I have wondered the same thing.
There is a small group near Crawford, Texas that support Condi, and have put up billboards to that effect.
The problem is that no one is really a front runner right now. Why? Because the Republicans drifted away from their supporters, and the Democrats have not maintained a clearly defined agenda.
What is truely frightening is the amount of voters that will vote for a candidate simply because that candidate is a female, or black, or christian, or whatever. I think that until we get back to the values that this country was built on (if we ever can) that the apathy of most Americans will leave the voting power in the hands of a minority of the population.
In regards to the person from Brittain that chimed in. I think perhaps you are a victim of media bias. In Sept. of 2006 I traveled to the UK, England, Isle of Man, and Japan. In every country, the media portrayal of US events and persons was decidedly slanted. While it is true that Americans are not well regarded in other countries, I think that view is based upon the information they are fed. If you get to know what Americans are like...not just the 1% you hear about in the media, you will realize that we are not all as shallow as you assume.
No matter what, vote. If you don't voice your opinion with a vote, you should voice it on internet forums.