Are you voting for trump?
2016-01-11 11:38:38 UTC
Why do you hate immigrants?
423 answers:
2016-01-13 07:01:55 UTC
Hell 'NO' I'm not voting for Trump because of my own personal view on him. I really don't feel we have a good selection on runners this election year I'm a bit disappointed. People naturally think since I'm a woman I'm voting for Clinton.... Uh....No.! .Trump to me is a blow hard not to mention racist and a selfish rich man that let's his A - - override his mouth! Clinton I might have in the last race but now after hearing some of her views and the text messaging I have my doubts. Ted Cruz ... I'm not sure yet that's a big maybe and Sanders well I'm not sure if he'd make a good president or not that's real iffy. The others I just don't know well enough to even consider So... with this in mind I may not vote this next time sorry to say.
2016-01-12 18:36:32 UTC
Trump is the best candidate. Yes he might not be the best person to be elected but out of the candidates he is. There's a reason they're called Ilegals. THEYRE ILLEGAL. And anchor babies are no better. No one really has a problem with legal people. Some people do but that's not the point. You can hate trump if you want but if the election is today he'd win. I'm only 13 so i can't vote but if I could I'd vote for trump. Yes he can be a bit extreme and there is plenty I disagree with but most of his ideas are good and he's the only candidate who would get good things done.
2016-01-15 03:09:52 UTC
God no I'm not voting for that racist idiotic little troll. I'll do a short list of some of the reasons I'm not voting for him. First off one big plus a lot of people are saying is that he's a good strong business man, I mean he's become rich from his business so if he can run those so well he's an amazing leader. Actually NO on all of those counts. First off nearly every business he's run he drives into the ground bankrupts then steals from the investors. As for his wealth he quite literally could have done nothing from the money he inherited from his father except put it into a bank and invest it into safe slow growth stocks and he would have the same amount of money he has now maybe even a tick or two more depending on the interest rates. So no he is not at all a good business man or a good leader by all accounts. Nooow then lets move onto the racist comments he's made. Come on guys can anyone at all actually dispute that he's at the very very least semi racist. Back in the 80's when he'd walk into one of his casinos he'd have security clear the black people from that particular room. Obviously his comments about mexico sending over just rapists and criminals was hugely racist. And to top if off he wants to ban all Muslims. Ban an entire religion going against one of the core principals of the United states constitution. I don't care if you think that refugees could be terrorists or not that's not what trump is proposing. No he is saying that he would not allow anyone at all who is a Muslim to enter the country. Not tourists not refugees and guess what not even American citizens who are travelling abroad at the time of this bill they would be banned from reentering this country. Now another big thing he's supposedly strong on is illegal immigration. "Yeah he'll throw them all out and build a wall and make the mexican gov pay for it." Really? Does anyone believe building a wall will stop illegal immigration. Buut aside from that insane point guess what. WE HAVE MORE MEXICAN IMMIGRANTS LEAVING THE US THAN ENTERING. Seriously look it up. All it takes is one google search. It's amazing actually. Now I'm not saying we won't still have an issue with illegal immigration of course not all I'm saying is that it's not near a big of an issue as people are making it out to be and for that matter Trump's idiotic plan would if anything KEEP more illegal immigrants inside the US than out of it. And finally to cap it all off let's go to Trump's plan on how to deal with ISIS on foreign soil in an armed conflict. Oh wait he doesn't have one. His so called plan is and I quote "I'll learn that stuff when I'm elected and I'll take care of it" Does anyone believe that that is a good enough plan to deal with a major terrorist organization? Basically saying "I'll do all that stuff later no worries" Really? So yeah no I'm not voting for that idiot when there are other candidates with all of the good points he may make (If any) and none of the bad. Honestly whether you're a liberal or a conservative Republican or Democrat with all of this against him how Could you think of voting for him?
2016-01-13 21:44:54 UTC
There's no way in hell I would vote for Trump. Simply just kicking Latinos out doesn't sound exactly right to me. I know it's hard for that to get through some people's skulls, but it's true. That's why the country is so strong. I have a gut feeling things will crumble if things are done so recklessly. Sometimes what might seem like the solution, isn't really a solution at all. And besides, it's heartbreaking. This is my opinion. Respect.
2016-01-12 10:07:52 UTC
Why doesn't anyone realize to this day that no matter who may be president. They always have a righteous plan, and win over the majority of the country, until they get elected to office. And then the cold hard reality of running a country / super power, totally overwhelms them and six months later they become grey haired martyrs for not doing anything they promised, because it's IMPOSSIBLE! Donald Trump is simply speaking like we did pre 911. Before the out-of-control activists ran the country. Before political correctness was a thing people crammed down our throats. Before Fear. Back when you could carry a gun and use free speech. And today everyone is so scared to speak their mind that when they hear Trump speak, it's music to their ears. And he only gets away with it because he's a multi-billionaire. If I stood on the corner with a megaphone speaking like Trump speaks, I would be thrown in jail for hate speech. What I'm saying is stop being fooled by a nut speaking "common sense."
2016-01-13 12:37:46 UTC
Im voting for trump yes who cares about the illegal immigrants right now there are over 100 million homeless people if we don't have jobs or resources to help them how or why do we have it for immigrants we need to focus on our own problems before inviting more people in to make it even harder on us than it already is and also he is against letting the refugees from the middle east come in which is a smart move what happens when one of those refugees is a member of isis i don't care how secure they say we are about letting people in the country these are people with nor records no papers no backgrounds no proof of who they are we can't read minds yet as far as i know and until we can no security measures will be good enough until the terrorists threat is solved it only took 10 people to kill 127 people in France could still do a substantial amount of damage understand that the time of America being an immigrant country is over until we can resolve the issues with ourselves and the world
2016-01-12 17:11:38 UTC
There's no way in hell I would vote for Trump. Simply just kicking Latinos out doesn't sound exactly right to me. I know it's hard for that to get through some people's skulls, but it's true. That's why the country is so strong. I have a gut feeling things will crumble if things are done so recklessly. Sometimes what might seem like the solution, isn't really a solution at all. And besides, it's heartbreaking. This is my opinion. Respect.
2016-01-13 14:32:27 UTC
Personally, I think Trump is better then most of the other candidates with the exception of Rand Paul, however who said we were against immigration. If there was a better popular candidate I would not vote for trump, but he has no business interests, in fact he is losing money and speaking his mind, if that does not show his will for this country I do not what will. I want people who truly care and ideas aren't bat **** insane(like sanders), or impossible to achieve with a partisan gov't(like sanders). I love immigrants, hell my parents are immigrants, but it takes years to immigrate to this great country, and part of the immigration process is waiting, showing your perserverence and will to make your life and your children's lives better, even if it does mean starting from the bottom. Illegal immigrants jumping the fence to get in is not right and it takes away from other hard working Americans or LEGAL immigrants. Those who support trump's plan are completely fine with immigration, just not illegal immigration. If somone shoots someome and breaks the law the liberals come out in full force, but when the illegals do it it is "ethical" and "humanitarian". The law is the law, you cannot choose which laws to support, Obama should know that being a freaking constiutional law professor. Do I feel bad for these people, I believe their children should get to stay since it a child cannot choose where he has lived, where he will live/where he was born. However the parents should hold the responsibility and go back to their homes.
writer's block
2016-01-14 19:34:06 UTC
Trump will be an excellent turnaround CEO for America. He will clean up the mess the way corporate CEOs of failing businesses do.

The reason people like the questioner are so amazed at the prospect of Trump winning is because he is the ++exact++ opposite of Obama: Trump is a strong macho Alpha-male (Obama is weak), is unafraid of being politically incorrect (honest about his intentions, unlike Obama), earned what he has (did Obama earn that Nobel Peace Prize? I think not), uses common sense and accountability to propose solutions (Obama is a pure ideologue). All of these things, and more, show he is the opposite of Obama, which is why the American people will vote for Trump. Right? I think people just want a real, problem-solving leader who will not defecate in his own nest the way Obama has during his entire presidency.
2016-01-13 23:55:29 UTC
Nope. But I'm not voting for Sanders either. Both candidates may have some good ideas, but the bad outweighs the good. For example, Trump mad racist comments about Mexicans (don't say he didn't, if he wasn't being racist about border patrol he would have mentioned the Canadian border as well) and he's also stepping on the first amendment by taking shots at Muslims. He doesn't want Mexicans, or Muslims in the U.S. which is a violation of quite a few Human Rights every human on this earth has. So that's my thought on trump. As far as Sanders goes, I think he's a great gu . Very kind, and thoughtful person who sees everybody as one. But, the one thing that makes me not vote for him, is his plans on gun control. He claims he wants to get rid of assault rifles, and guns that are only used to kill peopl . That is not okay with me, because The 2nd amendment is there for a reason. No one can mess with ANY of the amendments, as it would be unconstitutional, and against the law.
2016-01-13 21:59:03 UTC
I will not.

Trump is really just a mean guy. I respect him, I respect his financial prowess, I think he has excellent economic philosophies, but I don't think he is the type of leader a country should have.

Though I think many of his policies would be beneficial for the country, I think many would be really bad as well. Specifically, on immigration. I really agree that illegal immigration is a problem, but Trump's view seems to be that all immigration is bad. He wants to raise the standards for immigration, and I believe the opposite should occur. America was built on people of all differences coming together and having liberty and community. Everyone should have that opportunity, even if they were born in another country, and even if they are a different skin color.

