What's so wrong with Obama's preacher?
2008-03-18 19:21:59 UTC
If his preacher said "GD America!", why does that affect Barack Obama's campaign? Everyone running for President is complaining about Bush administration and current problems in this country and they all discuss changes they plan to make if president. Then you have Obama's preacher talking about the problems with race in this country and it's a problem. Why? They're not looking at Hillary Clinton's sermons/preaching. hmmm.
34 answers:
2008-03-18 19:25:05 UTC

watch for yourself. Thats not all he said.
2008-03-18 19:41:33 UTC
What did Hillary's preacher say, or are you just generalizing to make a point? The thing is is when you attend a church service and your pastor expouses so much hatred of America when you're running for the Presidency, it tends to make you look less like someone who will carry the oath of office, just like Bush. To vote for someone into a position of power over your life, that person has to be absolutely spotless and beyond reproach.
Ron N
2008-03-18 19:38:18 UTC
Barack Obama has created two divisions in this country,

One is the division in the Democratic Party. The line is

so deep, that it is now being called hate motivated and


The other is Obama damming white America, if not throw

his actions, throw his Mentors actions.. This is going to be

his back breaker. the days of the 50's will return to the United

States and Barrack Hussein Obama will be the direct cause.
2008-03-18 19:38:44 UTC
Honestly when I heard the man on TV I laughed what an idiot and also because at most of the black churches I go to I hear stuff like that to some extent so it didn't seem abnormal or offensive to me. At the church I go to preachers come and go on about how all the people in the Bible were black and how Jesus was a black man, and how White America is to blame for all our troubles, blah, blah, blah. I just smile and roll my eyes at my friends, I wouldn't leave a church for that. Some people in my church straight up son't associate with white folks, that is just the way it is in the black culture. we have a love hate realtionship going on with America/white folks on one hand we love the country on the other we curse whenever we are pulled over by the police and constantly asked "May I help you" and followed around by the sales clerk at the store. One we dislike white people and are proud to be black and the other we relax our hair and use bleaching creme. Srry black folks but I got to tell the truth now. 250 + years of hatred and confusion aren't going to be erased in 50 years. Sorry thats just the way it is.
2008-03-18 19:30:16 UTC
The questions and answers of Obama supporters are getting weaker and weaker. You make it sound like it was a one time thing. He said MANY disturbing things that Obama himself condemned. What part do you not understand? If Wright HATES America so much and talked about it in his sermons, why did Obama stay there for 20 years? That place is not a House of Worship, it is a house of hate. Obviously it breeds bigots.
E. F. Hutton
2008-03-18 19:26:51 UTC
It's not the "GD America" comment you have in question that is the problem.

Obama's former minister very clearly hates white people and the United States. He goes way way beyond talking about race problems. I've heard his "sermons" many times. And Obama indicates this man as his spiritual leader and mentor.
2008-03-18 19:32:35 UTC
They're not looking at H. Clinton's preacher's sermons.

Probably because there's nothing controversial about them. I don't even know if Mrs. Clinton is affliated with any particular church.
2008-03-18 19:30:27 UTC
GD America and GD George Bush are two different things totally. You have to be slow not to get that. And they can look at Hillary's pastor any time. I guarantee that he never got up there on the pulpit and talked about all the problems with blacks and what they do.. and you know why.. it would never be tolerated in her church. And NO WAY would her church allow him to use foul language from the pulpit, never mind say how he hates America....
2008-03-18 19:29:39 UTC
Why do we have to be stuck with a bunch of crazy people running for president?! The best people for America right now aren't even running. That's only because the party isn't big enough yet. But still, you can help us. You can help America and yourself. Even if you believe you don't need help, things will be much better. Please check the website at or
2008-03-18 19:26:20 UTC
The damnation comment, for starters ?

After we heard Barack Obama today, isn't it difficult not to conclude that BARACK OBAMA sure appears to be PHONY, PHONY, PHONY ???

The response has to be HILLARY '08.

How can we vote for Obama, if his speech today raised more questions than it answered ???

I'm not so sure ... while a great deal of the press doesn't ask him these important questions, won't his balloon keep inflating artificially?

- DID BARACK OBAMA CHANGE HIS STORY TODAY, essentially showing he lied when he said he had not been present when Rev. Wright had said things as objectionable as the ones we've seen already???

- If Barack Obama doesn't separate from Rev. Jeremiah Wright because he owes him, do you feel safe that he won't perpetuate the actions of the Bush Administration's protection of his cronies?


- Why was Barack Obama so slow at confronting Rev. Jeremiah Wright's damnation of America WAY BACK IN 2003 ??? --> Will he be as SLOW as that to resolve any percolating crisis that could surge during his potential presidency ???

- Will Barack Obama be so ambiguous (OR EVEN MORE SO) when he has to respond to difficult questions abuot possible wrongdoing against the PUBLIC GOOD that may be perpetrated by his cabinet members, his allies or the White House insiders that surround him - WILL HE INSULATE HIMSELF FROM THE TRUTHST HAT ARE DIFFICULT TO CONFRONT ?

