If the candidate for president that you don't support wins the election, will you actually try to move to a new country?
1970-01-01 00:00:00 UTC
If the candidate for president that you don't support wins the election, will you actually try to move to a new country?
381 answers:
2016-11-09 12:57:25 UTC
This question is what's wrong with america on so many levels.

One, it shows when you don't get your way you throw a fit.

Two, it shows that people feel entitled that they cant wait 4 years and elect a new president

Third, it shows people are idiots. They don't realize A.) how the president of the US effects all countries not just the US. So any country you move to you'll still have to deal with things

and B.) they don't realize you cant just move to another country and the other country will be like "Sure we will welcome you here" No, they are going to build a wall and keep americans out because they don't want us in their countries. Unless you're rich. Most countries wont even let you move unless you have atleast 5000$ in the bank.
2016-11-08 16:18:12 UTC
It's not really realistic to move to a new country at all just because the candidate for president that you don't want to win ends up getting in the White House. It ultimately seems nonsensical to move away in a situation like this.

Regardless of who wins, though, if Trump does end up trying to be Hitler 2.0, or Clinton decides that she's going to sell all of our children to create some 1 world country or whatnot, if America does seem to be in real, urgent danger (which already seems evident due to the incoming economical collapse), then I'll move back to my home country or to another English speaking country. Really the only way it would make sense to flee from the home of the free, land of the brave.
2016-11-08 16:11:08 UTC
I would never move from the greatest country on the planet just because my favorite candidate failed to win a election. That's a sore loser mentality and would say more about me than whatever message I think I'm attempting to make.

Regardless if their name is Carter, Reagan, Clinton, Bush, Obama or Trump I feel the POTUS tries to do what's best for the U.S.. I may not agree with the winning candidate's method of madness but I believe we all want the country to success in all areas.
Orange Bear
2016-11-08 18:33:21 UTC
I want to move out of the country regardless of the candidate. If a candidate I did not like won and really took things to a bad level, I would just not return.

The world is vast and has many interesting cultures. I have been exposed to many different things and people. Americans as a whole are egocentric, unadventurous, and oblivious to the world beyond their own borders. I want to experience the world.
2016-11-08 19:02:36 UTC
No one actually does that unless they're an opposition candidate in a country where political assassination is the norm.

Celebrities talk about moving, but they never do.
2016-11-08 17:50:25 UTC
Every election has a group of people, typically celebrities, who claim they will leave the USA if the candidate of their choice isn't elected.

They should move to a Communist nation if they despise the Democratic process to this extent. I have lived under several Presidents I did not vote for, but I respect the results of the Democratic process.

The wisdom of Founding Father John Witherspoon is the best guide to electing our leaders: "Those who wish well to the State ought to choose to places of trust men of inward principle, justified by exemplary conversation. . . the people in general ought to have regard to the moral character of those whom they invest with authority either in the legislative, executive, or judicial branches."
2016-11-10 08:26:15 UTC
I wouldn't move over a candidate. I'm actually moving to Europe not because of the election, but because that's where my dad is from. The family has been planning this for quite some time.

I'm a minor, but I wouldn't move out of the country over Trump if I were an adult.
2016-11-08 18:56:19 UTC
I'll either stay at a five star resort in Canada or go on an ocean cruise. The idea is to be far away on Dec 17th when Russia uses conventional weapons to bomb that missile base in Romania that violates the INF treaty.
2016-11-08 18:59:26 UTC
This crap in this country didn't start with this election it started a long damn time ago and as you can by the elections results coming in right now election day 10 pm eastern standard time the race is tight and the state divided almost in half. I won't move if he wins it'll make me sick that people wanted a change so bad that they put this man in the white house. I know this country needs change but not bad enough to be run by a Tyrant
2016-11-08 18:29:50 UTC
Yes, I'll move to Canada.
Some dude
2016-11-09 08:04:56 UTC
No I saw this coming. I don't support Trump, but I knew he'd be elected ~ a year ago. You can check my post history if you don't believe me, haha.

It won't be long until the complete and total collapse of the world economy, world war 3, and other horrible things like nuclear / biological weapons being used on America. Which I can also see coming.

I will be heading to the northwest of America soon enough, it'll be safe there. Not to mention that part of the country is the most prepared for the worst. Keep that in mind if you're an American citizen and **** really does start to hit the fan.

It's not like I want all these horrible things to happen, and I'll do everything I can to prevent as much death and suffering along the way.

My plan is to find a community farm to join, so that I'll be prepared when things do get rough for everyone, along with giving me the ability to help those without food or shelter.

That plan hasn't changed, and Trump's victory is simply more reassurance that my plan is a good one.

All I can say is, no matter where in the world you are, I hope you have a plan for when the grocery stores are no longer giving you food in exchange for paper.
2016-11-09 14:02:09 UTC
That's ridiculous and childish. Now with Trump, it's more tempting than ever, cause he comes off as a racist and arrogant scumbag who loves "Friends" and hates the word "bro." But he's better than Hilary but when I think about it, he's got a Republican Senate (the party that ended segregation - partially, not all were good people either and some voted for it; a lot of the good GOP hate Trump), and they're gonna keep him in check.

Now he hates Hispanics (and I don't mean Visigoths).

But as far as a president I don't agree with, I mean Obama was president. He was a scumbag. And yet I didn't wanna leave the country. I criticize the president. There's things we can do if we have grievances. By leaving the country, I'm saying Americans suck, and that's not true in general. Besides, except for maybe the black celebs and white good people who are genuinely concerned, these pop singers saying they're gonna leave the USA are childish.
2016-11-10 17:09:24 UTC
I suppose that if you want to move to a different country, that would have been a thought on your brain a time before. I have considered moving to another country for quite some time. I suppose it may have something to do with exactly where in this country you live or perhaps the environment you live in is not conducive to what you wish to get done. I am one of the growing number of people, however, that feel somewhat the same as you. I feel, where I live, that people are pushy, inconsiderate, aloof and quite a few other negative traits that leave me to come to this conclusion. I see other countries or areas of the world where people are not caught up in such a rat race or feel pressured to get 1001 things done every single day of the year to feel satisfied. So when I see these people living in such a lifestyle I particularly do feel anxious to get out of the position I am in. Some like it the way it is, others don't feel comfortable at all about it. I suppose it take a while to find the comfort zone you are looking for but sometimes it doesn't have to be out of the country.
2016-11-12 08:38:22 UTC
There will always be those who claim they will move out if Their Candidate does not win. I suppose there are some who actually follow through with it. There have been times in the past where I've thought that a candidate will be disastrous for the country. But I have not considered moving out an option. Usually the disaster is not quite as bad as expected. If the President does too much too fast, then Congress is likely to shift power.
2016-11-09 12:23:52 UTC
I wish i could move out of the country now that trump is president, i am not sure what the next four years will be like. Will i move out of the country i don't think so but i think this is the first time people actually thought about leaving their country because of a newly elect president. A lot of people say they want to leave or planned to leave america now that Trump is ready to go into the White House.
2016-11-27 11:26:27 UTC
Regardless of who wins the election; I want to better my life. Either by going on a hard work farm and make my life that way. I really don't care about politics. I met the love of my life. I probably will move to his country. You see, in some places cars, insurance, car fuel and electric is up high, I just don't want to end up living in a world where everyone is corrupted. I'd rather be born in a third world or fourth world. Then I would know how to live in such conditions.
2016-11-09 11:21:28 UTC
No, too many cons not worth it to move to another country. It's an empty threat. Remember there's the cost of moving and it's pricey within country think about to a different country. We have to learn and obey the laws of new country. Possibly learning their primary language that is in most countries a requirement when immigrating. Not to mention finding a job, making a living, etc. Leaving a life behind all because you don't like the person who got elected, is just stupid.
2016-11-09 15:01:58 UTC
No I would not move out of the country. I cannot imagine things getting so bad in the US that people would move out of the country.No matter who the president is everyone will not like his politics. I am sure the liberals don't like Trump's but I don't see them moving.

This was a very nasty election, but I believe that you will see a different Trump as president.

2016-11-11 23:43:58 UTC
I have prepared to leave. I just need to set a date. I was born with the ability to immigrant to another country without issue, it is no more than that, nothing to boast about. I do plan to stay for long as possible though. I believe everyone deserves a chance at their job. I guess I'm optimistic because what is done is set now. I can be anything, so I just choose make sure the parachute is in the bag, has no holes, and jump with a positive attitude.

I admit I will be closing my eyes on the way down because my cable box is not working, even the converters have now died and Comcast Sucks! Apparently boxes are supposed to live forever. I think we have an original model since it's bigger than 2 VCR s.
2016-11-13 08:54:00 UTC

That is a threat only Liberals employ, but never use.

However, I would be willing to contribute some funds to help any liberal get the hell out of my country if they don't like the presidential election results. The people have spoken.

