitists on a continual basis. "I DON'T WANT IT!" is what they said in this election.
2016-11-11 09:00:32 UTC
After seeing his televised speeches it just shows who he is as a person and how he views women and minorities, despite this I want to always think positive about the future and remain optimistic, tho outcome is questionable and at the same time full of uncertainty, all I know is that if something is not right people have the right to fight against it and address the issue out in the open, and being a president does not necessarily mean you are 100% in control, not with 400+ seats of congress sitting behind you. We just have to see if this country gets better or worse under his term.
andrew m
2016-11-12 14:51:54 UTC
NO, absolutely not.

He may only last 4 years at most, but he could still do a lot of damage in that time.

Having seen him in action many times before this election campaign ever began, I am convinved that Trump is only in this for Trump, and that he will effectively rape America for everything he can, then bugger off to the Cayman Islands or other tax haven, and enjoy rolling in his retirement fund while America is left to pick up the pieces.

Next to this question is and ad for a Tony Robbins seminar - in his book "Awaken the Giant Within", Tony was polite, respectful, diplomatic, and expressed feeling pity for Trump, but ultimately he was as good as saying that Trump had lost the plot some time ago.

America's best hope now is that Congress will stop Trump from doing too much damage, in much the same way - ironically - that they stopped Obama trying to do some good, like better health care for US citizens, safer streets for US citizens by way of better gun controls, and the closing of Guantanamo Bay.

But I reckon too many Obama haters will refuse to let themselves accept the possibility that that was true.
2016-11-12 14:58:56 UTC
I'm very optimistic about the outcome of this, of course not all are going to be fully happy with potential changes coming, The strengthening of American jobs will more than likely mean changes in international agreements with trade, but this could work to everyone's advantage by making smarter deals, many past deals were done to weaken regions in order to bring in change that serves nobody but special interest, I think the world will feel safer once they realize that political rhetoric against Trump was nothing more than just Political Rhetoric..... I believe this may start a new era in restoring confidence in the world.
2016-11-24 07:53:20 UTC
The most fitting word I can find is "expectant" because clearly the election results were not what most people expected. We are heading into a lot of unknowns, and it will be interesting to see how the incoming administration handles the economy, foreign policy, and the illegal immigration crisis. America as a nation is very divided on many issues. All around messages can be seen preaching 'tolerance' and 'unity' but it will be hard to achieve that when there are such deep fundamental divides within the United States.
2016-11-10 21:35:10 UTC
Let me start by saying, I am a non-partisan independent. I have no affiliation with either major party. I have watched both parties do things they knew they shouldn't have done. But, power is the ultimate objective. And, as a man named Karl Marx once said, "The end justifies the means". So, as both parties desperately attempt to outflank the other, they throw civility to the curb, and change the rules of morality as it fits their needs.

As I watched Mr. Trump give campaign rallies, (I attended 3 such rallies) I began to wonder if the hate he was spewing would spill over into the streets after the election was over. I got my answer. Mr. Trump wanted hate, and now he has it. He will claim this is wrong, because it can and should never be directed at him. However, one has to remember, if you set the rules, expect others to play by them as well, and then further expand them. I expect a long drawn out period of hate going forward. Will it end in revolt or civil war? I don't know. However, we have made it clear to everyone that hate sells, and it wins. So, if you pander hate, yet don't expect it in return, you are a very naïve person. Don't expect this to go away tomorrow or next week. It will grow. It will encompass our schools and our daily talk. We will treat others poorly. Not the majority at first, but it will spread like a cancer as it grows and festers. As a person is wronged, they will turn to this hate in retribution. So, as we move forward don't blame everyone except Mr. Trump. He shares the blame as much as the protestors scrawling profanity on buses, or the kids in schools telling minorities they are not wanted here in America. Or the teenagers beating up and robbing a Arabic woman. It is going to be a very tumultuous 4 years ahead. I only hope to see peace again in my lifetime.
2016-11-12 04:39:21 UTC
Yes, I am very grateful that the American electorate, after having had 8 disastrous years of a sham presidency, was ale to see past the rhetoric of a completely biased system of "news" reporting, and elect the only man who isn't a member of the political machine that has been in charge o dictating American politics and justice for so long now. I believe that Donald Trump is sincere in wanting to return America to the powerful country it once was, and will delegate authority to the appropriate people who have the skills and knowledge to take charge of the various areas and departments that comprise our government. Nor will he overstep his bounds, as Obama did so often, making laws and agreements with others without the backing of his country or of Congress. May respect for our country, our flag, our Constitution, and the great people who are our citizens abound in this new administration!
2016-11-18 08:48:40 UTC
Hopeful; yes but only time will tell if Trump is successful or not in what he has been saying he will do. If he can just solve half the major problems this country is facing in his first term then that will be something. People want the borders closed and emigration brought under control; jobs and being able to make a livable wage, and need some kind of health care system in place for those unemployed or underemployed.
2016-11-11 07:10:27 UTC
Since I am not a US citizen I dont care either way

Personally I think trump is a "snake-oil salesman" and the product he is selling is himself

one thing you can say about him is - he is damned good at it

He got the US people to believe what he was saying by telling them what they wanted to hear, while telling others the opposite

The problem is gonna be the next 5 years making those promises come true - cos a lot are impossible, and many contradict others

My betting - he will start rephrasing those "promises" to match what he achieves so that he can claim he fulfilled them (nothing unusual in that - all politicians do it)

The problem with a democracy is- the electorate are only interested in the "feel-good" factor , not the costs of achieved that

(Thats why a lot of people regarded reagan as a "good" president- THEY had a good time under him while ignoring that he mortgaged the future of the US to achieve it -

The US budget debt at the end of his presidency was 4 times what it was at the start)
2016-11-26 12:05:54 UTC
I am an independent, but supported and voted for Mr. Trump. If California had

not been in the race (one State out of 50) his margin would've been huge.

