Is Hillary Clinton full of Bosnia-type lies?
1970-01-01 00:00:00 UTC
Is Hillary Clinton full of Bosnia-type lies?
Eighteen answers:
2008-03-28 23:58:40 UTC
Well I heard her say that she was once a "fish slimer" when she was campaigning in Wyoming.

She also says that she has experience as Commander in Chief. Since she's never been President, I'd like to know how she pulled that one off.

Remember we're only getting the information that the Clinton campaign has decided to divulge to the public. There are still many records of her days as first lady that she is fighting in court to keep secret. So who knows what remains to be found out.

Oh and I forgot the big one. The fact that she is concerned about the voters in Florida and Michigan becoming disenfranchised if their votes, that were taken when her name was the only one on the ballot, are not counted. She obviously didn't have a problem with Florida and Michigan voters being disenfranchised when she thought she was a sure thing.

And there is one more big one. She says that she can win the Democratic nomination if all of the states votes are counted. She would have to win every remaining state, including Florida and Michigan by at least 20% in order for her to overtake Obama. She hasn't beaten Obama by 20% in any state so far. So who is stupid enough to believe that she would win the remaining 10 states by 20%? She can't win unless all of the democrats votes are disenfranchised and the super-duper-delegates give her the nomination. That is the only possible way. But, she'll take the party down with her before she'd admit that.

Oh one more just occurred to me. The fact that she said Obama wouldn't be ready to be Commander in Chief of day one, but that he is qualified to be her vice-President.

If he isn't qualified to be commander in chief, how can he be qualified to be a heart beat away from the commander in chief job?

Oh! ANd here is the super-humungous lie. That Universal Health-care would cost us an additional $110billion. Anyone, who has done any research, understands that the nations with universal health-care pay less of the GDP for health-care than we currently do. So universal health-care would cost us less, not more. So she is well aware that she isn't going to provide universal health-care and she's already told everyone why. According to her, it's too expensive. Which is a bald faced lie.

And don't even get me started on her authorization for Bush to go to Iraq and the lies she currently tells about that.
Dakari's Mom
2008-03-28 23:52:39 UTC
Yes. She lied and said she was named after Sir Edmond Hillary (the famous guy who just died who climbed MT Everest) but she was already 5 years old when he became famous. She also lied and said Chelsey was jogging near the World Trade Center on 9/11when she was actually at home in bed. These are just the lies that she admitted. There are a lot more that she won't admit to but were proven that she lied.
Richard C
2008-03-28 23:52:15 UTC
The Hillary Bosnia lie is just the media showing its bias again against her. Every politician lies like this to try to make themselves look good. Let me repeat that: EVERY POLITICIAN LIES. Now, to prove my point, let me take Obama. He went to his church in Chicago for 20 years, yet he claims that he NEVER heard his pastor Jeremiah Wright say the kind of racist, anti-Semitic rants that everybody else did--either when he was in in the church or outside it. Thus he is asking everyone to believe that when the media played those clips which have been around a long, long time, that he was totally surprised by them. Get what I mean? That would be TOTALLY AND COMPLETELY IMPOSSIBLE. Of course Obama has known all along about Wright's views and his views have never bothered Obama before in the slightest. So Obama is an even bigger liar than Hillary Clinton, because the Wright lie is a much more important lie than the Bosnia lie, if you want to balance out lies. Would the biased media point that out? No, they are liars and hypocrites too.

I should also point out that anyone who gives my response a thumbs down is almost certainly anti-American and a liar too, so I will proudly accept such thumbs down from racists, liars, and those opposed to America.
2008-03-29 00:05:09 UTC
Yes. She did not bring peace to northern ireland, and played no role in writing or signing the Good Friday Agreement (this is confirmed by David Trimble, who was one of the leaders at the time). She did not urge Bill to intervene on the genocide in Rwanda (this is confirmed by Madelyne Alrbight who was the UN ambassador at the time).

People should really become better critical thinkers. It's dangerous to blindly support Hillary despite KNOWING the means she's taking to gain this presidency (i.e. incessant lying and making desperate personal attacks on her FELLOW DEMOCRATIC COLLEAGUE). Wasn't Bush enough??
2008-03-29 05:39:48 UTC
She lied about Chelsea jogging around the WTC when the attacks happened. Chelsea was in her bed sleeping when it happened and woke up because her mom called her. I think this was as disgusting as the Bosnia lie. Lying and using your own daughter through it is disgusting.
2008-03-28 23:44:55 UTC
New York Times

June 15, 1994

Speaking at a lunch on Capitol Hill honoring military women, Hillary Rodham Clinton said that she once visited a recruiting office in Arkansas to inquire about joining the Marines.

She was 27 then, she said, and the Marine recruiter was about 21. She was interested in joining either the active forces or the reserves, she recalled, but was swiftly rebuffed by the recruiter, who took a dim view of her age and her thick glasses. 'Not Very Encouraging'

"You're too old, you can't see and you're a woman," Mrs. Clinton said she was told, adding that the recruiter dismissed her by suggesting she try the Army. "Maybe the dogs would take you," she recalled the recruiter saying.

"It was not a very encouraging conversation," she said. "I decided maybe I'll look for another way to serve my country."