Oh, please, don't mention she won the popular vote. It was a virtual tie but it does not matter. Too, California and New York stack the deck with Liberals in the tank every election for a Democrat. This was why we have the electoral college---smart idea by founding fathers. :)
2016-11-18 01:01:38 UTC
I accept the fact that I live in a democracy and not everyone is going to vote for my favorite candidate every four years.

I would definitely leave the country if the president became a supreme dictator and did away with future elections along with the legislative and judicial branches of government. I would also get out if the government stripped the entire population of their civil rights and started arresting, imprisoning, or killing citizens (more than usual) without just cause.

Regardless of who the president is, however, I would not want to live in a country where the majority of its citizens on both sides of the political fence start to see the country's broad diversity of culture and ideologies as a personal threat that justifies fanatical hate, mindless conflict, and intense participation in a major civil war.
Other side of the pillow
2016-11-25 14:56:04 UTC
No. No one will. I speak fluent French and arguably would be better equipped to handle such a move than a lot of people and even I'm staying here. This country has a lot of stuff wrong with it but the way that people have deluded themselves into thinking that other countries are utopias with no issues is ridiculous. I'd imagine that a large percentage of them have never left the country. Thinking that the grass is always greener wherever you currently aren't is probably the oldest psychological phenomenon in the book.
2016-11-09 20:44:42 UTC
I think you minimize it. It is not just any election. The entire level of culture is going down the tubes. Move to any other country and you will find social conservatism and dignity. As long as you stay out of hot spots. There is really nothing wrong with emigrating to a foreign country, It is an adventure. In fact, your entire life will automatically be an adventure from the day you move.

I don't see any reason yet why a white American would feel he had to move, but it did come to that for the Jews in Nazi Germany. For those lucky enough to leave.
2016-11-10 09:13:26 UTC
Absolutely not. I'm an American, born and raised, and this is where I live. I'm not leaving because of an election result. These people need to get over themselves. They'll come back and win, like they always do. It's not the voters have much of a choice. There's only two parties.
2016-11-23 08:20:36 UTC
Well I'm broke and the economy is **** and I can't really get a good job near me.. so I don't have enough money to move out of country. If I did though, I would have moved a long time ago, the current president wouldn't have anything to do with it.
2016-11-10 05:10:05 UTC
No. We did look into moving a few years ago and you need $23,000 at the border and a list of both a job you've lined up and your housing ready to go. All in advance. Then, after 2 years, you can take the formal test in order to become a citizen. There's a lot involved and I can't blame Canada for that. Also, the U.S. actually taxes you when you leave.
2016-11-09 22:23:13 UTC
First of all this country crap by laws and cops illegal and getting away with it. Every single person should be charged if u did a illegal thing it doesn't matter the job , vet tech to nursing tech both 4 should be the the simaler pay. Humans we shouldn't really care as much if they can live up to 100 dogs can only live up to 8 to 15 usually same mindset as a child they hear better then humans and see different .pay attention to how there acting on every thing. Pits are not really really aggressive its the owner who's the problem and train them asap.Canada just like USA but higher I would move to Toronto its very populated,if u move to germany uk many Spain itaty it cost up 2000 month so think ahead just go on xillow
2016-11-17 15:24:20 UTC
I despise Trump completely, but he is the President of the United States, so there is no point to just moving to a new country. Many horrible presidents have been elected in the past, but since this era has brought so many sensitive people, now the backlash is just moving to a place they fit in more. I don't get it.
2016-11-25 14:27:12 UTC
I am an immigrant in the USA currently, with some valid working permit. Even he kinda says stuff that sound weird for my future here, I still don't think about relocation because I have seen worse presidents in some other countries and I kinda think it is kind of more difficult to act in a really discriminating or anti democratic way in the states.

Nope so far.
Rodney James
2016-11-11 21:24:55 UTC
I'm honestly considering moving to Japan, but I probably won't stay permanently and had been thinking about it long before Trump got elected (2010). I just would love to live in a city like Osaka. Japan just has very clean cities, unlike the ones here in the United States, and plus their culture interests me very much. I'd probably just live there for a year or two and then come back here.
2016-11-10 16:27:01 UTC
I am not interested in abandoning the USA. But I happen to be looking for Grad schools. What schools around the world would offer educational (with room/board) opportunities so I could spend some time outside the country and get a good education?

PS: The people need to be educated and well informed and able to have critical thought. Whether the country is lead by a republican or democrat, both parties represent an establishment.
Todd Blone
2016-11-16 21:18:41 UTC
I'm so close to Canada that I could ride my bicycle there in less than a day. I've been there many, many times. But I don't want to move there though I love the country as much as my own. I guess I don't care so much what dipshit we have in the White House that I'd move.
2016-11-28 02:11:43 UTC
I think there's a major failure to understand what's going on here. It's not about not getting our way. Many of us are now afraid for our safety and even our lives. These attacks are getting closer and closer to home. When I walk outside alone at night, I now wonder if I'm going to get beaten because of my skin color. And before the "stop being oversensitive" crew comes about, I saw a kid get cornered and attacked a few weeks ago. I'm not sure what would've happen if my date and I (who happened to be a cop) didn't walk past. I may not be able to move just yet, but I'm definitely going to be getting my gun license. Can't imagine how the alt-right would lose their minds if liberals and independents starting carrying.
Sephiroth~The One Winged Angel~
2016-11-09 15:54:52 UTC
No. I supported Trump but the beautiful thing about our democracy is we can vote someone out in 4 years if we prefer the alternative or don't think the current president is living up to his word. I think that's reasonable by any measure.
2016-11-09 14:02:59 UTC
Well, my counter question is this:

What are these people going to do 'if' they move to another country and eventually, a conservative government or one they don't like is elected then?

There is a conservative trend spreading throughout the world and it has a lot to do with immigration and the fear (rightly so) of Islam.
Smokies Hiker
2016-11-11 07:10:50 UTC
Let all those in supposed "prominence" pack up and leave if "their" candidate wasn't elected! They said the same thing when George W. Bush was elected twice, but I don't remember reading about anyone who actually left. Canada is trying to entice Americans to move up north because they need more income to fund their failed health care system! If you want to meet some Canadians, head down to Florida for the winter! There are thousands of Canadians who flock south for the winter to escape their tremendous heating bills for the long winter.
David N
2016-11-15 13:29:30 UTC

If the president is incompetent, it's only for four years.

If he REALLY screws up, there are impeachment proceedings.

Those who make a lot of noise about moving to Canada clearly have not been paying attention to the news from our neighbors to the north.... There has been a LOT more dissatisfaction about the head of state in Canada over the past 25 years than they can expect in the next four years here in the USA.

If one is physically fit, not guilty of murder or drug trafficking, and a male between 17.5 and 39.5 years old; he could join the French Foreign Legion and acquire French citizenship after 3 years of honorable service (faster if one is wounded on the battlefield)...

ANY TAKERS? (Enlistment is for 5 years.)
2016-11-09 10:34:55 UTC
This election just proves that polls mean ****. For months the msm hammered into people's brains what the polls where saying, giving assurance that Hillary would win. Even Bill Maher last Friday made an excellent point about these pollsters and people on the left, that for all the people who keep saying hillary would win in a landslide or that Trump will never be president needed to "shut the fck up." Congratulations America, you definitely made the right choice for President 👏.


From me, a Bisexual Liberal atheist.
2016-11-11 18:34:01 UTC
Absolutely not. See people post stuff like this on social media because it is very easy to backpedal if said thing does in fact happen. There's no binding contract forcing you to do so. Also idiot celebrities say stuff like that because they think their opinions are important, which they aren't. You can't common people to care about celebrity opinions when they have multiple cars and houses even.

The irony is the people saying Donald Trump will make America a dangerous to live are the people currently protesting all over America, forcing police man power to deal with them and away from someone who might be in trouble elsewhere.
2016-11-19 22:04:00 UTC
No, because what if they eventually elect a candidate I don't support, too? I'd have to move again.. and play musical chairs, going from country to country!