People are tired of the old Establishment and the tired and incompetent government

of the past. Hopeful - and confident - for the future.

2016-11-11 14:09:41 UTC
I figured the race would be a close one.

I feel the US can not afford to be more isolationist. This is because our world is getting smaller, due to the technology and social media . We now have "live stream and interactive" facebook and other social media.

If you look at History, the last time the US was isolationist, WWII developed, as our leaders of the time were telling the American people " It was not our problem of what is going on over in Europe."

The main points and problems in building a wall on the US- Mexican Border,

1. There is no legal way for the US to get Mexico to pay for it.

2. It might take more than Four years to complete.

All private contractors have to summit bids for any government project. And any Trump company or subsidiary has to be excluded. (That is in most government contracts. it is called nepotism ).

That is a time consuming process in and of its self.

3. Many private landowners might lose all or part of their land and livelihood . They might file a class action law suit in court over property values and buyouts. Which will add to the cost / time of the so-called Wall.
Common Sense
2016-11-12 12:08:20 UTC
Oh, yes, I am very hopeful. Trump may not be an ideal president, but he is a business man and he has the experience to help America get out of debt. Because he is not a politician, he has no one in his pockets, does not pay and play, is not receiving money from special interest groups and does no dirty dealing with other countries. So, yeah, I am hopeful that he will help get the government finances straightened out.

I think he will get a lot of opposition from those politicians who are abusing the system because I feel Trump will put a halt to that nonsense. He is going to stir things up alright. But, to tell you the truth, our government needed an overhaul and now we will get it.

All the change that Obama promised never happened and under his reign, Americans suffered quite a bit in the past 8 years. Trump has his hands full.

I am so happy the Clintons are left in the dust, where they belong. You have to be a pretty bad candidate to be beaten by the likes of Donald Trump. I am so much more hopeful with Trump that I would have ever been with Hillary because Hillary is a power hungry self absorbed individual who is untrustworthy. After all, what type of woman stays with a cheating husband who is a bigger womanizer than Trump? That would be Hillary, remember, the Hillary that is all for woman standing up for what they deserve? She got what she deserves, alright.
2016-11-28 12:11:38 UTC
My only concern is the political, color-ness of the states. If all states become one color or the other, one party of thought will control most civil laws - to keep or change. The next step could be a dictatorship.

If we are to spend money, as a nation; do it for the education of our children - we need a bright future for them - and healthcare for the bright poor (all) children.

This may enable the future citizens of our marvelous country to make informed decisions with regards to our faulty political system. Democracy has to benefit the most people. It was a revolutionary idea 240 years ago.
daniel g
2016-11-18 09:15:46 UTC
It shows better promise than if Clinton had been elected. 8 years of downhill and division, just what the left was after. It shows that real Americans just may get their country back after all.

Can't expect much from Trump though, look at the deep pile of $hit he has to work with.

Our poor old eagle has taken a beating but still strong.
2016-11-09 12:46:07 UTC
I am not hopeful about the next 30 years of a Conservative Supreme Court. More pro-business, pro-religious decisions. I am not hopeful about the near term either. Imagine a Trump cabinet where the person in charge of the EPA is the head of an oil company, the head of the Treasury department is someone who wants to eliminate the Fed and go back on the gold standard, and the attorney general is rabidly against the Fourth Amendment. In four years, we could experience the destruction of many aspects of American life that would be tough to come back from within my lifetime.
2016-11-17 05:14:32 UTC
The country will be just fine! Unfornutely their have been raqcists way before Donald Trump and they thrived during democrats in office too. It is never acceptable ,but liberals overlook reverse discrimanation. Donoald Trump has never said any racist remarks or supported racism. We are a democarcy and the liberal is trying to blame all problems on Donald trump because they lost election. They lose more respect evrey day with their lies and media does too. In the end Trump will do just fine and probably even win a second term.
Andy F
2016-11-14 15:10:34 UTC
Yes and no. I'm horrified at some of the hate that Trump and some of his supporters peddled in this campaign, and I really do not believe Trump has the character to be President of the United States. I hope I'm proven wrong.

On the other hand, I think Trump's campaign mobilized the anger of a lot of economically insecure, either middle-class or low-income white Americans who rightly feel that they've been left behind by our capitalist economy over the past 40 years, under both Republican and Democratic Party presidents. I think it's good that in voting for Trump, many of these voters think they have challenged the dominance of the richest "1 percent" over both major political parties.

Trump also has emboldened some extremely destructive white racists, anti-Mexican nativists, anti-Muslim religious extremists and sexist men who think it's okay to treat women like meat, IMO. That's really frightening.

I also think Trump's position on global climate change is just flat out wrong, no matter how popular it may be in areas of the US that depend on fossil fuel production for jobs and profits. I don't completely blame people in the fossil fuel business, in this enormously uncertain economy, for trying to deny the reality of climate change in order to hold onto their jobs. But if they & Trump succeed in keeping the world from tackling this crucial problem facing our civilization, there is going to be hell to pay. At least for our children, if not for ourselves.
Sir Grandmaster Adler von Chase
2016-11-19 20:44:53 UTC
The future of the U.S.!? Donald Trump has BAD INTENTIONS for the middle class! He may cause the budget deficit to reach $30 TRILLION in four years! Meaning the rich get richer and the poor get poorer! Keep wealth and wellness OUT of the middle class!? Why is this the cause and goal of the rich man!? The Trump Taj Mahal and Trump University are his first tests of UTTER FAILURE as a president! He turned his back on 100 day strikers and tricked poor students! He does NOT get along with world leaders and is a THREAT to immigrants! "Make America great again!?" Trump would, "Make America 2008 again!" This is definite PROOF Donald Trump is truely unfit for duty as president! =<)
2016-11-22 03:28:10 UTC
Only thing I see us we should worry about is Trump saying he was the "Law and Order President" and use this before the world to put this concept before them and us American's.....In the cities, the Media plays a game with us low lives showing is Ok to kill the bad guy in the TV shows while in real life with Cell phone everywhere that it is not Ok......Where this conflict is going for civil unrest has filled our prisons as the Cat seems to be catching way to many mousses and then plays with them their whole life by placing a label on them....How this Law and Order issue will be played out just may effect the whole world by the time Trump leaves office....... .
2016-11-10 14:28:32 UTC

President Trump's Congress level opponents were corrupted people, awash with hard sums of money from "professional briber" lobbyist PAC firms---and rigged health care industry stockholders, reaping in million$ in investment returns, courtesy of Obamacare; they traded their patriotism for personal greed.

