Why would you vote for Sarah Palin with all the facts coming out?
2008-09-03 06:22:39 UTC
Does anyone care about all the corruption, lies, and controversy that is surrounding Palin? My question is this, now that a lot of facts are coming out about Palin, will you still vote for her and if so why? Because she favors creationism in schools or is Pro Life, because she is a woman, or is it because you think she has experience to run the Country if anything unfortunate should happen to McCain? What is your reasoning for wanting to vote for Palin with just the information we are getting in a matter of just a few days of her selection. Imagine what will happen when the media and everyone else finds out the rest of her stories. Examples with sources below:

Palin sought pork-barrel projects for her city and state, contrary to her reformist image. ST. PAUL, Minn. - John McCain touts Alaska Gov. Sarah Palin as a force in the his battle against earmarks and entrenched power brokers, but under her leadership the state this year asked for almost $300 per person in requests for pet projects from one of McCain's top adversaries: indicted Sen. Ted Stevens (Notice INDICTED Sen Ted Stevens).

For one thing, Palin accepted at least $4,500 in campaign contributions in the same fundraising scheme at the center of a public corruption scandal that led to the indictment of Sen. Ted Stevens. The $4,500 came from executives at VECO Corp., a powerful Alaska oil field services company. Company founder Bill Allen has admitted the company steered its donations through a "special bonus program"

Allen pleaded guilty to bribery and corruption charges. Allen admitted the program violated federal tax laws and said it was used to keep his political allies flush with cash. (So Palin was given "Flush Money").

NOTE: Other states got just $34 worth of local projects per person this year, on average, according to Citizens Against Government Waste, a Washington-based watchdog group. In her earlier political career as mayor of Wasilla, Palin hired a private lobbyist to help the tiny town secure earmarks from Stevens, entering Washington's "pay to play" culture in which lobbyists, campaign contributions and lawmakers are intertwined.

At the same time, Palin's campaign trail told Washington "'thanks but no thanks' on that Bridge to Nowhere" didn't tell the whole story. In fact, Palin was for the infamous $398 million bridge — to connect the town of Ketchikan to an island with 50 residents and an airport on it — before she was against it, speaking in favor of it during her 2006 race for governor.

Now they are claiming it was her husband once belonged to a fringe political group in Alaska, with some members supporting secession from the United States, even though there is a video of her praising the group and the groups leader claims she was a member.

While McCain claims they spent a lot of time researching her, one senior Republican familiar with the search, who requested anonymity because McCain did not authorize the conversation, said Palin had virtually fallen from the radar. Only late in the summer, when McCain asked for more alternatives, was she made a finalist.

She speaks of Family Values and yet her daughter became pregnant at 16, their are tons of pictures of her daughter drinking alcohol at different times, different locations, pictures of her daughter making out with another girl, and even a picture of her boyfriend passed out drunk in a girls bedroom. DO YOU CONSIDER THIS FAMILY VALUES???

I am a registered Republican, and I am upset at McCain's choice and poor decision. But I feel because I am not a right wing Christian who believes I should simply vote for a woman because she didn't get an abortion and wants creationism taught in our schools, gets me bashed as a liberal. What a great way to divide our party! THANKS!

29 answers:
Beverly S
2008-09-03 06:27:12 UTC
I will give you your own answer just for fun!

2008-09-04 05:52:48 UTC
Yes, I will vote for Sarah Palin. She is tough, she is not someone that will backdown to the elite in Washington. What's all this talk about lies and corruption? Does it bother anyone that Obama is associated with people who bash america, who are anti-white, and has befriended a terroist? Lets talk about experience, Obama has no more or less experience than Sarah Palin. Does a committee organizer really qualify someone to fill the shoes of the President of the United States, he has done nothing in the senate-he has spent this time campaining. He is very elequont in speech but there is not substance or experience behind him.

How does Sarah's daughter being pregant have to do with corruption and lies. She has not lied about it, she is a Mom that has taught her kids correct principles and values and then has given them their agency. There comes a time when every kid has to choose for themselves. What is great is that she has told here daughter that this is serious and that it is tough to raise a kid, but she will support her in her descision to have the kid and looks forward to being a grandparent. What parent with unconditional love wouldn't?

I think the democrats and media have been so quick to point fingers and find fault at Sarah Palin because they are scared that she and McCain is what America has been waiting for. She is a breath of fresh air.
2008-09-03 13:41:26 UTC
Yes, yes I will vote for her. I have not seen hard proof of any wrong doing on her part. I have seen strong proof that she is very popular and seems to be a good leader. I think all things considered, she is an incredible person, she has accomplished far more than most people ever dream of and all the while raising a large family. I can't fault her for what her daughter has done, I have children and I know the trouble that come along with raising just 2, I can't even imagine how difficult 5 would be. I think she's done a great job.
2008-09-03 13:47:51 UTC
There is a lot more to come out. We have a smorgasbord of issues to pick from. From her total lack of foriegn policy to the vendetta firings, wasting $15 million dollars on a hockey rink in Wasilla, and lastly being chosen by the Council for National Policy, which is a ultra conservative group founded by an Anti-Catholic and has a history of having Klan members in it.

