Why is McCain lossing his honeymoon lead in the Polls?
2008-09-17 11:39:00 UTC
Obama has gained 7 points in the latest Zogby poll to retake the lead over McCain:

Old Zogby: Obama 41% / McCain 46%

NEW Zogby: Obama 47% / McCain 45%
The honeymoon is over for Palin, and ppl are seeing the real Palin after one interview with ABC. Also bad economic, means bad news for McCain, who admitted he doesn't know anything about economy.
29 answers:
2008-09-17 11:44:04 UTC
Because McCain show once again, he doesn't know how to handle the Economy, how can you see said Economy is still strong after just a biggest drop of stock market since 9/11. And also more and more of Palin skeleton is been revealed.
2008-09-17 18:48:32 UTC
The Wall Street Liquidity crisis boiled over just as the novelty of Sarah Palin was getting stale. Real issues are now on the front page and McCain will not be able to explain away the catastrophic GOP failures of the past 8 years.

Obama will win....
2008-09-17 18:51:12 UTC
How about this.. People are finding out about McCain and the truths..

this is in

Post-POW Years: Political Ambition and a New, Young, Rich Wife

Upon his release from North Vietnam and return to the United States in 1973, McCain reunited with his wife, Carol, who had been permanently crippled in a car accident while he was a POW.

Still yearning to become an admiral, McCain enrolled in the National War College at Fort McNair in Washington, D.C. and underwent physical therapy in order to fly again. The Navy excused his permanent disabilities and reinstated him to flight status, effectively positioning him for promotion.

Timberg described McCain's advancement: "in the fall of 1974, McCain was transferred to Jacksonville as the executive officer of Replacement Air Group 174, the long-sought flying billet at last a reality. A few months later, he assumed command of the RAG, which trained pilots and crews for carrier deployments. The assignment was controversial, some calling it favoritism, a sop to the famous son of a famous father and grandfather, since he had not first commanded a squadron, the usual career path."

While Executive Officer and later as Squadron Commander McCain used his authority to arrange frequent flights that allowed him to carouse with subordinates and "engage in extra-marital affairs."

This was a clear violation of the Uniform Code of Military Justice rules against adultery and fraternization with subordinates. But, as with all his other past behaviors, McCain was never penalized; instead he always got away with his transgressions.
2008-09-17 18:47:23 UTC

Method Obama McCain

Poll of Polls 273 265

Survey USA 159 269

Rasmussen Reports 228 259

Quinnipiac 131 51

Research 2000 42 95

Zogby 335 131

See here, different polls different results. Polls mean nothing.
2008-09-17 19:35:39 UTC
Why you ask? Because of the bad economic news reports that overshadow everything about Palin (and her 15 minutes of fame). McCain is trying to win this election on "personalities" vs. "issues"...But, these are very dark and unhappy times...and he was taken aback from the economic curve ball. God is working against the McCain camp in the form of bad luck and bad timing. But, these folks here in this forum are like an ostrich with the head stuck in the sand...they refuse to see the truth of the matter. I suppose when McCain loses the election...they will say we stole it from them...Hahahahahahaha.
darrin b
2008-09-17 18:44:21 UTC
Because just like all honeymoons must end, so did his.

I'm not into polls like many of the Republicans were when McCain was leading.

Because the only numbers that will matter are those on November 4th.
2008-09-17 18:55:44 UTC

Lawsuit sponsored by Barack Obama;caseCat%7CFH;orderby%7CcaseName;