Further than that, he is socially just arrogant, rude, and abrasive. These aren't good traits for a societal leader.
2016-01-13 00:21:05 UTC
No, and I will not vote for Bernie Sanders. Trump is to extreme and wants to do some really dumb things that will just piss people off at America. Bernie isn't a good option either, I know his "make college free" plan sounds

awesome but realistically where is that money going to come from? The would probably have to inflate the money supply, or his plan to legalize marijuana might just allow enough taxes to pull it off. I don't really like any of the people running this is why I will be voting for the reptilian leader Leafyishere aka Leafyisbeefy for president he can rule with his army of internet trolls reptilians and aliens! But honestly the president can't change how the country is without congress and senate backing him/her so both of their plans will most likely not happen. And voting doesn't even matter because the electoral college will vote who ever they want in anyways. HISSSSSSSSSSSSS!!!
2016-01-12 12:48:10 UTC
Illegal immigrants are the new working class of America. They might "take" our jobs, but they can't take away something you never had. They run this country's industry, because they want it more than the rest of you. They "take" the jobs that you, as Americans, do not have the balls to do. If they are all deported by Trump then I can guarantee this nation's economy will crumble. It may recover but the damage will already be done. That is why I will never vote for Trump. And if he is elected than I will fully support a revolution or an assassination. I know most of you will get salty for me saying that but I just did.
2016-01-14 14:12:23 UTC
Trump 2016
2016-01-14 15:46:03 UTC
Trump v Hillary? Trump all the way. Hillary would be the worst thing to happen to the US in a very long time. The trail of dead bodies from her corruption and incompetence alone is enough for extra-judicial punishment because that branch has repeatedly failed us with her.

Trump v Sanders? That is something I cannot answer. Both have significant problems. Sanders' being the unrealistic "robin hood" social programs he is campaigning for.

Trump has nothing against LEGAL immigrants. They went through the proper channels. Its illegals who he has a problem with. After seeing that blunder that Ms. Burriesci who is the screening coordinator for the DHS couldn't answer the most basic questions about the Syrian immigrants and those who have been there that went through the waiver programwe have let in. Seeing the rape epidemic in Europe...I grudgingly agree with Trumps temporary ban on Muslim immigrants. We need to develop a well-thought plan.

What I like about Trump the most is his appeal to the American Spirit. Something that has been dead for a while and what Obama's been digging a grave for.
2016-01-12 14:01:47 UTC
I will be voting for Trump 6+ times. I have 6 different IDs I use precisely for voting. I will be getting at least 4 more before election time. I have done this the past 3 elections and so do many others that I have encouraged to do so, people that I know are Republicans or Independent, never Democrips. I hope to get hundreds of people voting a few to several times over, the more people that do this, the more we can influence the polls. Call it illegal or corrupt, but its nothing compared to the macro wide scale corruption going on, its a minor corrupt way to fight against the major corrupt. Monkey see monkey do. I do whatever I have to do to get what I want and need, just as politicians do. - Mercy is weakness, discretion is survival, collateral damage is just the price of power. Be ruthless and emotionless to those who deserve it, those who are to soft or unintelligent to be successful, the weak are here to be taken advantage of by the strong. Darwinism will always be the code to human survival, or what I call, "thrival"
2016-01-14 14:44:43 UTC
why do I hate immigrants? Are only people that hate immigrants allowed to vote for Trump ? How about people that don't care for socialism? the waist of he bloated government? Bernie is a socialist (communist), Hillary is a criminal. Are supposed to vote for this woman that has been in politics for her whole life and has been involved in some controversy every time she's in office or involved in business. Really, try to find a year in her history since she was removed from the Watergate commission for what her liberal boss called a ":dishonest lawyer" until today that doesn't involve some kind of investigation. Now the FBI is not only looking into her private email problem, but have opened an investigation of corruption involving the Clinton foundation. The FBI is not a partisan organization. They don't start investigations unless there is something there. The woman tries to come off as "one of the people" and will stand against the elite, While she hasn't driven a car in thirty years because she's been chauffeured. any of you get driven everywhere? Any of you receive 250 K for twenty minute speeches? II don't hate Immigrants, except the ones that want to kill me because I'm American. Right now we have no way of telling which one of these immigrants are not who they portend to be. I have no problem with restricting immigrants from ISIS area's until they can be properly vetted.
2016-01-12 16:01:05 UTC
It really doesn't matter who the public votes for as the Electrical college is the one who elects the President.

I do not intend to vote for trump, I find that he has little respect for anyone and even less for Immigrants and women. He also has no experierience in politics, or foreign policy and would be as much if not more of an embarrassment as the Obama's have been.
2016-01-12 14:48:19 UTC
Trump says what people really think. Is he qualified to lead the country? No. But is he better than all the others? I think so.

I have always thought that a position like a president or a mayor (of NYC for example) should NEVER be held by a politician-they just don't understand the public-rather they are more involved in getting re elected.

NYC had a billionaire for 12 years and a prosecutor for 8 years. It was the most prosperous time in NYC in 50 years (Koch not withstanding).

I think the country needs someone to say 'drop dead' to the Russians. Someone to say 'we support Israel' because need a foothold in the middle east. Someone to bomb the crap out of ISIL and take them out once and for all.

WW3 will begin in the middle east. Some group is going to nuke Israel. And they retaliate.
2016-01-13 20:12:30 UTC
No way. Even after his 80 years of life, things like the way he talks show how uneducated he is. He is not ready to be the president and probably never will be. I am shocked that someone like him would even dream about running for president. On twitter he said just kidding, lol. What kind of president says something like that. So no. I am not. I find him very racist and probably wants to eliminate all Muslims. Before he runs for president, he needs to respect all people, and instead of criticizing other politicians, have his own goals in mind. Sorry about the rather long answer, but I just want to mention that something else that bothered me was he couldn't care less about global warming. Global warming is such a fast issue, and clearly Trump is selfish. Donald Duck doesn't care because he won't have to deal with it, his kids and grandkids will.
2016-01-13 11:49:40 UTC
I'd just like to say I can't agree more, I happened to live in Singapore for 4 years (one of the few places in the world with an economy's that's doing SO WELL!) and you know why? Because they let as many immigrants come in as possible, you don't get that much benefits, so people work. Immagrants work. They are good people.

And Donald Trump is an idiot immagrants involved or not!
2016-01-15 03:49:38 UTC
I'm Mexican and I'm not entirely sure who I'll vote for.

I mean some of trumps ideas do make sense not all but just some. Like a strong border for example I think every nation should have a strong border as you can understand its for safety. I'm a legal immigrant, my parents worked very hard and paid tenths of thousands of dollars to be here ontop of waiting so many years. Me and my sister had never met or seen our dad until I was 6 and he was able to pay for everything so we could come here for a chance in life. I know some great and wonderful people with great skills but are hear illegally and because of that they are working jobs where there skills will never shine or be put to use!! I personally feel that they should let the immigration prosses happen a lot smoother and quicker and if you can bring skills to better the nation then why not allow people with those skill to come and work legally, that way they will be paying tax like every one els and will be helping the economy.
2016-01-14 10:44:55 UTC
Yes I will vote for Donald Trump. If for some reason he is not the nominee I will vote for Hillary. I wish they could run together, watch out world! Donald Trump does not hate immigrants he thinks like we all should that we need a tracking system. For example would you invite strangers to live in your house with your family? I think not.
2016-01-15 09:38:05 UTC
Im voting for trump yes who cares about the illegal immigrants right now there are over 100 million homeless people if we don't have jobs or resources to help them how or why do we have it for immigrants we need to focus on our own problems before inviting more people in to make it even harder on us than it already is and also he is against letting the refugees from the middle east come in which is a smart move what happens when one of those refugees is a member of isis i don't care how secure they say we are about letting people in the country these are people with nor records no papers no backgrounds no proof of who they are we can't read minds yet as far as i know and until we can no security measures will be good enough until the terrorists threat is solved it only took 10 people to kill 127 people in France could still do a substantial amount of damage understand that the time of America being an immigrant country is over until we can resolve the issues with ourselves and the world.
2016-01-12 06:50:22 UTC
No i m going to Vote trump
2016-01-14 09:54:34 UTC
Yes I am voting for Trump. Definitely can not be Hillary. We can't have another 4 years like the last 8. I do not vote by party but by the candidate. She will continue to push obamas agenda for as long as she is in office. Trump is an eccentric. He has an outside the box view on ways for this country to succeed. Illegal immigration is a huge issue. These people are not on record. So my question to you poster, is why are you so willing to let undocumented sex offenders, drug dealers and murderers into our cou try illegally? I know that not every illegal immigrant falls in that category but it is proven fact that some of them are. So your response is?
2016-01-14 19:16:43 UTC
Okay sorry I'm pro "illegal immigration" because no human is "illegal" and I also despise trump but you can't say "are you voting for trump and if so why do you hate immigrants" that's retarded I am a libertarian who would consider voting democrat just to get weed legalized that doesn't mean i would prefer them over anyone else. Maybe some people want to vote for trump for another reason And maybe they hate the fact he hates immigrants.
2016-01-13 13:38:19 UTC
Non sequitur fallacy... I would vote for trump if he is the nominee but I don't hate immigrants, I only just want to see those who have no respect for the law or the constitution to have thier free loading asses deported back to their country of origen and made to wait in line like everyone else. Who would vote for a person who doesn't care that there are tens of thousands of misdemeanor federal law breakers who are running around with impunity costing other people thier money and jobs
2016-01-13 20:34:15 UTC
Im voting for none, all the candidates are idiots. Most of america is idiots. The only person I'd ever vote for is Putin. And to all you idiots. Illegal immigrants are not simply workers. They are ILLEGAL IMMIGRANTS.

C R I M I N A L S.

Yes america was founded by immigrants but you can't call them illegal immigrants because there was no standing nation in which to stop them. The claiming of disorganized tribal lands is not illegal immigration it is colonization that happened hundreds of years ago. We are a standing nation with organization, boarders, government, and a military. We own this land and since we had the power to take the land we have the right to own it and defend it. That's how it works. People can't just come here illegally and be given our tax money. Come the right way or get the **** out. And illegals aren't just mexicans they come from everywhere. Criminals have no right to american tax money, jobs, or land.
2016-01-13 17:41:33 UTC
I'm not voting Trump
2016-01-13 16:09:18 UTC
A vote for Trump does not prove you hate immigrants. I don't hate immigrants, but I KNOW that immoral illegal aliens -- they come from every nation on earth -- are destroying America especially her tax-paying middle-class. I may vote for Trump just to show you hatemongers a lesson.
2016-01-12 23:38:37 UTC
honestly I am not voting for anybody , I original file as independent party because I didn't want to have to catgorise myself as either republican or democrat, I have desided not vot now because why vote on matters if I don't understand politics . so I'm not voting for anyone but I were it would not be for trump. he wants to send immigrants away . that imy opion is bull crap because a lot of immigrants are now American citizens and want their family to be here and if he is present it wont allow that to happen , everyone has a right to be with their familes. they are human being too. we need to start treating them like human being and not garbage that trump can throw out, that is wrong in so many ways
2016-01-12 13:51:40 UTC
Yes I am voting for Trump. There needs to be big changes in this country.
2016-01-12 11:39:12 UTC
No way in hell!... I'm Hispanic; and it aint just becuase of this; cause, if he were right, i would admit it and give him what he would deserve; but hes pain wrong, hes just a fvckin discriminator spreadin hatred on us; so no; i dont support bad things or bad people; i aint even voting, anyways; i dont do that sh¡t!...

