who cares whether it was reps or dems?
If anyone would actually look into what this bailout really is, they would all be against it!!!!
I'm guessing that the reason why anyone would vote against it, reps or dems, is because this piece of legislation has a lot of bad, crooked things attached to it that is just going to create more power for the powerful and wealthy while the taxpayer takes it in the shorts. It is these types of things that people are seeing, thats why they are voting against it.
And you people don't even know crap about it, except the one thing the news is telling you: it will be bad for you if it doesn't pass. Well, instead of just listening to them, research and find out for yourself whats actually happening.
The news is screaming that its the end of the world as we know it and all is lost. But financial analysts see this as one big sham that will make into law for the taxpayers to cover any losses these big financial firms ever have, while any profits they get they keep for themselves.
We either weather this economic storm now and have a recession that will correct itself with time, or have a huge economic collapse later with all the wealthy multi-millionaires and billionaires not being affected by it.
Look for yourself what the bill is really going to do. Who is really benefiting? Where will the money really go? What laws are changed along with this legislation? What is the government really buying and what is it really worth? Why did these financial institutions get to where they are in the first place?
If you knew the answers to those, you wouldn't be for the bailout, either.