Why do you think Obama is pulling so far ahead of McCain.?
2008-10-10 15:35:00 UTC
Latest polls have Obama leading McCain in double digits.
36 answers:
Katie S
2008-10-10 15:40:59 UTC
Links to your RANTED info !!?!?!

Within a couple of points of " the margin of error " in a poll is NOT far ahead !!!

Ohhh ... And .. You might want to Google or Wiki - The Bradley Effect !!

MORE than half of ALL TRUE Americans know that JUNIOR U.S. Senator Obama, with 143 DAY of ACTUAL WORK experience as a JUNIOR U.S. Senator, AND NO EXECUTIVE Management Experience, .. is NOT ANY WHERE NEAR READY to be OUR President of the United States of America !!!

And you know that JUNIOR U.S. Senator Obama's CHANGE is actually an acronym :

C - Come

H - Help

A - A

N - Narcissist

G - Get

E - Elected

I have seen and heard enough of what JUNIOR U.S. Senator Obama wants to DO TO America !!! . . . Enough to know that HIS ideas and policies for America are NOT GOOD FOR America !!!

The MAIN, bad idea of Obama, that I believe ALL True Americans should research and READ is .. Obama's Global Poverty Act (S.2433) which will surrender America's sovereignty to the United Nations !!

I .. HAVE .. and .. WILL .. Vote for the BEST person for the job !!

JUNIOR U.S. Senator Obama is NOT the Best person to be THE President of THE United States of America !!!


Why would WE want ANYONE that does not have ANY mangerial experience to TRY to be THE President of THE United States of America ???

Can YOU get over the FACT that JUNIOR U.S. Senator Obama IS going to turn over the sovereignty of the United States to the United Nations ???

ALL ... TRUE Americans need to READ the Global Poverty Act (S.2433) !!!



JUNIOR U.S. Senators TRY to Legislate !!!

JUNIOR U. S. Senator Obama did NOT complete his FIRST term in office !!

... with just 143 days of ACTUAL experience

... HE decided

... that he DESERVED to be THE President of THE United States of America !!!


JUNIOR U.S. Senator Obama, the Unions, and the Democrats are sending messages to big business to downsize in America and send more jobs to foreign countries.

Brilliant ideas from JUNIOR U.S. Senator Obama, the Democrats and the Unions (SARCASM) !!!!


MOST JUNIOR U.S. Senator Obama Supporters do NOT care about his ideals and policies ... they JUST WANT AN AFRICAN AMERICAN as President !!!

I have NO problem voting for an African American or a woman or any other minorty as long as they are the BEST PERSON for the position !!!

JUNIOR U.S. Senator Obama is NOT the BEST person to be OUR President of THE United States of America !!


JUNIOR U.S. Senator Obama is ANTI-American.

WE NEED to start doing the "REPORT ABUSE" Button on the ABUSIVE Obama Supporters for EVERY LITTLE ... POSSIBLE ... Violation, like they do to the rest of the people on here !!!!


2008-10-10 16:08:06 UTC
He is so far ahead because he is so much of a better candidate in many different ways. His views will help our country stay strong and he is just a better guy. Even at the debate McCain uses the words "that guy". like how disrespectful is that? McCain is just a liar so don't listen to those phone calls saying that Obama was lying about cutting taxes and he actually voted to raise taxes and blah blah blah...all that stuff is fake and you people who with McCain/Palin please realize that our country cant survive with them and i know that will be our country's biggest mistake by voting them in.
♥ ♥ C.J. ♥ ♥
2008-10-10 15:47:24 UTC
Because the true character of McCain and Palin is showing.

Things like this:

Some of the anger is getting raw at Republican rallies and John McCain is mostly letting it flare. A sense of grievance spilling into rage has gripped some GOP events as McCain supporters see his presidential campaign lag against Barack Obama. They're making it personal, against the Democrat. Shouts of "traitor," "terrorist," "treason," "liar," and even "off with his head" have rung from the crowd at McCain and Sarah Palin rallies, and gone unchallenged by them.

