Excellent question...I have yet to hear of any SPECIFIC reason based on HIS RECORD liberals can give to elect him. And if I hear one more lib spewing their typical anti-Bush rhetoric....when will they realize W is NOT on the ticket? And John McCain is not anything like W and liberals know it. McCain truly is bipartisan and has the record to prove it. Obama's voted with liberals 97% of the time...and is the MOST LIBERAL US Senator, followed up by Biden as #3 most liberal. We don't need extremists on either side in the White House. This country is so incredibly polarized....we need a leader that will UNITE us.
Also, Larry...I can't believe you're serious....
1. "He's intelligent." YES he is WHEN THE TELEPROMPTER IS ON. Listen to him with the teleprompter off. "And get over the wounded war hero bit." BIT? BIT? Why don't you spend FIVE AND A HALF YEARS having your bones twisted and tied with daily torture treatments....and then you can critique McCain. I don't care what your politics are...HOW DARE YOU DISRESPECT HIS SERVICE. He is a hero and a true patriot. He's not one to give rock star speeches in foreign countries and diss his own country. He honors and respects his country...and doesn't have buddies like Ayres, the terrorist, or Jeremiah Wright, the racist anti-American loon.
2. Obama has integrity. REALLY? Is that why Rezko subsidized his house...ohhh, I get it.
3. Obama has lived in several part sof the world so he understands the world a lot better than McCain. HUH? And what Obama might need to learn [just about everything], he has one of Washington's best, Joe Biden. Joe Biden didn't leave his wife when she was dying of cancer. He stuck with her and took the train home every night to raise his kids. IS THAT WHY BIDEN DID SO WELL IN THE PRIMARIES? Biden has had many tragic events in his personal life and those are moving on a personal level. However, those issues do not justify his politics and will not change my vote.
4. Obama understands our economy far better than McCain who has said he doesn't know much about it. HOw in the world can you even think of voting for a man who admits he doesn't know about our economy and SHOWS IT by claiming that we're "fundimentally sound." when we're falling apart and economists and those who are studying the problem are calling for "transparency" being the problem. That is burying your head in the sand and acting like there's no problem when the fundimentals are worsening. OBAMA DOES NOT UNDERSTAND THE ECONOMY. He doesn't understand that hiking taxes on those making over $250k will hurt small businesses. Corporations will lay off the same people he's supposedly 'helping'. Socialized healthcare will end up cost this country a ton of money, and more importantly potentially their lives. I wonder how you'll feel about Obama if you have to be on a waiting list for surgery? Canadians come here for surgery oftentimes, so they don't die waiting for government bureaucracy. Good luck with that. Oh and it's fundamental, not fundimental.
5. Obama is young - has fresh ideas. He's not chanting "drill baby drill" he's leading the way to new energy ideas and developments that will change the world and put us back on top. ANOTHER VAGUE ANSWER. IS HE FOLLOWING PELOSI'S LEAD ON THIS? SHE WON'T EVEN ALLOW A VOTE ON DRILLING. He is a better representative of the United States. He is respected around the world and will bring hope back to the world that the USA has returned to being the Democraitc Republic that won't torture, won't use war to accomplish goals, that will right its economic ship.
WHY ARE LIBERALS SO CONCERNED WITH WORLD PERCEPTIONS OF THE US? I'd rather a President who cares more about US citizens, rather than catering to foreign nations/leaders. And re: torture, John McCain is a torture victim and is adamantly opposed to it as well. However, I don't believe the terrorists should be tried in courts. They are not US citizens, and should not be entitled to the same privileges. It is much too expensive and completely ineffective. It's an absolute joke for terrorists....here comes the US and ooohhh....they might sue us. We better watch out. We'll have attorneys fight it out for years in court...we'll appeal and appeal and waste time and taxpayer money....and we'll literally get away with murder. Good plan.
6. He's a better man - period. PLEASE!!!!