Is it true that Republicans are the ones who reject the bailout plan? And why did they do that?
2008-09-29 19:48:06 UTC
Please answer seriously.
39 answers:
2008-09-29 19:52:34 UTC
In the HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES for the bill to pass they need a SIMPLE MAJORITY(same in the senate)

435 Total

233 democrats

202 republicans

do the math

They did not need republicans to pass this bill...........

Just so you know to overwrite presidential veto they NEED 2/3 of all of congress to do it........ There was no veto.....


This 2 party system STINK'S

2008-09-29 20:06:10 UTC
who cares whether it was reps or dems?

If anyone would actually look into what this bailout really is, they would all be against it!!!!

I'm guessing that the reason why anyone would vote against it, reps or dems, is because this piece of legislation has a lot of bad, crooked things attached to it that is just going to create more power for the powerful and wealthy while the taxpayer takes it in the shorts. It is these types of things that people are seeing, thats why they are voting against it.

And you people don't even know crap about it, except the one thing the news is telling you: it will be bad for you if it doesn't pass. Well, instead of just listening to them, research and find out for yourself whats actually happening.

The news is screaming that its the end of the world as we know it and all is lost. But financial analysts see this as one big sham that will make into law for the taxpayers to cover any losses these big financial firms ever have, while any profits they get they keep for themselves.

We either weather this economic storm now and have a recession that will correct itself with time, or have a huge economic collapse later with all the wealthy multi-millionaires and billionaires not being affected by it.

Look for yourself what the bill is really going to do. Who is really benefiting? Where will the money really go? What laws are changed along with this legislation? What is the government really buying and what is it really worth? Why did these financial institutions get to where they are in the first place?

If you knew the answers to those, you wouldn't be for the bailout, either.
Jenny C
2008-09-29 20:00:16 UTC
Dems are afraid to vote it through with their majority which they can so 95 voted no. Pelosi wants Repubs equally on board so if it does not work Dems will not be blamed for it. Repubs honestly do not want it. They have asked Dems to consider alternative plan that is a loan and has Wall St. paying for ALL of it...not tax payers. They want Wall St to have to work to get out of this and pay back the money. Another problem with this bill is it gives Paulson too much power to set prices and also the oversight committee on this consists of those in congress who already have jobs. They need to get oversight from the private sector like include someone like Warren Buffet and others who know what they are doing rather than more politicians overseeing it.

I am afraid Dems will never consider Repub loan plan because if it works then Repubs get all the credit since Repubs refused the bailout that asked for some of money to come from taxpayer and Dems initially would not listen to alternative that made Wall St pay for it all.
Craig G
2008-09-29 19:57:20 UTC
Yeah. Think about it. If the Republicans were to help pass that bailout bill, taxpayers would be angry that they had to pay for it, and the blame would go towards the Republican Administration. And that could cost McCain the election. COULD. If they reject it, it'll seem like they're on the taxpayer's side. Since when have Republicans been against giving big money to big corporations to bail them out? Is it because it's an election year?
2008-09-29 19:54:39 UTC
The democrats have the majority and could pass it without one republican vote. But it is good they dont pass this bill.

Today the bailout bill failed and the price of oil went down ten dollars a barrel. Is there a connection? The answer is yes. The high price of oil is being supported by the greedy investors around the world. If the American economy slows the price of oil will plummet. The weakness in the American economy can be directly related to the high price of oil. We cannot afford the ridiculous price of oil and the American economy shows it. I say this again, when the price of oil went sky high it ruined our economy. So passing the bailout bill will raise the price of oil and the money will go overseas. I would rather see the economy slow and the price of oil fall to where the economy can recover slowly. Mark my words, no bailout means cheaper gas. Write your Congressmen and Senators and tell them you are opposed to this bailout. The money in this bill will only go to wall street and the investors and foreign banks
2008-09-29 19:56:52 UTC
Republicans voted 2:1 against it, the majority of Democrats voted for the bailout plan.