Now, they'll be wise to resign and run or be arrested on violating investment trust law(s). And that's just the warm up for getting America back on the restorative path to healing into a strong, secure and great country once again.
2016-11-12 13:05:59 UTC
We are the greatest country in the world; we just have to be more careful who we let in and make sure we get rid of those who are dangerous allot quicker than we currently are. If all Americans unite, we can get this done, but right now we are very divided, and I believe it will take a war to get us all back on the same page, and that will be coming in the foreseeable future.
2016-11-09 18:36:22 UTC
Some racists are happy that “White Male America” rules again. Some people chose change by ANY MEANS NECESSARY, over safety and stability. Others chose charisma over substance. Sadly, people will choose an ignorant and bigoted despot over a qualified and sober candidate as long as they feel inspired. I am no fan of Hillary, but Trump scares me to death. Trump may have played the "hate the other, they are to blame for your troubles" card to win votes. Or he might actually believe his own rhetoric.

The saddest possibility to me is that the presidential campaign is just a junior high school popularity contest. Any political historian worth her salt will remind you that people who watched the 1960 Kennedy-Nixon debate on TV thought that Kennedy won. Those that listened to it on the radio thought that Nixon had won.

Trump had few if any concrete policy suggestions, but he won the election. It has been argued that Hillary lies 14% of the time, and Trump lies 54% of the time. That mattered to me, but the “change by any means” group may not have given this any consideration whatsoever.

In the end, the establishment lost but they may not have learned their lesson. A few of us thoughtful progressives knew that Trump COULD win, but we didn’t REALLY think it would happen until it was too late. TYT reporter Jordan Chariton described the scene at Hillary’s headquarters after the defeat as deeply saddened disbelief. The shock was so great that people were stunned into insensibility. They could not make sense of what had happened. Jordan felt that her supporters were blaming everything accept Hillary herself. He filed this report at

When a supporter at Hillary headquarters was asked to describe the mood after the defeat, he said that “to say it’s like a funeral would be a real understatement”. Another said that it didn’t occur to her to “imagine a Trump America”. I think that the Hillary machine’s fatal flaw was a belief that she deserved to win because she had earned it. If they had been REALLY looking out for the PEOPLE, they would have gotten out of the way and let Bernie Sanders win the nomination fair and square.

It is sad to contemplate, but despite this terrible loss and a great fear for our country’s future, the truly well-meaning members of the political establishment may not yet have broken out of their bubble. They just don’t realize how thoroughly sick and tired people are, of politicians being ruled by their donors, instead of the good of the people. Hillary is proof that it is no longer enough to be smart and qualified, and to say “the right thing in just the right way” to win an election.
2016-11-13 09:07:13 UTC
No I am not, this man has made too many ridiculous unfeasible promises, and he is NOT going to be able to handle the criticism and flak that he is almost certainly going to face in these next four years without reacting very badly!

President Obama handled the seething hatred and general nastiness with the grace and dignity of a saint! Trump however will be a ranting cry baby that will I predict, try to stifle our freedom of speech!

These next four years won't go fast enough!!!
2016-11-17 08:51:01 UTC
USA has checks and balances YES america is strong & great and will remain that way -> only losers vote america down (GOD The Monarchy gave USA The democracy The right to be such ... all parts of The Holy Spirit is given 15 minutes on stage (William Shakespeare said something like this))
2016-11-23 15:01:55 UTC
Electing a completely unqualified racist, misogynist xenophobe to be president of the United States is certainly embarrassing and disappointing but I think the country will come out of it alright. I believe in the decency of most Americans.
2016-11-10 11:30:53 UTC
I am not. Trump Nation has taken charge and all of the gains of the last thirty years will be destroyed. Concepts like equality for all Americans. Freedom FROM as much as freedom of religion will be eliminated.Legalized persecution of minorities. Elimination of healthcare for the poor. Concern for clean air and water. All of these will be gone in a flash. The people have spoken however and history is repeating itself. It's 1936 in Germany..
2016-11-22 11:40:34 UTC
No there are too many warning signs of a fascist frame of mind to feel hopeful with Trump in charge, putting in alt-right Brietbart flacks, considering people who have no relevant education or training for key cabinet positions. It's more like a payback situation than one based on competency, and calling in the media to tell them what to print is as bad as what he did while running, putting the press in a pen and inciting others at his rallies to harass them and refusing to meet with media that was less than overweening in their flattery to him. He's already taking credit for things that happened without his input like the Ford deal, a flat out lie on his part. He's giving me the creeps when he talks about Muslims like Hitler talked about the Jews, he's setting us up for a situation where we're going to look like pre war Germany, and that's not something to be hopeful about.
2016-11-09 18:46:52 UTC
The United States now has a chance.
Linda R
2016-11-13 13:09:17 UTC
ABSOLUTELY! Within the first two days, of Trumps win; Syrian President Al-Assad calls for cooperation with America. Putin says Russia is ready to restore positive relations with America. Mexico and Canada agree to cooperate to negotiate or scrap NAFTA. White House abandons TPP & TTIP. Dow Jones Industrial Stock index reaches an all-time high.