I prefer a sedentary lifestyle.
2016-11-09 14:21:18 UTC
I'm sure Donald will not be as bad as I might suppose. No one is that bad. We all need to work together now to make the country work and support our leaders. Nevertheless, and this has nothing to do with the election, this morning my wife and I decided to look into moving to Vancouver, B.C., Canada. It's a lovely city and they have free healthcare.
2016-11-08 19:23:26 UTC
No I fled America years ago over what there cops are. I see little reason to return. If Trump wins I might think about it. I do have to return once a year to do tax's. So would take a look. Most Americans do not realize how hard it is to leave America. They have the most restrictive laws in the world to keep there citizens from leaving. So most is just mouth off. Till they look at the facts.
Tad Dubious
2016-11-09 12:27:07 UTC
No. That is silly! Why leave the country of my birth just because I didn't vote for the new President? Folk forget that the new President has to work with Congress and the Supreme Court, etc. The campaign is for PROMISES, most of which remain just that. Example: still prisoners at Guatanamo; not picking on Obama, but he could not make it happen.
Vanilla Spice
2016-11-09 10:40:09 UTC
No. I will support whomever is elected President. I'm an American, and there is no reason for me to move. I never did that for any other election, so why would I do that for this one? Also, life is not going to be any different for me in any other country. I don't think moving would make any difference.
2017-01-08 01:09:47 UTC
i have prepared to leave... i just need to set a date... i was born with the ability to immigrant to another country without issue, it is no more than that, nothing to boast about... i do plan to stay for long as possible though... i believe everyone deserves a chance at their job... i guess i'm optimistic 'cause what is done is set now... i can be anything, so i just choose make sure the parachute is in the bag, has no holes, and jump with a positive attitude...

i admit i shall be closing my eyeah on the way down 'cause my cable box is not working, even the converters have now died and comcast sucks! apparently boxes are supposed to live forever... i think we have an original model since it's bigger than 2 vcr s...
2016-11-09 12:26:15 UTC
The Canadian immigration website has had trouble staying up since the election with all the traffic it's received. I'm not leaving. Not yet anyway. I'm staying to fight fascism until the very last moment. Come January, it will be time to refresh the tree of liberty with the blood of patriots and tyrants.
Ken M
2016-11-11 19:01:41 UTC
If it's childish to move out the country because you didn't like the results, then how come we don't let 14 year olds move out their parent's homes and live in a new country
2016-11-10 08:12:00 UTC
Half the country supported Hillary, half supported Trump. In the end, we're all Americans, We all have the same president, and we all have to live together. Leaving the country wouldn't solve anything.
2016-11-12 09:53:32 UTC
All those people that say such thing are just bluffing and lying to create a sabotage and turn the people votes on favour of themselves ,for Example person like AL-Sharpton ,where he can go that be able of making million dollars per year (Uganda ,Nigeria or Somalia ?) Or Hannah montana or some other Actors or Celebrities .Or may be it come out how corrupted and money launderers they been involve with .They are using the people as Shield front of the Police and National guard and they hid behind the concrete walls or throwing the pool parties in million dollars mansions and trick the young people to go out and riot for freedom .These protest must be too blind or brain washed to not see what is about .They have enough money in foreign banks that any time they can getaway with it and laughing on simple people that believed they were fighting for them .In fact soon you will see they will change the color and they will be the first in line to support the same person they call it racist ,rapist ,crazy ,etc... Same host TV show View will deny her world front of the TV and then every thing will go forward .Let me see does Jay Z or beyonce will quite singing or performing for 4 years ? Or they will make more money by singing anti trump songs out of your packet ? Does kelly perry will not wear any more US flag Custom? or hannah montana will not perform naked on the stage ? They will do even more hot as before ,you know it ,I know it they know it .
2016-11-10 19:27:15 UTC
Actually I left the USA five years ago, for Singapore.

I supported Hillary. I accept Trump. I will be moving back to the USA next year regardless.

Most Americans could not live in other countries. They are too used to the fact that law enforcement is lacking in the USA. Many laws that Americans ignore carry very stiff penalties elsewhere. Just try putting those big speakers in your car, and illegally disrupting the peace in another country and see what happens to you!
2016-11-08 17:53:05 UTC
If the candidate for president that you don't support wins the election, will you actually try to move to a new country?

ROFL > NO MATTER how many ways the stupid ask this question it's still STUPID but for those who make such a stupid claim cuz of who wins > if they don't voluntarily leave > DEPORT & BAN THEM !
Doug Freyburger
2016-11-11 13:49:47 UTC
I have been a Libertarian since 1980. The last major party candidate I supported was Gerald Ford. I have no plans to leave.

Barbara Streisand said she would leave if Bush won. The first Bush. She's still here.

All such claims are hilarious nonsense.
Re Vera
2016-11-16 13:50:12 UTC

For one, any country worth moving to has significant restrictions on who they let in. If you aren't seeking temporary asylum, then you must have skills that are needed in that country. Between the difficulty of finding someone to sponsor your emigration to that new nation and the cost, it'd be pretty hard to pull off.

Second, I won't give up and leave my country to decay into a third-world cesspool. I will fight by any means necessary to preserve the ideals of the American experiment.
2016-11-09 01:40:01 UTC
Yes. I was already planning on leaving in the future anyhow. Now I am currently in the process of revoking my citizenship as well. I'm moving to Canada via a work permit. Then I will apply for citizenship after being a PR there for a while.
2016-11-09 18:31:10 UTC
No and anyone who says they are is bluffing.

Face it, today's younger generation doesn't care about politics. There are so many pretenders who pretend to care about politics who argue on Facebook over nothing. Aside from the older generation raised with traditional values, no one under 40 cares about anything other than Facebook/social media, bootytexting, and their girlfriend/boyfriend/spouse.

People should stop complaining about politics and make a difference in this world, like maybe take time out of Facebook and your Starbucks to do something nice for the less fortunate.
cross-stitch kelly
2016-11-09 10:35:33 UTC
I've seriously considered moving, not just because I hate Trump, but because I'm not sure I can continue to live in a country that would elect someone like him. I've been researching New Zealand, which speaks English and is far enough away that if he blows up the country my family would be safer. I am very liberal and so are they, and I don't think I can stand being called a "libertard" by people who are so intolerant.
2016-11-09 10:15:17 UTC
No. I did move to another country (Italy) for my job some years ago. You can't just pick up and move. It takes special skills, education and/or experience to get a visa that allows you to live and work in another country. Not liking who won the presidency isn't going to get you political asylum coming from the US. Nor is it a particularly good reason to want to move.
2016-11-11 02:23:39 UTC
Those that protest a vote or leave the country have made a clear their vote was meaningless; that they don't care what the vote is, they want their way or they quit.

A more contemptible behavior toward democratic principles I cannot think of.

"Vote my way or I quit." So why vote? Because then you can say, "We voted and we won."

It's cheap and revealing behavior and we've seen it before in more than one group.

The only thing MORE contemptible is when someone claims they will move and then don't.
2016-11-09 13:42:31 UTC
NO, why??? This is my home, no matter what. Did we pack up and leave when Obama was elected? Twice? Nope...had to wait for the glorious day when he was finally out of office and the likes of the left were kicked to the happened, I'm still here! Now is the time for Americans to get to work and rebuild, not RUN like the cowardice traitors who have threatened to do so. Good riddance...
2016-11-09 18:13:29 UTC
Lets stop acting as if people want to move because of ideological principled differences, Donald Trump is a melomaniac, narcissistic sociopath, as well as a bold pathological liar that has pretty much used hate speech against virtually every minority group in America, creating very hostile environment for already discriminated group.

He is erratic, at the very least....and ran for mere vanity (not for the politicalparty) at the heart of his campaign....using a mixture of George Wallace, Goldwater, Ross Perot and Hitler as a model for random act as if this is merely a disliked candidate is being disingenuous.

He is an American psychopath that holds one of the most powerful seats in the land...for those reasons, people are afraid of what their world would look in an already hostile America, since nominated.

And since he was nominated, anti-muslim sentiment has went up, sparking a hate crime that killed a saudi man...bullying has went up...chanting kill obama was heard at his speech...yesterday.

This man has created an environment that fleeing may be an only option
2016-11-09 17:25:40 UTC
Actually so many Americans have expressed a desire to move to Canada that their website was overloaded and had to shut down. I am looking at some tropical climate countries. I realize the great frustration of voters, but Trump?!!!! Never has a so unqualified individual been elected president.
2016-11-09 00:34:16 UTC
I've always wanted to live in New Zealand for a few years just to experience it. Now seems like a reasonable time since I just got out of college, so I'm seriously pondering that right now. The biggest issue right now is I'm helping my mom take care of my grandmother.
2016-11-10 19:44:09 UTC
I would if I could afford to.

I've been thinking about it for a while, considering we don't have Single Payer here.

But I was thinking Clinton would win--gave me hope, you know.

Now I'm very depressed in my fellow North Americans. I thought we were better than this.

We're not.

If only I could afford it . . . . .
2016-11-13 07:08:17 UTC
No. I'd accept the election results and hope the country does get screwed up any more than it already is, and hope for a different outcome in 4 years.
2016-11-20 14:27:08 UTC
No, I don't qualify, I'm still in university anyway. Even if I was, the president's power rests in their ability to persuade both houses and appoint justices that have the same political ideology.
2016-11-09 17:14:31 UTC
As a Latino American in my opinion there was no way any person with common sense and brains could have voted for Hillary. 80% of her supporters do not care about the country and voted for her just because she is a woman . People like this should never be allowed to vote. Hillary by far is the most corrupt person to ever run for office and even with so much evidence against her people still go out and vote for her. The American people were fed up and were not going to elect a person with so much corruption like Hillary.

They should move out of the country because if they really voted for Hillary they do not care about the country at all. She has done so many bad things that put the country at risk and so many other things but they still choose to support her. They don't deserve to live here too many people have died for this country for people to just disrespect that and choose to support a criminal and traitor like Hillary.