Personally, I don't think this is a plan that can effectively be agreed upon in a matter of days. By either party.
Kristin N
2008-09-29 20:05:40 UTC
In the end, only 65 Republicans — just one-third of those voting — backed the plan despite personal pleas from President Bush and encouragement from their presidential nominee, Senator John McCain. By contrast, 140 Democrats, or 60 percent, voted in favor, many after voicing grave misgivings. Their nominee, Senator Barack Obama, also backed the bill.
2008-09-29 20:11:14 UTC
1st of all why are you people doing the blame game, republicans this and democrats this. You fail to realize republicans told mccain to stay away from the bailout, they themselves said they did not need him. That should have been a sign to you people that they were not going to pass it, when clinton left office there was a surplus of economic growth, when bush took over it slowly and surely declined, why should people help you fix something the same moron you people voted for screwed your economy up? and its not to say as if these insurance companies did not know they were going bankrupt etc etc, because they did. Democrats said they would sign the bill only if Republicans signed, and in this case republicans MAJORITY voted against it. so to blame someone for a speech he or she gave is stupid, point blank is america is in need or serious help. all these times you wanted to help other countries now my question to you is who is going to help you? you put people who love materials in office and now they spent your money and their money and you are crying? lol lets get real and understand this country will never be the same.
2008-09-29 19:56:02 UTC
Because it was a BAD plan.

Dems added $20 Billion in earmarks to leftwing political groups.

Politicians can never pass a bill without adding earmarks... its sickening!

Gingrich had a novel idea tonite.... instead of a bailout, give companies that need liquidity a LOAN, that must be paid back! What an idea!

But Paulson is looking out for his buddies on wallstreet.

I'm glad some people had the balls to vote NO.

(How did Obama vote?,.... Present?)
2008-09-29 20:00:39 UTC
Not just Republicans sweetie. Many responsible Democrats voted against the bailout too.

It is irresponsible to reward those who are failing with a huge stipend to set the mup so they can fail again.

Wall Street MUST pay for its own greed. The market will correct itself, and then life will go on.

Keep your head about you - the next few years are going to be very rough! And you cannot blame the Republicans.
2008-09-29 19:52:18 UTC
It wasn't just republicans. Nay voters didn't believe it was the responsibility of the tax payers to bail out the lending institutions. The executives got themselves in the hole, they should be the ones responsible for getting themselves out.

The vote was bipartisan:

The 228 votes against the plan included 95 Democrats and 133 Republicans, a mix of conservatives, liberals and members in tough re-election fights.

McCain's stance was that the bailout put the cost on the taxpayer instead of the companies themselves. He didn't fully agree with Bush (I know Dems are shocked) McCain wants the companies to be accountable for their bad judgement. the addition of earmarks to the bill was another negative for him.

Honestly you'd think our politicians could pass at least ONE bill without someone getting some free money thrown in the the mix.
Call me-C-4-Curious-
2008-09-29 20:30:13 UTC
No, it's not only the Republicans who rejected the "plan" to give Wall Stree welfare! Democrats also rejected this poop sandwich filled with pork!

It's time to let Let Fall Street see how the other half lives. . . on Main Street. The republicans tried to warn congress and everyone about the impending crisis, but they wouldn't listen...
Marcus Vitruvius
2008-09-29 20:01:04 UTC
1/3 of Republicans and 40% Dems.
2008-09-29 19:55:37 UTC
I am amazed that the republican responses are so obtuse.

It is ACKNOWLEDGED political suicide for one party to support the bush blank check bailout. The Dems's support for Bush's efforts had two caveats:

1) The bill had to have some dem ideas: protecting homeowners, some payback, no CEO payouts

2) the Bill had to have X number of GOP votes so it would be viewed as bipartisan.

Twice now the GOP leadership has promised they had the votes and twice they have attempted to screw over the Dems even as 401K's dropped in value and the credit lines small businesses need to keep employing folks become precarious.

Thanks for dragging Presidential politics into this McCain!

I would not be suprised to see Dem support for this diminish.
2008-09-29 20:11:34 UTC
It'a a complicated problem. It hasn't been adaquately explained

to the public. This is an election year, and many politicians

don't understand the problem well enough to communicate the

details of how we got here, without making Republicans look

particularly stupid. It's quite similar to the war in Iraq. They

throw out just enough infomation to enrage the public, and the

politicians vote whatever will make them popular. It is sad that

our potiticians put their carreers before their love of Country.