And for those who think he's right and then are voting for him, claming that immigrants are "fvcking up" their country, should look themselves in a mirror better anf first; we are necessary for U.S.A. and yall must know it; when are yall gonna understand it!!?; and not all of us is illegal!... If yall are supporting him, there must be something inside of yall telling yall that you are doing wrong; i know!...

Donald ignorant Trump is just a hater, and hatred is not right and good at all, no matter from who or where or for what!...

If you are voting for him, ya should reconsider your decision; dont act based on your hatred, dislikeing for us or prejudice bout us; i understand that maybe some Hispanics or Latinos are doing bad things in yo country, but i know ya know not all are and we are not the same; there are some doing it right; ya do the right thing, too; take the chance; dont hate us just for being Latinos; we're not only that!...
2016-01-13 22:10:57 UTC
If people are happy with there lives , and way they live and the Government doing what it has for decades . Then you will vote for the same kind of politician crap liars as before. Me naaaa im going with a man you cant buy , a man who says it like it is. A person who wants to make USA GREAT again. TRUMP you better believe it !
2016-01-12 19:11:27 UTC
There is no way I would ever vote for Trump. I will be voting for the first time in November and I'm doing as much research as I possibly can to make the right decision.
¤Blackhoof Buccaneers Revenge¤
2016-01-12 23:33:25 UTC
I'd sooner vote for alien overlords.

Trump is nothing but a blowhard and the old man equivalent of a teenage boy who likes to shout out crap for shock value. Obnoxious, typical of someone on the "right wing" using and inciting fear in order to make people get in line behind him.

Sorry, but I'm not a coward, nor am I gullible, that crap does not work on me.

I can't imagine how quickly he would ruin international relations.

If he ends up the Republican nominee, I will be laughing my @ss off at the 'Right' as it has truly lost it's mind in that case.
2016-01-14 19:58:44 UTC
Yes I will be voting Trump. He dose not hate imigrants, he just wants them to do it leagly. If you just allow them come freely like they have, no one will obey the rules and do it leagly so you have to be harsh to get the point across. Trump loves the mexican people, he had thousands on Mexicans work for him in the past. Also if you ask LEGAL immigrant Mexicans, they will tell you they also want them kicked out because they do not feel it is fair for them to have to do it by the books l

eagly while others deceive and sneak in ileagly
2016-01-12 11:27:06 UTC
I will never vote for Trump. He is a business man and a real estate tycoon. He has no experience in politics and he wants to start at the very top? Sounds like a recipe for disaster to me.
2016-01-13 04:46:36 UTC
I have no clue, I guess you got me trumped.
2016-01-13 14:54:26 UTC
I am not voting for Trump, as I am not old enough to vote in any case.

I would not vote for him if I were old enough to vote. However, I really don't like Hilary Clinton.

I do not hate legal immigrants. I dislike illegal immigrants.
2016-01-13 09:43:45 UTC
Even though i`m not from USA I would vote trump since he is trying to make America a bit safer.
2016-01-18 00:59:55 UTC
Yes, Trump for President !!
Jedi Jan
2016-01-13 22:12:50 UTC
No. Thank goodliness that I don't live in your Country; sorry to those that do. Any country that has such random nutters running for election such as Trump I just have to feel sorry for. I apologize if I have offended anyone as that is not my intention. I really don't understand why Obama could not be re-elected; he seems the most sensible President you have had in a long time.
2016-01-12 16:11:33 UTC
I vote 4 Donald Trump 2 b a troll lawl and I tink Clinton is a ***** hahahahaha
Curious and Confused.
2016-01-13 13:37:43 UTC
He's ONLY in the lead because he speaks the loudest. On election day, everyone that hasn't been part of the 'polls' will come out in drolls. Remember how Obama got elected? ALL of the voting minorities voted for him. What will happen when all those immigrants who have illegal family living with them actually votes? He will be out voted in a landslide. He's a pompous egotistical jerk who isn't rich of his own account. It's his parents money. He never made any of his own money. Hell his only TV show tanked because he sucks. He also complained that his dad sent him out to live on his own with ONLY a million dollars to fend for himself with. What?! He's a high flaunting castrated peacock. Meaning he looks good but he can't deliver.
2016-01-13 15:06:49 UTC
Donald Trump doesn't hate immigrants. You must be from the media. What he is saying is trying to put a stop to the ILLEGAL immigrants. Mark Twain said that if you want to be informed buy a newspaper and to be misinformed read it. These words are more true now than ever.
2016-01-14 06:16:19 UTC
I wouldn't vote Trump even if someone threatened me. He is an idiot he speaks so loudly that his brain doesn't have time to think first. I could never vote for someone that thinks it is okay to openly judge and bash. However, i applaud him because he's being upfront about his racism. Plus I've heard people say they'd vote for him because he'd use his own money.... yeah to build walls of segregation.
2016-01-12 18:08:42 UTC
Either Donald Trump or Chris Christie, I've yet to decide.

BTW: Since I pasted Hillary's face on my dartboard, my scores have skyrocketed!
2016-01-12 15:11:11 UTC
Time for a change We need Trump
Joan of Arc
2016-01-11 13:36:16 UTC
Yes. Because Trump offers real promise for the country. If not trump, for sure a republican. We need real leadership in this country. Hillary is a joke, the only reason she's even in is because she's a woman. Bernie Sanders is a freaking moron.
2016-01-13 23:05:52 UTC
This Liberal has supported having Mr. Donald Trump

as a loose cannon aboard the USS Grand Old Party.

What with him talking and boat rocking the usual rats

aren't going down with that ship.
2016-01-14 11:30:09 UTC
I will vote for trump, I do not hate immigrants. That is a B.S sound byte coined by the left. Donald trump does not want ILLEGAL immigration. NOBODY has said anything except positive things about LEGAL immigration.
2016-01-12 16:10:23 UTC
I will not vote for Trump even if I was an American.
2016-01-13 21:21:58 UTC
No.Why? Racist son of a b**ch. What's wrong with illegal people? There just here because they are escaping the violence in Mexico. Mexicans come here for a better life for them, their children. If he hates Mexicans because of the Alamo war, that's in the past! Think about the future. Clinton is the one. Voting for trump means more violence and war. He might do the same thing to black people. Clinton is the one.
2016-01-12 13:25:12 UTC
I'm never voting for trump
2016-01-14 09:53:33 UTC
Absolutely! He is by far the best candidate. We need someone that has some financial brains. We cannot keep going into debt in this country or China will own us and then we are ruined. It blows my mind how anybody with and ounce of brains could think that we can keep spending money that we don't have. If we americans ran our households like the government runs our country, we would all be living under a bridge and that is exactly where we are headed.
2016-01-14 10:10:54 UTC

WHAT OTHER gop small-c-conservative "republican" is going to deport The Libtards to a Kenyan Prison will there Constitutional Rights' are indefinitely suspended - Prison gives them safety and abolishes that "racist outdated Bill" known as The Constitution, it's Communism & Socialism come true in the vision of Libtardation!

TRUMP 2016!
2016-01-12 06:27:10 UTC
Yes, I will definitely Vote for Donald Trump... Illegal Immigrants are exhausting national resources.. They mainly ill-affect the Government's PLANNING...
2016-01-12 08:53:34 UTC
I'm voting for Trump. I like hom because he's a white man, he was born here, and he can do what needs to be done. Asking "why I hate immigrants" would be like me asking you "why do you hate America". I don't hate immigrants, but the country is full, we don't need any more immigrants. If you're here illegally, start packing.
2016-01-12 18:14:22 UTC
Trump v Hillary?
2016-01-13 11:13:11 UTC
Hell no! I'm not voting for Donald Trump. :( That man doesn't take care of what comes out of his mouth. I rather vote for Hillary Clinton and have her become president.
2016-01-14 17:31:05 UTC
No, Trump will **** up america. Hillary Clinton and Bernie Sanders aren't good options either. Trump doesn't have leader qualities. Really though, like 'Hey, I am racist so I will make Mexicans build a wall so they cant get through. dur dur dur, good idea!'
2016-01-12 13:21:17 UTC
If I did it would be as a joke and to ensure we have a colorful campaign. Hillary is going to cream the GOP anyway.