That's not saying Trump is some angel he has his faults as well he is human just like all of us and made mistakes just like everyone has. We all say and do certain things that we regret all of us has at one point in our lives. But God forgives and we move on. Trump has not committed serious federal crimes against the country like Hillary has. Trump has not cheated in debates like Hillary has and taken millions of dollars from countries who throw gays off roof tops and abuse and slave women. Trump has never paid anyone to disgustingly and falsely accuse someone of sexual assaults and rape that never happen when there are many women and children who go through rape . He has stressed the issues that many Americans are going through and that is what they care about.
Yoi and Double Yoi
2016-11-11 16:46:09 UTC
No, because America is still the best thing going on the face of the earth, and still would have been had Clinton been elected.

However, I noticed that of that long litany of celebrities who vowed to leave the country (most of them to Canada) if Trump were elected are still hill.

C'mon, Rosie, Whoopi, Amy Schumer, Lena Dunham, Spike, Amber, Babs, Raven, Miley, "Rev." Sharpton. Time to cash that check that you wrote with your big, fat, attention-seeking mouths.

Sayonara. We'll miss you.
Sal Viggiano iii
2016-11-09 21:26:26 UTC
No, but I WILL join the Rebellion to Restore the Republic of the Founding Fathers. Especially when President -elect Trump dissolves Congress and the Supreme Court, then declares himself Emperor to establish his New Order. Thanx.
2016-11-09 17:24:01 UTC
Why not? You can do whatever u want. For those who says it's being a "sore loser", it's really not. If you don't like the policies, then move so you don't have to deal with them. It's not being a sore loser what so ever, and it's not like you are stuck in the US.
2016-11-11 16:31:36 UTC
No. Whether Trump won or Clinton won, it wouldn't have changed anything for me. People voting left or right are clueless on what goes on in politics behind closed doors. They actually believe their candidate will make changes to improve the country, when in reality there will hardly be any change. If any changes, it would be for the worst.
Gary S
2016-11-09 22:27:13 UTC
I'm retired, can move at a moments notice, and will. Not so much for myself, but so I can establish a comfortable household for my daughter, son-in-law, and their two wonderful children. I, and they, don't want to bring up their children in such a hateful and ignorant society. The ignorant peasants won the election, they can continue to reduce the U.S. to third world status. They're too ignorant to do otherwise.
2016-11-08 16:10:30 UTC
Is this a serious question? From Yahoo! Staff??

Well, since this is a serious question. Yes. I will move back to my home nation of Japan. I pray that the American stereotype of being extremely uneducated does not shine very brightly if a Trump presidency becomes a reality.

However, if Clinton wins, Republicans can always move to Russia since that seems to be their 2nd favorite place where their favorite leader who slaughters journalists for dissent and allows gays to be beaten in the street.


Wow. America has lived up to the stereotype. Not sure why he won and why America classifies itself as a first world country. Because he wouldn't have won in another first world country..

Well, I must return to a sane stabilized country because America is about to collapse and it's already falling hard like the stocks are.
2016-11-08 18:08:02 UTC
No, I love my country and I feel no need to leave just because my chosen candidate doesn't win the election.
2016-11-09 20:37:01 UTC
Looked into this years ago when... not for political reasons but out of a dream of having friends in a country friendlier than the US.

It's a bureaucratic nightmare to even try.

It basically requires so many things that if you were to have them your life would already be good anyway.
2016-11-09 09:58:35 UTC
No way. I can put up with anything for four years. And if he turns out to be the train wreck so many of us expect him to be, an opposed Congress will get voted in to keep him in check in just two years, minimizing the damage he can do.

That's how the government is supposed to work: checks where necessary provided by balances that are designed in. Boom, done.
2016-11-10 14:24:53 UTC
I am looking at it. I am a high wage worker and his plans are bad for me and other high value workers. I am perfectly willing to change countries if an authoritarian leader comes to power. I will take the jobs I create with me too. Freedom and wages are linked. I didn't like Hillary and it is fortunate that Trump isn't too bright or he would be far more dangerous, but he is way too dangerous.
2016-11-27 09:53:55 UTC
Do I like Trump? NO! Was I disappointed that he was elected president? YES! Do I want to move out of the country because he was elected? NO! In fact, my family and I will be moving to Myrtle Beach, South Carolina, from Ohio in the near future.
2016-11-09 12:07:50 UTC
Of course not.

America is still and will always be my country.

Some background about me: Hispanic Republican male who sided with Jeb Bush and John Kasich. I think Trump is unfit for the presidency---but with help of a more mentally sane congress and vice-president, I hope Mr. Trump can succeed in making economic gains in this country and putting us back on the right track. I might be too optimistic, but I think that Trump, if he learns to control his actions and that big mouth of his, is in a position to improve America for all people.
2016-11-09 11:28:58 UTC
I USED to live in my own world of bubble full of happiness, thinking that everyone wants peace. But I woke up from reality last night and saw who won the election. I see the reality now and it's my birthday maybe it's age factor that I matured and now realize the world is not full of roses, it's actually hard struggle to make it. I hope GOD save us
Kat V
2016-11-11 14:15:27 UTC
Well I can t answer this since I m not American, however I am Canadian and I can tell you that getting into Canada is A LOT harder than people think. It can take years to get here. It s just not a realistic thing to do, although our applying for a Canadian citizenship urgently part of the government website crashed from too much traffic from the USA. I understand there is a lot of minorities and women that are legitimately scared of a Trump presidency rather than just whining about not getting their way. Please take care of these people, okay?
2016-11-11 20:43:28 UTC
If you are so thin skinned that you feel you need to leave the country if your candidate doesn't win an election, then we are probably better off without you.
riisam h
2016-11-09 18:42:42 UTC
Canadian city Cape Breton had offered American's relocation if trump wins.

So you can move to leaving trump no resistance.By the way Trump is a good business man why not President.
2016-11-09 10:09:58 UTC
No. Stupid question. It shows a total ignorance of how the US political system works. People whop believe such a thing is necessary are either not very bright or are too young and uneducated. The POTUS is not a dictator. He does not have absolute power. There is a system of checks and balances.

Had that criminal Hillary won, I would not have moved. I love this country and would have immediately began pushing for her impeachment and removal from office.
Joy K
2016-11-09 22:39:02 UTC
Many months ago I would say this - knowing that there is no way I could follow through. Now I say if people lwant to move do are not an American or a supporter of democracy. Especially, actors - runaway. We won't miss you.
Human Being
2016-11-09 13:13:31 UTC
If living under his regime is impossible and he hates my religion, cast or color then I'll plan to leave the country. I'll not leave the country just because he's not my favorite guy or from a party I support.
2016-11-09 10:13:25 UTC
Pocahontas hasn't talked about moving. The Young Turks haven't either. In fact, the Young Turks sound like they're starting to get revved up.

Cleaning the swamp begins today.
GrandpaJon Red Sox
2016-11-09 18:37:59 UTC
No, I thought I was going to be moving to Toronto, but thank god that fell through, my sick mother in law is moving here for her cancer treatment. I can't say I really supported any candidate in this election, but I did end up voting for Trump.
2016-11-11 16:20:35 UTC
My state will become it's own Nation if many others support CalExit by 2019. We don't need to move away.

We only need to keep the cons away!
2016-11-09 13:04:34 UTC
No, I will not move to Canada, my parents moved to the U.S. from Yugoslavia and Greece. Both of them came to America because the developments of Eastern Europe about the take over attempts by the

Czars who were trying to take wealth and land in all of Europe. I am my two brothers were born in America, and we never had plans to leave America. Good luck. I was a college professor and I taught at the university levels
2016-11-09 18:01:07 UTC
This is the greatest country on God's Green Earth. I would NOT move.

