Will Obama's loss in the Election set us back 30 years in "Race Relations"?
August For President
2008-09-15 05:50:40 UTC
I actually hate that term,which is why I put it into quotes.Because obviously if we even have to use the term,then Martin Luther King failed,because we're still judging people by the "Color of their Skin,not the Content of their Character" Which side is causing that more is however up for debate in my opinion.But the main question stands,Do you think the Loss by Obama this year will damage "Race Relations" badly?
29 answers:
Jon Owen (AKA Milarepa)
2008-09-15 05:58:20 UTC
Dr King was a republican who called for unity between the races and not Black Supremacy.

The words "typical white person" never came out of Dr. King's mouth!
2008-09-15 06:48:03 UTC
sadly his running has already done this with a certain segment. i though we had improved things in the past few decades but his running has brought out the fact that hate is still much a part of life with a certain amount of people who put color about other issues.

Black Liberation theology promotes this in many black it and find our what it teaches and how it was created by Dr. James Cone who took Islam and Christianity to combine them for Blacks. it is neither and perverts both.

i think that if he loses, there will be a backlash among those people that feel that way. i know that there are many who are still prejudice on both sides and it is sad. we have much more in common than we have differences.

here are some examples of those who will most likely feel cheated by an Obama loss.
2008-09-15 06:05:10 UTC
There will be some that will think it is bad that he did not get elected but it's not about (Race) it's about who can do the job and your values, even if he is a muslim I would not rule him out but is he not. He chose a man because of his beliefs, women should be subservient to man seen not heard, that's the muslim way. Christians on the other hand believe that all men and women are created equal and have the right to be free. Obama made a mistake not having Hillery for veep but he will live long now. No one that I know of is picking up on this that I've seen, women on the other hand see's a sexist pig. (No PUN on the other pig controversy). Will it hurt Race relations? it will in the form of the Presidental RAce. But Not the Human Race.
2008-09-15 06:17:36 UTC
People are so tired of hearing about the race card it make them sick. Barak Obama has brought this old term to the front of the election ticket and it is now alive and well again. I believe that Obama has set the goal of diversity and fairness to the blacks back thirty years by his and Michelle's racist comments.
2008-09-15 06:06:08 UTC
Obama WILL lose this election, but I don't think it will set us back in race relations. He just isn't ready for the job and is not qualified regardless if he was white. Color has nothing to do with the fact that he is losing.
2008-09-15 06:03:28 UTC
there will always be those such as al sharpton and jesse jackson who will always look to insite and instigate race wars to perpetuate their own need for existance. There will also be ignorant people from all races still around but i feeel the majority of Americans will realize that when he loses it will be due to the fact he represents the old democrat ways of tax and spend. I wish Walter Williams was running. there is a black man that just happens to be worthy of the presidency, or should i say a a man worthy of the presidenct that happens to be black?,
2008-09-15 06:02:02 UTC
No, relations might be bad at first when the winner is declared but then they will get better when people realize that there has to be a good character behind the skin that we elect as president, not just words and not just skin.
2008-09-15 05:55:36 UTC
Win or lose, I think the way a lot of people have reacted to Obama, shows that race relations in this country are a long way away from where Dr. King wanted them.
2008-09-15 05:59:13 UTC
In race relations, in economics, in women's rights, in workers rights, in international relations, and like he said we'll spend the first part of this century fighting battles we thought we had already put behind.
not tellin
2008-09-15 06:08:40 UTC
I don't understand why they are doing this Even Jesse Jackson seen this
2008-09-15 05:55:24 UTC
If good race relations are held hostage to the election of Obama...then they aren't good at all.

We would have to address this.
2008-09-15 05:57:31 UTC
When 90% of the blacks in the NC primary voted for him just because he's a mulatto, you can kiss any hopes of improvements in race relations good-bye.
2008-09-15 05:55:00 UTC
Obama's Chicago style race-based politics has ALREADY set race relations back 50 years!
City of the blind
2008-09-15 05:56:12 UTC
No Obama's extreme radical ideology will set us back a generation if he gets elected. His lack of qualifications and tribal anger is just a decomposition of an unenlightened group.
The Wiz
2008-09-15 05:56:13 UTC
Sigh! That seems to be mainly what this race has done.
2008-09-15 05:58:36 UTC
I couldn't care less if it does. I'm not casting a politically correct vote.

I simply don't like the man's politics.
2008-09-15 06:12:24 UTC
Why even if questions like this? all you have done is prove a stage for more Racist comments, grow-up
2008-09-15 05:57:43 UTC
It doesn't matter because this is what I think will


When the winner is announced, there will be a

big riot no matter who wins and then martial law

will be declared.

The End. (of the world as we know it)
2008-09-15 05:57:21 UTC
No. Obama is creating the race issues here, and he will suffer for it.
Jesus Freak
2008-09-15 06:10:26 UTC
Not at all, Obama is just as much white as he is black, if not more after all his white grandparents raised him.
democrats against nobama
2008-09-15 05:54:38 UTC
Obama's racist attitude toward whites and his black liberation theology is going to set race relations back 30 years
2008-09-15 05:59:39 UTC
4o years. But Obama is not going to lose. Stay Positive!!!
2008-09-15 05:53:52 UTC
What do you expect from Obama being a community organizer and what is it community organizers do. Thats like pretending your more than just a community organizer when everybody knows you just that a community organizer. The first community organizer to _______ fill in the blank. Community organizer for President the first community organizer in the White House. Community Organizer "08
2008-09-15 05:58:53 UTC
wow stfu bout race..why are only us black people so sensitive bout it
2008-09-15 06:00:12 UTC
what so we should elect a black man so that everyone will feel good?
2008-09-15 05:54:02 UTC
No. Obama's loss can only help to improve things.
2008-09-15 05:58:17 UTC
No, that won't happen because he's not going to loose.
2008-09-15 05:54:19 UTC
No. why would it? Why are Neocons so obsessed with Obama's ethnicity?
2008-09-15 05:54:49 UTC

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