i think it is true..we know so little about Obama before he ran for president and we still know very little about his past history. i have been doing a lot of research on this and have found some interesting facts that i will share with those who are interested in knowing his past.
Obama's Roots
"The word is that Barack Obama is a mainstream politician who sometimes attracts fringe leftists. The record tells a different story — that he has sought out radicals. What does that say of his agenda?
It's natural to be skeptical of excessive claims about Obama's radical associations. After all, there are so many. But one bears attention — because it helped him get his start in politics. In 1996, he won an Illinois state senate seat on a "fusion" ticket of the Democratic Party and leftist group called the "New Party."
The New Party, founded in 1992 with 7,000 members at its peak, had been an explicitly anti-capitalist party of ex-Communists, socialists and activists from ACORN, the hard-left group that's constantly in trouble over voter fraud. The New Party didn't ask for Obama's association; he asked for the New Party's endorsement.
First, the New Party didn't give its support and campaign volunteers to just anyone. Obama actually had to audition for it. According to a September-October 1995 update on the New Party-aligned Chicago Democratic Socialists of America Web site.
That raises questions about what was in the New Party platform that drew in Obama. Maybe its own statements saying it was formed "to break the stranglehold that corporate money and corporate media have over the political process."
Sound familiar? One of the few things Obama reveals in his vague "change" agenda are plans to punish corporations. He rails against "corporate profits" and even worked in a condemnation of them in his first defense of Rev. Jeremiah Wright. So there's little doubt he shares a lot of what the New Party believes.
The New Party also has advocated a bill of rights for children, a shorter work week, a universal "social" wage and military spending cuts. These will undermine parental rights, lower competitiveness, lard up welfare and make the U.S. less secure. All are echoed in Obama's proposals. They are the hardest battle cries of the left.
Obama should come clean on why he sought these radicals' support and, better still, disclose just how he intends to pay them back.
The New Party is an umbrella organization for grassroots political groups working to break the stranglehold that corporate money and corporate media have over our political process.
the New Party quickly declined. Several chapters — initially, those chapters not connected with ACORN — disaffiliated. Perhaps the only and certainly the most successful surviving local chapter, known as Progressive Dane, remains active and relevant in Dane County, Wisconsin
Barack Obama, he is a product of the Chicago Political Machine. Politics as usual instead of a candidate for change. amazing it is by DREW GRIFFIN, Investegative reporter for CNN, who usually is a baised,loyal supporter. these facts are never brought up now. The media will mostly continue to give Obama a free ride.
the liberal media only saves the hard-nosed investigative reporting -- and editorializing -- for his detractors!
legitimate questions regarding Obama, his past, his associates, Black Liberation Theology, his Muslim ties, all go untouched and unacknowledged."
'Obama played hardball in first Chicago campaign.' By Drew Griffin and Kathleen Johnston May 30, 2008
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