Remember, the world HATES Obama and Hillary. A businessman is EXACTLY what America needed to move positively into the future. Obama and Hillary would have NEVER wanted a 'positive' anything...just more B.S.
2016-11-13 12:55:36 UTC
The forgotten people's choice is irrevocable!!Nowadays many commentators have been confused and they don't know the power of forgotten people whom voted against all their predictions!!!As long as people are smart,the outcome of the election depends to their will and they can change it in democratic ways too!I am hopeful because they cast votes with hopes and hopes to change!!!
2016-11-13 14:45:34 UTC
I am not hopeful about the future of the U.S. for the next four years. I am ashamed an embarrassed that my country elected a man who is a bigot and who lacks any understanding of government, world politics, negotiation, etc. He has allowed all sorts of bigots to crawl out of the woodwork and has done nothing to discourage any of the violence that has been directed at various groups of minorities. We elected Adolf Hitler as our president and now we have to see how much damage that will do to our society. I am very afraid that civil war is going to be one outcome of this election. And it may be the only way that we can keep any semblance of equality operating in this country.
2016-11-09 14:21:13 UTC
Not really. I mean, I wanted Trump for president, but I still think we're headed for some serious chaos in the near future. Hillary might have delayed the madness for some time, but I think tensions would have just ballooned during her leadership.
2016-11-10 12:35:11 UTC
We must! Nothing is gonna change, so we don't regret, we make **** happen. Everything is imprévisible. Too early to call. Let's hope our future will get better, it will. Pray for all humans, the world, this country. Fight against what we don't deserve. It's gonna be really tough but we are ready.

God bless America.
2016-11-13 10:58:38 UTC
Absolutely, and the likes of Yahoo, and all other Liberal Progressive influences in Media, can learn why the facts and figures projected on behalf of Hillary Clinton were creations of hype and lies perpetrated by you guys. Trump will clean house, and the People have spoken, never again will the Left gain a position that can cast a lie such that a Hillary Clinton even gets nominated. Case in point, the tantrums shown on our streets by selfish offspring of the cradle to grave Ideology of the Democrats is more proof of your sickness. It will end when our President is sworn in.
2016-11-09 14:46:29 UTC
it was no surprise to lots of us Americans, as you (Yahoo) have stated, we needed change and now we'll get it and it'll be a whole lot better now that Trump will be cleaning house, by getting rid of all the pass wrongs from the pass 25 years.

now we just need to send all of the Crooks to Prison (Politian's) not Federal summer camp, but to State Prisons doing hard labor would put a smile onto many peoples faces. let them see what REAL life is like inside the prisons.
2016-11-13 07:09:53 UTC
Of course, every American should be hopeful about the future of the United States. To do so, is un-American.
2016-11-11 16:40:08 UTC
It's hard to say, because for the near future it's possible that things could get chaotic. But as for the distant future? Well, that's up to the younger generations. We need to figure out how to be more peaceful towards one another. There's no reason for us to go to unnecessary war and that's precisely what we've been doing for years. We need to arrest those who are profiting from warmongering and those who ARE warmongering..
Yoi and Double Yoi
2016-11-11 16:51:04 UTC
About the same as if Clinton had won. One thing about the U.S....we are a resilient country and population. We survived 8 years of Obama, and 8 of Bush, Jr. before that. We survived Nixon and the Kennedy Assassination. And going back in history, we've survived other horrible presidents.

We'll make it through to 2020...and maybe by then, we'll come up with two more deserving and qualified individuals to run for the office. I don't dispute the contention by disappointed Liberals that Trump sucks. He does. It just so happened that he sucked less than Clinton.
2016-11-12 21:58:18 UTC
I'm not hopeful, because the Number One enemy we face is still going strong - the leftist media that suppresses that which does not support their worldview and agenda. Through eight years of Obama, they continued to promote the 'It's Bush's fault' mentality, but they will begin attacking Trump almost immediately.
2016-11-11 08:23:00 UTC
I am not only hopeful but thanking GOD the people of this country will now reap the rewards of those proud of this election. You sure won't see Trump bowing to foreign leaders. How many sores does OBama on his knees?
2016-11-11 12:44:07 UTC
Yes, I am hopeful even though I went through many periods of despair prior to the election. Liberals would always shut down communication by using deplorable words to describe anyone who didn't agree 100% with their cause: such as racists, haters of gays/lesbians, sexists, etc. It didn't matter that the extremely weak Democratic candidate Hillary Clinton had a career laden with questionable political choices; an unseemly alliance with Wall Street; unethical and very questionable use of the family foundation's money; pay-for-play alliances with wealthy foreign individuals and interests; and, last but not least, let's not forget her criminal use of a private server and the deletion of thousands of emails when it became apparent that they were going to be reviewed.

On the other hand, she was running on the so-called legacy of her President. Seems to me that a President who came into office saying he was going to have the most transparent administrations ever fell ever so short of the mark and then proceeded to have an imperial presidency by signing so many bills by Executive Order. Obamacare passed with no Republican votes. They were shut out of the process. Nancy Pelosi said we would all find out what was in the bill after it was passed! What contempt! Many were fearful that it wouldn't allow them to keep their doctors and their insurance, which was the promise of the President. Fat chance. Today, we have a broken system. Insurance companies fled. Insurance fees went through the roof. Deductibles were raised to impossible heights. Many cannot afford the insurance that was created on the premise that it would be "affordable." This was just one major "accomplishment" of Obama. It will be replaced.

Foreign policy another disaster. Iran, Syria, Iraq and Afghanistan. Not to mention the so-called "reset" button that was going to change America's relations with Russia. Our alliance with Israel also started to go down the drain.

So, we look forward to a businessman whose career has been all about results-driven. After all, for those who can remember, he built Wolman Rink in less than 6 months after New York City's government failed to bring it to completion after something like three years! And, for all those people who question his inexperience, I'd like to say what kind of experience did President Obama bring to the party? A community organizer? A Senator who never brought any bills to the floor and wasn't engaged in the process?

