No I saw this coming. I don't support Trump, but I knew he'd be elected ~ a year ago. You can check my post history if you don't believe me, haha.
It won't be long until the complete and total collapse of the world economy, world war 3, and other horrible things like nuclear / biological weapons being used on America. Which I can also see coming.
I will be heading to the northwest of America soon enough, it'll be safe there. Not to mention that part of the country is the most prepared for the worst. Keep that in mind if you're an American citizen and **** really does start to hit the fan.
It's not like I want all these horrible things to happen, and I'll do everything I can to prevent as much death and suffering along the way.
My plan is to find a community farm to join, so that I'll be prepared when things do get rough for everyone, along with giving me the ability to help those without food or shelter.
That plan hasn't changed, and Trump's victory is simply more reassurance that my plan is a good one.
All I can say is, no matter where in the world you are, I hope you have a plan for when the grocery stores are no longer giving you food in exchange for paper.