I Cr 13:8a, Love never fails !
2016-11-09 13:02:02 UTC
I have been thinking of moving out of the U.S. for years. This would be the tipping point if I were able to move right now, but I'm not. I wish I could.
2016-11-09 22:49:50 UTC
No, because this is our country. We are the people. If the elected president goes out of control, disappoints our country, or make our country feel embarrassed with other countries, then the elected president is the one to leave our nation, not us.
2016-11-10 07:13:42 UTC
These celebrities think they are so important to our life’s that we are going to be easily influence by their choices , I got news for them, they don’t write my pay checks and they are basically living off of us any ways so they can “F” themselves. They should be more worried about there next million dollar house and yacht they should buy that their fans purchased for them

All these celebrities that claim they are moving bc of Trump , ADDIOS AMIGOS, Don't let the door hit you in the *** on your way out, You are not as important as you think you are, BUT you need to keep thinking that so your ego doesn't get hurt
2016-11-08 16:18:45 UTC
No I won't. Who ever wins, whether or not they're evil or good, I know God has chosen to elect this person because they will best fulfill his plans, so I cheer on whoever wins!
2016-11-09 15:55:14 UTC
As an Australian I suggest you do not move to another country as most of them are political basket cases.if you think what happened in thr bad just take a look at what happened in the last Australian Federal live in a great country and while you may not like the outcome that is democracy.
2016-11-09 08:58:36 UTC
No. If I had thought of moving to another country because of who is elected president, I would have moved 8 years ago.
2016-11-10 01:52:08 UTC
I have already moved to a different country 10 years ago. But it has nothing to do with any election. I didn't vote for either one Hillary or Donald. How can you trust either one of them.
2016-11-10 06:00:40 UTC
All those self-important celebrities will say 'oh well, it was just a joke' like Amy Schumer just did today. They say these things to get media coverage-celebrities are among the most air headed individuals around.
2016-11-21 15:20:37 UTC
Not if the president is fair! There is no discrimination to other races, genders, or religious. You're respectful and care about all citizens and know that no man rule this world but God.
JaNE Doe
2016-11-10 14:03:07 UTC
I hate when a celebrity says they're moving. Yeah right, not even one person ever has. Why move when you get paid millions of dollars? It should be a joke on them to even suggest it. People should never let them forget they said it and then didn't move.
2016-11-10 08:04:53 UTC
All y'all mutha fcukas that threatened to move if Trump got elected, better be packed and ready to leave the USA for good and don't fcukin come back !!!
2016-11-10 12:18:08 UTC
If people are really that much of a sore loser, they they leave if they don't win, and cry like a little baby, then we don't even want you here. If you can't accept that you actually lost... then please by all means, leave! Maybe trump will buy you a plane ticket that you can't afford.
2016-11-09 10:24:59 UTC
depends how much money I had, but it wouldnt be in protest

How would you like to watch your country ruined by a president with sh//t for brains?

The US in lots of areas was bad enough before trump , now its really gonna hit the skids

And why? - cos he has told the people what they wanted to hear when he has no chance fulfilling some of those promises

you any idea what some of those people who voted for him on the basis of these promises are gonna feel like then they find out they have been lied to yet again?
2016-11-10 05:59:03 UTC
It depends. If the president was okay president, then I won't. If the president was really bad presidents, or made my country a bad place, then I will move to more peaceful place.
2016-11-08 17:40:27 UTC
Are you serious Yahoo... I honestly cannot believe that an adult from the yahoo staff actually asked such an idiotic question

Might as well ask if the world is going to come to an end

good ol' yahoo... still making people sh*t their pants
2016-11-09 19:06:02 UTC
My husband and I were talking about this and I guess if something does happen that would put us in an unsafe position, we might consider moving. Hopefully, he wont be able to do anything. If it looks like he's going to put Americans in real danger than yes, we will try to move.
2016-11-09 10:56:00 UTC
No, it's 4 yrs and then things will change (most likely). I can stick out just about anything for 4 yrs (and hope that not too much damage can be done in that time, for the next person in line for prez to attempt to repair).
Dreaded Rear Admiral
2016-11-09 11:52:02 UTC
Uhh, it's incredibly hard for U.S. citizens to move to Canada. Exceptionally hard. Unless you have desperately-need skills or a big bag of money, you won't even get a foot in the door.
2016-11-09 07:53:04 UTC
We actually built a home in Mzuzu Malawi (Africa) and were going to move there if Hillary won.Hillary really scares us.

But now we will just rent the house out and stay here and watch the disasters of Obama get slowly repealed and repaired.
2016-11-09 16:09:09 UTC
We don't live in the "United" States anymore. It is called the "Divided" States of America. All of us have moved already. Don't you get it? We live in a new country already. It's called "The Divided States of America". God Bless.
2016-11-25 15:28:07 UTC
Never! My ancestors fought in the Revolutionary War. This is my country, and I will never leave it permanently. I think it would be childish and cowardly for me to leave my country because someone was elected that I didn t like. Childish because that s the way children behave when they don t get their way; cowardly because that s giving up rather than staying here and working for what I think is right and good for my country.
2016-11-09 12:03:02 UTC
The Government is run by Civil Servants, not Politicians who only last a term or two.

I would be more worried if the Democratic Leaders continue expanding the "Executive Order" way of making Law, by avoiding Congress.
Dan K
2016-11-09 12:43:33 UTC
Not me personally, but many other political poofs insisted they might. I was hoping the Hollywood/entertainment industry spokes-mouths who promised to leave would follow through on their claims though. Funny, how these are all the same people who didn't want a divided country, yet they went out of their way to polarize others. My philosophy has always been "Give the new guy a chance to prove himself" (for the politically correct out there: insert "gal" and "herself").
Anonymous Andy
2016-11-11 17:11:17 UTC
So what. Trump won. Get on with your life or extradite. Personally, I really don't give crap what you do. I just hope that Justin Bieber and Miley Cyrus both keep their word and leave America for good and all.
2016-11-16 14:06:12 UTC
I would do it sooner if I could. The plan was to move to Canada after college. This being before he even thought of actually running for president. Him being elected kind of gave me more of a reason.
Functionally Illiterate
2016-11-09 10:15:21 UTC
I'm moving to Jupiter
2016-11-24 13:46:59 UTC
Well....let me put it this way. The Jews who didn't leave Germany when Hitler was elected ended up being tortured and cremated. So........when a white supremacist Neo Nazi screaming about arresting his opponent, deporting millions and creating religious registries gets elected in the US, people oughta take notice and start making plans for their survival.
2016-11-11 19:16:42 UTC
Well, given the current situation, if you're not a white American you have no choice but to move back to where you came from.
2016-11-10 02:15:48 UTC
It is only 4 years or at most, eight. Then, there will be a completely new president and a new administration. Why does one need to move?
2016-11-09 14:45:38 UTC
Yep, I'm moving to Canada!
2016-11-25 11:32:27 UTC
No!?Because any candidate goals is to serve the country under the constitution and laws governing the country!!!Justice Rights follows the Factwriting!Omid12Omitted,....
2016-11-09 07:26:11 UTC
As soon as it became clear that Trump won the election, the immigration website to Canada crashed. I like that. Part of making Americs great again is getting the libtards the hell out of our country.
Awesome Bill
2016-11-09 12:37:50 UTC
Hell no. I'm not a conditional or part-time American. I was born here. I love the United States and would put my life on the line to defend her.
2016-11-09 13:41:30 UTC
I wish a could. We would have to sell our house, quit our jobs and find a new home and new jobs in whatever country we decided to go to. That's a lot. And, many countries will hire their own first before hiring foreigners.
2016-11-22 12:02:09 UTC
No, this is my country, and I am staying, regardless of who is in the white house for a few years. Those among us who threaten to leave if their team doesn't win are a bunch of babies.
2016-11-09 06:13:39 UTC
I was born in one place to discover the world. I don't give a fûck to that shït and H. I will find a place for me to feed myself worldwide.
2016-11-10 10:18:51 UTC
Nope, my ancestors have been in the US since the late 1600's. I'm going nowhere.
2016-11-10 02:21:19 UTC

I will only move out of my country if that candidate actually begins persecuting people, or starts a true dictatorship in my country.
Jay Trogger
2016-11-08 18:42:55 UTC
Nowhere is safe but there's no point in moving to another country, especially if you won't be able to afford it.
2016-11-26 01:06:10 UTC
No. if my choice not win, it doesn't mean i'll move from my country. it's doesn't mean world is over, So I accept the Decision everyone made.
Variable 46
2016-11-09 10:24:42 UTC
One of the reasons so many people dislike Trump is the claim that he represents the interests of the rich. Yet for all practical purposes, only the rich can afford to emigrate to another country.
2016-11-09 02:56:18 UTC
Now America has decided Which American Indian wants to be governed by Donald Trump when ALL the immigrants to Our Country have gone back to where they came from ?
2016-11-13 08:28:00 UTC
I personally will be moving to America now that Trump's in charge :D
2016-11-09 09:16:28 UTC
I have dual citizenship. I'm both a United States citizen and a Canadian citizen...and Canada is looking pretty good right about now.
2016-11-21 08:34:03 UTC
Yes country of choice Scotland going in May
2016-11-09 09:48:32 UTC
Liberal politicians don't benefit when problems are fixed.... That's why they need a dysfunctional, miserable, incompetent, deranged, ignorant, and semi-RET/\RDED voter base to exploit in order to keep getting re-elected.
2016-11-09 12:04:02 UTC
I wouldn't move, i would run for president next election and defeat trump.
2016-11-08 17:53:33 UTC
This is the stupidest thing I've ever heard. Its like a 9 year old running away from home when they get mad at their parents.
2016-11-09 10:22:49 UTC
Depends. If they pass a law or allow people to kill/hurt others because of their sexuality, I'd move with my friends to Europe probably. It wouldn't be for me, it would be for my friends since most of them are LGBT.
2016-11-09 10:00:45 UTC
No. I have traveled all over the world. Even with all the problems here in the US. The US is still the best country in the world
2016-11-09 21:53:29 UTC
Most of the people saying that are sort of joking. There is a deep down wish to escape this future, but most of us are under the age of 18 and cannot leave without your family or parental permission.
2016-11-11 16:22:21 UTC
Sadly, most of the celebrities who promised they would leave the country will do - nothing. Same with regular citizens. Frankly, those who are wanting to get on the dole will not be welcomed into Any country.
2016-11-08 18:05:41 UTC
Hi Yahoo Answers Team.

