Is it at all possible that Obama NEVER heard Wright say anything anti-American or racist?
1970-01-01 00:00:00 UTC
Is it at all possible that Obama NEVER heard Wright say anything anti-American or racist?
46 answers:
atomic fireball
2008-06-22 21:02:22 UTC
Who cares? People who have criticized Obama and/or his pastor are up their as*ses anyway, and don't have a clue what "freedom of speech" and other principles this country was founded upon really mean.

I'm white, and as far as I'm concerned, since I'm not a fascist, Rev. Wright had the right to say whatever the hell he said, whether you or anybody else thinks otherwise. If he said anything anti-American, the very fact that he is an American gives him the right to say those things. If he said anything racist, the fact that he is American gives him the right to do so.

Historically, we have cut the Klan and white supremacists, skinheads, neo-Nazis, etc. a lot of slack in this great country of ours. How about equal time for those of other races? Isn't equality one of the sacred principles upon which this country was founded? Well, then, let's give equal time to other racists to put in their racist two cents. The bottom line is that there is a difference between words and acts.

It's one thing to say you hate somebody, it's another thing to take a knife or a gun and kill them. I'm not saying Wright is or isn't a true American or is or isn't a true racist. I'm merely playing the devil's (or the angel's) advocate. It's all about balance. It's all about the pendulum swing that occurs when a particular race has been "on top" too long and another one has been on the bottom. You have to expect the pendulum to swing the other way too. Simple physics.

As long as you don't lay a hand on me, you're entitled to think whatever you want of me, whether I agree with it or not.

If Obama enjoyed listening to Wright's sermons, he had a right to enjoy them, as an American. Whether he heard or didn't hear whatever the hell people think he did or didn't hear, who the hell cares? He wasn't breaking the law, nor was Wright.

Wright is an ex-Marine who was exercising his American right to speak freely. The thing that really bothers me is that I live in a country in which the same people who are okay with the fact that we have a President who is guilty of war crimes don't think that people like Wright have the right to exercise freedom of speech, or that people like Obama have a right to listen to them.

According to these people, the act of murder, as long as its done by a person with the correct socio-economic "profile" (such as the current President) is okay, but criticizing one's country or certain people in it, as Wright may or may not have done, or listening to such criticism, as Barack Obama may or may not have done, is the real crime. What makes it a crime is the fact that Obama and Wright don't have the right profile in the eyes of many Americans, just as George Bush does.

Their crime is the crime of threatening the status quo. Their crime is the crime of questioning the sense of entitlement that many Americans of a different skin color seem to think gives them to right to "look at the speck" in a black person's eye, while "ignoring the log' that is in their own.
Say that Again!
2008-06-22 20:38:03 UTC
First off he was his pastor not his friend in a church of over 10,000 members. Secondly on the dates that the incendiary remarks were made it has been proved that Obama wasn't present. Thirdly one of the great institutions of this country is to presume a person innocent until they are proved guilty. four, you all have heard friends,parents and associates make questionable remarks in passing that you don't agree with. You would want to be held accountable for their views just because you know or love them. Last, this is now a none issue seeing as Obama is no longer associated with Rev. Wright or Trinity Church.
2008-06-22 20:41:39 UTC
He was like a Uncle, remember our crazy Uncles?

Not a close friend.

Every Sunday people go to church pretending to be enriched and

more loving.

But the minute they come out, they flip the switch.

Hugging their Bibles. I knew a guy that went to church in a loud

blue suit, hat and blue cowboy boots. Then head out to get a

blunt, and some Remi Martin (alcohol).

He said that as long as he goes and acknowledges God, then

it 's alright to go back and wash his sins away every Sunday.

Besides, he had to go with Michelle. Normally the woman makes the religious rules. It was her church first and she was just

following her parents rules for being a good girl.
2008-06-22 20:33:16 UTC
Even if that were true, which it isn't, it would still be a blight on his ability to be president. Who spends 20+ years listening to a racist anti-American, supports him financially to the tune of $27,000 in one year, says he is like an "uncle", and doesn't know what is going on around him ? Either way - it's not good.

If we are to believe Obama - that he didn't know (which I don't) - that would be equally as troubling as if he did.
2008-06-22 20:31:21 UTC
Of course not. The thing is he thinks this way as well and doesn't realize how bad it is to the rest of us.He has been coached to give the "right" answers now that this has come out. This is just more proof that he is disingenous.Notice all was well untill we all heard this "preacher" rant on and on during many sermons.Suddenly Obama was forced to distance himself from his "uncle" and "spiritual mentor".

Even if he slept through every single sermon he attended there would be enough subliminal input to warp his mind.
2008-06-22 20:40:40 UTC
I imagine he heard some sermons with similar themes though maybe not as exagerated. So what? I'm on this blog and there are lots of nasty statements made here. I think some are too wild to appear anywhere but here they are. I answer some of them. I get their message. I don't like them but here they are.. Am I guilty of some compromise in my values because I continue to participate in a genre which supports and advances ideas I reject? I don't think so. All this talk about guilt by association is a crock, if you know what I mean. Guilt is for one's own actions. Even pyschotic people know they are not guilty for what someone else does.

