What issues to you like about Obama and McCain?
2008-10-20 15:50:18 UTC
Where does McCain or Obama stand on taxes, health care, gay marriage, abortion, immigration.....and the other political issues??

If you where asked to choose one issue and elaborate who has a better stand...which issue and what person would you choose and why??
Elaborate please!! I'm writing an important research paper!!

Thank you!!
Twelve answers:
Dr. McFreeze
2008-10-23 10:21:38 UTC

Higher taxes, more government spending

Universal health care, pro helping those with preexisting conditions

Against gay marriage

Very pro abortion

Pro immigration, pro health-care and drivers licenses for illegal aliens

Wants to end Iraq war


Lower Taxes, more government spending

Favors non-job provided health care based on free market

Against gay marriage


Pro immigration, pro amnesty

Wants to continue Iraq war
2008-10-20 23:03:11 UTC
I'm leaning heavily towards Obama.

His stance on education is really what I believe in. He wants more competition in schools, more money towards school, and to give more money to teachers.

I'm a senior in high school. I see the problems created by No Child Left Behind. I will be against any administration that favors No Child Left Behind because it leaves the community behind. McCain and Palin support No Child Left behind. They want no change to it.

Schools are getting worse. Teachers have no contracts. The gifted are being pulled down because the average have to graduate. How can we compete in the world where we do not help the gifted become even more gifted? No chemicals in a chemistry class? No new computers for the gifted. All computers go to credit recovery where they just play games and get a credit? Where is the justice in that?

The sooner No Child Left Behind is gone, the sooner America can compete with other nations.
2008-10-20 23:05:06 UTC
Let's put it this way... My Ni**er-hating (quote), republican father is voting for Obama this election, because of the taxes/health care proposals. I've read up on their positions, and it seems that *most* people would be better off under Obama.

McCain is against gay marriage and abortion, Obama is for them.


Who has the better platform is your opinion. It depends on what sort of country you want to live in. If you don't like something, vote for the candidate that agrees with your stance. It's that simple.


Also, if you're writing an *important* research paper, then perhaps you should do some actual research on the candidates... Not ask Yahoo Answers.
2008-10-20 22:58:22 UTC
I don't think you're supposed to include opinions other than your own in a research paper, but here it goes:

None. They are fundamentally the same, and neither wants to change anything within the government. McCain lobbies for socialism, and accuses Obama of being a socialist. Obama admonishes McCain's persistence, and says we need a persistent President. They have both spent 20 months making promises they know they can't keep. They can't keep them because they are not within the President's power.
2008-10-20 23:22:53 UTC
I personally would choose the touchy subject of gay\lesbian, or Abortion

mc. Cain is against gay\lesbian and against abortion. because God intended for man to be with women and women with Men...just think of adam and eve, God said "For this reason Man will leave his father and Mother and be united to his wife, and they will become one flesh." Genesis 2:24 I would vote McCain

or with abortion,personally I believe that right when the sperm fertilizes the egg, it's a human being not just a fetus. It already has a heart and a soul if that's not a human being than what is? so I personally believe that abortion is murder one of the ten commandments "thou shalt not murder Exodus 20:13...I know it must be hard when Girls accidentally get themselves "with child" they can always put it up for adoption...and no offense but it was their fault...they're the ones who put themselves into that predicament. so I personally would vote McCain. but unfortunately I am only 15 going on 16 this dec.

I am sorry if I have offended you in any way by mentioning my Christian Beliefs, well actually I don't use the term christian, more like Follower of Christ...but you asked my opinion and I gave it...I hope I helped you out.
2008-10-20 22:57:39 UTC
Here is a good place to start.

It overviews the positions held by all of the major presidential candidates on a variety of issues, including Ralph Nader's and Bob Barr's positions.
2008-10-20 22:57:38 UTC
Simply put, Obama wants to take from the wealthy people and the businesses and spread their wealth around to the poor people or "Middle Class People"

Mccain wants to encourage Middle class people to do for themselves and he wants to give tax breaks to the business owners so jobs can be created and their hard work will pay off.

