Voter fraud is NOT a partisan issue; the GOP does it now, and probably did so in 2000, but the Dems engaged in it in 08 and would gleefully do it again. The GOP and the Democrats are basically the same party; just 2 separate factions. If the GOP didn't use voter fraud to ice Ron Paul, and he got the nomination, in the general, the Democrats would ice Ron Paul.
There was voter fraud since the inception. When Ron Paul won all of these straw polls last year, the GOP establishment got worried, so they carefully formulated a plan to ensure that Ron Paul does not speak for their party, despite people's wishes.
The very first state that held a primary was the victim of a gargantuan amount of voter fraud. In Iowa, the votes are always counted at Des Moines, but "suddenly" the establishment moved the place where they are tallied to a secret location. But I'm sure this had absolutely nothing to do with Ron Paul leading in every poll of Iowans!!!!!!!!!
Voter fraud is fairly simple; it's just like sending a trojan horse virus to another computer. I'm certain that Ron Paul probably recieves about 1/3 of the votes he should actually recieve. We never actually "choose" the people who lead us; they are installed by the ruling class; it's the ultimate trick- they know with 100% certainty who will be President, but allow us to hold elections to keep up the facade that we have a democracy and the people's voices count!
This type of computer-based vote fraud will continue until enough people take a stand and do something about it.