But I have a question for you. If I vote for Trump in the primary, will it send a message to others that his anti-immigrant stance is popular?
Cera Olney
2016-01-12 22:17:48 UTC
I'd vote for Trump to be packed up and shipped out to sea aND never return.
2016-01-13 16:57:24 UTC
I like and dislike Trump in some ways, but he's a true American after all.
2016-01-14 11:01:13 UTC
I dont like either one of them but Hilary Clinton is a lying hypocrite and at least Donald trump knows how to be a good business man but they are both not good for being president.
2016-01-12 17:22:59 UTC
Trump has brought up issues. Not well I will give you or do this for you. polititions have hid behind that for to long. So yes I will vote for him if the election was today. Do I like him NO I do not Like HIM. But he looks like the best mutt in a bad pack of dogs. pick of the litter so to speak.
2016-01-14 16:30:14 UTC
know i am not voting for trump because i'm not old enough to vote and personally i don't think trump would make a good president and i think he's just in congruous to stir up the pot.

that's my personal opinion
2016-01-12 18:10:52 UTC
I do vote for Trump.
2016-01-14 22:23:55 UTC
I'm not American so no, but if I was then yes! Only because I don't think letting in Muslims is not safe for the country, it's not a risk that should be taken for the safety of another country, i mean Muslims come to our countries yet they speak different languages, think they can get different treatment, rude to us, wear turbans, not all are like this but let's be real here, if we did something like that in their country we would be killed. If they are going to come here I just think they need some rules and equal treatment. That's just my opinion no hate pls!
2016-01-12 20:39:28 UTC
No I won't vote for Trump
2016-01-12 13:46:58 UTC
I'm never voting for trump.
2016-01-11 14:52:40 UTC
Yes. And Trump voters do NOT hate mexicans but we DO hate having illegal criminals coming in and also taking away our jobs with their cheap labor tactics. And maybe we DO want to save our social security and reinstate some tariffs on all those imports from China and Mexico and maybe we are sick of all the TERRORISTS being allowed to come in while the NSA only watches over US AMERICANS AND IGNORES those who come in from overseas. No we aren't a bunch of racists. Just poor working folks who WANT OUR JOBS BACK ! ! ! And THAT is why I am VOTING FOR TRUMP !

Post Script: You posted that "Illegal immigrants are WORKERS"! Is that supposed to make us warm up our hearts toward them?? Hell no! They TAKE OUR JOBS!! Now THAT IS a reason to HATE those foriegners who come into our country speaking out en espaniol so we dont hear what they are saying and commiting more crimes than the rest of us combined and HATING OUR GUTS FOR BEING AMERICAN!
2016-01-13 11:39:32 UTC
Hell no!!! Justin Bieber would make a better president and that's saying something. I found him to be nothing more than a rich, spoiled, over rated racist that will most likely die of cardiovascular disease before his first term is up. He represents everything so many others hate about our country. Self entitled, a brat, ignorant, rude and racist (which people confuse as brute honesty-but has no actual basis like say... numbers, science), overweight red faced, cholesterol loving 1 second away from a heart attack, pre-diabetic rich guy who over abuses his power and uses money to get his way.
2016-01-14 15:22:04 UTC
Yes I am voting for Trump. He is an individual without loyalty to special interest groups for funding his campaign. I like his view on foreign affairs and trust him to improve our economy. I do not hate immigrants.
2016-01-12 14:40:52 UTC
YES. I'm voting for Donald Trump because he wants what we all want & he's does'nt need the money, but wants America to be put back right & for all things to go forward for all Americans. Mike
Gaia’s Garden
2016-01-13 11:08:04 UTC
I don't hate immigrants. I don't think illegals should be here. There is no way I'm voting for Trump though.
2016-01-13 17:37:04 UTC
amen to your "why do you hate immigrants?"

never, ever voting for him. hes way too focused on winning, muslims, etc. i know those are the main popular ones that go around, but if he's doing things that a majority of people don't like and theyre right ... well then, i guess you're being dumped trump.

i honestly don't like politics, but i also don't want someone who doesn't seem proper enough to be our president.
2016-01-13 23:02:53 UTC
Im voting for trump he seems very well educated and his interest is americas future i am all for him.... I have nothing against latinos i am one myself

but their are laws that exist im america and he is the man thats stands up for american men and women who are to kind and wise to speak up on what should be done .... I would vote for him in a heart beat
2016-01-13 20:04:36 UTC
Not in my lifetime. He should not be in this election or anyother. I feel he is totally unqualified to be yhe commander and chief our Military. He Will get into another war we hve no buisness to be in. He talks goood about getting rid ISIS but you just can'nuke them, that's what it will take for Trump to do it hhis way. Please use your head don't vote for Trump!! I probably won't vote, BECAUSE NOBODY HAS YET TO PROVE THAT JEY DESERVEIT.!!!!!
Harrison Haun
2016-01-12 04:03:08 UTC
Absolutely Not, Mr. Trump makes troubled Businesses Better because he uses American tax payer dollars to do it. He has used our money for years to make his money. We are the one who pays for our country to be repaired. We need people in Washington, who will use our money for the what it is intended. Not for their personal gain, i.e. G.W. Bush! Mr. Trump wants to be the first American Trillion ire, if he is allowed to get his hands on the U.S. Treasury he will do just that. Mr. Trump make some good points, and has some good ideas, But dose not have what it takes to get them done. An advisor? YES a President? NO!
Gerry G
2016-01-12 06:42:31 UTC
In the primary, I for sure will NOT be voting for Mr. Trump. In the general election I will have to wait and see what my choices might be.
2016-01-11 15:19:27 UTC
Trump sounds good on paper, but it will be a disaster in real life. Plus I'd lose food stamps, medical and dental care, subsidized housing.
2016-01-11 15:05:09 UTC
I am not voting for Trump. I don't hate immigrants of any kind. However, I don't like people coming to this country illegally. There is a legal way to do it. And for those that chose the law abiding path, I welcome them.
2016-01-12 18:23:41 UTC
Yes I am. Because trump is right in his views on : Immigration, the wall, deporting illegals, foreign trade deficits and the solution, lower taxes on small business to create jobs, banning Muslim refugees, going after terrorist family members who aid and abet terrorism, abandoning the Clinton/Obama support of IS to overthrow Assad, Repeal Obama Care, protecting second amendment right to gun ownership, etc.

For those "nay sayers" on feasibility of his plan export the illegals, see if you are capable of understanding the following logic. On average, the 10 million illegal workers send 1/3 of their earnings back home ( I e 3.3 million jobs worth of $). If American workers take the vacated 10 million jobs and spend the 3.3 million jobs worth of $ each year in America ( instead of it being exported), 3x3.3 = 10 million new jobs would be created in the US which would produce $60 Billion additional Federal tax revenue each year [ I e 10 million new jobs x $30,000/job x 20%( ss/medicare/income) tax = $60 billion]. That's $240 billion in additional IRS revenue over 4 years WHICH IS MORE THAN ENOUGH TO SUPPORT DEPORTATIONS AND BUILD THE WALL. And guess who loses the benefit of the $240 billion -- those countries, including Mexico, who supplied the illegals.

As an additional benefit, 20 million more American citizens would have jobs ( I e the 10 million now held by the 10 million illegals plus the 10 million " stimulus effect" jobs ).
2016-01-13 01:50:20 UTC
I will vote for trump. He is one way right as we need freedom. USA means freedom and taking illegal immigrants only worsens the issue. How many more they want to stuff in USA & Europe. There will be a time when whole Europe and USA will be in chaos because of illegal immigrants.
2016-01-12 18:38:30 UTC
I am not going to vote for Trump, but I am against immegrants because I dont believe people should abandone their country.
2016-01-14 22:41:33 UTC
I will vote for Trump. The ideal ticket is Trump-Cruz.
2016-01-12 04:46:51 UTC
I'm voting for Trump because I think watching him screw up will be hilarious!
Irv S
2016-01-12 12:13:43 UTC
Trump ???

Doesn't he look to you a lot like Hitler did in the early 1930s?

'History trying to repeat itself', and too many of us are just dumb enough

to let it happen.

By all means let's alienate the largest religion on the globe, (most

of whose members regard their extremist with the same relish we feel

in having to claim some connection with ours).

I'm sure ISIS loves him though. - (Wouldn't be at all surprised to see

campaign money flowing to him from that source.)

P. T. Barnum was right about the average intelligence of the American

electorate. If it's loud and stupid they'll climb aboard.
2016-01-12 05:51:03 UTC
Yes, Trump will make America great again.
2016-01-13 22:58:40 UTC
Trump is a comedian with poor taste will be a disaster for the Republicans Hilary is best bet!
2016-01-12 17:25:53 UTC
Like Trump I'm married to a LEGAL immigrant.

Like Trump my wife and I do not like ILLEGAL immigration.

When you do something illegal it shows no respect for the country you're entering and all its people who pay taxes and do things LEGALLY.

Why do they want to come? Because - ironically - there is more rule of law, less corruption, more opportunity because of this, and their first and next step is illegal. The whole reason all this exists that they want to come is because someone paid taxes and upheld RULES in the country.

LEGAL immigration, like LEGAL business, like LEGAL food products or cars tends to be good.
2016-01-14 16:52:39 UTC
Donald Trump

Donald T

Don T


Great talk guys
2016-01-12 04:45:20 UTC
Voting is done in a private booth. I will decide and vote accordingly. Immigrants hate Trump because he doesn't want all their illegal friends coming here and depleting our economy. It's really simple.
2016-01-13 17:40:15 UTC
If they gave me all trump fortune to vote for him all i will do take a shi* on his head.Wants to take all illegal people out of the country he is just a rich asshol* that wants to be a show off
2016-01-15 03:00:46 UTC
Yes as Trump is the only one with guts to take on the crazy Muslim religious nutter go Trump and blow your Trumpet.
2016-01-13 21:13:06 UTC
I don't hate immigrants. You're more than welcome to come to the USA. But do so - LEGALLY. See, that's one of the main points Mr. Trump is trying to make. And he's right! (No wonder Jeb Bush is doing so abysmally bad in the polls: Florida and Texas might just as well belong to Mexico.)
2016-01-15 13:04:20 UTC
"Are you voting for trump?"

I am from UK so no, but I would vote for Trump if I were American.

"Why do you hate immigrants?"

I do not hate immigrants.

"Update: Illegal immigrants are workers"

The particular immigrants Trump is talking about are not workers, many of them are jihadists who mean us harm. Trump is the only American politician I am aware of who has the insight to see this and the balls to say so.
2016-01-14 23:06:47 UTC
I don't live in America. I guess in every country, there are people who dislike immigrants. With there are immigrants, there is a higher demand for jobs, education, housing, transport, food etc while the supply remains the same. If the government takes care of every single citizen and make sure they aren't neglected, then immigrants are welcomed, If the immigrants are prioritized over the citizens, then the government isn't doing their job. Governments must control the number of immigrants who come in and always place their citizens first.
2016-01-14 17:25:55 UTC
Trump, Trump, Trump, Trump, Trump !