What President-elect Trump brings is that he championed a good part of the country that had been left out in the cold. He brings hope that a muddled Washington and hopelessly inefficient government bureaucracy can be made to change. A fresh wind. Let us all hope and pray that the ugly campaign rhetoric is a thing of the past and that he will rise to the occasion and the office. If it had been otherwise, you know that Hillary Clinton would have only perpetuated what had gone before: more government spending without results; more taxation; more Federal restrictions on all aspects of private and professional lives. Donald Trump asked the question: "what have you got to lose?" Indeed. And, for all those in the inner cities that still voted Democrat, I'd like to say that after decades of government spending: what's the literacy rate? what's the homicide rate? are there fewer people on the public dole and how many generations of them? have you really been taken care of by Democratic Party? Or, have you instead been used by the very political machine that said it would change your lives? --Lillian YM
2016-11-11 16:08:05 UTC
Not even close. I'm more concerned and worried about the future of the United States given someone whom I feel has proven he is not qualified by temperament to be the president now holds that office. I hope I'm wrong.
2016-11-09 17:35:57 UTC
As a result of the recent elections, America's finest hour is yet to come.

I Cr 13:8a, Love never fails !
2016-11-09 20:23:20 UTC
You're damn right I'm hopeful! FOR ONCE we have somebody that is NOT a CAREER politician! Somebody that can run this country like a "business" which is what America needs YESTERDAY! we have somebody that is not "bought & sold"..NOT influenced by scumbag lobbiests! You know the same lobbiests that Odumbo said would have no place in his administration? Well we ALL know how that panned out! having Killary in the White House would've been Obozo's 3rd & possibly 4th term..more of the same..America is tired of the libtards bullshit of BIGGER government socialism &'s time for the United States of America to rise up & become the greatest nation in the world as it once was..for starters getting rid of the Illegal aliens that is a CANCER to this great country..NO AMNESTY..we tried that once before & it didnt work...just like we tried the "affirmative action" thing with gay bathhouse Barry Hussein Obozo that CLEARLY didn't work either..
2016-11-19 16:18:22 UTC
Given global warming and the proliferation of nuclear weapons I'm not even hopeful about the future of life on Earth!
2016-11-12 09:56:56 UTC
So many Salty Liberals in the comments lol

Trump will be the greatest president this country has ever known; He will even make the late George and President Abes jealous.
2016-11-10 09:16:14 UTC
much more than if hillary would have won. now we have a future that represents the viewpoint of the american public and not politicans that want to give our country away. we need to stop handing out money like trere is no tomorrow! the taxpayer can only pay out so much before they can't support themselves and the goverment which has gotten to big and needs to get rid of a lot of useless baggage
2016-11-20 01:09:00 UTC
While he is clearly a better candidate than Hilary his rhetoric is filled with to much hate and Intolerance. My family all voted for him but I do not like or trust him. Its a shame Marco Rubio,Ron Paul or even Ted Cruz didn't get the nomination.
Eric R
2016-11-09 09:47:59 UTC
I am more hopeful than I would have been if Hillary had won. Trump was definitely not my first, second, third, etc.. choice, but I will take a liberal Republican candidate over a hard left progressive any day because Progressivism and the hard left can be blamed for nearly every ailment this once great country is inflicted with.

Washington D.C. is broken and corrupt and the fact that he is an outsider and still won bodes somewhat well for some far overdue reform in Congress.
2016-11-09 15:52:34 UTC
Not very. I do hope when I can vote at age 20 which is in 4 years there are two realitively decent presidents, but I'm keeping my hopes low!
2016-11-09 13:27:02 UTC
Yes I am. With the illegals gone. With All Sharptounges help. Blacks will have the jobs they have been demanding. A great win for them. With jobs returning to the U.S. more workers making more tax money will come in helping America out of debt. With coal back we will have cheap energy making America more competitive against the world. We have our own oil so no need to bow for it. It gives me great hope. Trump I hope will build roads. He will lower the risk to America & Americans from outside of it.
2016-11-10 16:32:19 UTC
A man with a pending rape case being the leader of one of the most powerful countries in the world doesn't necessarily scream hope
2016-11-26 12:30:49 UTC
The US has survived a welter of carpetbaggers, political hacks and reformer parties before. It will likely survive this election cycle as well, in one form or another.. But no, I see no changes forthcoming save for the usual ongoing usurpation of privilege and individual rights as has been the general direction of our great Oligarchy,(or kleptocracy if you prefer) since Truman.
2016-11-10 08:17:55 UTC
The Democratic party has no faith in our faithful constitution. They have always , all the way back to their Civil War, sought to defeat the constitution, buy votes, and find some one else to do their labor for free.

A vote for honesty has prevailed, this time. More people are able to listen to propaganda and hear what is behind their liberal words of hidden slavery.
2016-11-09 21:06:19 UTC
The Democrats were so busy moralizing about Trump's character that they overlooked what would have defeated him - his bizarre behavior as a businessman, his bankruptcies, and the fact that he never personally went bankrupt because he was like the big banks - propped up because he was too big to fail. A casino is essentially a building with machines that take people's money and don't give anything back. What kind of stupidity does it take to lose money if you own casinos? Somehow, Trump figured out how to do it. You could give Trump the Franklin Mint and he wouldn't know how to make money with it.

With a little luck, he'll realize that he doesn't know what he's doing and be a figurehead, like Queen Elizabeth, a rubber stamp for the Republicans, those corrupt Republicans he hated so much during the primaries.