McCain and Palin are not showing Christian like behavior allowing this from their supporters.

This discuss me.
2008-10-10 15:46:57 UTC
My theory is that it is due to the debates. McCain doesn't look or sound sharp on camera -- his ideas are cluttered, he appears confused at times, and he is not a natural public speaker. In both debates he tried to use his K-G-B line (twice in the second debate) and fumbled it. His pitch is that he is the foreign policy expert, and strong enough not to get pushed around by Putin and Ahmadinejad -- whose name he repeatedly butchered in the first debate.

Both the DNC and the RNC trust that 45% of Americans will vote for a Democrat, and 45% for a Republican without ever considering their policies, background, character, etc. I attended a lecture by the chairmen of both parties where they both agreed that they accepted this as absolute fact. The other 10% will vote based on either a polarizing issue, or their perception of who is better leadership material. Obama may not have "won" either debate based on the content of his answers, but he looked stronger, sharper, and didn't fumble his lines.
2008-10-10 15:45:00 UTC
I have a hunch that John McCain is saving the best for last. Or I hope so. I don't think John got that much media coverage from the beginning. Media is extremely liberal, does that say anything about the way things go? I really think that McCain's strategy is going to unfold these last weeks. The closer to the election day the better, especially because it won't give Obama time to change anything. Obama is not a good strategist, that's why he started his campaign really early. We'll see.
2008-10-10 15:45:48 UTC
Don't worry - all the complacent Democrats with sleep in and not bother to vote, thinking Obama is ahead in the polls and will win without them.

Then all the senior citizens who wake up at 5:30am each day anyway will go to the polling stations and elect John McCain our next President!
2008-10-10 15:41:53 UTC
Two reasons:

1. The recent economic crises has people thinking about change.

2. The attacks by McCain supporters have partially back-fired.
2008-10-10 15:50:46 UTC
A lot of it has to do with image tarnishment while trying to paint Obama as the bad guy it doesn't help them when their supporters are yelling kill him, etc. This sort of thing is vile and only repels people away from McCain.
2008-10-10 15:39:50 UTC
A couple of polls do yeah. The RCP polling has him up by 6.6...this time last week he was 6.2 up, then dropped after Palin's 'Ayers' thing to 5.1, now post debate he's regained that point plus a bit more.

The main reason for Obama's lead is the financial crisis...followed by the negative campaigning by Repubs...and Obama is cool as a cucumber through all of it. He's not looking flustered, he's not sounding freaky or freaked. He's just doing what he has to do, and it's starting to play really well with the electorate.
2008-10-10 15:42:34 UTC
Because America is waking up to the fact that McCain will send our economy into a downward and irreversible spiral. He will drag us into unconstitutional wars and is the enemy of freedom.

