Ok I will try to answer this in two parts. First I will address the first part. If we stay in Iraq there are pros and cons. The pros for staying in Iraq are, that the terrorists, will continue to be weakened as a result of our troops being stationed there. Also, think about this, if we were to leave anytime soon, that would mean the terrorists in Iraq would follow the troops back to our home country creating more a problem. They would be stationed here as terror cells, meaning they would have a greater opportunity to attack on our soil because they are already here.
Now for the cons. The cons to staying in Iraq, are that we are constantly losing soliders in Iraq daily. This is a growing problem because what will happen is that the army reserves will become weakened. As it stands right now, we don't have a lot of volunteers in the army. So if we stay longer in Iraq it could pose an opportunity for a draft. Secondly, of course we all know that this war is taking a toll on the economy. We are in over our heads in debt because of the spending on weapons, and military supplies. Finally, with the soliders dying everyday our borders have become weakend. So if a terrorist attack should occur and most of our forces are fighting in Iraq, we can not properly defend ourselves.
You have to look at boths sides in order to understand what we should do as a country. The bottom line is, that wisdom should be applied to this situation, and hopefully the next president will use his head wisely about Iraq..