We don't really call the White House a "castle" in polite company. ;)
I doubt you want a serious answer, but I'll give it to you anyway:
No one tarred and feathered Bush even when his approval rating hit an all time low. He had the lowest approval rating (20%) ever recorded for a president (that is, the lowest since the pollsters started keeping track) according to pollster.com and gallup.
We made it through Clinton's low of 36% and surprisingly, even the repubs didn't riot when he had an approval rating high of about 64% (sources below)!
We survived Nixon, even when we discovered he COULD tell a lie. No one grabbed a pitchfork and stormed Truman or Hoover either.
So based on the history of our country, I'd say the answer to your questions is: NO! We are a resilient nation, and our sane and rational citizens far outnumber the idiots who would even think of forming a mob to tar and feather our presidents.
Too many of us love democracy and would just use our voting power to elect a new president. And too many of us understand that if things get really bad before a new election is held, we have that thing called impeachment.
Maybe, since the man is our elected president, you could give him a chance to succeed before looking for failure? Maybe let him get sworn into the office and do a few things before you assume he will fail??
Better yet, maybe run for office yourself since you seem pretty confident. I'm guessing you know exactly how to handle the job of president! Run for Senate in two years! If that works out okay, run against Obama in 2012. It's your country too.
It's pretty cowardly to not be willing to run for office yourself when you have all the answers and can apparently predict who will and won't fail. We could use those psychic powers in the White House! Just think! If Bush had your powers, he would have known there were no WMDs!!
I'm disappointed that all these people with all the answers didn't care enough to actually get their names on the ballot and tell us their brilliant plans. Then again, you wouldn't want to get tarred and feathered if you failed.