There's two basic philosophies (don't let the two current major parties fool you with their different colors, they operate in very much the same manner and that is why nothing gets done.)
The 1st is that of a country in which the government makes sure everyone is taken care of (welfare, social security, etc.). This is known as a welfare state....obviously you can spend A LOT or A LITTLE money on social programs or you can spend A LOT or A LITTLE money somewhere else (for instance national defense)....normallly more spending is accompanied by higher taxes, however, our current President is attempting to defy the laws of economics by lowering taxes and spending record amounts. (what a dumbass, not the point).
Republicans have traditionally favored a SMALLER federal government that spends LESS money and thus collects FEWER taxes. Neo-Cons (your current administration) are not conservative republicans, they are an evil breed of profiteers that use the federal government as a business entity.
Democrats tradtionally favor a LARGER federal government that spends MORE money and thus collects MORE taxes. However, there are more social programs for the people.
Currently, both parties are engaged in an epic raping of the U.S. political system by allowing it to be manipulated in ways that serve inidivdual personal interests at the expense of the people. Basically all the politicians are letting all the other politicians 'milk' the system as long as they can milk it for their own personal gain too.
Quick factoid: Don't trust network news...seriously, get some secondary sources for political information.
Which brings us to Ron Paul (the 2nd kind of government), who espouses the 'Traditional Conservative Republican' platform yet is seen as an outkast in his own party. Why? Because the government has morphed into a tool for special interests and Ron Paul believes elected representatives are servants of the people and have a duty to serve the people with their office--- they are not elected to serve themselves. Over the past 30 years however, many people have gotten extremely comfortable using the government for personal gain and they don't wanna give it up. Ron Paul, on the other hand, wants to drastically cut spending and allow more personal freedoms for individual americans (ending drugwar etc.)
In a nutshell, the government has gotten too powerful for it's own good. We are teetering dangerously close to 'soft-fascism' and have got to put some power back in the hands of the people before the government is too powerful to influence at all.
I'll be supporting Ron Paul...check him out on youtube and I think you'll like what you're gonna here.