No! The issues are important, but it is more important to look at the overall character of the candidate.
I voted for Clinton the first time he ran based mainly on the fact that he was pro-choice, and so was I (then). This one issue blinded me to all the others. I thought I was making the right choice, but I spent the next 8 years bitterly regretting ever having anything to do with helping to put him in office.
I've since learned more about what each political party (supposedly) stands for, and I've done a lot more reflecting on which party best represents my views & values, rather than simply continuing with the party I was accustomed to from childhood.
It would be good if each person would further their education about politics and how the media & entertainment (such as t.v. shows & movies) are impacted by the writers' political views. It helps to have discernment, & it doesn't hurt to pray!
In an ideal world, there would always be a candidate who accurately reflected all our views & values. But, this world being as diverse as it is, we would need a lot more candidates!
Consider which candidate best represents you, however imperfectly. Also consider that person's past history and evidence of their character (or lack thereof).
Proverbs 18:17 says, "The first to present his case seems right, till another comes forward and questions him." Read what different sides are saying about the candidates.
Most importantly, ask God to give you guidance about who to vote for, of the options given. He's a lot smarter than us, and He has the inside track. He can see what our human reasoning cannot. (I wish I had done this back then, when I voted for Clinton. It simply didn't occur to me at the time!)
Then, whether the person you voted for gets elected or not, pray for the elected person's welfare and leadership abilities. If you don't like them, at least express respect for the office they hold, and do not call them a bunch of hostile names all the time, as seems to be so prevalent today. Our nation will not be built up by denigrating our leaders.
We would do much better to pray for people than complain about them. Prayer invites God to work, but complaining opens the door for the devil. Let's invite God through our prayers to bless the U.S.!
And don't ever let fear of making the wrong decision hold you back from voting. Make the best choice you can and commit it to God's hands. Let your voice be heard.