Look at all the far out connections ladysho references. Does that make her guilty of having secret wishes to see these groups succeed even though she speaks as though she is opposed to them according to her answer? Guilt by association makes her suspect and declares all her voiced opposition self-serving lies.
2008-06-22 20:36:50 UTC
Of course not. I believe the man has been listening to this for 20 yrs,than he agrees with the Rev. Why,why, would any body vote for this anti-American ? He is a Muslim and He will kill this free country. How could he sit and listen to this for 20 yrs and not be aware what was being said. He must be a real fool. Our White House is not ready for some one who doesn't listen to what is being said to him.
I am KING Obama!! BOW TO ME
2008-06-22 20:44:36 UTC
obama in an interview admitted heard some but overlooked them because he was going to retire. then a week later says he heard nothing.

that man is such a liar

http://uk.y o u t u b

(remove the spaces in "youtube" as yahoo has this video banned also)

theres the video of obama admitting he heard the stuff
2008-06-22 20:46:55 UTC
no, it's simply not possible. I mean Wrights comments were public knowledge before the elections. Does Obama live in a cave? If he does live in a cave, how could he know what to "Change!'?
2008-06-22 20:30:30 UTC

I am NOT an Obama supporter, but..... I have a very close friend for 30 years whose family I love and I consider to be my own. Her father is racist. He makes comments often. I love and respect him for who he is, but I'm not gonna confront him on his racist views. I know I should, but I won't. I don't agree with his views, but you you know the saying.....don't bother trying to teach a pig to wastes your time and annoys the pig.

Did Obama know about his preachers views? Probably.

Does that bother me? Nope.

Is that why I don't support Obama? Nope.
2008-06-22 20:27:10 UTC
Well, i have common sense. And ,I use it ,so no.
2008-06-22 20:27:20 UTC
Not a chance! The #1 racist in the USA - Louis Farrakhan is close friends with Obama and got the Man Of The Year award from that fake church!
2008-06-22 20:26:55 UTC
He did, he was with him for 20 years. Obama is anti-american, do not vote for him.
2008-06-22 20:27:16 UTC
No chance- Obama is a liar!!!!!!!!!!
John D.
2008-06-22 20:26:53 UTC
Only if he barely went to church there. Then again on second thought no.
Where Yat
2008-06-22 20:26:37 UTC
Not a snowball's chance in hell.
2008-06-22 20:26:32 UTC
NO not possible
2008-06-22 20:25:44 UTC
2008-06-22 20:28:21 UTC
No, that's insulting that he thinks America is so gullible. 20 years and he didn't hear ANYTHING. Bull Sh!t.
Jelly Bean
2008-06-22 20:27:18 UTC
Not unless he wore ear plugs at every service.
2008-06-22 20:26:25 UTC
No, it isn't.

it's insulting for him to try and suggest to the public that he didn't.
2008-06-22 20:32:11 UTC
It's possible, but if Obama was there i'm sure it would have been already pointed out. Unless one attends that Church then, they wouldn't know for sure how frequent or not those type of speeches were.
2008-06-22 20:31:16 UTC
If he went to church for 20 years and never heard anything like that then:

A) He's a liar

B) He was never listening for 20 years, that's a lie

C) He's a creepy liar

D) He's a DAMN Liar
2008-06-22 20:39:41 UTC
I think he may have heard it but wasn't listening to the words an didn't connect the dots. But he has now an I commend him for condeming them.
Liberals love America!
2008-06-22 20:39:39 UTC
Yes, we didn't hear anything Anti-American or racist.
♥sick n tired♥
2008-06-22 20:28:24 UTC
I find it extremely unlikely that he was unaware of Rev. Wrights views.
2008-06-22 20:35:55 UTC
NO, like everything else in Obama's life joining this church was a calculated action. he knew it could provide him a platform with which to futher his political ambitions. according to one of his early chlldhood teachers, he wrote a paper on why he wanted to be president.

until he ran for president, we knew nothing of Mr. Obama, his past or who and what he is. he is very intelligent and to underestimate him and his dedication to acheiving his goals would be foolish..there is much to learn about Mr. Obama and who he represents with his philosophy. this will explain a lot to those who care to learn more about him and his past his associates and his socialistic ideologies.

Obama's Roots

The word is that Barack Obama is a mainstream politician who sometimes attracts fringe leftists. The record tells a different story — that he has sought out radicals. What does that say of his agenda?

It's natural to be skeptical of excessive claims about Obama's radical associations. After all, there are so many. But one bears attention — because it helped him get his start in politics. In 1996, he won an Illinois state senate seat on a "fusion" ticket of the Democratic Party and leftist group called the "New Party."