When the people get tired of this, the Democrats might give them a real alternative, and I don't mean Debbie Wasserman-Schultz' idea of democracy.
2016-11-17 14:07:52 UTC
DING DONG THE WITCH IS DEAD and I couldn't be HAPPIER. I would be even happier when we LOCK up the liars and thieves and throw out the politicians who make public office their Careers and never work an honest day in their lives and put a limit on how long they could cheat and live off the public payroll.
2016-11-11 06:37:54 UTC
Yes, the future looks great. Political correctness is the first sissy thing to go. If you have a thought, say it. Don't pussy foot around the issue like a whipped dog.
2016-11-11 03:59:44 UTC
2016-11-21 16:50:31 UTC
I am hopeful, but it's going to take something this side of a miracle to undo all the hatred, racial bias and corruption that ran rampant in the Obama administration and it's minions.
2016-11-12 08:37:43 UTC
Nadia Fekany
2016-11-10 17:17:11 UTC
We are ****** because Donald trump with the nuclear weapons he has a bad temper and a lot of American will be living on the streets he is only doing this for him not us Americans he don't care about us.
2016-12-13 07:23:23 UTC
Yahoo News is still full of fake news and nonstop attacks on Trump. Trump won get over it because the people have spoke way over 270!
2016-11-10 17:17:18 UTC
Nothing's set in stone, luckily i'm only 16 in my case, there'll be many more elections in the future so yes my hopes are high even in these dark times.
Andrea D
2016-11-25 12:05:48 UTC
To all you people calling Mr. Trump a racist, Stop watching CNN, NBC, etc you have no idea what he stands for. Watch this video maybe you will learn something.. We are 20 trillion dollars in debt ... We don't need big government running our lives... Government is supposed to be for the people and the people have chosen Trump Watch this and stop calling him a racist..
2016-11-10 10:05:34 UTC
Trump's success represents a new hope for America, while a Hillary victory would've led to nothing but the continuity clusterfuck we're already in.
2016-11-10 19:56:25 UTC
No. I'm scared witless. A man who bragged about sexually assaulting women, made bigoted remarks about every demographic--except the rich white male, such as himself--is going to be president soon.

What's NOT to be terrified of? (Unless your one of the aforementioned rich white males that are apparently so beloved in this country).
2016-11-09 10:21:23 UTC
I'm extremely hopeful for the future, the light seems bright at the end of the tunnel.
2016-11-17 06:51:47 UTC
What people do not realize this that Hillary lost not because of TRUMP but because of Hillary -her deceit,lies and association with Monsanto and Soros as well as we as Americans are tired of our politicians being influenced by corporations who have more $$ to spend on campaigns and whose agenda is becoming the rule instead of what the people want!!!
2016-11-23 18:47:35 UTC
What are these just your thoughts alone or did you SHOOT an employee that happened to be a trump supporter? In the office I mean, or take him or her out in the middle of nowhere and then dump their bodies off a cliff??? Curious to know.
2016-11-12 02:11:26 UTC
Absolutely! Very optimistic! Trump will be a great president. Though, I'm pretty sure the globalists have a few more tricks up their sleeves, in order to slander and destroy Trump. The good news is...the globalists will fail.
2016-11-20 06:27:14 UTC
I am trying to be optimistic but given who Trump has selected to his cabinet and how Trump supporters are acting towards minorities; it is likely that we are on the path of becoming a failed country.
2016-11-19 05:45:13 UTC
Things will continue the same pretty much no matter who gets in office. I will still have to work for a living every day and try to make ends meet.
2016-11-16 12:20:26 UTC
nop never ever 19 Horrible Things Donald Trump Said About Women
2016-11-14 08:26:43 UTC
Much more than under the present administration.Maybe now we can stop being suckers and made fools of by the other countries we've been protecting and financially helping. Our country comes 1st,doesn't it.
2016-11-15 22:54:29 UTC
It's really all you can be at this point. While I'm not necessarily happy with the results, I've come to realize that I ultimately have to stand by the commander and chief and wish for nothing but success for him. At the end of the day, if he goes down, I go down, we all go down.
2016-11-11 17:09:37 UTC
Very Hopeful
2016-11-12 15:05:59 UTC
Has anyone ever heard of "impeachment"? Let's get rid of this rich manipulator once and for all. He's just like Nixon proclaiming "I am not a crook". Let's get real and get this country on the right track
Dan K
2016-11-09 16:26:33 UTC
Yes! Finally, we have a leader with backbone, strong business acumen and a firm understanding of both domestic and international economics. Most telling is that both major parties didn't like him. Guys/girls/trans-genders/ whatever like McWeasel don't get it. They mindlessly enjoy large government, out of control welfare spending, lax sentencing of repeat felons, growing numbers of working class poor and dangerously weak border control.
2016-11-10 05:30:14 UTC
Hope is not a word i'd ever use in relation to anything political in the capitalist system.
2016-11-20 11:58:53 UTC
I believe trump will do great. THe dumb people out here realize that a lot of what he is trying to do is unconstitutional and even if Republicans have majority of the Senate, that doesnt mean they all have to agree with him.
2016-11-11 20:42:36 UTC
Yes, very hopeful;. We might just have a president who will actually do something instead of just sitting in the big office or golfing. Obama... worst president ever!
2016-11-11 20:05:29 UTC
2016-11-26 09:14:31 UTC
Yes after Trump leaves.
2016-11-14 11:12:42 UTC
Trump overcame insurmountable odds to win. Give the guy a chance for crying out loud!
2016-11-15 23:59:36 UTC
Hope is not a strategy. Reforming the electoral college and getting corporate money out of politics is.
2016-11-19 21:17:37 UTC
2016-11-12 16:28:00 UTC
Yes, always. The American people just voted for hope and change from the no-hope and no-change we've endured for so long.
2016-11-10 12:55:06 UTC
The Good people of this country is doomed Let me be the one to say I'm so sorry
2016-11-27 20:54:00 UTC
ABSOLUTELY! In good conscience I could not vote for Hillary as she wanted to take away freedom of religion. She wanted to insist that religions support things that are against their conscience. People like Hillary are to far left and can NOT be trusted.
2016-11-09 12:41:11 UTC
VERY hopeful.