Oh hell no, I'm not votin for ney bastah dog !
Abdu Rahim
2016-01-14 10:16:49 UTC
Donald Trump wants to be the "Chief Defender of the Constitution," but won't let me, and even wants to punish me, for exercising my Constitutionally protected right to worship as I choose. I think he'd be a great President! Yeah, right....
2016-01-14 10:30:52 UTC
Definitely voting for Trump. However, my vote has nothing to do with his serving public office. I have a special vote for Donald, which unfortunately is unprintable in a public forum.
2016-01-14 19:12:13 UTC
I don't vote for Trump and I don't hate immigrant.
Mary Clements
2016-01-12 17:24:50 UTC
No. I would like the leader of our country founded on the concept that says all people are created equal. Trump is a bigot.
2016-01-12 05:38:06 UTC
TRUMP cannot win... in real life or on paper Hes out for rich bigots ..he insults ,no one tells him to his face..but when the votes are counted ..he will see how much people hate him..
2016-01-12 21:17:46 UTC
Donald Trump is good on talk shows.. he's terrible in politics. I think America is screwed..
2016-01-11 14:15:48 UTC
Yes, trump is a very strong candidant who offers needed change to this country.
2016-01-12 03:34:58 UTC
No way and why would I ? He is full of bull and bluster and is no good for the middle class.

The best way to understand the problems of the US is to know what neo liberalism is. Its dangerous and yet people continue to vote for it.

If you dont know what neo liberalism is then you NEED to look it up and find out.

I could tell you but you will only get my biased definition.

The game is rigged and the corporate elite have bought out the economic system and those who control it. Trump is part of that elite and thats why no one in the middle class including myself shouldnt vote for hm.
2016-01-17 21:38:02 UTC
I am voting for Trump and Cruz in the primaries.
2016-01-13 03:11:53 UTC
Yes he is the best Candidacy. He not bad.

There is no reason i'll vote trump.
2016-01-12 09:12:26 UTC
i cant vote as i live in england its not immigrants that annoy people in what ever country they live in its ILLEGAL immigrants some break the law to stay thats why alot of people will vote trump hes saying what alot of people are thinking
2016-01-12 02:33:53 UTC
Albeit I'm fully on the same page Trump is on our current infestation of illegal Mexican immigrants in America---it's NOT the principal reason Trump has MY VOTE on Election Day.

Trump's success comes from taking near dead businesses mired in dire financial ruin---and reforming them into powerfully strong / healthy financial corporate powerhouses. And if Trump can do that for his corporations, then he can assuredly do the same for America---something OUR country needs right now and won't get from our current POSER POTUS.

I want America to see positive power growth once again---that's why I'm voting for Donald Trump on Election Day 2016.
2016-01-14 09:56:14 UTC
Yes for Trump, first I expect Trump to follow the constitution and work with Congress. I expect Trump to have his admin enforce the laws of the land (immigration laws that are on the books for over 30 years). I expect a wall to be built to stop illegal immigrants and drugs. I expect him to not act like a tyrant or king. What makes America great is the foundation of laws. I don't expect him to lie hundreds of times. I expect him to respect all citizens who belong here lawfully and protect them when they are abroad. I expect him to create jobs working with Congress and reduce government spending. I expect him to lower people's dependency on government so they can have free will. He has proven experience in the real world and was successful leader unlike our career politicians at all levels of government. That's a change I can support.

Won't vote for Hillary because she lies. Her words and actions of cover up over the death of 4 Americans in Benghazi is irresponsible and criminal. She thinks she is above the law. Her position changes like the wind to get votes and I don't know what we would get once she is elected, maybe more of the same (OB) that I don't like. Has nothing to do with her being a woman just a trust issue. What does the Clinton Foundation really do collecting money from foreign contacts?

Bernie Sanders is weak and a socialist. Our economy was not built by hard workers giving their efforts away to lazy leaches. He will empower the lazy people who want something for nothing over the hard workers. Just a bad path to follow not what our founders envisioned.

If 80% of the hard workers vote then our future will be decide by those who paid for it. But make your choice and vote fro yourself.

I'm for smaller government but I also want the government to protect us but not control us. My fear is there will be a revolution when Obama declares Martial law and wants to be King that is why he wants gun control. He wants to stop the citizen from their 2nd Amendment rights which is there to keep government in check from over reach. To much over-reach and control will destroy us and they are not entitled to by the constitution. The Federal government has expanded beyond what the states should have control over in many areas. The Fed Gov't should not be a land owner except for ports and Wash, DC. So why do they take land from citizens without state grants.

Just make sure you vote, the non voters are the citizen who can decide this election. It's your right and responsibility to vote. The democrats haven't really put up a quality choice which means they think we are all stupid.

We need to fix America
2016-01-14 17:00:25 UTC
Trump is a Duck Monkey,give Me Bernie Sanders he's the most rational of the bunch,or even pee wee herman
2016-01-15 04:16:57 UTC
Yes I honor Trump, he is the greatest man ever
2016-01-12 13:34:36 UTC
I prefer Donald Trump over Hillary Clinton. He would at least keep us safe, unlike Hillary who wouldn't. Plus she's a liar. And I don't hate immigrants. I would welcome them if they came legally, with the proper screening methods. And they need to adapted to being here, not expecting us to learn their language and living on the tax payers dollars.
2016-01-15 01:44:04 UTC
Respect shouldn't be easily given!! I don't know the man to respect him..I wonder if I asked Mr trumps? do you respect me? what do you think his answer is going to be...We all have the ability to get up and share our thoughts on the world view..each of us have different views, others may agree or disagree? but that's the beauty of it, we the people have a choice to kiss his *** or not..
Doug Freyburger
2016-01-15 15:34:14 UTC
I've been a Libertarian since 1980. Chances are I will vote for our candidate.

Ya'll continue your campaigning in those large parties. It is highly entertaining to us outsiders.
2016-01-13 14:16:03 UTC
Only if he's the nominee. Any of the Republicans are better than Hillary or Bernie. Trump isn't my first choice for Republican nominee.
2016-01-13 12:21:14 UTC
The man does not have the GOP nod yet.

Even if he did, I would not vote for the man, at this time.It the number of votes a candidate can get from the electoral college. Each state has x number of votes up for grabs for both candidates to get and maintain.
Jashim Uddin
2016-01-14 21:42:07 UTC
I like trump.
2016-01-12 19:02:03 UTC
If i am a american i would be voting for trump.
2016-01-12 20:28:43 UTC
Why does everyone hate trump so much he obviously knows how to manage money and isn't going to sell bout to all the retarded corporations hey isn't going to put us in more money down the toilet like Obama did we don't need a stupid girl to be president and guest what girls I'm a girl it isn't sexiest she won't know how to manage a **** in a toilet if she saw one
2016-01-13 04:36:26 UTC
I presume you mean Trump rather than trump.

Simple answer - no.
2016-01-14 07:18:47 UTC
so we should keep doing the same thing in the same way ,no

we don't want to hurt anyone's feelings but if it does maybe you should consider who's

trump isn't a lawyer or a professional politician ,he is a business man that wont give away my country or take away my future
2016-01-14 02:13:27 UTC
Yes. They all suck, Hillary Clinton is a criminal. I'm voting trump because he sucks the least
2016-01-11 17:26:43 UTC
It's obviously the type of immigrants that are being banned.. What's hard about understanding that. If you cant find every radical Muslim to ban you ban them all from comming. Easiest thing and most cost effective. That doesn't mean the Muslim next door is leaving and it doesn't mean America now hates them. The complaints are only being blown out of proportion
2016-01-14 15:18:09 UTC
Hell ***ing no! First obvious thing, he dissed Mexicans. Hey jackass, everyone knows not to piss us off, we make up most of California. Second, he spends too much time insulting his candidates, we don't even know what he'll actually do for this country other than piss of muslims. You didn't make the constitution so stop trying to change it. Presidents job is to make allies, not enemies, especially when a large percentage of those he insults are within the US
2016-01-14 07:57:06 UTC
He lost my vote or support when he said he never needs God forgiveness because he never did anything wrong. This is from a man who has multiple divorces and multiple bankruptcies. We are finishing eight years of a President without a true Christian background, why do we need another?
2016-01-13 17:09:00 UTC
Of course, and most Americans including even many democrats(except the far-left looney liberals) are against illegal aliens, crossing our borders, committing identity theft to steal IDs to get jobs to work under the table to avoid paying taxes, and fraudulently getting welfare. Many Illegals that do come here are smuggling drugs, bringing in crime, raping and killing our own people. They're bringing in their own problems here, and we don't want that. They're ILLEGAL, what part of ILLEGAL do you NOT UNDERSTAND. There's nothing wrong with LEGAL immigration, and those that actually follow our immigration laws.
2016-01-11 14:34:52 UTC
Yes, immigrants overpopulated the country and I don't know if anyone notices but most of the crimes that you see on the news are committed by non Americans. Also on our food items there is a symbol called halal which the company pays to have on their food which goes towards the funding of terrorism.
2016-01-12 13:54:10 UTC
Nobody hates immigrants. Legal Immigrants are our life's blood. What we hate are illegals who come here bringing crime and disease with them.

Every illegal allowed to stay means one less potential LEGAL immigrant allowed to come. Why should illegals get to jump to the front of the queue?

Legal immigrants are vetted in their home country by our consulates to make sure they are both morally and physically sound before being allowed to come here. There is no such vetting process for illegals. That they can't pass the vetting process and come here illegally, instead, speaks to their undesirability as people we want living amongst us.
Who Dat
2016-01-15 11:09:29 UTC
Oh hell no! Trump is a punk....No matter how you try to spin it. Trump is a racist with a rat on his head who thinks he is better then everyone. Psst...You racist better get with it. America is going brown and you are scared as hell about that fact. EAT THAT YOU RACIST!
2016-01-15 19:44:16 UTC
i wouldnt vote for trump

but also, in my opinion, there's really not any good candidates for the election
Smokies Hiker
2016-01-13 13:19:02 UTC
I'll damn sure vote for any Republican Candidate rather than any of the Liberals that are running! AND I'm not against ANY immigrants...just those who are ILLEGAL IMMIGRANTS!!! We are a nation of laws, and our immigration laws should be adhered to! Go to Mexico or Canada illegally and see what happens to you!
2016-01-12 07:47:36 UTC
I don't want Trump, but I might chance it. Everyone else did with we need CHANGE right lol? Twice the chance too ;(?
2016-01-12 19:32:40 UTC
donald trump is messy. part of me wants to believe he's just doing all this as a stunt to show the REAL america. it's so embarrassing though.
2016-01-11 12:02:11 UTC
The Apache have been the best border patrol officers of all.

