i feel obama will change this country for the better this is why
1.he realizes that the iraq war is putting a serious strain on our military and wants to show iraqs leaders that we cant babysit there country forever.
2.obama is for the working class,he will cut income taxes by $1,000 for working families to offset the payroll tax they pay and finally end the tax cut for the top 1% in this country.he also has many NEW and IN-DEPTH ways of stimulating the economy.
3.wishes to fund new renewable enrgies wich will cut down our need for foreign oil,and in the process make 100's of jobs for americans. he also HAS IDEAS to lower gas consumption,this lowering the amount you need for gas.
"The first place to start is with cars. We've got to build cars that use less gasoline. The auto industry hasn't been asked to raise fuel-economy standards in seventeen years and Republicans and Democrats seem to have stopped asking. Today, we've got no choice. Starting in 2008, we will raise CAFE standards (that's the fuel-efficiency standards on cars) a modest 3 percent a year. If we did that over the next 12 years, by 2020 passenger vehicles would average 40 miles per gallon, light trucks would average 32 miles per gallon. That's not a dramatic increase; it's easily achievable through existing technology and it can be done without compromising passenger safety. "
"Now, there are going to be transition costs involved in making more fuel-efficient automobiles, especially for Detroit, which has relied heavily on the sale of SUVs for its profits. So I've proposed what I call the "Healthcare for Hybrids" bill, where we'd strike a grand bargain with U.S. auto-makers. We tell them we're going to pickup part of the tab for the retiree healthcare costs, a tab which, by the way, ran 6.7 billion dollars last year but, in exchange, you've got to use the money to invest in transitioning to fuel-efficient cars. So that would be point number one."
Oil companies are enjoying record profits while consumers are suffering from record high gas prices. In the 110th Congress, Senator Obama has introduced the Oil SENSE Act to eliminate unnecessary tax breaks to the oil industry. A version of the bill was passed by House of Representatives in January 2007.
In the 109th Congress, Senator Obama sponsored legislation, the FILL UP Act, requiring oil companies that made at least $1 billion in profits in the first quarter of 2006 to invest at least 1% of the their total reported first quarter 2006 profits into installing E-85 pumps.
Senator Obama also worked with Congressman Rahm Emanuel to obtain several million dollars to establish the first ethanol-to-hydrogen refueling station for refueling Chicago natural gas bus fleets
4.he wishes to increase our homeland security,feels bush still isnt doing a good enough job.
5.he wants more border security,and wants to make sure employers dont hire illlegals
6.he supports are troops and wants to insure we give them what they deserve even after they are out of the military.mccain actually turned down the bill that helps troops get a good education.
a vote for obama is a vote for change.
and before you give me a thumbs down for being honest. try going to the links and looking at his plans before saying he doesnt have any.