Barack Obama keeps talking about change, what changes do you think he wants to make?
No Class
2008-02-19 08:12:38 UTC
The man keeps saing change, just not what he's going to change and more importantly how.
What do you think he wants to change?
Seventeen answers:
darrin b
2008-02-19 08:19:15 UTC
gee, if you go to his website, you'll learn about all the changes he's planning on implementing.
halid c
2008-02-19 16:26:59 UTC
They don't know or want to tell you right now. Every candidate talks about change, but they will not be specific in any area. Because if they are, they will lost votes. Think about it, everybody wants some change after Bush, so making a slogan that says we need change, that pretty much attracks everybody. It is their way of winning votes.
I do feel that he wants to change a number of things, but I hate that they make all these promises and then when they become a president, they do only few of them because cogress did not allow it or something.
2008-02-19 16:43:19 UTC
In today's NY Post, there is an article on the opinion page. Basically, it states that President Carter, Mass Gov. Patrick (Obama's buddy) and NY Gov. Spitzer all ran on the "change" platform. Carter failed miserably, Patrick is below 50% approval rating after 1 year in office, and Spitzer is failing as well, one of many reasons being his proposal to give illegals driver's licenses. All three expected change to happen just because they were elected on the "change" platform. Change did not happen because they actually had no ability to make changes. They thought their being elected was enough to make change happen.
I think Obama needs to get his head out of the clouds. He cannot state what changes he wants to make, because he too thinks that if we elect him as our first black President, change will be automatic. He also needs to stop using his buddy Gov. Patrick's speeches, because Patrick's approval rating is below 50%. The speeches mean nothing if you can't make things happen.
2008-02-19 16:21:07 UTC
When he was in the Senate, why didn't he start to present his vision of change? Change what? Si se puede! Caesar Chavez rolls over in his grave everytime thats said.
2008-02-19 16:23:11 UTC
hes saying that america has sled down with everything form the economy to how much other country like us.
he wants to help america gets its reputation back. america used to be the place where immigrants came to get a better life and any man could get rich if he worked hard enough.
but know that were deporting so many immigrants and heading towards a second great depression he wants to help americans get back "old" america if you will.
he wants to get us out of war, bring back the troops, work on the economy. bascially he wants to right all thw wrongs that bush created.
2008-02-19 16:20:09 UTC
I think getting the ethically challenged party out of office would be a good start. Of course, pretty much all Americans want that these days.
2008-02-19 16:18:19 UTC
He wants to bring a new attitude to Washington where the people are more involved with their Congress, with their President, and with their own state governments as well. He see that most citizens are very disillusioned with government and feel hopeless.
There are almost 100 pages on line. It would be silly for me to paste them here when you can read them yourself.
Borat Obama
2008-02-19 16:18:45 UTC
Jimmy Carter style change.
Elliott Ness
2008-02-19 16:17:06 UTC
If you listen, he says that he wants to take the country in a fundamentally different direction.
2008-02-19 16:16:14 UTC
Taking even more property from productive people to give to moochers.