Mrs. Clinton offered the story to illustrate how far women had come. She said that "it was not an isolated situation" for women to be turned away by military recruiters. And she lauded efforts to bring women into more aspects of military service.


Mrs. Clinton told friends that she had moved to Arkansas for only one reason: to be with Bill Clinton, whom she married that same year that she says she tried to join the marines, 1975, in Fayetteville, Arkansas.

Before attempting to enlist in the marines, Mrs. Clinton had become a Yale law school graduate, and had worked on the anti-war Presidential campaigns of Eugene J. McCarthy and George McGovern.


NY Times

October 2006

Hillary Clinton named after Sir Edmund Hillary?

The New York Times, which repeated the claim as fact in a story just one week ago, reported Sen. Clinton's campaign issued a correction yesterday.

"It was a sweet family story her mother shared to inspire greatness in her daughter, to great results I might add," said spokeswoman Jennifer Hanley.

For more than a decade, Sen. Clinton's informal biography repeated the story, and it was recounted in former President Bill Clinton's 2004 autobiography, "My Life."

The problem with the tale, however, is one of timing. Sir Edmund and his Sherpa guide, Tenzing Norgay, became known to the world only in 1953, after becoming the first men to reach Everest's summit. Sen. Clinton was born in 1947. In 1947, when Hillary was born, Sir Edmund was an unknown beekeeper, but Clinton had explained her mother read about him in a publication while pregnant and liked the name.


Washington Post Staff Writer

Friday, June 11, 1999; Page C01

The first lady--oh, yeah, and her husband, the president--hosted the 1998 World Series champion New York Yankees on the South Lawn yesterday. What curious timing, this visit by the Yankees--it comes eight months after they won the World Series but only days after Hillary Rodham Clinton announced she was forming an exploratory committee to run for a New York seat in the U.S. Senate.

On yesterday's "Today" show, host Katie Couric, Clinton first about the New York Knicks--currently battling in the NBA playoffs--and then about the Yankees.

Clinton asserted that she'd "always been a Yankees fan." Couric correctly challenged her, saying she thought the first lady, a native of Illinois, was a Chicago Cubs fan.

"I am a Cubs fan," Clinton said. "But I needed an American League team . . . so as a young girl, I became very interested and enamored of the Yankees."

Next day, New York Mayor Giuliani said, "Funny, I haven't seen her at a Yankee game. I've been at Yankee Stadium maybe 1,000 times and I haven't seen Mrs. Clinton."

Joan J
2008-03-28 23:49:43 UTC
She told this lie at least three different times yet excused herself with misspoke/tired--she's a fake, she down right lied and continue to do so in order to make her appear more presentable, this behavior should not be tolerated for it is unnecessary.
2008-03-28 23:42:21 UTC
Hillary is full of every single type of lie imaginable!
2008-03-28 23:44:11 UTC
No, no, no!!!!

She's full of ALL SORTS of lies... Not just the Bosnian ones....

Silly girl, you have underestimated Hillary once again....
2008-03-28 23:51:17 UTC
Admitted Lies

• Chelsea was jogging around the Trade Center on Sept. 11, 2001. (She was in bed watching it on TV.)

• Hillary was named after Sir Edmund Hillary. (She admitted she was wrong. He climbed Mt. Everest five years after her birth.)

• She was under sniper fire in Bosnia. (A girl presented her with flowers at the foot of the ramp.)

• She learned in The Wall Street Journal how to make a killing in the futures market. (It didn't cover the market back then.)

Whoppers She Won't Confess To

• She didn't know about the FALN pardons.

• She didn't know that her brothers were being paid to get pardons that Clinton granted.

• Taking the White House gifts was a clerical error.

• She didn't know that her staff would fire the travel office staff after she told them to do so.

• She didn't know that the Peter Paul fundraiser in Hollywood in 2000 cost $700,000 more than she reported it had.

• She opposed NAFTA at the time.

• She was instrumental in the Irish peace process.

• She urged Bill to intervene in Rwanda.

• She played a role in the '90s economic recovery.

• The billing records showed up on their own.

• She thought Bill was innocent when the Monica scandal broke.

• She was always a Yankees fan.

• She had nothing to do with the New Square Hasidic pardons (after they voted for her 1,400-12 and she attended a meeting at the White House about the pardons).

• She negotiated for the release of refugees in Macedonia (who were released the day before she got there).
2008-03-28 23:47:55 UTC
I think she's desperate to win this nomination because so many of us are shunning her when we should be giving her a chance. I think she's desperate for something that can persuade us to give her that chance. She may do well for our country, and she sure is passionate enough about it.

All politicians lie so that is nothing new.
2008-03-28 23:45:53 UTC
Yeas, and as far as my feelings on it you cant believe a single thing out of her mouth.
2008-03-28 23:47:11 UTC
yes she is according to this 13min clip regarding corruption in her senate campaign
2008-03-28 23:42:47 UTC
Ask that to Obama who is a NAFTA double talker, Rezko scamming, Race card playing, I never heard Rev. Wright say Anti American racist things in church, Dis in franchising voters, He is a BIG liar. Hillary has done more good than he ever have and will.
2008-03-28 23:42:49 UTC
2008-03-29 00:07:18 UTC

2008-03-28 23:43:57 UTC
No and no.
2008-03-28 23:43:13 UTC

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