Au Contraire, McCain and many Republicans knew in 2003 and 2005 that there were problems with Fannie Mae. It is your annonted one, who's shown himself as part of the problem, illustrated by the second link which illustrates a lawsuit Obama sponsored which took Citibank to court for 'Discriminatory lending practices towards poor urban Blacks." Obama has also received 100K+ in campaign donations, number 2 to Christopher Dodd from this entity. Its easy to sit there and toss a lot of blame out there but, this crisis began under Jimmy Carter and escalated during the Clinton adnimiistration when the Clinton Congress deregulated these banks. Top Democrats made over 92 Million dollars. This if anything is a strong argument AGAINST the government running anything. Furthermore, two of Fannie Mae's CEO's who cooked the books and engaged in subversive lending practices, Raines and Johnson, are Obama's economic advisors. What Obama has shown you is his absolute IGNORANCE. It's easy to blame Bush, heck! that is his whole campaign strategy. It's difficult to take on his own party who is very culpable in this debacle. Obama missed the boat here. It was Democrats policies that failed the American public.
2008-09-17 18:50:19 UTC
Watch how the neo-cons will run like cockroaches when the lights go on after the first dabate and the polls REALLY sway towards Obama...I doubt many of them will even bother coming here after that...they're going to get CREAMED!
2008-09-17 18:47:32 UTC
Luckily, Palin is on Hannity and Colmes tonight and she will help rejuvenate support. Why is she being interviewed by Hannity? He is the only that will let her talk and not try to portray her negatively. Obama has the support of every network excluding Fox.
2008-09-17 18:45:11 UTC
Palin's 15 minutes are up
2008-09-17 18:44:23 UTC
It was from the convention bounces. Both conventions. Respectfully. This race has been predicted from the beginning to be tight until the end.
2008-09-17 18:46:46 UTC
McCAIN doesn't understand the economy?

Surely you jest.

However, what we need isn't being served by either of the complicit duopoly parties.

Ron Paul 2009

(Because the issues haven't been solved yet.)
The Dude
2008-09-17 18:51:32 UTC
You can put lipstick on BS but it still tastes like $hit
2008-09-17 18:46:51 UTC
Probably because people are tired of Palin's bull-crap. She bringing him down.
2008-09-17 18:47:00 UTC
Poles switch based on who got the poling phone call that day.

One thing is for sure.......if the majority of America actually were inpendent thinking, let me decide for myself and family what to do with my hard earned money, I don't a need a nose ring to sway me how to think - walk, talk and chew gum type of voter........liberals would never get elected.

Dems love the sheeple, they need the sheeple, they can't make it without the sheeple. Your nose ring caravan will be visiting a town near you in the next 7 weeks. Pole results will only relfect who many sheeple nose rings were installed.
Left Wing kool aid stops here
2008-09-17 18:45:02 UTC
Polls can be read anyway you wish. Why do all the polls always say different things? Good try, go back and have another glass of kool aid and think harder for your next question.
2008-09-17 18:50:50 UTC
2008-09-17 18:43:26 UTC
Because if a lie is stated enough times, there is a percentage of people who will believe it regardless of the lack of any evidence.

The liberals have smeared Palin in the most vicious and reprehensible ways for weeks now, and the fools are buying it.
2008-09-17 18:43:22 UTC
Palin novelty is over and McCain is senile
2008-09-17 18:44:05 UTC
He's not.

All we heard from dems. when Mccain was leading in the polls was how the polls didn't matter. Now if, if, Obama is leading, the polls matter again?

Funny logic the dems. have.
2008-09-17 18:42:28 UTC
Because McCain/Palin is nothing more then liars.
2008-09-17 18:42:11 UTC
Because people have seen too many lies in the last couple weeks.
2008-09-17 18:42:47 UTC
The Kool-Aid refineries on the gulf are back in production.

Country First, Not Last

McCain/Palin '08
2008-09-17 18:43:44 UTC
yawner!!! He's not! I only track the Rasmussen's Pole
2008-09-17 18:43:06 UTC
Why Didnt you ask this Question When Obama Lost His?
2008-09-17 18:43:50 UTC
Say it aint true ?

The Fact is--------- It Aint True
2008-09-17 18:42:21 UTC
nope - he's still ahead. Rasmussen has him ahead in electoral votes too!

All this "troopergate" crap is going to blow up in his face. It's a witch hunt and there's nothing there.
2008-09-17 18:42:31 UTC
we will catch it back

2008-09-17 18:42:06 UTC
He's not.

This content was originally posted on Y! Answers, a Q&A website that shut down in 2021.