That would be Germany, the land of part of my ancestors. I couldn't resist more liberalism destroying the US, which also is ruining Canada right now. The threat of nuclear war was real and not odd, it was coming out from the liberal candidate's mouth, who is still under investigation in several Gov, Departments. This threat was confirmed by the Catholic Church and other denominational Churches in the US. And what is incredible, although i was expecting it, is that she won the popular vote, which is clear demonstration that most people in the US and maybe worldwide only hear what they want and discard most of what they dislike, even if they fear their decisions would put the nation under an existencial dilemma without admitting before others this and many things from politicians of their choice which are wrong.

Hitler was right about the stupidity of people, although it was said in raw words because usually it's more "polite" to call it ignorance but he was sincere to his way about the fact some people try to diminish their candidate's intentionalities like delivering the national assets in silver plate to the bankers, to coerce citizen's rights to defend their religion, to teach sexual acts to kids of 5 years old, or to start wars against nations to dare to sumbit to others dictates, it is total proof of stupidity that doesn't mean lack of understanding but a terrible choice which expose them to a great deanger which they decide to obviate just to make the other candidate lose, pure and simple.

Thanks for posting this question, it demonstrates Yahoo is interested in sharing the real insights of its users, things that really matter to them.
2016-11-09 17:53:45 UTC

I can't afford it, nor can many others.

BUT ...

If ANY of the celebrities who said THEY would leave Don't leave,

they should be deported.

(A promise is a promise, isn't it?)
2016-11-19 11:36:00 UTC
I did not support Trump but I think he really wants to try to make his positive plans happen. No. I would not move to a new country.
2016-11-09 14:35:48 UTC
I leave that kind of thinking to the sheit bird-actors and singer as they always thing they know what they don't know.
Sir are you from Denver
2016-11-09 22:50:01 UTC
S i r i
2016-11-10 07:40:57 UTC
Yahoo...would you have asked this same question if Hillary Clinton was president elect? I didn't think so.
John M
2016-11-09 19:47:42 UTC
No, I want to stick around and watch Trump become the worst living president after Bush.
2016-11-11 15:02:00 UTC
No. Trump sucks but you gotta give everyone a chance, right? While Republicans were rude asf about Obama they didn't MOVE away and we sort of owe it to trump to see how he does ... idk, i'm a brown liberal disabled bisexual female and I'm not going CRAZY about hating donald trump. a lot of people that preach hatred for him ARENT EVEN AFFECTED BY HIM. so i just think we should give him a chance like we've given everyone a chance and not go to extremes.
2016-11-09 10:59:18 UTC
Fair and square. ...

Obama hope and spare change was a joke. .

Hillary lies, steals gets ppl killed and couldn't address her supporters like every defeated POTUS has...She is the first to avoid congrats at 3:00am....

Hope prison is hard for her!
2016-11-09 07:04:02 UTC
Globalist Crackdown
2016-11-09 15:22:42 UTC
Hell no. This is America. The Democracy. We don't leave, we see it through.
2016-11-27 15:18:26 UTC
No, no need to move, just annex Canada now, iti is that simple, adding 10 states ready made and 3 more territories
2016-11-09 05:10:48 UTC
Given that the website for applications for Canadian Citizenship crashed very soon after thew result became clear, it looks like a lot of people will do just that.
2016-11-10 03:42:29 UTC
Way ahead of ya. I've already been living in Australia since I was born.
2016-11-10 05:25:59 UTC
I hope those who promised they would this time, go. They promised to do it when Bush was elected and they didn't go. Let's try to keep at least one of your promises.
2016-11-10 07:44:12 UTC
Those living in the USA are spoiled even the poorest. No country is going to give you more privileged lifestyle than the USA no matter what wealth you create.
2016-11-09 18:35:12 UTC
If USA ends up with a Hitler type of president, yes, I would move to another country.
2016-11-09 15:45:50 UTC
If the candidate makes things unbearable or dangerous for a person like me to live there, then yes.
2016-11-09 12:17:08 UTC
No. I was tempted when Obama was elected 8 years ago, buy decided to stick it out to the end. Soon he will be history and maybe sanity will return to government in the US.
2016-11-08 17:41:21 UTC
Apply for political asylum in Canada before Trump mass-deports gestapo-style.
2016-11-10 09:24:15 UTC
Yes I am in the process right now and I am trying to figure out how I can get my citizenship in a certain country.
2016-11-08 18:06:58 UTC
If Trump doesn't win we will move to canada.
2016-11-10 03:55:15 UTC
I'm staying in my country.
2016-11-10 17:51:22 UTC
If one does not like the president one should move to another country, good luck!
2016-11-11 07:39:19 UTC
I didn't leave when the Obama took over. If they do then good riddance to them. I staying to make this country work.
2016-11-09 08:26:50 UTC
No, that's ridiuclous.
2016-11-10 01:03:45 UTC
Here comes chaos like I predicted. The thing that s going to get in is a terrorist and landlord. It s surprising that they didn t put it on the news that he s a landlord. What law school did the thing study at and graduate from?
2016-11-09 11:50:46 UTC
Anyone who has the shallow of an opinion of this Nation. And who

would abandon it over an election. I say leave. Your not worth to

be an American. And we damn sure do not need you sitting around

and whining and crying.
2016-11-09 10:15:15 UTC
I already moved to Italy, after you re-elected Bush after his fake BS invasion of Iraq, which I called at the time, was pure BS................ and was so disgusted with my fellow Americans,......I just couldn't believe they were accepting all that BS unchallenged.

now they've elected a BIRTHER MORON, president............God help them all.
2016-11-23 01:07:24 UTC
It's dumb to give up your right to be an American over a Presidential race.
2016-11-09 13:39:17 UTC
2016-11-12 03:18:56 UTC
I think that's good he won and you know why people who voted for him will learn a lesson from their mistake. Trust me only the rich will survive.
2016-11-09 04:39:55 UTC
I wouldn't even if that bîtch Hillary had gotten it and taken it like a man (thank God she didn't though)
2016-11-08 18:17:38 UTC
All you gringos should leave.

This whol country belongs to us Mexicans.

Me and my whol family came here from Mexico, we ain't got no citizenship and we all voted Hillary and there ain't nothing you racist can do about it!
2016-11-11 18:11:29 UTC
Ya when Obamba won twice I had seriously contemplated moving to another country, so ya I know the feeling.
2016-11-11 06:35:47 UTC
Not at all but the people that said they were going to haven't gone anywhere, many were worthless actors and actresses.
2016-11-10 11:42:49 UTC
I would not move to another country no matter who won, I am a Trump supporter.
2016-11-17 09:56:37 UTC
No. I can't afford it, and I can't imagine another country taking me in.
2016-11-11 05:15:30 UTC
Don't move us whites will throw you minorties over the wall it's simple omg
2016-11-12 20:01:36 UTC
I think that's a very childish behavior to run away just because you did not get what you want.
2016-11-10 10:01:11 UTC
I've lived in Europe as an exchange student and can tell you that they have their share of problems.
2016-11-11 05:48:53 UTC
I will do my best to support the President of the United States no matter who he is...
2016-11-10 19:44:44 UTC
Obama won and I moved away for eight years... now I'm comin' home. Thank God!
2016-11-09 09:24:10 UTC
yes.. but I don't believe in jumping to another flea infested dog. insomuchas I don't believe in country.

nIN Camels we trust
2016-11-11 18:56:48 UTC
i have not like the last 9 presidents, but they are our presidents. i served in the US Army during viet nam. none will ever be perfect or even moral but this election is a reflection of our country....divided..until we learn to get will be like this until ?
2016-11-11 00:16:30 UTC
Polar Bear
2016-11-10 12:09:33 UTC
2016-11-10 05:42:16 UTC
No, but we DID look into Costa Rica as a possible safe haven if Obama caused a civil war.
Joseph NJ WWII Vet
2016-11-18 03:25:53 UTC

Joseph B
2016-11-19 16:36:25 UTC
No, the United States is too dear a homeland to abandon it to Donald Trump. It is worth fighting for, and we are not going anywhere, and we are not giving up.
2016-11-09 19:25:31 UTC
I would stay

I would only consider moving if its something that I just really want other than

a president that doesn t align with me.
2016-11-09 12:30:27 UTC
No. I think that attitude is immature. But if anyone does move, can I have all your stuff. You won't need it.
2016-11-08 22:03:58 UTC
I have been complaining about the USA and planning to go back to the Motherland all of my life. So now might be a good time.
2016-11-08 17:58:22 UTC
i dont think so. i would have to see how much the person elected destroys the country first.

