Keep in mind that this is much bigger than just a birth certificate. This is about a VAULT birth certificate, not the kind you get when you request one from the dept. of human services. The VAULT birth certificate is nothing like the one that was published by the Obama campaign (remember, it was not published by an independent agency/group/individual)
Yes, there have been a couple individuals who have submitted motions and briefs that did it out of pure malice or other unkown reasons that may not be honorable, but most of them are completely valid in the purest sense of putting forth a viable motion with the Courts.
Courts throw out motions all the time for an unlimited number of reasons - most of which have everything to do with structure, wording, citations, disrespect, and then intent. Above this, though, is the personal preference (yes, it's true) of the judge reviewing the brief. A judge can deem a motion as frivolous or without merit just because they want to. They are not required to provide precedence, case study, or any kind of reason other than they don't want to hear it.
IF it is proven he is not eligible and the Courts decision reflects this, it then becomes a 100% US Constitutional matter. Ultimately, the Supreme Court will be requested (term used loosely) to review. Getting through the Federal Courts is one thing, but then it's another to get it into the Supreme Court. If a Federal Court sides that he is not eligible, you can bet your dollars the Supreme Court will review the second they receive the motions and briefs.
Some Constitutional experts say that Biden would NOT become president because the entire campaign was run and the election was won under the premise Obama was eligible. The Constitution states that the election would go to the candidate who came in 2nd in the election.
Others say that Biden would become president because the election was won, regardless of eligibility, with Obama as the winner.
Imagine Biden being president? LMAO. You thought Bush had a public speaking problem and put his foot in his mouth often? Oh boy...
As it has been written, there is no precedence for this. Of course this is all speculation as to whether he is a citizen. I'm sure the lib whackjobs (yes, all of you) will receive this with disdain. Why? Because this is a protection of the U.S. and the U.S. Constitution which lib. whackjobs despise. Keep in mind, I am reaching out to the lib. whackjobs and not just Democrats. Many Democrats (including my wife), love the hell out of this beloved country of ours and are disgusted by Obama and his systematic destruction of our country.