Why do people blame the economy on Obama?
2009-04-15 10:30:37 UTC
The economy is in the whole as a result to the last 4 years of GWB policy. His mistakes will remain for years to come. These horrible job losses and recessions are because george couldnt run a country. Obama needs to stop being blamed for this, its going to take all 4 years just to correct GWB damage a little bit. if Mccain was elected we would be headed into the second great depression exponentially.
55 answers:
2009-04-15 11:18:39 UTC
You can't spend your way out of a recession! Barry is spending too much and causing MASSIVE debt.
2009-04-15 10:45:23 UTC
They're Americans, what do you expect?

They voted for Regan, and 'W' Bush ... twice (ok maybe just the once, but they still let Bush be Pres the 1st time).

I think its fair to say Americans grasp of Economic, social and political policy is slippy at best.

They only voted for Obama, because voting Clinton would have been way too funny for the rest of the world and the McCain / Palin ticket was the Republicans way of saying 'sorry'.
Jerry O
2009-04-15 10:38:55 UTC
The housing mortgage situation started with Clinton and perpetuated to the meltdown. The Congressional record is available as to intervention attempts, and the crises reflects on Democrats and Rpublicans, including Senators in office in 2004, 05, 06 , 07 and 08.

Bush can share the blame, but this is ineptness all around!
2009-04-15 10:47:29 UTC
There are very few things that can get us out from under this mess. borrowing more money is NOT ON ANY PLANET ONE OF THEM.

We "Owe" about $250,000 per man woman and child in this country IF we use the same formula WE used to use in justifying INVASION of Latin American Countries (etc.) "in our debt".

We continue to pursue a fools errand in other nation's now civil wars.

We have clear needs to get real about family court driven prohibitions against Liberals owning / operating business'.

We have clear need to get a handle on the drug problem; because GM (etc.) is largely failing because of this.

We have clear need to reduce the prison population by means other than killing all the witnesses to conservative treasons.

There is no economy. Economies are only possible wherein there is a free market. Given no visible movement to impeach the courts UTTERLY, Obama is observable as a participant in treason, rather than a force of Liberation from it.

Yes it took a while to research the JFK prison report of 1961. Yes the courts likely killed him for it. But it did prove the courts were using "civil convictions" to man chain gangs and other POM GROMS that amounted to genocide from 1776-1961.

And I can only hope Obama has the balls to do it again, and "discover" that the courts use civil convictions NOW to "make" so many "CHINESE goods" (made with prison labor don't you know).
Sham W
2009-04-15 10:38:01 UTC
You need to learn some FACTS.

FACT #1 - on Day 15 of his Presidency, Obama SIGNED a bill that TRIPLED the deficit he got from Bush. He officially OWNS this economy from that moment forward.

FACT #2 - the "economy" is not a "mystery". We KNOW what works, and what doesn't work. Obama KNOWINGLY raised taxes at a time when that was EXACTLY NOT the right thing to do.

FACT #3 - Obama REPEATED the errors we learned from Bush. "bailing out" the banks SOUNDED like a good idea... but we now know it was a failure.... OBAMA REPEATED those known errors with his "stimulus" nonsense

Those are simply the facts. NO ONE denies things went down on the end of Bush's term.... but NO ONE can possibly deny that Obama MADE IT WORSE with clear, undeniable actions....
2009-04-15 11:41:37 UTC
He is to blame for the biggest spending spree in history and a deficit larger than all other presidents from Washington to Bush COMBINED. When the economy does get better, all those dollars will wind up in the economy and Jimmy Carter's inflationary presidency will look like chump change.
2009-04-18 16:11:13 UTC
Because Obama is now in charge and getting blamed is part of the job.

And FDR was one of the worst presidents in US history.
2009-04-15 10:36:58 UTC
Who's blaming Obama all I hear is Bush, I would say part of the blame is Clinton's fault, part. Also congress they overlooked everything Bush did approved most of it and all of his budgets. Its not just as simple as Bush's fault. Then Obama has put the country into more debt then any other president or congress in the history of this nation with the new stimulus plan. All and all there is plenty of blame to go around
2009-04-15 10:38:01 UTC
People want someone to blame and Obama is the #1 guy to point your finger at. Even though Obama didnt cause the economic slump some people dont agree with how he is handling it. i.e the bailouts and such. He is doing his best and that is the important thing. Whether it works in the long run is another topic.
2009-04-15 10:37:54 UTC
People blame Comrade Obama for the economy because he is doing nothing that wil help it.

What Comrade Obama has done will only hurt the economy for decades to come.