I think the Dems need to find one or two issues they can really use. I think Biden will shred her in a debate.
2008-09-03 13:33:40 UTC
Obama launched his campaign at the house of William Ayres of the Weathermen underground. He is an admitted terrorist who says he wishes he would have done more. He also said his Pastor of 20 YEARS has had a major influence over his life and if you don't know all of the raciest things he said you don't live on the planet. There is a lot more. But if you are a Liberal you can ignore all of this.
2008-09-03 13:39:10 UTC
I just can't believe that after MONTHS of telling us that Jeremiah Wright doesn't show us who Obama is as a person, telling us that Michelle's statements that America is "mean" and that she's never been proud to be an American don't reflect his own views, and the land deal with Rezko was totally legitimate, that Obama supporters are going to try to destroy Palin on some relatively tenuous associations.

It's dishonest. Plain and simple.
2008-09-03 13:42:14 UTC
Since the MSM has decided to burn her with questions they wouldn't even hint at Obama. I'll be voting for Palin. The problems I've seen with Palin literally pale in comparison's to Obama's and yet the media won't go after him. Talk about BS. I mean if you want to bring up her husband's 22 year old DUI record why bring up Obama's coke habit from 20+ years ago. But the MSM wants Obama for Prez and they're pushing him and attacking Palin. It's disgusting.
2008-09-03 13:35:16 UTC
I was luke warm on McCain but after seeing the democrats and liberal media going absolutely bananas against her that's all it took to convince me that she is the right person for the job. She has excited the base and her credentials as a reformer are impressive. If she was a bad choice the democrats would not be attacking her like this ....smell the coffee
2008-09-03 16:06:02 UTC
Okay, if you're really a registered Republican like you claim, you need to get some perspective here.

You're accepting all the news coverage of Palin as if it's God's gospel truth. If you're accepting this coverage because you're a liberal (you claim not to be, but . . . ) then it's to be expected. Most people will accept anything that seems to go along with their belief system without much analysis or review. But if you're truly a Rep and you're accepting this stuff you're being EXCEEDINGLY naive.

First, The media is often just outright wrong on claims (have you ever read the "corrections" section in any major newspaper? And those corrections typically don't cover a tiny fraction of the true errors in any given issue!) These errors range from honest mistakes to citing other media sources without verification (a common practice) to slipshod reporting. Reporting reliability in the press is TERRIBLE.

Second, EVERY news source (and I don't care WHAT it is) has a slant to its reporting. Every one. It sounds from your quotes like you've been reading (among others) the New York Times and the AP or their syndicated reprints. That's fine--both are good sources. But both are slanted. The NYT, for example, is far from a national newspaper, it's written for a readership that by comparison with the US as a whole has a heavily liberal bent. You need to take that into consideration, just like you would need to take into consideration the Russo-centrism of a newspaper like Pravda.

Third, much of what is printed is lacking context. This is often intentional, due to lack of column space or slant. But just as often the context isn't even known yet. That's why reporters refer to "developing stories." ANY news that comes out is a developing story. As time goes on accuracy and context will (hopefully) improve. Whether that improved context is actually printed is another matter, but as someone who cares about politics and current events you need to make an effort to ferret out those developments. Over time, sensationalist stories are invariably attenuated until they often aren't interesting or compelling any longer.

Fourth, much of what is written consists of quotes made by people with a stake in any given matter. The preponderance of these statements colors an article one way or another. What determines the preponderance? Accessibility of credible or identifiable sources, the writer's or editor's slant, the "quotability" factor (i.e. more articulate or clever quotes tend to make it to print more often), salaciousness of what's said (i.e. will it attract readership?).

Fifth, almost every news source is a for-profit venture. News that's sensationalistic on some level will always have a tendency to overshadow news that's more mundane, which tends to place an undue emphasis on news that HURTS candidates over news that HELPS them. And news generally has to be compatible with a news source's advertising base, usually the basis for the profitability of the news source.

How does this apply to what you've written here?

1) Stop being so naive and accepting everything that comes your way via the internet or TV. Analyze (think through) the reason the news might be out there, not just what is actually stated. Identify what HASN'T been reported along with what HAS been. What's missing is often far more crucial than what's stated.

2) Differentiate between what's quoted and what's presented as "fact." Many, many statements (perhaps most or all) made by campaign personnel or others with a stake in the election are spun.