Similarly with health care, Obama wants to give away health care and Mccain wants to give a head-start in health care so people can buy it for themselves and the government cant control it.
2008-10-20 22:55:45 UTC
Obama definitely has a better hand over economy as oppose to Mccain who is better in foreign policies
Eric D
2008-10-20 22:59:34 UTC
I am voting for McCain and Palin because they are both pro gun. Obama is just to far left for my taste. He is very anti-gun which worries me because I like my guns. I'm a big hunter and I love target practice. I don't hurt anyone I just mind my own business. Why does Obama want to ruin my hobbies?
2008-10-20 22:54:51 UTC
Economy - Obama

Health care - Obama

Iraq - Obama

Terrorism - Obama

Robocall - McCain
Earth Needs Oil
2008-10-20 22:55:10 UTC
Long question. Go to their web sites for the best answer to all this. Suprised people haven't figured that out yet.
John Qu
2008-10-20 22:55:02 UTC
McCain is the best choice by far. First I will show some of the many places Obama screwed up then why McCain will be good.

First b4 i get to the issues i will talk about why Obama is purely a scary person... Once early on in the campain he showed to be racist, calling his grandma a "typical white person". Imagine if McCain called someone a typical black person. He wouldn't have a chance to win and the media would be all over it. Obama has also shown to be unconfident in what he believes and unclear when talking about it. If you want clearification watch the video where he's asked what his views are on abortion and count his umms or just see if he ever answers the question (no).

youtube obama abortion - Google Video

Obama is also in w/ liberation theology. If you want kno wat that is LOOK IT UP. its scarrrry.

*Obama is against us using our own oil. This means we will continue being dependent on countries which hate us and in a lot of cases indirectly fighting. It means higher and higher oil prices as the BRICK (brazil russia india korea) countries grow (Just to go along w/ his tax increases for business owners).

*Obama supports abortion which has killed far far more ppl than all US war put together. Not just the inocent babies but also some ppl on the pill who died. The pill also is a huge sorce of polution which believe it or not has been changing the gender of fish due to large amounts of estrigen in our water. Good way to save our planet..? (our population isn't growing to much either) look at germany or italy on population. entire towns are disapearing

*on his economic plan... he intends on taxing business owners. If business owners cant keep going we're screwed. My uncle is a new entripaneur, and he is already doing bad... he cant deal w/ more taxes.

*on the middle east. Obama has given ppl the impression that with him we will go to peace time. NOT SO. OBAMA SAID HE IS GOING TO INVADE NUCLEAR PAKISTAN. (who has been an ally) plus do you want a nuclear war. He plans on doing nothing but talk w/ Iran. We must stop them from getting an ICBM. ahmadinejad is Crazy. he says the holocost didnt happen. really??? He would consider it a holy cause blowing Israel to kingdom come. That would start a nuclear war, no doubt. As for Iraq, we still have troops in Germany from WW2. Nothing wrong w/ that. We have to stay there until Iraq is stable.

As for Biden you must all have heard his lies/plagerism. Look it up b/c you obviously won't see it from the left wing media. One of many Biden bloopers is "in 1929 FDR addressed the public of tv." TV in 29 and wrong pres. He made 28 big mistakes/lies during the last debate.

McCain is not going to die. HE IS IN HIS 70 NOT 90s. I mean my God. Plus in office he will receive the best care possible. He has fought for us and will continue doing so.

*He will help the Isreali's fight Iran who is a major threat especially since they are supported by Russia. If Iran gets a nuc they would have no problem using it on Isreal which would lead to a world war. He hasnt said he is going invade Iran. The best plan is to fund israel and give them supplies to continue a war theyre already in.

*McCain is for cutting useless spending as Palin has already done, which in turn cuts taxes. He wants to limit taxes, because if you limit taxes then ppl buy more stuff. When ppl buy more stuff our economy does well.

*McCain is against all the evil's of abortion. MURDER. And ppl always say well... if a girl gets raped should she have to deal w/ it. Life isnt fair get used to it. If someone causes you trouble or is a hassle you dont kill them... ADOPTION. If your teacher makes your year hell you dont shoot him. You suck it up and move on or make the best of it.

He is for giving power back to the ppl where the congress (mostly democrate) has been trying "make it easier on the ppl" and give pwr to the government making the ppl depend on them and not be able recover. MCCAIN IS ONLY 71 HE NOT 100 YRS OLD FOR GODS SAKE

And all this stuff about Palin not being ready enough. She is a Governor and was a Mayor. Not a community organizer and Senator who all he does is talk. (Yes i kno mccain is a senator)

Governors however are far more like a president than a senator. Palins interviews are mostly doctered.



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