If Hillary had been elected the country would have been headed for disaster.
2016-11-22 09:09:15 UTC
2016-11-11 10:47:44 UTC
What concerns me is not the fact that we will have Trump as a president. We can survive that. What concerns me is that our culture is full of people that would elect Donald Trump as president.
2016-11-11 18:54:51 UTC
Definitely yes.

There is something fresh about this. Trump has consistently surprised us with everything else. Why not with this new adventure?

He is not boring. Which is more than I can say about past presidents.
Nick Danger
2016-11-09 20:33:17 UTC
At least the county is so broke from the last war, there isn't any money for him to spend on a new one.
2016-11-13 10:00:33 UTC
The last time Republicans controlled all three Branches was in 1929.....remember what happened in 1929?

I'm just sayin'....
I have a question
2016-11-10 22:33:59 UTC
Nope I hope Trump Presidency fails big time ✊🏿✊🏾✊🏽
2016-11-09 19:14:59 UTC
No. Only the abolition of The Electoral College and Electoral vote will. We must use only the Popular vote.
2016-11-09 17:45:26 UTC
YES. I was so afraid when I thought Hillary would win, now I can sleep soundly with Trump at the helm.
2016-11-10 08:27:09 UTC
No, and I haven't been hopeful about this country for a long time.
The Patriot
2016-11-09 13:17:09 UTC
No. While Trump may moderate his views on issues like the wall and immigration, he is going to ignore climate change and the world and the USA will be affected this.
2016-11-13 03:33:01 UTC
No silly. Instead of going in the wrong direction at 100 miles per hour we are going in the wrong direction at 50 miles per hour
2016-11-12 08:27:50 UTC
Yes. We the people will never allow america to squander its future because of trump.
2016-11-10 10:20:37 UTC
I don't have much hope for the world,

if mankind can't get a grip on their goddamn greed and pretentious character.
2016-11-09 09:46:32 UTC
Hell no! This election may not have been so rigged as he said it was but the results of this is extremely deplorable.

Americans. Let me ask you this.

Sure, Hillary may not have been so trustworthy because of her email controversy. But why believe that someone with absolutely NO political experience, SOMEONE who has built their campaign on the basis of hate and bullying, someone who has NO regard for YOU or your country, allowed to be elected for the highest office in the land?

I just don't get it. This election was basically Clinton's Emails vs Bigotry against Women, Hispanics, Blacks, Muslims, LGBT and others. And the latter won!

If America crumbles after these 4 years. You all deserve it. NO WAY would Donald J. Trump become a President, Premier, Prime Minister or ECT in ANY OTHER first world country.

Seems that Hate Trumped Love.
2016-11-12 11:42:39 UTC
Can't be any worse than the last 20 years or so.
2016-11-10 16:30:47 UTC
I'm very hopeful. Out with the old and corrupt.
2016-11-11 03:56:31 UTC
Yeah I'm glad hitlery lost. Trump will be interesting
2016-11-10 16:21:49 UTC
I am hopeful with Trumph taking office.I saw Clinton as a great mistake.
2016-11-11 16:46:50 UTC
Yes. I'm hopeful now that Wall Street Hillary and her chronies aren't in power.
2016-11-14 07:01:56 UTC

Att Byrdman, To the small mind of the SJW a different opinion is hate. You lost. GO AWAY
2016-11-22 18:12:12 UTC
America has chosen it's path and that path is not the one that Barack Hussein and Hillary dictated for us!
Atsa me Atsa you?
2016-11-09 15:43:12 UTC
We had to protect the idiots of this country, that is why we voted bad in a round about way, Hilary did not get elected...she would have screwed them over so badly, so, you are welcome we watched out for you. I think it is HYSTERICAL the libtards gets NOTHING, NOTHING!!!
2016-11-13 16:46:07 UTC
I think this election was one of Americas finer elections in years. America needs to set back and relax and get this party started.
Sabina Jacob
2016-11-11 11:03:49 UTC
Future of country is not dependent on political leaders but on its natives.
2016-11-10 16:24:44 UTC
The corruption that goes on here that they teach children about in other countries won't apply for a four year period.
2016-11-25 12:49:04 UTC
Same as last post election eras.
2016-11-09 09:18:19 UTC
Yes i am. trump did EVERYTHING WRONG and got elected. lets see if he can do everything wrong again, and still manage to fix the country. i think he will do it. i think trump will change once he is in office because he won't have to fight anymore. he is an absolute bastard to fight against. no lets see what he does with his power.
2016-11-10 09:25:25 UTC
We still be headed for a crisis but now the Adults are back in charge.
2016-11-09 15:32:30 UTC
only if our founding laws are followed as i believe Trump will do his very best to follow... make no mistake the powers that be are not happy as you can tell by hillarys "concession??? speech... sounds like she is rallying the troops for another round of her evil... and obama well he is his usual criminal self... pray for our country... Trump needs our prayers to stay strong...
2016-11-10 13:17:34 UTC
This is a sad day. I cannot help but wonder who the Trump supporters will blame when their lives do not improve.
2016-11-27 14:05:15 UTC
I definitely want Trump to stay in. Hillary just don't get it.
2016-11-11 14:56:06 UTC
2017-02-01 11:21:48 UTC
ohh yeah, I spend my time hopeful about your dreams...
2016-11-09 18:45:36 UTC
Unless you're a straight white male, this really has no benefit for you
2016-11-13 13:03:40 UTC
i'm like the viewpoint of the stock market since 2008 and said everyday on cnbc: "cautiously optimistic"
2016-11-09 19:55:28 UTC
Building a Wall doesn't' get me excited.
2016-11-12 19:56:56 UTC
Yahoo, get ready to say bye-bye to some of your revenue.