Doctor DNC
2008-03-18 19:32:49 UTC
I'll say this for Wright: he leaves no doubt in my mind that what he says is exactly how he feels; I think he's being very honest.

However, in Obama's case, I'm left with a feeling that he's trying to sell me a car with training wheels; I simply don't believe the import of his palavering.
2008-03-18 19:27:59 UTC
He calls this man his "spiritual leader"...he has actively belonged to this man's church for 20 years... Either he AGREES with these racist, America hating opinions (by not leaving the church), or he is too weak to stand up for his opposing beliefs.

Either is a serious issue with a lack of character and judgment. Pretty important traits for a President.

And sure...let's take a look at Hillary's character and judgment as well!!!
Brian G
2008-03-18 19:27:03 UTC
It's an issue because the Wright was part of his campaign and a mentor for 20 years. H. Clinton hasn't called her pastor a mentor or made their pastor part of her campaign. See the difference?
2008-03-18 19:26:31 UTC
The preacher and church of Barack Obama videotaped and sold those vile sermons on CD in their church gift shop. They were quite proud of them. This wasn't just one sermon.
2008-03-18 19:29:53 UTC
Grow up girl. Wright called America the equivalent of Al Qaeda ... that america made up the story of Pearl Harbor so we could attack brown people ... that whites invented AIDS to kill black people ... that Jesus was black and was pesecuted and killed by white jews ... and you want our president to turn to this man for spiritual guidance? I'd say that makes anyone voting for Obama a little sick
2008-03-18 19:26:06 UTC
The fact that Obama has been in a church led by a guy like this for 20 years tells a lot about his character. I think he lost the election with this one.
col. Kurtz
2008-03-18 19:29:53 UTC
GWB actually spoke to God who TOLD him to invade Iraq!!! so what's the big deal ????

Ron Paul SPOKE almost the EXACT SAME TRUTH when he said, "they don't hate us for our freedoms, they hate us cuz we're on their Holy Land, and we aren't paying enuf for their OIL!"

Was it Falwell who said, "GOD attacked the WTC cuz we're allowing Gays in the military."? And who was the Christo-fascist who said that "God drowned NO with Katrina cuz they were going to allow an especially debauched PRIDE gay parade" ???
2008-03-18 19:27:38 UTC
Obama claims he didn't know his pastor was a racist even though he's known him intimately for over 20 years. What would he not be able to see as president for the next 4?
2008-03-18 19:26:05 UTC
If Hillary's preacher said anything like that shame on them too. But Wright should be talking about God and love in Church, not hate and politics. Shame on him and shame on Sen Obama
Gloria H
2008-03-18 19:25:56 UTC
Hillary's preacher did not say he/she hated america or the culture!! Obama cannot possibly think that he can win the nomination because he gave that silly speech. Unbelievable. This guy is creating more racial tensions and divide instead of unity.
2008-03-18 19:25:19 UTC
Because Obama was brought up by this anti-american! If he didnt support the same views, he would have left during the sermon.

Hillary Clinton's sermons arent anything like this!
2008-03-18 19:32:49 UTC
OMG!!! Please get a clue. You know damn well if obama was white and he went to a white church with a preacher who preached hatred of blacks, he would have been politically dead.
2008-03-18 19:28:48 UTC
The Clintons literally did try to GD America when they released a bunch of terrorists.

Obama 08!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
2008-03-18 19:28:54 UTC
& also not paying attention to what followed .

"God damn America when it kills innocents ! God bless America when it does good in the world !"

The problem with that statement is...???
Precinct 1099
2008-03-18 19:24:43 UTC
Perhaps because Obama believes the same. Hilliary Clinton's pastor's sermons are not anti American or anti white.
Beth M
2008-03-18 19:26:10 UTC
How heavy is the rock that you've been living under?
Q cubed
2008-03-18 19:27:04 UTC
I will vote for Obama, but his preacher is racist. He also blamed the US for 9/11. He is a scumbag. The important point to remember is that Barack is his own individual. Just because the preacher is a piece of **** does not mean that Barack is. I think his speech killed today.
2008-03-18 19:26:53 UTC
Nothing is wrong, really. It's just a political tactic to smear and hopefully defeat him, the way the far right always does.

They're also not examining the statements of the lunatics who have endorsed McCain, like Rod Parsley and John Hagee. Hmmm....
2008-03-18 19:27:17 UTC
People think that after 250 years of slavery and 100 years of legalized discrimination, black people should still be kissing the white man's boot.
2008-03-18 19:27:37 UTC
Obama's pastor told white folk the truth about themselves and we all know sometimes the truth hurts
Danielle B
2008-03-18 19:27:57 UTC
There is nothing wrong with him, it is the "Angelic idiots" who have never said anything wrong or offensive.
2008-03-18 19:29:48 UTC
He's an angry wino.
2008-03-18 19:26:03 UTC
The pastor speaks some truth and no matter what it shouldn't whole Obama responsible.
2008-03-18 19:25:16 UTC
He a racist lunatic!

This content was originally posted on Y! Answers, a Q&A website that shut down in 2021.