They didn't like anyone coming or going. The Mandan and

White Mountain were notorious for what they would do to

intruders into their land.
2016-01-13 07:12:18 UTC
I would love to see Trump being elected. ...😂😂😂 I'm sure gonna miss me some wine and fruits.
2016-01-13 06:04:43 UTC
What does ISIS and trump have in common? Only idiots seem to be following :) HAHAHA
2016-01-12 16:00:56 UTC
No way. No one should unless they're brainless. He's a bully in a suit. That's all he is. And I usually vote republican so that says a lot.
2016-01-12 17:46:41 UTC
2016-01-12 12:16:51 UTC
Donald trump is clearly a racist man but if you think about it,Sometimes what he says is true
2016-01-11 17:57:55 UTC
my parents were immigrants a long time ago. In a way, he hates humans. He uses the stupid stereotype of Mexicans ( hispanics* this dumb **** thinks there are only Mexicans ) that they cause trouble and are rapists. A lot of Hispanics are VERY hard working so no, i am not voting for him. kinda hope he gets assassinated \_(ツ)_/¯
2016-01-11 22:34:48 UTC
No. I prefer a real person not a showman. If anyone thinks Trump is going to fix everything their wrong, your just deluding yourself. The problems facing this country are too big for one person to fix. Maybe if we all could work together we could but the truth is that it is not going to happen sorry.
2016-01-11 13:35:44 UTC
I can vote for who ever I want if I want to vote for communism or fascism or nationalism or capitalism that my right don't like go back were you came form go complains there
2016-01-12 06:40:06 UTC
We have a system that allows immigrants to come in at a healthy pace where it doesn't break the bank but too many immigrants don't want to wait their turn.
2016-01-13 20:01:14 UTC
umm yeah, he would make sure that ISIS gets dominated, he'd save the world. Just because he gets a fake tan doesn't make him a bad person, little kids and everyone else needs to stop saying bad things about him if they don't know the full story
2016-01-12 13:31:23 UTC
2016-01-11 22:24:24 UTC
**** trump and Hillary! I nominate Drake for president!
2016-01-13 18:54:31 UTC
Of course, he will lead the purification of America and begin the 5the Reich, hail Trump
2016-01-11 12:04:13 UTC
Better Trump than the crappy democrats but i prefer Jeb Bush
2016-01-12 04:13:49 UTC
No, and I don't hate immigrants. All of us WERE immigrants, at some point in our histories, and even the Apaches were immigrants. The Europeans were immigrants into THEIR future countries. Everyone HAS to be a worker in this economy, legal or not.
2016-01-12 22:59:34 UTC
2016-01-11 15:27:14 UTC
I don't think that ANYBODY "hates immigrants", What most people object to is allowing immigrants to enter the country illegally and when they commit crimes, allowing them to be sheltered in so-called "sanctuary cities".

Every night, before I turn off the lights, I make sure that my doors are locked (aren't yours?). I DON'T do this because I "HATE" everybody... I do it because I don't want them coming into my house while I sleep.
2016-01-12 10:00:37 UTC
I agree with Tim coming on this country illegally is not a right thing . If all the immigrants from the UK will leave this country , then this country will just sink like Titanic boat ..
2016-01-11 13:44:22 UTC
Only Trump will fight the corrupt political establishment on both sides.
2016-01-15 07:17:16 UTC
Trump should be in prison for his racism.
2016-01-11 23:29:58 UTC
Trump sounds good on paper, but it will be a disaster in real life. Plus I'd lose food stamps, medical and dental care, subsidized housing.../@/..
2016-01-14 17:27:45 UTC
2016-01-13 21:17:55 UTC
2016-01-13 19:51:54 UTC
Get f*cked trump
2016-01-12 23:46:14 UTC
2016-01-12 20:32:28 UTC
2016-01-12 18:02:34 UTC
Look what Hitler did for the German economy....Trump is going to make a fine president.
2016-01-13 18:44:40 UTC
No trump, he judge people
2016-01-12 19:40:12 UTC
i am an immigrant (legal) and i don't come here to take jobs, i want to make jobs. . therefore i don't like donald trump i think he won't represent America well
2016-01-14 07:18:38 UTC
I'm voting for Bernie.
2016-01-11 11:40:42 UTC
Not sure who I'm voting for yet, but I am 100% for legal immigration. If someone wants to come here and legally work/pay taxes and better their life, great. It's illegals who sneak in and then stand with their hand out that I have a problem with
2016-01-15 07:55:46 UTC
Trump the world !
2016-01-16 13:58:04 UTC
2016-01-13 13:42:40 UTC
When the time comes, many will seek shelter like a rock to crawl under to escape the heat when the Donald sits in office; I will do what I can to witness that day!
2016-01-14 18:44:22 UTC
2016-01-12 03:06:54 UTC
"Illegal Immigrants are workers."

Maybe...but they are also criminals. Tragic criminals, so we should feel sorry for them, but criminals none the damn less. Doesn't mean I hate em', doesn't even mean I want to see them punished...I just want to see them meet America half way. Also, be they Muslim or Mexican, they need to assimilate to some degree.

I don't hate Muslims, I served with a few who were cool. But America has no place for Sharia Law, and that is what some of them want. We have room for Muslims but not Sharia law. I don't want to go as far as the actual bigots who want to say we are war with the entire religion of Islam, as that is rediculous, unfair, and biting off way more than we could or should chew.

Illegal Immigrants maybe victims and poor souls who need a hand, but the American people didn't make them victims. Their elites did, and to be quite frank our elites probably did too...ya know, like they do to us.

We have too many of our own poor and homeless to take on immigrants who get addicted to welfare and socialism when they come in (again, not blaming this all on them...corporate ceos and leftists alike do that so that the new wave of immigrants will be a cheaper, more subservient worker class to replace Americans who know their rights).
2016-01-11 22:30:21 UTC
I'd rather move to the Arctic Circle than vote for that extremist. He's had bankruptcies & all 3 wives were immigrants. He's a hypocrite & very hateful. He has no class.
2016-01-11 19:10:59 UTC
Republicans won't win an election anytime soon because of demographics and income inequality
2016-01-12 18:00:23 UTC
Lead, follow, or get out of the way...

Only lemmings believe we need more immigrants in this country..its a lie!

When will it end, when we reach 500 million people that suck your tax dollars?
creole lady
2016-01-14 02:48:33 UTC
No way. He is brilliant at rabble rousing and sound bites but not much else.

He does not have the skills to be President of the United States
Andy F
2016-01-14 06:21:21 UTC
I'm not voting for Trump, and don't hate immigrants. Thanks for asking, and for the 2 points.
2016-01-15 08:39:15 UTC
YES!! TRUMP 2016!
2016-01-11 14:28:04 UTC
Immigrants are people who are legally present in the US. People who over stay their visa or who enter illegally are not immigrants. They work off the books, stealing out tax money and our jobs from Americans who need work.
Jake No Chat
2016-01-11 20:02:48 UTC
No, The Donald is not cut out for such a position. He speaks his mind, but he is so wrong on many issues. I would not vote for Hillary either, she speaks lies and is wrong on most issues.
2016-01-12 09:16:33 UTC
Trump reportedly licenses his name to those who want to profit from his notoriety -- er, "fame." He realizes a pecuniary interest in keeping his name in play in media no matter what gets his name in play. ("There is no such thing as 'bad' publicity.")
2016-01-14 13:26:15 UTC
HELL NO, people ask me, "why do people call him racist? hes just trying to protect us." But thats not true, he wants to protect SOME of us, and for the whole muslim thing, its complete ludicrous. Look at the boston bombers. Do you see trump banning all white people!? NO, BECAUSE HES RACIST!!!!!!@
2016-01-13 18:25:39 UTC
I'm not going to elaborate on my answer... I will NOT give my vote to idiotic individuals who mock even disabled people.
2016-01-11 20:18:38 UTC
I #FeelTheBern

He represents the working class and the poor, not the wealthy elite and their corporations. He is against tax breaks for the wealthy, and their outsourcing of jobs overseas. He is for a living wage to get people off financial assistance, and ending wars for profit. He backs our veterans, Social Security, and national healthcare system.
2016-01-11 12:06:36 UTC
are you that stupid? A Trump voter doesn't *hate* immigrants just illegals and radicals.
2016-01-13 08:45:16 UTC
I am a TRUMP supporter and as for your retarded assumption that I "hate immigrants" my parents are immigrants and so is my wife.(African immigrant-Trump supporter)
2016-01-11 14:38:54 UTC
any republican is better than Hilary or Bernie Sanders. That's for sure. I do prefer Ben Carson though.
2016-01-13 18:16:23 UTC
No because I don't vote
2016-01-13 11:22:59 UTC
Do you realize I can not vote for anyone for some time?
2016-01-12 12:57:28 UTC
Me voto señor Trumpo 2016 !
2016-01-11 15:11:17 UTC
Not in the primary but will vote for him if he gets the nomination