After the next hundred bank failures and 20% unemployment,

public sentiment will turn, and they will be very mad at our

politicians for doing nothing except getting re-elected. I, for one,

am very angry that Republicans are getting the government they

2008-09-29 19:58:33 UTC
A large number of Democrats rejected the bill as well, but the liberal-biased MSM, Nancy Pelosi, and Barney Frank want you to believe it was just the Republicans.
2008-09-29 19:56:50 UTC
True. 140 Democratic votes to 65 Republican votes.

Perhaps John McCain could give us a little background as to why his efforts on Thursday failed miserably. Or, was it only a political stunt, as some have said.

I thought McCain was a good leader. Why did his comrades in Congress disobey him and fail him?
2008-09-29 19:54:25 UTC
NO, it is not true. The Republicans are the Minority Party, and they CANNOT stop anything. It is metaphysically impossible for the Republicans in the Congress to pass anything or stop anything from passing. period.

This particular bill failed because a BI-PARTISAN majority voted against it.
2008-09-29 19:58:43 UTC
No, there were plenty of Democrats who voted against it as well.

Maybe they all thought they needed to have at least as much discussion as they had on steroids in baseball before they make a decision?
Fred K
2008-09-29 19:57:40 UTC
election year they think by not giving wall street a bail out they will look good a few more -800 days on the Dow the 401ks will be worth nothing then they won't be looking too good
2008-09-29 19:53:14 UTC
There are more than enough Dems in congress that could of voted, they did not need the Republican's to vote.

So why didn't all of the Democrats vote then?
Army Sniper
2008-09-29 19:52:45 UTC
If the Dems had voted 100% in favor of the bill, it would have passed without a single republican vote.
2008-09-29 19:55:40 UTC
Yea. McCain had to rush on over to DC to "fix" things and come up with a bailout...yet they don't want it.

It is scary that ALL politicians can't just come to some kinda of decision this is way too important for them to be knocking heads.
2008-09-29 19:52:11 UTC
I don't' have the exact numbers, but a majority of Republicans did vote against the bill...but an unusually high number of Democrats also voted against it, after TWICE they said they had a deal...

Su Lin
2008-09-29 19:52:51 UTC
Yes, seriously, they did.

They did it because majority Republicans don't believe in socialism.

And, the dems have a majority so they could've passed it if they'd wanted to w/o Repub. help.
2008-09-29 19:55:08 UTC
The administration had the votes till the Speaker shot her mouth off. Very dumb. Very costly.
2008-09-29 20:01:20 UTC
both parties rejected it because the voters do not support it.. after all where was the government when people lost their homes?
Sharron H
2008-09-29 20:01:10 UTC
Dems sould have passed it all on their own if they were incline to do so.

The GOP didn't want to start this country on the socialist pathway.
Agent Smith
2008-09-29 19:56:40 UTC
What's up with people now thinking they have a "right" to OPM?

2008-09-29 19:53:03 UTC
They rejected it because they said it encroaches on "economic freedom." Which as everyone knows is more important than actually having an economy.
2008-09-29 20:52:27 UTC
the democrats, they want to blame the Republican administration
2008-09-29 19:52:52 UTC
I don't quite understand this concept. Everybody who voted should have voted for what they thought was the best thing. What does the party affiliation have to do with it?
2008-09-29 19:58:26 UTC
Everything was going well until McCain showed up and got involved.

I wish he had stayed in Mississippi and practiced for the debate the bill may have passed.
David T
2008-09-29 19:54:31 UTC
Constituent input and outcry was a factor...
2008-09-29 19:52:04 UTC
and 133 Republicans.
2008-09-29 19:55:24 UTC
yes, but what is ironic is that the republican candidate McCain was all for it.. so essentially the republicans voted against their man.
Lady K
2008-09-29 19:53:10 UTC
Those that voted against it did so because they believe it is what their constituents want...the problem is their constituents aren't informed...sadly they don't realize the consequences of not doing it....
2008-09-29 19:51:10 UTC
and 95 democrats. Don't blame the republicans for the mess the democrats made.

Why should we pay these rich ceo's one cent of tax payer money????????????
2008-09-29 19:52:39 UTC
they were mad at the democrats, for "talking down to them".

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