its an option, though. i ve heard nice things about canada
2016-11-09 19:31:00 UTC
2016-11-16 14:27:24 UTC
Absolutely not. I nearly gave all my life for this country. I shall continue to roll around on the one I love, and fought for.
mr wenrich
2016-11-09 12:34:43 UTC
no I was one of the people that voted for Clinton that was all I could do I can't control the outcome
2016-11-24 08:19:34 UTC
Nope. America survived 8 years of that incompetent wimp, barry obama; it can survive 8 years of trump
2016-11-10 21:01:37 UTC
2016-11-09 09:05:22 UTC
Many of us cannot afford to move, we just have to wait and see how much damage is done before the voters figure out that they were conned.
2016-11-09 11:19:36 UTC
the fact that all of your reasons for hating trump is that he says mean things is ret@rded, i dont care if he says the truth and you dont like it, or if the truth is mean. grow the f*ck up offended weak fragil wimps, trump tells the truth its mean sometimes, hillary straight up lies and make you feel better, f*ck you, not how the world works, move to pakistan, that would be funny, i bet they hate trump to, when all of you move to mexico/pakistan and are held hostage we will laugh in your faces and watch you die one by one. YOU ALL have no reason to hate trump, and whats all of this of he hates blacks im hearing about. sorry libtard your starting to hear things
2016-11-09 16:44:46 UTC
Yall are overeacting.. He won. So what. Suck it up. He'll be gone in 4 years. if you dont like him just move.
2016-11-09 10:02:34 UTC
I DO hope all the heroes of the entertainment industry that threatened to leave keep their promise - we would benefit by having fewer whackos in our country.
2016-11-11 08:11:33 UTC
I voted Trump and yet I'll be leaving next year.
Abdul Malik Ishak
2016-11-10 02:59:41 UTC
If Anwar Ibrahim became the PM of Malaysia, so yes, I will move away.
2016-11-10 06:55:43 UTC
Well,quite a few people have been looking into it, because two of the emigrating websites for Canada,crashed.
Alyssa R
2016-11-11 18:47:59 UTC
I wouldn't but some people are dramatic and might
2016-11-09 05:31:10 UTC
No and who care's if they move let them go
anthony h
2016-11-10 17:52:42 UTC
no, it may be hard for some, but it ain't that serious unless that pig acts like the pig he was during his campaign. Troopers just suck it up and drive on.
Nuff Sed
2016-11-21 07:14:50 UTC
Only a child would throw such a tantrum and incessantly pout about things not going exactly as they wanted.
The First Dragon
2016-11-11 15:39:24 UTC
I never have and I don't plan to.
2016-11-11 19:14:44 UTC
See ya! Why are you all still whining get out you won't be missed!
2016-11-09 08:22:54 UTC
No. I live in the UK, I don't think it will effect me.
2016-11-09 13:55:38 UTC
No. We need to take back the country in 2020.
2016-11-21 04:35:12 UTC
no that's ridiculous. Other countries have their own strict immigration laws.
2016-11-08 20:37:46 UTC
It is not easy to move to another country.So that is not realistic. It is hard to live here with an objectionable creature like Hillary.
A Helpless High Schooler
2016-11-10 07:29:05 UTC
As much as I would want to, I wouldnt. not even for trump. We just got a house and I already have plans for highschool. I will, hovever, protest this nonsense.
2016-11-09 08:20:24 UTC
Lets hope all the Libs/SJWs/Cucks LEAVE AND DON'T COME BACK
2016-11-09 12:42:02 UTC
no i cant im only 13. if i was older then i would move out if the country start going down hill
2016-11-09 05:55:01 UTC
Blacks want to undo whites and breed them out.The black radio stations will be talking KKK later.I wish Jesus would just come sometimes because the blacks don't respect our right to exist
2016-11-09 21:24:03 UTC
NO. There is no better country in this world, than the Usa. Nothing has changed.
2016-11-09 21:48:42 UTC
Bad news
2016-11-10 12:45:36 UTC
No,I am far too old to relocate, learn another language and start over. But our daughter lives in Sweden and our oldest son lives in Japan, perhaps we can visit them more.....
2016-11-26 12:55:28 UTC
Canada and mexico. the people who said they will move out of the US need to move out of the US as they have said.

Yes. I along with all the people who said I will move out of the US will move out of the US to canada and mexico.
2016-11-09 00:13:28 UTC
Yes. I am willing to uproot my life, leave my friends and family, and break up with my boyfriend because of some f*cking election. /s
2016-11-19 11:48:59 UTC
You are a liberal leftist Yahoo, why don't you ask the question to yourself, dumbass.
2016-11-11 17:03:10 UTC
If americans move overseas due to political tension, then its fair, isn't it?
2016-11-10 19:25:35 UTC
2016-11-21 09:07:08 UTC
i wish i could but i don't see way of getting there due to strict immigration policies.
2016-11-09 20:19:41 UTC
i was going to move but i can't leave my friends
2016-11-11 12:15:18 UTC
Costs too much money.

Besides, all countries have borders and rules to get across those borders - kinda like we do.
2016-11-11 14:13:54 UTC
Hello Canada, goodbye Trump!!!!!
2017-03-10 22:21:39 UTC
no... no one shall... i speak fluent french and arguably would be better equipped to handle such a move than a lot of people and even i'm staying here... this country has a lot of stuff wrong with it but the way that people have deluded themselves into thinking that other countries are utopias with no issues is ridiculous... i'd imagine that a large percentage of them have never left the country... thinking that the grass is always greener wherever you currently aren't is probably the oldest psychological phenomenon in the book...
2016-11-27 13:04:37 UTC
No. I will stay in the United States of America until I die.
2016-11-09 00:52:23 UTC
Yes I will apply for Canuckian citizenship
2016-11-14 19:51:29 UTC
If I am able to immigrant, I suppose to move to a country that is more tolerant.
Kathy Miller
2016-11-11 07:38:32 UTC
The people have spoken and I stand by their decision, whether it was mine or not. I did not want OBama as President yet I stood by him as the people decided they wanted him.
2016-11-26 07:43:27 UTC
NO, I'll never leave my homeland for anyone for anything
2016-11-10 07:35:01 UTC
Georgios Loudaros
2016-11-11 16:07:42 UTC
2016-11-11 16:12:03 UTC
2016-11-10 09:59:06 UTC
Not so easy to "just" move to another's not as simple as driving to NYC....
2016-11-19 11:20:13 UTC
Heck no, it’s only 4 years. I have a bomb shelter, I’ll make it. Since no one seems to want to move perhaps we should ask Mr. Trump, if he would.
2016-11-09 20:17:04 UTC
Why are liberals such intolerable, sore losers? Can you ask that, Yahoo Answers Team?
2016-11-16 05:22:47 UTC
I am moving to Ghana regardless of who wins.
2016-11-09 14:13:42 UTC
that's really dumb.....what's to prevent the same thing happening in your new country...(?)
2016-11-17 12:49:54 UTC
I love this country
2016-11-09 15:09:49 UTC
I voted for Trump because I knew he was going to win.
2016-11-09 13:36:33 UTC
Trump is making America great again. Why would you move now?
2016-11-11 15:53:17 UTC
Nobody moves to another country - unless they have connections already
2016-11-10 12:47:10 UTC
No, that's just the liberal butthurt talking
2016-11-11 09:27:21 UTC
Given that Trump has said he is going to close Americas doors then where will you go?

If we cannot come to America then you sure as hell are not coming to us.
Martin the baby
2016-11-09 13:34:27 UTC
No. I am going to wait till he fails. Dont worry, he is not going to fulfill his stupid promises ;-) Sooner or later, he dissapoints the entire country.
2016-11-09 22:52:04 UTC
Watching protesters