"We are all Georgians" John McCain

No I am an American how about you?
2016-10-07 01:55:18 UTC
The day after the DNC, we had hurricane Gustov and Palin splattered in the time of each and every Headline, Ticker and weblog spot interior the US. submit the RNC, the media has centred on not the rest.. i could say this is the Kool-help "working" ! stable ol social programming doing this is activity by using utilising the corporate media.. seems incredibly distractive. i could incredibly communicate the ninety Afghani civilians, 60 of that have been babies that have been killed in an American Air strike.. yet it rather is not 0.5 as thrilling as bashing each and each others digital heads in over Nobama and McCracker????? Pathetic
2008-10-10 15:45:35 UTC
Mccain seems at times to be lost and unsure. He has sold his soul to the neocons in order to win the election. Palin once the Rights's Darling has proved to not be ready for prime time.
2008-10-10 15:45:42 UTC
In my opinion, this is due to the fact our nation is going downhill fast. Most people have a sense of entitlement and feel the government should give them everything on a silver platter -- people want everything for free. I don't see why other American's should pay for my medical bills/health insurance -- that is MY responsibility. Also, the media is clearly biased. They are are pushing Obama on everyone when he clearly does not have the moral character to lead this country. Lastly, the people who vote for Obama must feel it is okay to vote for someone who supports PARTIAL BIRTH ABORTION, which means if a woman's boyfriend/husband leaves her and she changes her mind she can choose to KILL the baby all the way up until the end of the ninth month. Look it up, people. How can anyone with a soul think it's okay to deliver the baby (all but the head), and shove a sharp instrument up into their brain? I don't care if Obama guaranteed I would never pay another dollar in income tax -- I cannot support someone who so clearly despises human life.
2008-10-10 15:41:23 UTC
Because Obama is the best candidate to become the leader of the United States of America!
Don't Shoot The Messenger ♥
2008-10-10 15:41:56 UTC
Honestly, because McCain keeps talking about Obama's "friends" instead of talking about policy. Americans don't really care about Ayers, they care about the economy, their jobs, 401K plans and keeping their homes.
2008-10-10 15:39:55 UTC
For the most part, repulicans has run the government in the last 8 years. Bush has basically been given a blank check to do what he wish. Now, the economy has failed and the people lost faith in the repulican party.
2008-10-10 15:42:06 UTC
Acorn tap the Poll companies phone lines . CNN took the poll at Obama fund raiser. Acorn hacked the poll companies and replaced the call data sheet.
2008-10-10 15:38:54 UTC
He's talking about the issues and not about McCains past. What people did years ago wont help the economy recover.
2008-10-10 15:40:42 UTC
One word? Palin. FIVE states flip flopped from red to blue after the couric interview.
2008-10-10 15:40:24 UTC
People are realizing what an angry, petty, small, and confused man Mr. McCain is.

He even calls Americans,his "fellow prisoners",...c'mon!!!

This guy is an erratic mess.
2008-10-10 15:40:18 UTC
The polls are not accurate to the feeling of many Americans. They said the same thing in 2000 and 2004. They are polling the same group of people it seems. And they said in those elections that women have won them. Women are the silent majority. But they are also not considering the Baby Boomers who registered as Democratic and vote Republican. The reason is because they do not believe that you work 30 , 40 , 50 years and then hand it to someone because they feel entitled.
2008-10-10 15:40:52 UTC
First, don't believe the polls, ONE company owns most of the media in this country and they have clearly stated WHP THEY want to win and they will do every trick to make you think that.

WALL STREET crash this week which normally would have caused a MARKET shutdown, is a reaction to these FALSE polls.

If he is by help of faud and ACORN ahead, it is DEPRESSION for you and I economically.

Let's hope they are WRONG as usual.
2008-10-10 15:39:27 UTC
Latest poll put Bush at 277 electoral votes, and Kerry at 261.

Next poll is on 11/4/08
2008-10-10 15:38:42 UTC

The GOP just cannot deal with it.

After this whole mess is over, I doubt the GOP will see the light of day for at least another 15 years .... much like after the Great Depression.
2008-10-10 15:38:32 UTC
Perhaps because cooler heads are prevailing, and the angry neocon mob at McCain rallies is being laughed at and ridiculed
2008-10-10 15:38:57 UTC
Zogby has his lead nationally as 2 points and Zogby has proven to be the most accurate. The ABC poll has been improperly sampled and the others are not as accurate with differing bias trying to influence the election.
2008-10-10 15:41:35 UTC
Uh .. who's doing the polls. Pollsters are spin doctors too, don't you know.
2008-10-10 15:39:44 UTC
Because that's God's plan.
2008-10-10 15:39:16 UTC
I guess 8 years of Bush bullshit mean nothing to you
2008-10-10 15:38:32 UTC
mccain is getting negative and nasty while obama is staying cool and presidential
2008-10-10 15:38:57 UTC
Because more and more people are waking up to common sense.
2008-10-10 15:44:05 UTC
we are sick and tired of the republican crap.
2008-10-10 15:39:22 UTC
To agitate the conservative people.

2008-10-10 15:38:09 UTC
Because he's a better candidate.
2008-10-10 15:43:07 UTC
2008-10-10 15:38:09 UTC
Because ACORN is in charge of acquiring those polls!

This content was originally posted on Y! Answers, a Q&A website that shut down in 2021.