I hate ILLEGAL immigrants because they broke the law, they are criminals

Love legal immigrants, half my family s legal immigrants
2016-01-11 19:11:09 UTC
Of course. What do you think i am, illogical? The only reason people are voting for Hillary is because she is a woman. I saw a survey conducted live, where a man asked 150 WOMEN who they were voting for, and i dont remember the exact percentage but at least 65% maybe 75% said Hillary, and when asked why, only 15% gave an actual response. Others said idk, or tried to make it look like they knew what they were talking about like "i think shed be a good president" or something stupid, but it was obvious they had no idea what they were talking about when stuttering, pausing and giving blank faces and even answering the question as if they were asking a question because they were clueless. blacks and females just want change, they pbviously dont care about the future, or even near future of their and their predecessors future, its honestly annoying and i believe some test of knowledge of politics should be taken before given the right to vote. Pls
2016-01-13 02:05:00 UTC
Hitler 2016 Sieg Heil!
2016-01-12 20:28:38 UTC
Some of these answers are f'd up.
2016-01-12 15:08:06 UTC
We don't, you idiot. We're sick of allowing people to stay who don't deserve it, and then they get treated much better than citizens or legal immigrants. It's illegal, unconstitutional and it's bankrupting the country.
2016-01-14 00:03:18 UTC
No silly. I am writing in Eric Matthew Frein
2016-01-13 13:15:48 UTC
I can't decide whether to vote for a toupee , or to pay !
Rice Pudding
2016-01-13 15:25:42 UTC
I am English' and I warn you people of America..islam will cause mayhem, the two cultures do not mix
2016-01-13 16:59:37 UTC
no. trump is the most childish person. he mocks alot of people and says he can do alot of things. if he can do alot of things why his hair still look like corn.
2016-01-12 15:56:22 UTC
YES !!! Those of you that consider him unqualified, truly have your head in the sand...Get use to calling him PRESIDENT TRUMP !!!
2016-01-13 13:48:32 UTC
I'm voting for anybody but Hitlery. If it means the "Don" so be it.
2016-01-15 05:28:22 UTC
After obama I would vote for his brother isis.
2016-01-12 13:16:32 UTC
Yes. I don't "hate" anyone. Immigrants should enter the country legally, like everyone else.
2016-01-12 16:50:40 UTC
I don't vote for anyone
2016-01-12 13:58:55 UTC
NEVER- Donald Trump is an embarassment to any country. HOSTILE - UGLY - BOASTFUL - UNDESIRABLE!!
2016-01-14 20:25:13 UTC
NO, he's not suited for becoming a president cause of bigotry & bad attitude
2016-01-12 16:43:54 UTC
Nope because in British
2016-01-12 09:55:18 UTC
Yes and I nor Donald hate immigrants, your just so biased you can't see past the zits on your nose.
2016-01-12 13:05:51 UTC
I don't know yet. I don't hate immigrants. I just wish there were no illegal immigrants. Come to the U.S. legally and it's cool. People who hire illegal immigrants exploit them.
2016-01-15 09:55:20 UTC
There's no way in hell I would vote for Trump. Simply just kicking Latinos out doesn't sound exactly right to me. I know it's hard for that to get through some people's skulls, but it's true. That's why the country is so strong. I have a gut feeling things will crumble if things are done so recklessly. Sometimes what might seem like the solution, isn't really a solution at all. And besides, it's heartbreaking. This is my opinion. Respect..
2016-01-11 14:20:32 UTC
No my vote is for bernie because im not retarded and i know the differencd between communism and socialism
2016-01-12 14:45:36 UTC
I am not going to vote for anyone.
2016-01-12 23:57:45 UTC
Did your vote ever help you or the majority of other humans?
2016-01-14 01:43:00 UTC
Never Ever. He is a Wrong Headed man.
2016-01-13 17:46:50 UTC
trump is dumb and my answer is NO. No means No
2016-01-13 13:47:42 UTC
No, I am no allowed to vote in the U.S. as I am a citizen of Canada.
2016-01-13 08:48:11 UTC
yes several times
2016-01-11 18:48:20 UTC
Yes, ilea gal immigrant do not work they sponge off us US citizens from our tax money we paid in to the system. and Obami lets them..and so will Hillary..
2016-01-13 13:15:49 UTC
I will if he is the nominee. Right now, I'm rooting for either Cruz or Rubio.
2016-01-12 03:21:37 UTC
Votes are secret dummy!
Tad Dubious
2016-01-11 13:37:30 UTC
No. I do not believe he will even be on the ballot come November.

I do not hate immigrants. My great-grandfathers were immigrants.
2016-01-11 13:34:11 UTC
You can't vote for someone who won't even be nominated.
2016-01-13 14:10:10 UTC
I think Trump is legit but he has a con ....... He is really arrogant..
2016-01-13 22:03:13 UTC
The only thing I agree with him is deporting all the ILLEGAL immigrants. NOTICE HOW I SAID ILLEGAL? THEY CAME HERE WITHOUT PERMISSION. We shouldn't just allow them to stay. In other countries, illegal immigrants get hard punishment.
2016-01-14 16:14:10 UTC
Illegal aliens are not immigrants. They are nowhere in the immigration process whatsoever. As a matter of fact, they SPIT on our country, our laws, and our citizens.
2016-01-11 12:07:38 UTC
Only if it comes down to Hillary and him, if not. I still don't have a clue.
2016-01-13 17:25:57 UTC
noooo people, have common sense. people of different races should NEVER be discriminated. That is why the US is so powerful in the first place... we don't discriminate people by race
2016-01-15 12:25:13 UTC
Hell nawww no trump
2016-01-12 16:52:18 UTC
all are inmigrants, the european killed 100 million people in all the continent due the greed of the spanish, british crowns and the vatican, and took over 500 tons of gold. you want that the inmigrants go away, like the WASP brit colonies, of 18th century,
2016-01-13 18:44:52 UTC
Do you hate our veterans? Illegal immigrants gets more attention then the veterans do. And they're the ones that protect our freedom.
2016-01-14 16:00:04 UTC
2016-01-12 13:14:48 UTC
Yes I am, but I never heard anyone say they hate Illegals,
2016-01-14 16:26:49 UTC
I don't hate immigrants, I hate ones who come here ILLEGALLY. Because they are BREAKING THE LAW, PLUS MOST OF THEM COME HERE TO SELL DRUGS AND BE PIMPS AND GANGBANGERS

2016-01-12 18:27:28 UTC
Yes, we all need to vote.
2016-01-12 07:53:12 UTC
Heck no. He's a bully
2016-01-11 16:40:34 UTC
2016-01-13 16:52:36 UTC
Not even if I got offered money would I vote for this racist idiot.
2016-01-12 23:01:45 UTC
Davinaa Spencee
2016-01-11 15:01:29 UTC
2016-01-12 10:43:11 UTC
Not in a million years!
2016-01-14 17:01:09 UTC
I don't vote for anyone.
2016-01-13 20:21:06 UTC
That ***** trump is mf re-tarded

He should be deported back to his moms pussy.
2016-01-11 20:28:39 UTC
I understand now why our fore fathers decided on the electoral college voting.
2016-01-13 21:42:41 UTC
yes i will, and why do i hate immmagrants your term hate needs to be directed i n another way, i hate what there allowed to do, and i think for income they should have open season on them like hunting
2016-01-13 04:24:13 UTC
**** u hoes who is voting for trump DONT VOTE FOR TRUMP
Mrs. Frankenstein
2016-01-11 11:42:55 UTC
I don't hate immigrants. I hate illegals that come to this country expecting a hand out because they feel entitled to it. I hate the illegals that get jobs, get their children papers, and their children are able to go to a 4-year college because they are considered a colored minority, while I can't afford a community college at all. I hate illegals that don't bother to learn the language and just expect US to cater to THEM.

Again, if you're going to live in this country, take the necessary steps TO live in this country. I would be expected to do the same if I chose to live in another country and WOULD.
Rick C
2016-01-12 13:29:56 UTC
Nobody hates immigranta. We hate illegal aliens. There IS a difference!!
2016-01-13 08:49:49 UTC
No. He's sooooo rude
2016-01-13 18:38:16 UTC
I'm not, because I am not american, if I was I would leave
2016-01-12 22:13:21 UTC
YES! If your not with Trump then your with the terroists!!
William M
2016-01-14 15:03:54 UTC
It really depends on the person he is facing. Hillary might just smell that bad.
2016-01-13 17:46:54 UTC
I would not vote for him
2016-01-13 06:56:41 UTC
No, I am not voting for anyone.
Lucious Dinsmore
2016-01-11 11:41:41 UTC
Immigrants made this country great. Illegal immigrants suck.