Trump is going to tax the S*%! out of you
2016-11-25 10:11:52 UTC
I see a better chance for us with Trump than I do with Hillary.
2016-11-19 10:44:56 UTC
Well, the very essence of hope is clearly self proclaimed in this question.
2016-11-25 15:05:40 UTC
The citizens are still idiots. Hope is very limited.
2016-11-16 19:22:00 UTC
Well see where the future takes us :D
2016-11-20 00:43:00 UTC
i think we better see what we've got ourselves into. and help oboma with the notes that Trump needs to read over and continue from.
Count de Money
2016-11-11 12:37:09 UTC
Yes, I am. The media had me convinced that we were going to elect a criminal. We dodged that bullet.
Abdul Malik Ishak
2016-11-19 19:59:13 UTC
Trump is an Islamophobe.
2016-11-11 07:49:59 UTC
I see small set backs, but from here there is no place but up
2016-11-16 13:51:06 UTC
No. I'm bracing for a long, hard fight just to preserve what little human decency and liberty we have left.
2016-11-09 16:28:47 UTC
I would like to stay optimistic. Who knows, maybe I'll be proven wrong (hopefully).
2016-11-20 20:15:16 UTC
he scares the crap out of me and i'm skeptical about the future of this country
2016-11-18 16:10:09 UTC
Whoever wins, life goes on like usual.
2016-11-09 08:30:14 UTC
Yes absolutely we just elected the only person in the World that can fix this mess that the muslim occupying our beloved WH has left.
2016-11-09 19:06:09 UTC
I've never been more hopeful in my life.
2016-11-11 09:45:14 UTC
I wasn't optimistic about either one winning
Polar Bear
2016-11-09 11:38:27 UTC
Keep the faith! Could get worse or could get better. Have better chance of it getting better with Trump.
Tad Dubious
2016-11-15 05:58:30 UTC
Yes, I try to be always hopeful.
DL Hock
2016-11-13 06:22:39 UTC
I think the world is about to end
2016-11-27 03:33:48 UTC
No, you're all screwed. Just like every monkey on this planet.
2016-11-11 17:05:48 UTC
Yes. He should bring back jobs.
2016-11-12 05:38:31 UTC
Yes, and I am usually a pessimist
I was wrong once
2016-11-17 16:31:10 UTC
No. I'm terrified.
2016-11-12 04:49:56 UTC
9/11 ... 11/9

what does this TELL you ?

it tells me that God is now in the picture.
2016-11-25 16:12:47 UTC
2016-11-10 19:48:04 UTC
2016-11-11 12:03:10 UTC
2016-11-16 19:09:21 UTC
Long term, yes.

Short term, no.
2016-11-17 09:51:15 UTC
Not in the short term, no.
2016-11-09 15:06:18 UTC
Hope is a mistake .
2016-11-12 07:52:28 UTC
Yes I am. Thanks to Trumps victory, I no longer feel rushed to move to Russia or China.
2016-11-09 15:05:21 UTC
What Obama has done can never be fixed.
2016-11-21 06:52:46 UTC
mayhap, mebbe it will result in the positive.

its too early to justify.
2016-11-09 13:19:55 UTC
Nope. America is royally f**ked.
2016-11-13 09:23:50 UTC
Nope. The US is doomed.
Edward K. Carrington
2016-11-16 10:52:35 UTC
No. Never have I been so ashamed to be an American.
Mir Quasem
2016-11-09 22:34:17 UTC
Not yet--rather frustrated.
2016-11-25 06:56:09 UTC
I find it hopeful.
mr wenrich
2016-11-15 20:29:29 UTC
why would I be the person I wanted loss
2016-11-09 20:46:56 UTC
No. I am terrified for our future.
2016-11-21 14:34:44 UTC
Well.....we can always hope...can't we ?
2016-11-10 12:42:40 UTC
Abousolutley not
2016-11-11 18:57:50 UTC
Absolutely not.
2016-11-09 20:19:31 UTC
We'll see
2016-11-11 12:44:08 UTC
yes I am
2016-11-10 05:14:52 UTC
I wish him luck 🍀
2016-11-12 17:03:36 UTC
2016-11-10 10:39:41 UTC
2016-11-09 15:29:48 UTC
No we're all gonna die
2016-11-16 07:38:59 UTC
I am hopeful.
2016-11-19 19:42:55 UTC
nope ameria is wacist
2016-11-22 18:47:45 UTC
no we're f*cking screwed!
2016-11-09 09:08:21 UTC
Nope. I am not hopeful. That man will only destroy.
2016-11-10 17:51:26 UTC
sure the u.s.UCK.a.RSE country is proving a point. that it still can do that
2016-11-11 18:33:26 UTC
More than I ever have been
2016-11-10 07:04:07 UTC
not with hope. works.
2016-11-09 11:30:18 UTC
sure why not..we shouldnt judge from now
2016-11-11 15:45:17 UTC
oh yea
2016-11-10 17:18:01 UTC
I am terrified
2016-11-18 08:06:32 UTC
I am confident that this idiot will be impeached.
2016-11-09 12:19:56 UTC
Please ask Ms. Rowling where Lord Voldemort is when we need him? Hopeful? No.
Smokies Hiker
2016-11-10 12:11:57 UTC
I am Now!
2016-11-11 11:33:32 UTC
2016-11-11 11:21:29 UTC
2016-11-12 07:41:10 UTC

is irrational.
Amna Malik
2016-11-11 09:00:03 UTC
not at all
2016-11-10 18:54:37 UTC
No. not at all.
2016-11-09 09:48:36 UTC
2016-11-10 14:18:57 UTC
2016-11-09 16:28:56 UTC
2016-11-13 09:57:24 UTC
2016-11-10 14:19:43 UTC
2016-11-09 18:37:10 UTC
2016-11-26 05:04:35 UTC
OF COURSE!!!!!!!!!!
2016-11-10 10:47:10 UTC
2016-11-12 11:45:58 UTC
2016-11-18 04:46:40 UTC
2016-11-17 18:56:08 UTC
2016-11-21 13:56:00 UTC
I dunno.

This content was originally posted on Y! Answers, a Q&A website that shut down in 2021.