on tv they could go back to their old country.
2016-11-23 12:09:00 UTC
Only if Sting or Cher or Barbara Streisand paid for it.
2016-11-10 08:29:53 UTC
Nope. if this country goes down, then that means other countries have already gone down.
2016-11-09 08:46:03 UTC
NO, this IS my country. Had Hillary won, I would be disgusted, but never leave America.
2016-11-11 14:47:34 UTC
Doesn't surprise me at all
2016-11-09 10:51:33 UTC
Is this just a way from Yahoo to get our attention of the recent issues with Yahoo mail? I am not receiving mails on my Yahoo account anymore.....Fix this!!!
Gary the Sneagle
2016-11-22 21:58:29 UTC
I'm not a little wussy crybaby so no.
2016-11-09 11:44:39 UTC
Not me . I am staying here for the welfare and section 8 housing
2016-11-08 18:30:28 UTC
No, I fully intend to fight in the war that will be fought right here on American soil.
2016-11-24 20:42:32 UTC
I am going to north korea and play basketball with my neggga kim jung un.
2016-11-09 12:18:11 UTC
I am already in a new country.... 240 years old . And improving !
2016-11-09 15:39:16 UTC
I ain't movin' nowhere.
2016-11-10 05:00:16 UTC
I'm blocked here, i have a God mission.
2016-11-10 00:47:27 UTC
well my family says hell no its my country regardless of the snake. remmber hitler was elected too. but for me if i marry some foreigner i am leaveing
2016-11-11 12:20:32 UTC
Yes if the person getting elected is Hitler and you happen to be Jewish.
2016-11-08 18:20:55 UTC
it's not realistic, but if trump become president, i would consider it.
Alway right
2016-11-10 06:48:26 UTC
Well, Of course! This is America and it just so happens THANK GOD we are all Trump supporters!
2016-11-09 10:58:30 UTC
Yes, I want to live next to the fat pig Rosy
2016-11-24 18:00:28 UTC
Why would any other country want anyone running from their own countries problem???
2016-11-20 06:55:32 UTC
No, I am sure that Canadians are actually patriotic unlike American liberals.
2016-11-10 16:47:46 UTC
It would have to get a lot worse,no matter who won.I have been most everywhere else and I know how good I have it.
2016-11-09 20:54:05 UTC
No, I will be fine with the elitist thinking media leaving.
2016-11-08 16:09:15 UTC
No, of course not. I can't anyways.
2016-11-08 21:05:01 UTC
Yes, this country is racist and supports killing other people based on their race.
2016-11-09 12:59:29 UTC
As much as I hate Trump, no. America is my country and it always will be.
General Chaos
2016-11-09 19:42:30 UTC
that kind of thing requires too much money. :D

awerage working man do not have such option. excpt suicide imigrating to somewhere which is wery close to a suicide :D
2016-11-10 07:31:02 UTC
No. I will stay in America no matter who we elect.
2016-11-09 12:30:15 UTC
I am actually going to Canada.
2016-11-11 08:57:32 UTC
Please move to another country this we don't want you anyway. However, no one is going to ******* moving to Canada.
2016-11-09 11:44:59 UTC
I sure hope these scum bag celebrities move and good riddance to bad rubbish.
2016-11-09 19:45:41 UTC
2016-11-09 13:47:32 UTC
No. That's stupid.
I have a question
2016-11-10 17:17:45 UTC
Trump got me going back to Africa ✊🏿✊🏾😳
2016-11-09 17:09:46 UTC
I would move to California where weed is legal.
2016-11-11 12:11:20 UTC
ya aint moving no where ya cant even move out ya own mama house fool!
2016-11-09 19:12:48 UTC
Good thing this doesn't apply to me! ;)
2016-11-09 22:28:21 UTC
You Know . . .
2016-11-20 13:26:10 UTC
If you do, you're weak, and do not deserve to live here. BYE BYE loser! LOL!
2016-11-22 00:38:06 UTC
Then you would lose half (approx) the electorate every couple of years.
2016-11-09 11:22:22 UTC
nah, the leader might be bad but the ppl i appreciate most are americans
2016-11-10 01:48:57 UTC
Having dual citizenship, I have this option anything.
2016-11-08 18:51:17 UTC
Definitely not

I was born an American and I will die an American
2016-11-11 12:43:10 UTC
Trump won I am happy.
Mike W
2016-11-09 11:53:19 UTC
No, never even considered leaving for that reason.
2016-11-09 17:42:51 UTC
Many will talk the talk, but few will walk the walk
2016-11-09 13:07:05 UTC
2016-11-11 14:52:56 UTC
I am . I am moving to Chicago
Bert Weidemeier
2016-11-27 16:07:20 UTC
I have no intentions of moving from my home.
2016-11-09 16:35:17 UTC
put that up on the tmz page yat,see what kind of response you get there
2016-11-09 09:31:00 UTC
No. Just need to adapt to the new environment...
Kei Winchester
2016-11-09 12:42:46 UTC
If he brings WW3, Im out
2016-11-11 15:25:27 UTC
Yeah if he's or she's a RACIST.
2016-11-09 13:23:20 UTC
I hope the democrat deadbeats do
Boris 24
2016-11-18 06:16:53 UTC
Silly idea
2016-11-09 18:24:28 UTC
to be honest i dont give a crap on who is president nothing will change for me :p
2016-11-11 16:28:02 UTC
One can only hope that promises made will not be broken.
2016-11-11 12:56:41 UTC
Petty bitches that want attention there's absolutley nothing that makes the us somewhere you have to be a refuge by. They're attention seekers like wtf honestly
2016-11-10 16:08:26 UTC
all I will say to this is if you want to leave the county is by

go trump
Rony Parkar
2016-11-09 03:57:06 UTC
No why should we have to move
2016-11-10 12:34:09 UTC
If yes we will arrange the boat!
2016-11-19 09:48:20 UTC
No but I will protect myself from attackers .
2016-11-09 08:34:31 UTC
IF I were younger so that Canada would accept me YES- you DAMN right
2016-11-09 14:35:44 UTC
2016-11-10 04:10:54 UTC
thinking of dim-wit shallow people. they better move out of US
2016-11-09 14:31:30 UTC
they don't have the balls to do it...
2016-11-09 11:18:39 UTC
It is silliness that is juvenile -- childishness from adults who should know better.
2016-11-08 17:14:39 UTC
2016-11-08 17:41:15 UTC
No but I will move into your mums vagina hahhahxnbsjsjzzjJjJznznzjzaj
2016-11-13 21:37:09 UTC
people should go to prison for voting for trump
2016-11-11 17:04:48 UTC
2016-11-11 11:03:41 UTC
2016-11-09 18:17:56 UTC
2016-11-08 18:25:46 UTC
I was born an American; I will live an American; I shall die an American.
2016-11-10 07:58:39 UTC
yeah im gonna move to canada and give half my income all to taxes
2016-11-11 18:05:13 UTC
No first you should think about is it right what your doing.
2016-11-18 07:17:13 UTC
i will move to canada before trumpicide!
2016-11-09 18:48:25 UTC
2016-11-08 16:42:13 UTC
Ya girl
2016-11-09 20:01:31 UTC
It would be hard to but worth it
2016-11-11 14:23:47 UTC
No, that is wayyyyyyy toooooo expensive.
2016-11-09 12:07:03 UTC
No, that's dumb
2016-11-12 05:24:42 UTC
not usually but sometimes its a good idea
2016-11-09 12:52:51 UTC
I hear Iraq is taking cry babies.
2016-11-09 11:42:10 UTC
No I am American for better or worst.
2016-11-10 02:58:58 UTC
Let them move !!! Less problems for US ! (Just don't move to my country thanks)
2016-11-09 06:30:18 UTC
Yes, working on it....... Canada, here I come!!!
2016-11-12 04:29:45 UTC
no at all

will try to defeat him/her in next elections. :-C
2016-11-09 03:09:16 UTC
2016-11-09 14:39:26 UTC
I just did.
2016-11-11 14:43:25 UTC
the sin hell fucjed
2016-11-09 11:05:51 UTC
Oh shiit.
2016-11-11 10:17:17 UTC
Magic 8 Ball
2016-11-10 08:26:23 UTC
I wish. I really do.
2016-11-11 12:18:05 UTC
No, it is here where I will croak.
2016-11-08 17:41:21 UTC
I doubt it.
2016-11-11 19:58:00 UTC
No way. Sorry.
2016-11-12 08:33:59 UTC
2016-11-11 16:51:06 UTC
2016-11-10 19:06:54 UTC
Alright alright alright
2016-11-10 04:37:03 UTC
2016-11-10 01:23:57 UTC
2016-11-09 14:55:57 UTC
2016-11-09 13:21:28 UTC
2016-11-09 06:17:08 UTC
2016-11-09 16:31:31 UTC
no i wouldnt do anything dumb like that
2016-11-16 16:25:36 UTC
where would go when my visa expires?
2016-11-16 08:37:18 UTC
Antajuan Grady
2016-11-09 17:27:37 UTC
if i had the $
2016-11-09 11:29:16 UTC
no... thats a stupid thought
2016-11-10 17:48:43 UTC
yeah sure, why not
my view
2016-11-20 11:47:39 UTC
2016-11-11 14:38:17 UTC
im happy canadian
2016-11-09 17:51:41 UTC
No, why do you ask?
2016-11-09 19:21:53 UTC
Nuck Fahoo Yazis
2016-11-09 06:31:38 UTC
2016-11-14 15:59:14 UTC
2016-11-11 15:26:49 UTC
2016-11-09 15:10:42 UTC
2016-11-08 16:53:39 UTC
2016-11-10 12:36:33 UTC
Julian Huang
2016-11-09 18:40:01 UTC
**** no
2016-11-11 21:55:29 UTC
2016-11-09 21:03:48 UTC
2016-11-08 19:53:58 UTC
2016-11-09 16:19:12 UTC
IDK probably not, I mean both are bad candidates, and its America,
2016-11-11 21:26:54 UTC

This content was originally posted on Y! Answers, a Q&A website that shut down in 2021.