I wouldn't vote Labour if my testicles were on the line,or the other two centre parties.
@jdan9 were you delivered by spacecraft??The gap between rich and poor is greater now than at ANY time since records began!!!!!!
NU-LABOUR,sold half the countries Gold after announcing to the world first!!!FOR THE LOWEST PRICE EVER
NU LABOUR,raided PENSIONS TO THE TUNE OF BILLIONS!!!!!Which may be OK to those that didn't work for 50YEARS and paying into it every week to end up with nothing!!!!!!!!!!!!
NU LABOUR,is paying this ILLEGAL ORGANISATION £40,000,000 or more PER DAY
NU LABOUR,for the past THIRTEEN years have SOCIALLY ENGINEERED the country through open door immigration to the DETRIMENT of working man and if you question it your a RACIST!!!
NU-LABOUR, will adopt the legislation that will make ANYBODY who protests against Government a TERRORIST!!!!
NU-LABOUR,fund the UAF which in it self may appear OK,until you realise the MARXIST ideology is a FASCIST ideology?!?!?!?!
NU-LABOUR,have dumbed down EDUCATION to the most disgusting level since America learnt to read!!!!
NU-LABOUR,are privatising the NHS,and the damage can be seen every day.
NU-LABOUR,want all children to be owned by the STATE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
NU-LABOUR,came to power in 1997 the country was SOLVENT due to the PREVIOUS TORY GOVERNMENTS, today the country is in debt £1.2TRILLION.
A TAX BILL FOR EVERYONES GRANDCHILDREN!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
I ask you all to look at the case of Holly Grieg,anyone voting for any of the centre parties are voting for more of the same.The only way is to take power away from these TYRANTS!!!!!!!!!!!!