If I do or don't decide to vote for Trump will have nothing to do with how he feels about ILLEGAL immigrants. It will have to do with him not being a capable president. He was/is a shady businessman. I'm not on board with that.
2016-01-13 23:06:34 UTC
No he's dick and he ought to quit. He's the most shrivelled stinky dick I've seen in years.
2016-01-13 04:17:29 UTC
i dont even have a right to vote
2016-01-12 12:47:58 UTC
No I'm not. I have brain cells
2016-01-14 08:41:57 UTC
he's not even on the ballot, no one can vote for him until this happens
2016-01-13 09:10:22 UTC
We literally did a poll to say that we do not want him even visiting the UK 😂
2016-01-13 09:01:31 UTC
NO WAY IN HELL!!!! And if he does get elected I'm moving back to Canada!!!!!
2016-01-14 00:07:06 UTC
I will not vote
2016-01-15 04:27:18 UTC
they take all the country s jobs, money and take the money back to their county, they destroy the true culture of the country, they succeed to the extent that they don t give other people ,from that country, a chance to do well.
Weasel McWeasel
2016-01-12 09:45:02 UTC
no I am not voting for the Trumpanzee.
Jessica Preciado
2016-01-11 20:32:23 UTC
No, because he'll send my grandpa & Tia's & tios away
2016-01-12 22:22:30 UTC
Maybe cause I hate Clinton ?
2016-01-11 19:39:17 UTC
Sorry I don't vote for trash
2016-01-14 22:26:35 UTC
Cruz or him... praying ... i did not vote for obama God let me know he was not the right one to get in...
2016-01-14 02:27:59 UTC
No I'm not !!
2016-01-12 03:55:16 UTC
He is a complete retarded fuckwit, there are to many conservative white supremacists on this form.
2016-01-12 09:13:50 UTC
I hate politics
2016-01-14 18:21:55 UTC
Nope I have a brain
2016-01-12 18:37:33 UTC
Nope hate him
2016-01-12 17:52:12 UTC
People who are illegal to us should go back get the papers to be leagel then come back
2016-01-12 14:03:37 UTC
Nah never
2016-01-13 13:33:17 UTC
I don't know. Is he running?
2016-01-12 13:09:27 UTC
Immigrants should get the of **** out of america, you are not wanted here
2016-01-14 09:08:19 UTC
2016-01-14 06:41:55 UTC
2016-01-12 18:57:35 UTC
No I will not you see how he treats it other people from different races
2016-01-17 20:28:00 UTC
2016-01-16 08:32:10 UTC
2016-01-11 19:42:58 UTC
fuvk yeah I am. He's going to actually help businesses instead of squashing them like the democrats.
2016-01-11 17:05:01 UTC
2016-01-11 12:46:56 UTC
I sure am,and so is the 6,785 dead people in my cemetery that I own,I learned that from the democrats back in the hay days.
2016-01-12 20:18:34 UTC
Yes. Especially, on his Muslim remark.
2016-01-12 15:07:47 UTC
2016-01-16 14:52:13 UTC
i don't hate immigrants, but i don't believe if they came illegally they have any right to stay
2016-01-13 08:19:37 UTC
yes. because I think he will get us more money that's rightfully ours. we will finally be #1 in our own country!
Lamoyne Heyart
2016-01-14 10:26:21 UTC
2016-01-14 11:15:31 UTC
Trump HELL NO!
2016-01-15 09:19:08 UTC
No, I'm not a Republican.
2016-01-14 01:26:47 UTC
No. We are a multi-cultural nation.
2016-01-14 06:27:48 UTC
He will destroy our economy by imposong tarrifs on China.
2016-01-14 12:53:07 UTC
no. i dont even think he wants to be president he just wants to advertise and the things he says can get us at war.
2016-01-11 12:11:59 UTC
2016-01-12 09:22:28 UTC
if your country didn't bomb their country there wouldn't be illegal immigrants. There wouldn't be immigrants at all, actually.
2016-01-11 14:51:20 UTC
trump will WRECK the corrupt DNC & RNC
2016-01-13 13:27:19 UTC
heck yes
2016-01-13 07:16:10 UTC
No and I don't
2016-01-12 05:59:43 UTC
2016-01-13 23:29:44 UTC
Hah!! Absolutely NOT!!!!!!!!!!!! Don't even need to explain myself, his behavior is enough to back my answer hah!!!!!
2016-01-17 00:48:08 UTC
Why are people copy and pasting answers, stop it you morons.
2016-01-13 09:35:43 UTC
Yes i am
2016-01-12 16:44:19 UTC
H E double hockey sticks NO!
2016-01-13 19:12:28 UTC
i should slap you in the face for asking me such a ridiculous question, of course NOT.
2016-01-11 12:27:44 UTC
immigrants are TOTALLY unneeded and a MASSIVE burden on US taxpayers.
2016-01-14 06:05:58 UTC
Only if he gets nominated.
Cookie Crazy
2016-01-12 17:00:59 UTC
Nope who is
2016-01-11 11:46:03 UTC
Personally i wouldnt vote for him
2016-01-12 19:26:43 UTC
No person with a brain would.
2016-01-13 17:43:38 UTC
all the candidates are bad smh america needs help
2016-01-13 15:02:55 UTC
2016-01-11 14:09:05 UTC
I don't hate "immigrants" but I hate the actions of ILLEGAL ALIEN CRIMINALS!!!!!
2016-01-12 22:57:00 UTC
yes i wil. i just don't know where to start
2016-01-11 21:17:29 UTC
Yup. TRUMP all the way.
2016-01-13 18:29:35 UTC
Hell no, I can't see why anybody would anyway.
2016-01-12 14:25:23 UTC
They are ILLEGAL immigrants. There is a difference. ALL ILLEGAL immigrants must go.
Democracy Matters
2016-01-12 12:52:32 UTC
God no. He'd end up killing everyone.
2016-01-14 23:58:10 UTC
chooo chooo here comes the trup train
2016-01-15 10:16:15 UTC
Is he standing as PM for UK?
Little Big Man
2016-01-11 11:57:47 UTC
No but his hair yes,lol,
2016-01-13 13:57:27 UTC
Who the he'll is that
2016-01-12 03:09:36 UTC
Oh, hell no, I am not voting for that idiot!
2016-01-14 13:55:07 UTC
Hell no. He has no clue. His proposals are insane.
2016-01-16 00:19:03 UTC
hate illegals ,legal one are fine.
2016-01-12 14:36:26 UTC
I hope he diesssssssss
2016-01-14 06:37:15 UTC
he is very extreme but he is doing well in the polls
2016-01-11 12:31:21 UTC
<< hates no one ...ILLEGAL is ILLEGAL, they are not " Immigrants " who go to other countries LEGALLY , you are a lying, whining, blaming foolish child or worse a STUPID ADULT !
2016-01-12 17:08:48 UTC
I hate when they screw up on my coffee
2016-01-12 21:17:51 UTC
Only if he becomes the nominee
2016-01-13 21:46:03 UTC

They are illegal
2016-01-13 17:25:11 UTC
2016-01-13 17:56:17 UTC
2016-01-11 11:53:39 UTC
I dont hate
2016-01-14 19:32:56 UTC
This question is quite biased...
2016-01-11 13:00:00 UTC
Illegal immigration is a crime.
2016-01-13 12:53:06 UTC
It will be huge step back :(
Princess Sarah Xx
2016-01-12 17:58:55 UTC
Absolutely NO . . i'm not an american. . .
2016-01-12 11:29:02 UTC
No he's a knob
2016-01-13 16:06:52 UTC
If he is chosen YES.
2016-01-14 13:58:26 UTC
nah, i dont think that would be a good idea.
2016-01-12 19:21:26 UTC
yes i am
2016-01-12 12:16:42 UTC
2016-01-11 13:51:17 UTC
Another troll liberal
2016-01-12 11:13:53 UTC
No I am not
2016-01-17 10:50:41 UTC
Yes,or whoever the republican nominee is.
2016-01-13 14:20:24 UTC
no, he is discriminating people because of his beliefs.
2016-01-14 23:56:37 UTC
Oh hell nahw
2016-01-11 11:48:34 UTC
I think I have things crawling around in the mud in my yard that are more qualified for the job than he is
2016-01-12 19:14:40 UTC
Are you an illegal alien?
2016-01-12 17:26:24 UTC
OMG NEVER! Carson all the way!
2016-01-13 05:18:19 UTC
NO, wish he could help people...
Sweetdaddy Rex
2016-01-12 11:08:40 UTC
NO, and I am a "Con"., from Texas !
2016-01-14 12:26:30 UTC
2016-01-12 03:55:46 UTC
2016-01-12 04:58:15 UTC
Who else, if there is nobody better???
2016-01-12 18:17:15 UTC
2016-01-14 20:58:49 UTC
2016-01-14 11:02:29 UTC
2016-01-14 09:33:06 UTC
2016-01-14 06:20:18 UTC
2016-01-13 20:41:50 UTC
2016-01-13 17:41:44 UTC
2016-01-13 15:07:05 UTC
2016-01-12 10:04:13 UTC
2016-01-12 08:00:21 UTC
2016-01-14 09:25:35 UTC
2016-01-13 19:11:14 UTC
2016-01-12 16:50:54 UTC
2016-01-14 07:58:33 UTC
No way.
2016-01-11 20:50:48 UTC
2016-01-12 18:05:17 UTC
you better believe it
2016-01-14 11:19:20 UTC
Hell YES... I hate ILLEGALS!
2016-01-13 19:41:27 UTC
I wont
2016-01-11 19:21:13 UTC
2016-01-11 19:11:03 UTC
2016-01-13 14:56:45 UTC
immigrant are horrible and should die
2016-01-13 22:59:05 UTC
2016-01-14 10:19:14 UTC
I am indeed
Gerald Ortiz
2016-01-18 09:03:17 UTC
No not sure
2016-01-12 17:01:42 UTC
absolutely not
2016-01-11 15:10:55 UTC
2016-01-11 11:55:07 UTC
I dislike illegal immigrants.Obey the law.
2016-01-11 15:40:28 UTC
well i'm not a dumbass... so no
2016-01-13 16:41:23 UTC
he is our only hope
2016-01-14 06:47:55 UTC
please Don't Vote for him He is a racist assholel
2016-01-12 13:59:13 UTC
hell to the nah nah nah
2016-01-11 11:39:32 UTC
Immigrants are awesome.

ILLEGAL immigrants are law breakers by definition.
2016-01-14 09:37:40 UTC
what that about
2016-01-13 03:24:42 UTC
no idea
2016-01-12 21:21:53 UTC
2016-01-13 00:10:37 UTC
not really
2016-01-14 15:21:35 UTC
2016-01-14 11:30:01 UTC
2016-01-14 07:58:44 UTC
2016-01-14 02:00:25 UTC
Adam V
2016-01-13 20:44:54 UTC
2016-01-12 07:03:47 UTC
2016-01-12 14:18:49 UTC

no one do it. u will kill us all
2016-01-13 17:36:21 UTC
2016-01-12 23:22:41 UTC
2016-01-12 08:31:25 UTC
2016-01-13 09:16:09 UTC
hell no, he's an idi.ot
2016-01-12 17:07:51 UTC
idk im not old enough (only 14) im just here because im curious for who will win
2016-01-15 13:21:26 UTC
2016-01-11 14:15:00 UTC
i am sorry for him.
2016-01-11 13:05:24 UTC
2016-01-13 16:49:19 UTC
**** no.
2016-01-11 15:50:15 UTC
NO WAY!!!!!
2016-01-13 09:51:16 UTC
2016-01-11 14:33:59 UTC
hell no
2016-01-14 09:21:09 UTC
2016-01-13 09:22:11 UTC
2016-01-11 22:16:15 UTC
2016-01-12 19:03:23 UTC
**** NOOOOO!
2016-01-12 12:38:08 UTC
2016-01-13 22:13:35 UTC
2016-01-12 12:32:25 UTC
HELL NO !!!!!
2016-01-12 07:24:02 UTC
idk are you voting for ben carson??

This content was originally posted on Y! Answers, a Q&A website that shut down in 2021.