The New Party, founded in 1992 with 7,000 members at its peak, had been an explicitly anti-capitalist party of ex-Communists, socialists and activists from ACORN, the hard-left group that's constantly in trouble over voter fraud. The New Party didn't ask for Obama's association; he asked for the New Party's endorsement.

the New Party didn't give its support and campaign volunteers to just anyone. Obama actually had to audition for it. According to a September-October 1995 update on the New Party-aligned Chicago Democratic Socialists of America Web site.

That raises questions about what was in the New Party platform that drew in Obama. Maybe its own statements saying it was formed "to break the stranglehold that corporate money and corporate media have over the political process."

Sound familiar? One of the few things Obama reveals in his vague "change" agenda are plans to punish corporations. He rails against "corporate profits" and even worked in a condemnation of them in his first defense of Rev. Jeremiah Wright. So there's little doubt he shares a lot of what the New Party believes.

The New Party also has advocated a bill of rights for children, a shorter work week, a universal "social" wage and military spending cuts. These will undermine parental rights, lower competitiveness, lard up welfare and make the U.S. less secure. All are echoed in Obama's proposals. They are the hardest battle cries of the left.

Obama should come clean on why he sought these radicals' support and, better still, disclose just how he intends to pay them back.

The New Party is an umbrella organization for grassroots political groups working to break the stranglehold that corporate money and corporate media have over our political process.

the New Party quickly declined. Several chapters — initially, those chapters not connected with ACORN — disaffiliated. Perhaps the only and certainly the most successful surviving local chapter, known as Progressive Dane, remains active and relevant in Dane County, Wisconsin


Progressive Dane Infiltrates Democratic Party

Progressive Dane Gaining Power In City, County

Barack Obama, he is a product of the Chicago Political Machine. Politics as usual instead of a candidate for change. amazing it is by DREW GRIFFIN, Investegative reporter for CNN, who usually is a baised,loyal supporter. these facts are never brought up now. The media will mostly continue to give Obama a free ride.

the liberal media only saves the hard-nosed investigative reporting -- and editorializing -- for his detractors!

legitimate questions regarding Obama, his past, his associates, Black Liberation Theology, his Muslim ties, all go untouched and unacknowledged.

'Obama played hardball in first Chicago campaign.' By Drew Griffin and Kathleen Johnston May 30, 2008

Operation Board Games

Timeline: 'Operation Board Games',CST-NWS-timeline05.article

Selected Industry Total to Candidates:


commercial banking"
2008-06-22 20:30:54 UTC
Don't kid yourself.It's all true.He was in that so-called church for 20 long years & we all have heard what went on in there.That is NOT like any church? that i've EVER been to.It is blasphemist,through & through.
2008-06-22 20:30:42 UTC
Yes..and grass is red, the sky is green and brown bears don't really **** in the woods either.
2008-06-22 20:30:56 UTC
all the black preachers i ever heard sounded like Rev.Wright..that's how they keep the job..or it's out the door
2008-06-22 20:55:44 UTC
No unless you also believe that Clinton did NOT inhale or have sex with that woman.....
west coast
2008-06-22 20:29:40 UTC
barack is his own person, hell I knew a klansmen for 13 years does that make me a racist too, ohhh heaven no. Dr. Wright has the right to his own opinion about life, everyone does!! get over it, and get with the issues that effect everyone of us.
2008-06-22 20:27:32 UTC
No not possible, unless he wore earplugs for twenty years. He's a liar and a fraud.
2008-06-22 20:27:45 UTC
Is it possible that you and the answerers here haven't heard racist or anti-American views from your family members or friends?

Exactly what I thought.

I don't care what Obama heard or did not hear.
2008-06-22 20:29:40 UTC
Still with the Rev Wright nonsense huh? Then let's talk John Hagee shall we?...

naaah, let's not, it's too boring by now.
guys and dolls
2008-06-22 20:31:17 UTC
nope. not with those ears; they hear everything
2008-06-22 20:27:52 UTC
Yes. Being critical of the US is not the same as being anti-American.
2008-06-22 20:28:28 UTC
watch the whole video of these "rants" and then answer this question.

he was just telling the truth. I guess people dont wanna hear the truth. They are offended by them.

although some of the things he said were a little extreme, they were the plain truth. watch the video and you will see.
2008-06-22 20:28:21 UTC
2008-06-22 20:26:29 UTC
No. He is a racist too IMO.
2008-06-22 20:27:14 UTC
it seems you know more about wright then obama does and how you are so sure that wright is what he spoke in his 15 sec sound byte

are you that naive ? do you have any common sense at all
2008-06-22 20:26:36 UTC
i think it just wasn't worth dealing with wright making a racist comment once in a blue moon. the pastor was basically a good person!
Vicki B
2008-06-22 20:27:21 UTC
no sorry
Jules Winnfield Royale w/Cheese!
2008-06-22 20:26:32 UTC
FACT: America has done some shitty things overseas

FACT: America has treated minorities horribly
Elmo watches you at night
2008-06-22 20:27:06 UTC
who seriously ever listens to their pastors sermons? not me i usually zone out.
2008-06-22 20:26:54 UTC

This content was originally posted on Y! Answers, a Q&A website that shut down in 2021.