May God protect the American People and the Free World from the Democrat Party and Barack Hussein Obama.

Semper Fi
Betty A
2009-04-15 10:51:21 UTC
Obama is the one who keeps spending trillions of dollars and can't seem to stop the frenzy he is on. Maybe the next time he has a pizza party, he will order enough pizza for the whole country so we can all join in on the fun.
Debra H
2009-04-15 11:48:59 UTC
They didn't until he decided it was best to double the deficit, create a budget we can not afford unless borrowing more from China... and when he puts big business before the people., well then he is just another jackass politician.

What he gets blamed for now.. he deserves!!
2009-04-15 10:37:08 UTC
No, Obama needs to stop trying to blame Bush for everything. This train ride is almost over and he's going to have to take full responsibility for his screwing up this country. You don't make an economy better by borrowing $4 Trillion ! You wouldn't pay off your mortgage by putting it on your Master Card, that's what Obama is doing.
2009-04-15 10:39:43 UTC
After Bush, a monkey could improve this country. Bush was/is the biggest idiot. He ran a business into the ground years ago, people that voted for him are idiots.
Keep Your Damn 'Change'
2009-04-15 10:36:31 UTC
No one is blaming Obama, although he is creating the blame himself with his ridiculous policies. It isn't the ecnomony, its his massive spending which has got us on our toes. If the solution was always spending, don't you think Bush woud have done that. And I believe, along with many others, the economy is the problem began by Bill Clinton. Read up on it.
2009-04-15 10:39:09 UTC
Obama isn't being blamed by the economy but for the ludicrous policys he has set forth as his agenda! They are radical and Socialist policys and this is NOT what America is all about!
2009-04-15 10:35:15 UTC
Because it wasn't this bad until Obama took office and it went steadily worse from there. If you bothered to take notice then you would have seen that it took a sudden nosedive after he won the election. So just the anticipation of Obama in the oval office was enough to make matters a lot worse.
2009-04-16 21:40:40 UTC
haha you think FDR fixed the economy...wrong. ever heard of WORLD WAR II.
2009-04-15 10:35:39 UTC
People don't blame the economy on Obama, they blame Obama on the economy. In other words people blame the people who actually like this clown of a President for the economy.
Brian C.K.
2009-04-15 10:41:28 UTC
Because he's doing the completely opposite things one needs to do to fix it.

Do you spend more when you're in dept? If you do.. you're a dumbbell.

You see, I save when I owe so I can pay it back.
2009-04-15 10:35:22 UTC
I've seen blame treated more like a football in smear the qu$$r.

There's plenty of blame to go around going back to 1981.
2009-04-15 10:34:40 UTC
I don't think many do. I think they are upset that what he is doing going forward will cause it to stay poor.

Obama is responsible, not because he is the president, but because he was in congress. Congress writes the laws and controls the budget, not the president. So he is responsible, but only a small part (he had only one vote).
2009-04-15 10:34:11 UTC
he's president... suck it up. it happens.

I mean I'm not defending Bush's "defense" spending. but at the same time the people who are living on welfare, the people who are lazy and doing illegal things like collecting compensation when they don't need/deserve it such as disability for many. I think that the American people are the ones who need to be blamed, we love to throw blame around, but I'm out there spending all of my money to the last cent all of the time, but never going into debt. so I'm a better stimulus for the economy than most, everyone penny pinching right now.... anyway I'm not getting up on a horse here.

People who took out the loans and dumbass bankers who gave them the loans deserve punishment. Don't take out a loan if you can't afford to pay it off, have at least 50% of that loan as guaranteed income... not basing it on your so called "job security" I saw this coming years ago and no one listened... Clinton holds almost as much blame as Bush, think about it... Bush CAME IN ON A RECESSION and brought it back... then drove it back down and yes that was his fault.. not him personally, but the decision making heads.

so ... go ... talk to obama... tell him that he needs to get his *** in gear because the American people want it now... not in 10 years when it is probably going to be good again... but lets face it folks... it isn't going to get much better soon.
what now
2009-04-15 10:37:41 UTC
Because GW got his orders directly from God himself.