3) Look out for "factoids"--little bits of information that seem like truth, but in the absence of meaningful context are virtually valueless.

4) Follow news as it develops--even if the story, over time, takes you to the back page of the newspaper. As a story gets less salacious, critical developments are either stuffed further back (to make room for more titillating material) or are not reported at all!

More specifically (regarding some of the claims and reports you've mentioned):

PORK BARREL PROJECTS: Just offhand, the context here is that Alaska is a state with few residents and huge, open spaces that require a lot of infrastructure and costly ways of doing things to ensure economic viability. For example, just the process of distributing mail in Alaska is a logistical nightmare because so many people live in places inaccessible by roads and almost inaccessible period during the winter. Federal funds ensure that everyone is still able to get their mail, though. Alaskan oil is important to the US economy, so it has made sense in the past to build infrastructure from federal funds rather than requiring a relatively small state budget to absorb those costs. Alaska also has strategic defence importance, so a lot of infrastructure money goes

2008-09-03 13:32:13 UTC
BECAUSE McCain/Palin will be a lot better for my country I am a Dem but do not trust or want Barack Obamant
Henry B
2008-09-03 13:34:59 UTC
If Sara Palin had been a democrat this would be a moot point about her daughter being pregnant.They would have aborted the baby for the sake of the party.It's easier to get rid of the problem than it is to solve it.
2008-09-03 13:31:51 UTC
People seem to be voting for Obama and not one single fact has come out of his mouth.

Obama's whole life is a lie so I would think you would welcome the truth about something but then you would not be a Liberal you would be a Republican.
2008-09-03 13:38:32 UTC
Because Obama has yet to sway me to his side. You talk about corruption and lies, I think you should open your eyes if you think Pailn is the only one who has done questionable things
Sherilynne B
2008-09-03 13:29:26 UTC
No but I wouldn't have voted for her anyway as I will not vote for McCain over Obama. You made a powerful statement though and I hope it changes someones mind. I do wish everyone would leave Bristol out of the discussion, it has NOTHING to do with the election or the candidates values.

2008-09-03 13:26:53 UTC
Your talking about experience if something were to happen to McCain. The DEMOCRATS main guy is Obama who has NO experience. Plus a girl being 16 years old and being pregnant, what does that have to do with her mother? Obama's mom was a young women when she had him, does that make Obama's mom a bad person?
2008-09-03 13:34:15 UTC
I think it is ridiculous that she is being attacked because of her daughter's choices. Have you ever raised a teenager? Have you ever been a teenager?! We all know that kids do things, no matter how they were raised and who their parents are. Her daughter is almost an adult who can make decisions on her own so as far as I'm concerned it is a non issue.
2008-09-03 13:30:59 UTC
Your supposed to be voting for the PRESIDENT canidate, not the VP. Coming from a liberal, I should expect no less than below retarded questions.
Ernest V
2008-09-03 13:25:36 UTC
I haven't seen any of these actually turn into facts. Sure there is a little truth sprinkled in there, but it's twisted just enough that you can't tell the truth from lie anymore.

How would she be able to maintain such high job satisfaction ratings if she's as corrupt as all that. Hasn't anyone ever heard of photoshop? You can't believe everything you see on the internet any more, especially with someone who stands against injustice. They will have enemies trump up serious charges. Seriously false charges. But the truth will come out, as it does in such trumped up cases.
2008-09-03 13:29:56 UTC
Obama and his terrorist buddy Ayres, Resco affair, his racist pastor of over 20 years,

"Thats not the Rev. Wright I knew"
2008-09-03 13:33:14 UTC
she is a funny choice. appeals to the lowest of the low. i hope she stays on the ticket instead of dropping out. she is a news junkie's dream. look for many fun things to come out about her.
Tough Guy
2008-09-03 13:32:01 UTC
I'd say it's a nice rant...but it's not. Still won't sway my vote away from their ticket. Too bad.
2008-09-03 13:34:51 UTC
Comes down to The devil we know or the devil we don't know.

I know nothing about Obama that would compel me to vote for him.
2008-09-03 13:28:32 UTC
Apparently the Women he was trying to fool were smarter than he thought.
2008-09-03 13:26:45 UTC
The corruption and lies around her are nothing compared to the corruption and lies around Obama, it's just the media won't talk about Obama's.
I am me and no one else
2008-09-03 13:27:07 UTC
Because she is still human... :/ and I like her better than Obama and his camp... just my opinion..
2008-09-03 13:26:29 UTC
If you are going to lie about being a Republican then you may want to hide your history that proves otherwise.
2008-09-03 13:25:26 UTC
Because I haven't seen one fact that would sway my vote to obama.
Stew S
2008-09-03 13:25:18 UTC
She fits right into the description of a typical republican.
2008-09-03 13:26:29 UTC
thats is a pathetic rap sheet.



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