You can't blame Bush without blaming God, and God and GW don't make mistakes and don't accept blame.
2009-04-15 10:34:46 UTC
Cause Obama hasn't lived up to what he promised so far. He's spending where we dont need spending and not using our natrual rescorses which could lead us out of debt faster. He hasn't done anything really. And the jobless rate right now, during Obama's precidency, is at the largest than it ever was during bush's precidencey.
2009-04-15 10:41:12 UTC
Because they are Republicans
2009-04-15 10:38:44 UTC
because Bush is gone so now they have to blame it on the new guy.
2009-04-15 10:39:25 UTC
Honestly, I'm not sure. I think it's because people are RACIST and just want to blame it on the colored prez? I don't know.
2009-04-15 10:38:29 UTC
its the face of the problem now unfortunate but true even though it never started on his watch .
2009-04-15 10:36:18 UTC
Honestly, the only people I know that are doing that are racist. The blame everything else on People who aren't them, so why not this?
2009-04-15 10:36:56 UTC
because of his race. they try to make it appear that these problems instantly began on 1-20-2009, when they actually began during bush's term. but to republicans, he was never the problem. everything he did was perfectly fine for them because bush is caucasian.
2009-04-15 10:42:33 UTC
it was in the tank when he took office thanks to the reps and dems, but he owns this stimulus and pork bill that will bankrupt our future.

wake up and smell the 2 party corruption. sheep
2009-04-15 10:35:00 UTC
here they blame it on gordan brown

its a world recession ,a lot of people are at fault , most of them we will never know thier names
2009-04-15 10:34:57 UTC
well some people had the mentality that he was going to come in a be like a super hero and fix everyones problems, which is not possible...
2009-04-15 10:34:23 UTC
You'll find its only a minority of people who are blaming the economy on him.

He has only been in office for less than 100 days and had made radical changes to the way our government is run.

We can start blaming him after his changes are a failure.
Ashley M
2009-04-15 10:35:34 UTC
because there are still people out there who cannot seem to accept the fact that obama won.

hence why so many people are screeching "he said he was gonna fix it, why hasnt he?" um, maybe because he has been in office for like, 4 months and he has 8 years worth of bullshit to fix?
2009-04-15 10:35:30 UTC
because ppl are idiots, Obama has nothing to do with how bad the ecomony is doing, he just stepped in. At least he's trying to fix it, what did Bush do? Bush is the only reason why the economy is sooo bad right now.

Obama will help us through this tough time, he just need to take it one step at a time, Rome wasn't built in one day. We have to give him a chance, He's not God he can't fix it in one day...These things take time, but at least we know he's trying and will do his best to help the US.
2009-04-15 10:34:47 UTC
Because those people voted for Bush, and it's easier for them to blame the new guy (who quite obviously didn't cause these problems) than admit what a horrible mistake they made.

Admitting what a screw up Bush was, would mean they were responsible for their own troubles, and that can't be right. It must be someone else's fault...
Kae B
2009-04-15 10:34:47 UTC
because people are idiots & need a reason to complain & the obvious choice is the president. even though he doesn't always have the final say on MANY things that effect the country.
2009-04-15 10:33:58 UTC
Because they, like you apparently, do not understand that the entire blame for economic failure can never be placed solely on the shoulders of one person. It's ludicrous.
2009-04-15 10:36:32 UTC
Same reason they blame all the ones before him, if he can't take the heat his is welcome to leave the kitchen.
2009-04-15 10:35:23 UTC
because he has destroyed the economy, duh. and it was not bush that ruined the economy, just so you knoe the economy was not that bad it was all the media, it HAS been destroyed by obama, the terrorist money grabbing fake retard who was elected by brainwashed stupid youth and oprah followers
Free at last
2009-04-15 10:34:31 UTC
Bush's last budget 410 Billion deficit

Obama's first budget 2 Trillion deficit
2009-04-15 10:35:20 UTC
i dont blame him, but he definitely put gas on the fire, more like TNT on it
2009-04-15 10:34:22 UTC
Because he isn't doing anything. The economy problem is like HUGE right now.
2009-04-15 10:34:03 UTC
most people should blae Bush, because he has the economy this way when he left. Obama has to fix it, the poor bastard.
2009-04-15 10:40:16 UTC
Because we are racist! LMAO!!!!!!!!
2009-04-15 10:34:23 UTC
I personally don't blame Obama, I blame Bush. He screwed us over.
2009-04-15 10:33:56 UTC
because he's the current president
2009-04-15 10:33:53 UTC
thats what happens when you put all your hopes in a fallible man and not God
2009-04-15 10:35:51 UTC
he can "change" it whenever hes redy
Uncommon Sense
2009-04-15 10:34:19 UTC
these are people who can't read, obviously.
Danny K
2009-04-15 10:33:24 UTC
we blame/fear his socialist fix
2009-04-15 10:33:10 UTC
Because they are bitter, angry republicans with nothing better to do
2009-04-15 10:34:31 UTC
Cause they are racist and jealous that they are not president.

This content was originally posted on Y! Answers, a Q&A website that shut down in 2021.